def keys_from_icg(conn=get_conn()):
    curs = conn.cursor()
    select = 'SELECT * FROM insulin_carb_grouped '
    global IC_KEYS
    IC_KEYS = [d[0] for d in curs.description]
    print 'IC_KEYS ', IC_KEYS
def bad_row(label):
    conn = get_conn()
    curs = conn.cursor()
    rows = curs.execute(
        "select * from insulin_carb_smoothed where rtime = '2014-03-14 17:15:00'"
    print label, 'bad row is there'
Example #3
def get_first_corrective_insulin(year=2018):
    conn = get_conn()
    curs = conn.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
    curs.execute('''SELECT min(rtime) as rtime from insulin_carb_smoothed_2 
where corrective_insulin = 1 and year(rtime) = %s''',
    start = curs.fetchone()['rtime']
    return start
Example #4
def browse_isf2(date=None,time=None):
    # not sufficiently general, but okay for now
    first = isf.get_first_corrective_insulin(year=2018)
    first_date, first_time = (first.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), first.strftime('%H:%M:%S'))
    if date == None:
        date,time = first_date,first_time
    elif time == None:
        date = first_date
        rtime_str,rtime_dt = date_ui.to_datestr(date,time)
        flash('invalid date: {} {}'.format(date,time))
        return redirect(url_for('browse_isf2'))
    print('browsing w/ start time = {}'.format(rtime_str))

    if request.method == "POST":
        # POST almost certainly means the user clicked the "next" button
        # we'll assume that
        conn = get_conn()
        print('getting next ISF after {}'.format(rtime_str))
        start_dt = isf.get_isf_next(conn,rtime_str)
        return redirect(url_for('browse_isf2',
        conn = get_conn()
        rows = isf.get_isf_at(conn,rtime_str)
        trouble = rows[0]['ISF_trouble']
        # convert 'ok' to empty
        trouble = '' if trouble == 'ok' else trouble
        details = isf.get_isf_details(conn,rtime_dt)
        return render_template('isf2.html',
                               isf_trouble = trouble,
                               script = url_for('browse_isf2',
                                                date = rtime_dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
                                                time = rtime_dt.strftime('%H:%M:%S')),
                               rows = rows,
                               details = details,
                               # decoration
                               page_title = ('''ISF for {dt:%A}, 
                                                {dt:%B} {}, {dt.year},
                                                at {dt.hour}:{dt.minute:02d}'''
Example #5
def get_all_isf_plus_buckets():
    ''' Returns all good isf values and all isf values in 2-hour time buckets'''
    conn = get_conn()
    curs = conn.cursor()
    curs.execute('''SELECT isf from isf_details;''')
    allData = curs.fetchall()
    curs.execute('''select time_bucket(rtime),isf from isf_details;''')
    bucketed = curs.fetchall()
    bucket_list = [ [ row[1] for row in bucketed if row[0] == b ]
                    for b in range(0,24,2) ]
def join_bg_values():
    conn = get_conn()
    curs = conn.cursor()
    # this takes 18.71 seconds, so be patient
        '''update insulin_carb_smoothed as ics inner join cgm_noduplicates as cgm using (rtime) 
                    set ics.cgm = cgm.mgdl''')
    # this only takes 0.77 seconds
        '''update insulin_carb_smoothed as ics inner join mgm_noduplicates as mgm using (rtime) 
                    set = mgm.mgdl''')
Example #7
def get_isf(rtime):
    conn = get_conn()
    curs = conn.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
    curs.execute('''SELECT rtime from insulin_carb_smoothed_2  where corrective_insulin = 1 and rtime > %s''',[rtime])
    start = curs.fetchone()['rtime']

    #get table from rtime
    curs.execute('''SELECT rtime, corrective_insulin, bg, cgm, total_bolus_volume,ISF,ISF_rounded,ISF_trouble 
from insulin_carb_smoothed_2 
where rtime>= %s and rtime<= addtime(%s,'2:00')''',
    return curs.fetchall()
def icg(start='2017-01-01', end='2017-01-02'):
    conn = get_conn()
    curs = conn.cursor()
        "select * from insulin_carb_grouped where rtime >= '{start}' and rtime <= '{end}' "
        .format(start=start, end=end)))
    while True:
        row = curs.fetchone()
        if row is None:
        yield row
Example #9
def get_isf_for_years(start_year,end_year):
    '''returns all isf values and all isf values in 2-hour time buckets for a specific time period (in years) '''
    conn = get_conn()
    curs = conn.cursor()
    curs.execute('''SELECT isf from isf_details where year(rtime) >= %s and year(rtime)<= %s''',[start_year, end_year])
    allData = curs.fetchall()

