#Mean_skel, Std_skel, Mean_CNN, Std_CNN = net_convnet3d_grbm_early_fusion.load_normalisation_constant(load_path) f = open('/home/zhiquan/fancy/meterials/temp/SK_normalization.pkl', 'rb') SK_normalization = cPickle.load(f) Mean_skel = SK_normalization['Mean1'] Std_skel = SK_normalization['Std1'] #################################################################### # DBN for skeleton modules #################################################################### # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # symbolic variables x_skeleton = ndtensor(len(tr._skeleon_in_shape))( name='x_skeleton') # video input x_skeleton_ = _shared(empty(tr._skeleon_in_shape)) dbn = GRBM_DBN(numpy_rng=random.RandomState(123), n_ins=891, \ hidden_layers_sizes=[2000, 2000, 1000], n_outs=101, input_x=x_skeleton, label=y ) # we load the pretrained DBN skeleton parameteres here load_path = '/idiap/user/dwu/chalearn/result/try/36.7% 2015.' dbn.load_params_DBN(os.path.join(load_path, 'paramsbest.zip')) test_model = function([], dbn.logLayer.p_y_given_x, givens={x_skeleton: x_skeleton_}, on_unused_input='ignore') for file_count, file in enumerate(samples): condition = (file_count > -1) if condition: #wudi only used first 650 for validation !!! Lio be careful! save_path = os.path.join(data, file) print file time_start = time()
def __init__(self, res_dir, load_path): self.layers = [] # only contain the layers from fusion self.insp_mean = [] # inspection for each layer mean activation self.insp_std = [] # inspection for each layer std activation self.params = [] # parameter list self.idx_mini = T.lscalar(name="idx_mini") # minibatch index self.idx_micro = T.lscalar(name="idx_micro") # microbatch index # symbolic variables self.x = ndtensor(len(tr.in_shape))(name='x') # video input self.y = T.ivector(name='y') # labels # symbolic variables self.x_skeleton = ndtensor(len(tr._skeleon_in_shape))( name='x_skeleton') # video input if use.drop: drop.p_vid = shared(float32(drop.p_vid_val)) drop.p_hidden = shared(float32(drop.p_hidden_val)) video_cnn = conv3d_chalearn(self.x, use, lr, batch, net, reg, drop, mom, \ tr, res_dir, load_path) dbn = GRBM_DBN(numpy_rng=random.RandomState(123), n_ins=891, \ hidden_layers_sizes=[2000, 2000, 1000], n_outs=101, input_x=self.x_skeleton, label=self.y ) # we load the pretrained DBN skeleton parameteres here if use.load == True: dbn.load(os.path.join(load_path, 'dbn_2015-06-19-11-34-24.npy')) ##################################################################### # fuse the ConvNet output with skeleton output -- need to change here ###################################################################### out = T.concatenate([video_cnn.out, dbn.sigmoid_layers[-1].output], axis=1) ##################################################################### # wudi add the mean and standard deviation of the activation values to exam the neural net # Reference: Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks, Xavier Glorot, Yoshua Bengio ##################################################################### insp_mean_list = [] insp_std_list = [] insp_mean_list.extend(dbn.out_mean) insp_mean_list.extend(video_cnn.insp_mean) insp_std_list.extend(dbn.out_std) insp_std_list.extend(video_cnn.insp_std) ###################################################################### #MLP layer self.layers.append( HiddenLayer(out, n_in=net.hidden, n_out=net.hidden, rng=tr.rng, W_scale=net.W_scale[-1], b_scale=net.b_scale[-1], activation=net.activation)) out = self.layers[-1].output if tr.inspect: insp_mean_list.extend([T.mean(out)]) insp_std_list.extend([T.std(out)]) self.insp_mean = T.stacklists(insp_mean_list) self.insp_std = T.stacklists(insp_std_list) if use.drop: out = DropoutLayer(out, rng=tr.rng, p=drop.p_hidden).output ###################################################################### # softmax layer self.layers.append( LogRegr(out, rng=tr.rng, n_in=net.hidden, W_scale=net.W_scale[-1], b_scale=net.b_scale[-1], n_out=net.n_class)) self.p_y_given_x = self.layers[-1].p_y_given_x ###################################################################### # cost function self.cost = self.layers[-1].negative_log_likelihood(self.y) # function computing the number of errors self.errors = self.layers[-1].errors(self.y) # parameter list for layer in video_cnn.layers: self.params.extend(layer.params) # pre-trained dbn parameter last layer (W, b) doesn't need to incorporate into the params # for calculating the gradient self.params.extend(dbn.params[:-2]) # MLP hidden layer params self.params.extend(self.layers[-2].params) # softmax layer params self.params.extend(self.layers[-1].params) # number of inputs for MLP = (# maps last stage)*(# convnets)*(resulting video shape) + trajectory size print 'MLP:', video_cnn.n_in_MLP, "->", net.hidden_penultimate, "+", net.hidden_traj, '->', \ net.hidden, '->', net.hidden, '->', net.n_class, "" return
