def run(self): # Get the docker client. docker_client = docker.from_env() # Determine the app. app = self.options["<app>"] # Purge database App.purge_data(docker_client, app)
def run(self): # Get a docker client. docker_client = docker.from_env() # Get options. clean = self.options["--clean"] app = self.options["<app>"] # Check for stack or app if app: # Check for clean. if clean: # Clean and fetch. App.clean_images(docker_client, app) # Build it. # Capture and redirect output.["docker-compose", "kill", app])["docker-compose", "rm", "-f", "-v", app]) # Run the pre-up hook, if any Stack.hook("pre-up", app) # Build the up command up = ["docker-compose", "up", "--no-start"] # Check for purge if self.options["--purge"]: # Confirm if self.yes_no("This will remove all app data, continue?"): logger.warning("({}) Database will be purged!".format(app)) # Process it App.purge_data(docker_client, app) else:"({}) Database will not be purged".format(app)) # Check for recreate flag if not self.options.get("--recreate"): up.append("--no-recreate") # Check for flags if self.options.get("--flags"): # Split them flags = self.options.get("--flags").split(",") # Don't add default options twice for flag in [f for f in flags if f in up]: flags.remove(flag) logger.debug( "(stack) Removing double option: '{}'".format(flag)) # Split them, append the '--' and add them to the command for flag in flags: up.append("-{}".format(flag) if len(flag) == 1 else "--{}".format(flag)) # Add the app up.append(app) logger.debug("(stack) Running command: '{}'".format(up)) # Run it run_cmd = ["docker-compose", "start", app] logger.debug("(stack) Running command: '{}'".format(run_cmd)) # Run the post-up hook, if any Stack.hook("post-up", app) else: # Check for clean. if clean and self.yes_no("Clean: Rebuild all app images?"): # Clean and fetch. for app in App.get_apps(): if self.yes_no("({}) Rebuild app image?"):"({}) Rebuilding image...".format(app)) # Rebuild images App.clean_images(docker_client, app) # Build and run stack down down_command = ["stack", "down"] if clean: down_command.append("--clean") # Run the pre-up hook, if any Stack.hook("pre-up") # Build and run stack up up_command = ["stack", "up"] if self.options["-d"]: up_command.append("-d") # Run the pre-up hook, if any Stack.hook("post-up")