    curs.execute('''SELECT time_bucket(rtime), isf from isf_details where year(rtime)>= %s and year(rtime) <= %s''',
                 [start_year, end_year])
    bucketed = curs.fetchall()
    bucket_list = [[ row[1] for row in bucketed if row[0] == b ]for b in range(0,24,2)]

    return (allData, bucket_list)
Example #10
def get_isf_for_bg (bg_value):
    ''' returns isf values and isf values in 2-hour time buckets for a specific starting bg value'''
    conn = get_conn()
    curs = conn.cursor()

    curs.execute('''SELECT time_bucket(rtime), isf from isf_details where bg0 < %s ''', [bg_value])
    less_than = curs.fetchall()
    less_than_list = [ [ row[1] for row in less_than if row[0] == b] for b in range(0,24,2)]

    curs.execute('''SELECT time_bucket(rtime), isf from isf_details where bg0 > %s ''', [bg_value])
    greater_than = curs.fetchall()
    greater_than_list = [[row[1] for row in greater_than if row[0] == b] for b in range(0,24,2)]

    return (less_than_list, greater_than_list) 
def csv_dump(table, CSVfilename):
    conn = get_conn()
    curs = conn.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)  # results as Dictionaries
    curs.execute('select * from {table} limit 1'.format(table=table))
    row = curs.fetchone()
    keys = row.keys()
    curs = conn.cursor()  # results as lists
    curs.execute('select * from {table}'.format(table=table))
    with open(CSVfilename, 'wb') as csvfile:
        writer = csv.writer(csvfile)  # default format is Excel
        while True:
            row = curs.fetchone()
            if row is None:
def ic_output_list(rows, tablename, keys):
    '''Write rows to the given table. Rows can be an iterable. Each row is a list. '''
    conn = get_conn()
    curs = conn.cursor()
    # clear out old data
    curs.execute('delete from {table}'.format(table=tablename))
    sql = 'insert into {table}({cols}) values({vals})'.format(
        vals=','.join(['%s' for k in cursor_columns]))
    print('insert using ', sql)
    insert_count = 0
    for row in rows:
        insert_count += 1
        if insert_count % 10000 == 0:
            print 'ic_output_list to {} '.format(tablename), str(insert_count)
        curs.execute(sql, row)
def ic_output_dict(rows, tablename, keys):
    '''Write rows (can be an iterable) but each row is a dict not list to the given table'''
    conn = get_conn()
    curs = conn.cursor()
    # clear out old data
    curs.execute('delete from {table}'.format(table=tablename))
    sql = 'insert into {table}({cols}) values({vals})'.format(
        vals=','.join(['%s' for k in keys]))
    print('insert using ', sql)
    insert_count = 0
    for row in rows:
        insert_count += 1
        if insert_count % 10000 == 0:
            print 'ic_output_dict to {} '.format(tablename), str(insert_count)
        # this would also be more efficient if we kept things as lists throughout
        curs.execute(sql, [row[k] for k in keys])
def gen_rows_ic_dictionaries(conn=get_conn(),
    curs = conn.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)  # results as Dictionaries
    select = 'SELECT * FROM {} '.format(tablename)
    if start is not None:
        select += " WHERE rtime >= '{start}' and rtime <= '{end}' ".format(
            start=start, end=end)
    print 'gen_rows_ic in table {} with query {} '.format(tablename, select)
    global cursor_columns
    cursor_columns = [desc[0] for desc in curs.description]
    print 'cursor_columns: ', cursor_columns
    while True:
        row = curs.fetchone()
        if row is None:
        yield row
def test_compute_minutes_since():
    rows = gen_rows_ic(
    )  # this gets more columns than we need, but maybe we can optimize that later
    global cursor_columns
    col1 = cursor_columns.index('minutes_since_last_bolus')
    col2 = cursor_columns.index('minutes_since_last_meal')
    col3 = cursor_columns.index('rtime')
    conn = get_conn()
    num_rows = 0
    update = conn.cursor()
    for row in compute_minutes_since(rows):
        num_rows += 1
        if num_rows % 1000 == 0:
            print('updated ', num_rows)
            'update insulin_carb_smoothed set minutes_since_last_bolus = %s, minutes_since_last_meal = %s where rtime = %s',
            [row[col1], row[col2], row[col3]])
Example #16
def getRecentISF (time_bucket, num_weeks, min_data, debug=False):
    '''returns at least min_data isf values for a specific 2-hour time bucket looking back num_weeks (or more depending on available data points)  '''
    conn = get_conn ()
    curs = conn.cursor()

