Example #1
def replace_filter(f, table, entity, comment, search_fields):
    if isinstance(f, BitOp):
        f.children = map(
            lambda child: replace_filter(child, table, entity, comment,
                                         search_fields), f.children)
    elif f.lhs == '' and search_fields:
        logger.debug('Search fields: %s', search_fields)
        rhs = f.rhs
        if rhs == '' and f.operator == '*':
            rhs = '%'
        ors = OrOp(
            map(lambda s: QueryFilter(s, f.operator, rhs),
                filter(lambda s: s in entity.columns, search_fields)))
        if 'id' in comment.columns:
            col = column_or_raise(table, 'id')
            ors.append(QueryFilter(col.name, f.operator, rhs))
        logger.debug('Searches: %s', ors)
        return ors
    return f
Example #2
def parse_filter(s):
    _or = OrOp()
    for t in s.split(OR_OPERATOR):
        _and = AndOp()
        for term in t.split(AND_OPERATOR):
            found = False
            for operator in OPERATORS:
                if operator in term:
                    f = term.split(operator, 1)
                    lhs = f[0]
                    rhs = f[1] if len(f) > 1 else None
                    if operator == ':':
                        rhs = rhs.split(',')
                    _and.append(QueryFilter(lhs, operator, rhs))
                    found = True
            if not found:
    return _or
Example #3
def replace_filter(f, table, entity, comment, search_fields):
    if isinstance(f, BitOp):
        f.children = map(
            lambda child: replace_filter(
                child, table, entity, comment, search_fields),
    elif f.lhs == '' and search_fields:
        logger.debug('Search fields: %s', search_fields)
        rhs = f.rhs
        if rhs == '' and f.operator == '*':
            rhs = '%'
        ors = OrOp(map(
            lambda s: QueryFilter(s, f.operator, rhs),
                lambda s: s in entity.columns,
        if 'id' in comment.columns:
            col = column_or_raise(table, 'id')
            ors.append(QueryFilter(col.name, f.operator, rhs))
        logger.debug('Searches: %s', ors)
        return ors
    return f