    def try_weeks(num_weeks):
        time_end = datetime.strptime("18/09/10", '%y/%m/%d') - timedelta(weeks = num_weeks)
        curs.execute ('''SELECT isf FROM isf_details where time_bucket(rtime) = %s and rtime > %s ''',
                      [time_bucket, time_end])

    def doubling_up(min_weeks):
        if debug:
            print(('doubling up ',min_weeks))
        if curs.rowcount >= min_data:
            return recur(int(min_weeks/2), min_weeks)
            return doubling_up(min_weeks*2)

    def recur(min_weeks, max_weeks):
        mid = int((min_weeks+max_weeks)/2)
        if debug:
            print(('recur ',min_weeks, mid, max_weeks))
        if max_weeks == min_weeks + 1:
            # done, so either use min or max
            if (curs.rowcount < min_data):
                min_weeks = max_weeks
            # base case: 
            results = curs.fetchall()
            isf = [result[0] for result in results]
            isf = sorted(isf)
            return min_weeks, isf
        elif curs.rowcount >= min_data:
            # try lower half
            return recur(min_weeks,mid)
            # try upper half
            return recur(mid,max_weeks)

    return doubling_up(num_weeks)
def gen_rows_ic(
        conn=get_conn(), start=None, end=None,
    curs = conn.cursor()
    select = 'SELECT * FROM {} '.format(tablename)
    if start is not None:
        select += " WHERE rtime >= '{start}' and rtime <= '{end}' ".format(
            start=start, end=end)
    print 'gen_rows_ic in table {} with query {} '.format(tablename, select)
    )  # caller may have to do this anyhow, because of the deferred execution of a generator
    global cursor_columns
    print 'cursor_columns: ', cursor_columns
    while True:
        row = curs.fetchone()
        if row is None:
        yield list(
        )  # conses a lot, but fetchone() returns tuples, and we can't modify those.
Example #18
def ztest(where, split):
    conn = get_conn()
    curs = conn.cursor()
select {cond} as grp, avg(isf) as mean, stddev(isf) as sd,count(isf) as n
from isf_details
where {where}
group by {cond}
    '''.format(where=where, cond=split))
    print 'where: ', where
    print 'split condition: ', split
    (grp1, mean1, sd1, n1) = curs.fetchone()
    (grp2, mean2, sd2, n2) = curs.fetchone()
    print(grp1, mean1, sd1, n1)
    print(grp2, mean2, sd2, n2)
    sp = math.sqrt(
        ((n1 - 1) * sd1 * sd1 + (n2 - 1) * sd2 * sd2) / (n1 + n2 - 2))
    print 'pooled sp', sp
    diff = mean2 - mean1
    print 'diff ', diff
    t = diff / (sp * math.sqrt((1 / float(n1)) + (1 / float(n2))))
    return (mean1, mean2, diff, sp, t)
def db_update_rtime(rows, tablename, keys=cursor_columns):
    '''Update rows (can be an iterable) to the given table'''
    conn = get_conn()
    curs = conn.cursor()
    curs.execute('select * from {table}'.format(table=tablename))
    global cursor_columns
    cursor_columns = [desc[0] for desc in curs.description]
    print '\n in db_update_rtime, cursor_columns is ', cursor_columns
    settings = ','.join(
        ['{col} = %s'.format(col=key) for key in cursor_columns])
    curs = conn.cursor()
    sql = 'update {} set {} where rtime = %s'.format(tablename, settings)
    print('update using ', sql)
    insert_count = 0
    for row in rows:
        if len(row) != len(cursor_columns):
            raise Exception('row has wrong length')
        insert_count += 1
        if insert_count % 10000 == 0:
            print 'updated ', str(insert_count)
        data = list(row)
        data.append(row_get(row, 'rtime'))  # extra occurrence for the key
        curs.execute(sql, data)
    print 'done updating'
Example #20
def compute_isf():
    conn = get_conn()
    curs = conn.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
    curs.execute('update insulin_carb_smoothed_2 SET ISF_trouble = null, isf = null, ISF_rounded = null')
    curs.execute('delete from isfvals') # make sure table is initially empty
    curs.execute('delete from isf_details') # make sure table is initially empty
    curs.execute('''select rtime, total_bolus_volume from insulin_carb_smoothed_2 
                    where corrective_insulin = 1 ''')
                   # and year(rtime) = 2018''')
    rows = curs.fetchall()

    # some stats
    total = len(rows)
    skipped_before = 0 # events skipped because of insulin in BEFORE period
    skipped_small = 0  # events skipped because bolus too small
    skipped_middle = 0 # events skipped because bolus during MIDDLE period
    skipped_nobg_beg = 0   # events skipped because start or end BG value missing (or both)
    skipped_nobg_end = 0
    good_isf = 0       # events with good ISF value 
    insulin_before = 0 #events with insulin 4 hours prior to the event 
    for row in rows:
        start = row
        t2 = start['rtime']
        t1 = t2 - timedelta(minutes=100)

        prior_insulin = any_bolus_in_time_span(conn, t2 - timedelta(hours=4),t1)

        if any_bolus_in_time_span(conn, t1,t2 - timedelta(minutes=5)):
            # print 'skipping {} because of insulin in the BEFORE period: {} to {}'.format(t2,t1,t2)
            skipped_before += 1
            curs.execute('''UPDATE insulin_carb_smoothed_2 SET ISF_trouble = %s where rtime = %s''',
                         ['insulin before', t2])

        # get values for the next 2:30 (worst case scenario)
        rows = get_window(curs, start['rtime'])

        # Sum the boluses in the first 30 minutes
        bolus_sum, t3 = bolus_sum_during_start(rows,t2)
        if t3 != t2:
            # this is just informational. Can be deleted
            # print 'boluses in beginning from {} to {} sum to {}'.format(t2,t3,bolus_sum)

        if bolus_sum < min_bolus:
            # print 'bolus sum {} is too small; skipping {}'.format(bolus_sum,t3)
            curs.execute('''UPDATE insulin_carb_smoothed_2 SET ISF_trouble = %s where rtime = %s''',
                         ['bolus too small', t3])
            skipped_small += 1
        # from now on, use t3 rather than t2, particularly for looking up BG
        t4 = t3 + timedelta(minutes=100)
        t5 = t4 + timedelta(minutes=20)

        # Check for no boluses in middle time
        if boluses_in_time_range(rows, t3+timedelta(minutes=5), t4-timedelta(minutes=5)):
            # print 'skipping {} because of insulin in the middle period'.format(t3)
            skipped_middle += 1
            curs.execute('''UPDATE insulin_carb_smoothed_2 SET ISF_trouble = %s where rtime = %s''',
                         ['insulin in middle', t3])
            if t2 != t3:
                curs.execute('''UPDATE insulin_carb_smoothed_2 SET ISF_trouble = %s where rtime = %s''',
                             ['insulin in middle', t2])

        # Check whether there were boluses in end time
        boluses_in_end = boluses_in_time_range(rows, t4, t5)
        #boluses_in_time_range(rows, t4+timedelta(minutes=5), t5)
        if boluses_in_end:
            # print 'insulin in the end period: {} to {}'.format(t4,t5)
        # Okay, ready for calculation.
        bg_at_t3 = bg_at_time(rows, t3)
        bg_rows = get_bg_time_window(curs,t5)
        bg_at_t5 = bg_at_time_extended(bg_rows,t5)
        if bg_at_t3 and bg_at_t5:
            if prior_insulin:
                insulin_before += 1
            isf = (bg_at_t3 - bg_at_t5) / bolus_sum
            #print 'isf {} to {} => ( {} - {} ) / {} => {:.2f} '.format(t3,t5,bg_at_t3, bg_at_t5, bolus_sum, isf)
            good_isf += 1
            if boluses_in_end:
                curs.execute('''UPDATE insulin_carb_smoothed_2 SET ISF_trouble = %s, ISF_rounded = %s where rtime = %s''',
                             ['insulin at end', isf, t3])
                curs.execute('''UPDATE insulin_carb_smoothed_2 SET isf = %s where rtime = %s''', [isf, t3])
            # New: record details of the calc in the isfvals table. [Scott 12/13/2019]
            #curs.execute('''insert into isf_details(rtime,isf,bg0,bg1,bolus) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)''',
                        # [t3, isf, bg_at_t3, bg_at_t5, bolus_sum])
            curs.execute('''insert into isf_details(rtime,isf,bg0,bg1,bolus,prior_insulin) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)''',[t3,isf,bg_at_t3,bg_at_t5, bolus_sum,prior_insulin])
            #skipped_bg += 1
            skipped = False  
            if not bg_at_t3:
                skipped_nobg_beg += 1
                skipped = True
                curs.execute('''UPDATE insulin_carb_smoothed_2 set ISF_trouble = %s where rtime = %s''',
                             [ 'nobg', t3]) # 'missing start BG value'
            if not bg_at_t5 and not skipped:
                skipped_nobg_end += 1
                #print 'nobg at end', t3
                curs.execute('''UPDATE insulin_carb_smoothed_2 set ISF_trouble = %s where rtime = %s''',
                             [ 'nobg', t3]) # 'missing end BG value'
        #print "start: ", startbg, "end: ", endbg
        # check if any additional insulin given within 30 minutes of start -- done 
        # check if any additional insulin given later in that time range -- done
        # check if we have a CGM or BG value near the beginning of the range AND -- done 
        # check if we have a CGM or BG value near the end of the range -- done 
        # if we have *both* CGM and BG, take the BG
        # compute ISF based on starting and ending CGM or BG
        # update database using start (the primary key for ICS2)
    # end of loop
    print('''There were {} corrective insulin events from 2014 -  2018. 
{} events were skipped because of insulin before the START period
{} events were skipped because the bolus was too small
{} events were skipped because there was a bolus in the MIDDLE period
{} events were skipped because start BG was not available, 
{} events were skipped because end BG was not available, leaving
{} events with a good ISF and 
{} good events with insulin within 4 hours before event 
{} skipped + {} good is {} total.'''.format(total, skipped_before, skipped_small, skipped_middle, skipped_nobg_beg,skipped_nobg_end,good_isf,insulin_before,
                                            (skipped_before + skipped_small + skipped_middle + skipped_nobg_beg + skipped_nobg_end),
def get_cursor_columns(conn=get_conn(), tablename='insulin_carb_smoothed'):
    curs = conn.cursor()
    curs.execute('select * from {} limit 0'.format(tablename))
    global cursor_columns
    cursor_columns = [desc[0] for desc in curs.description]
    return cursor_columns
def num_rows(conn=get_conn(), tablename='insulin_carb_smoothed'):
    curs = conn.cursor()
    curs.execute('select count(*) from {}'.format(tablename))
    row = curs.fetchone()
    return row[0]
def gen_insulin_carb_vrows(conn=get_conn(), rows=None, pipeIn=None):
    '''This version generates virtual rows from rows (real ones), with
    timestamps at 5 minute intervals. It's the basis of the
    insulin_carb_smoothed table.'''
    # Loop over real rows, creating virtual rows. The invariant is that
    # curr <= vrow < next. When vrow catches up to next, discard curr,
    # make curr be next, and get another next. If timestamp of new next is
    # equal to curr, merge them and get another next.
    # Now that we are reading from ICG, merging should never happen.
    curr_row =
    next_row =
    curr_time = curr_row['rtime']
    next_time = next_row['rtime']
    if curr_time == next_time:
        raise Exception('before loop: next row time equals curr row time')
    vrow_time = curr_time
    delta5 = timedelta(minutes=5)
    global merged_rows  # should stay empty
    debug = False
    merged_rows = []
    # print('vrow_time',vrow_time,'next_time',next_time)
        # loop over vrows. Exit condition is when we get StopIteration from real rows
        while True:
            # This outer loop produces vrows
            # print('vrow_time',vrow_time,'next_time',next_time)
            if vrow_time >= next_time:
                # this inner loop pulls in real rows
                # advance everything. if there's no next row, this will raise
                # StopIteration, which is perfect
                while True:
                    curr_row = next_row
                    curr_time = next_time
                    next_row =
                    next_time = next_row['rtime']
                    if next_time > curr_time:
                    # merge from curr into next, since the top of the
                    # loop discards curr_row. Should not happen
                    merge_rows(curr_row, next_row)
            if vrow_time == curr_time:
                # yield a real row
                yield curr_row
                # yield a virtual row.
                vrow = {
                    'rtime': vrow_time,
                    'real_row': 0,
                    'user': curr_row['user']
                # fill in other fields with None
                for key in curr_row.iterkeys():
                    if key not in vrow:
                        vrow[key] = None
                yield vrow
            vrow_time = vrow_time + delta5
    except StopIteration:
        yield curr_row
        print '''Done generating virtual rows. End time is {end}
and we merged {nmerge} rows'''.format(end=curr_row['rtime'],