def __init__(self, res_dir, load_path): self.layers = [] # only contain the layers from fusion self.insp_mean = [] # inspection for each layer mean activation self.insp_std = [] # inspection for each layer std activation self.params = [] # parameter list self.idx_mini = T.lscalar(name="idx_mini") # minibatch index self.idx_micro = T.lscalar(name="idx_micro") # microbatch index # symbolic variables self.x = ndtensor(len(tr.in_shape))(name = 'x') # video input self.y = T.ivector(name = 'y') # labels # symbolic variables self.x_skeleton = ndtensor(len(tr._skeleon_in_shape))(name = 'x_skeleton') # video input if use.drop: drop.p_vid = shared(float32(drop.p_vid_val) ) drop.p_hidden = shared(float32(drop.p_hidden_val)) video_cnn = conv3d_chalearn(self.x, use, lr, batch, net, reg, drop, mom, \ tr, res_dir, load_path) dbn = GRBM_DBN(numpy_rng=random.RandomState(123), n_ins=891, \ hidden_layers_sizes=[2000, 2000, 1000], n_outs=101, input_x=self.x_skeleton, label=self.y ) # we load the pretrained DBN skeleton parameteres here if use.load == True: dbn.load(os.path.join(load_path,'dbn_2015-06-19-11-34-24.npy')) ##################################################################### # fuse the ConvNet output with skeleton output -- need to change here ###################################################################### out = T.concatenate([video_cnn.out, dbn.sigmoid_layers[-1].output], axis=1) ##################################################################### # wudi add the mean and standard deviation of the activation values to exam the neural net # Reference: Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks, Xavier Glorot, Yoshua Bengio ##################################################################### insp_mean_list = [] insp_std_list = [] insp_mean_list.extend(dbn.out_mean) insp_mean_list.extend(video_cnn.insp_mean) insp_std_list.extend(dbn.out_std) insp_std_list.extend(video_cnn.insp_std) ###################################################################### #MLP layer self.layers.append(HiddenLayer(out, n_in=net.hidden, n_out=net.hidden, rng=tr.rng, W_scale=net.W_scale[-1], b_scale=net.b_scale[-1], activation=net.activation)) out = self.layers[-1].output if tr.inspect: insp_mean_list.extend([T.mean(out)]) insp_std_list.extend([T.std(out)]) self.insp_mean = T.stacklists(insp_mean_list) self.insp_std = T.stacklists(insp_std_list) if use.drop: out = DropoutLayer(out, rng=tr.rng, p=drop.p_hidden).output ###################################################################### # softmax layer self.layers.append(LogRegr(out, rng=tr.rng, n_in=net.hidden, W_scale=net.W_scale[-1], b_scale=net.b_scale[-1], n_out=net.n_class)) self.p_y_given_x = self.layers[-1].p_y_given_x ###################################################################### # cost function self.cost = self.layers[-1].negative_log_likelihood(self.y) # function computing the number of errors self.errors = self.layers[-1].errors(self.y) # parameter list for layer in video_cnn.layers: self.params.extend(layer.params) # pre-trained dbn parameter last layer (W, b) doesn't need to incorporate into the params # for calculating the gradient self.params.extend(dbn.params[:-2]) # MLP hidden layer params self.params.extend(self.layers[-2].params) # softmax layer params self.params.extend(self.layers[-1].params) # number of inputs for MLP = (# maps last stage)*(# convnets)*(resulting video shape) + trajectory size print 'MLP:', video_cnn.n_in_MLP, "->", net.hidden_penultimate, "+", net.hidden_traj, '->', \ net.hidden, '->', net.hidden, '->', net.n_class, "" return
Mean1 = SK_normalization ['Mean1'] Std1 = SK_normalization['Std1'] # customized data loader for both video module and skeleton module #loader = DataLoader_with_skeleton(src, tr.batch_size, Mean1, Std1) # Lio changed it to read from HDF5 files loader = DataLoader_with_skeleton_normalisation(src, tr.batch_size, 0, 1, Mean1, Std1) # Lio changed it to read from HDF5 files #################################################################### # DBN for skeleton modules #################################################################### # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # symbolic variables x_skeleton = ndtensor(len(tr._skeleon_in_shape))(name = 'x_skeleton') # video input x_skeleton_ = _shared(empty(tr._skeleon_in_shape)) ########sample number:39,hidden_layer_size=[2000,1000]->error rate=77.1%;[2000,2000,1000],78.4% dbn = GRBM_DBN(numpy_rng=random.RandomState(123), n_ins=891, \ hidden_layers_sizes=[2000,2000,1000], n_outs=101, input_x=x_skeleton, label=y ) # we load the pretrained DBN skeleton parameteres here, currently pretraining is done # unsupervisedly, we can load the supervised pretrainining parameters later #when u pretain the network, comment the following line dbn.load_params_DBN("/home/zhiquan/fancy/meterials/chalearn2014_fancy_data/result_temp/dbn/try/63.9% 2018.") cost = dbn.finetune_cost # function computing the number of errors errors = dbn.errors # wudi add the mean and standard deviation of the activation values to exam the neural net # Reference: Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks, Xavier Glorot, Yoshua Bengio
# customized data loader for both video module and skeleton module #loader = DataLoader_with_skeleton(src, tr.batch_size, Mean1, Std1) # Lio changed it to read from HDF5 files loader = DataLoader_with_skeleton_normalisation( src, tr.batch_size, 0, 1, Mean1, Std1) # Lio changed it to read from HDF5 files #################################################################### # DBN for skeleton modules #################################################################### # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # symbolic variables x_skeleton = ndtensor(len(tr._skeleon_in_shape))( name='x_skeleton') # video input x_skeleton_ = _shared(empty(tr._skeleon_in_shape)) dbn = GRBM_DBN(numpy_rng=random.RandomState(123), n_ins=891, \ hidden_layers_sizes=[2000, 2000, 1000], n_outs=101, input_x=x_skeleton, label=y ) # we load the pretrained DBN skeleton parameteres here, currently pretraining is done # unsupervisedly, we can load the supervised pretrainining parameters later dbn.load_params_DBN( "/idiap/user/dwu/chalearn/result/try/37.8% 2015." ) cost = dbn.finetune_cost # function computing the number of errors errors = dbn.errors # wudi add the mean and standard deviation of the activation values to exam the neural net # Reference: Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks, Xavier Glorot, Yoshua Bengio out_mean = T.stack(dbn.out_mean)
x_skeleton_ = _shared(empty(tr._skeleon_in_shape)) p_y_given_x = net_convnet3d_grbm_early_fusion.prediction_function(x_, x_skeleton_) ############################# # load normalisation constant given load_path Mean_skel, Std_skel, Mean_CNN, Std_CNN = net_convnet3d_grbm_early_fusion.load_normalisation_constant(load_path) #################################################################### # DBN for skeleton modules #################################################################### # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # symbolic variables x_skeleton = ndtensor(len(tr._skeleon_in_shape))(name = 'x_skeleton') # video input x_skeleton_ = _shared(empty(tr._skeleon_in_shape)) dbn = GRBM_DBN(numpy_rng=random.RandomState(123), n_ins=891, \ hidden_layers_sizes=[2000, 2000, 1000], n_outs=101, input_x=x_skeleton, label=y ) # we load the pretrained DBN skeleton parameteres here load_path = '/idiap/user/dwu/chalearn/result/try/36.7% 2015.' dbn.load_params_DBN(os.path.join(load_path,'paramsbest.zip')) test_model = function([], dbn.logLayer.p_y_given_x, givens={x_skeleton: x_skeleton_}, on_unused_input='ignore') for file_count, file in enumerate(samples): condition = (file_count > -1) if condition: #wudi only used first 650 for validation !!! Lio be careful! save_path= os.path.join(data, file) print file time_start = time()
Mean_CNN = CNN_normalization ['Mean_CNN'] Std_CNN = CNN_normalization['Std_CNN'] # customized data loader for both video module and skeleton module loader = DataLoader_with_skeleton_normalisation(src, tr.batch_size, Mean_CNN, Std_CNN, Mean1, Std1) # Lio changed it to read from HDF5 files #################################################################### # DBN for skeleton modules #################################################################### # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # symbolic variables x_skeleton = ndtensor(len(tr._skeleon_in_shape))(name = 'x_skeleton') # video input x_skeleton_ = _shared(empty(tr._skeleon_in_shape)) dbn = GRBM_DBN(numpy_rng=random.RandomState(123), n_ins=891, \ hidden_layers_sizes=[2000, 2000, 1000], n_outs=101, input_x=x_skeleton, label=y ) # we load the pretrained DBN skeleton parameteres here dbn.load(os.path.join(load_path,'dbn_2015-06-19-11-34-24.npy')) #################################################################### # 3DCNN for video module #################################################################### # we load the CNN parameteres here use.load = True video_cnn = conv3d_chalearn(x, use, lr, batch, net, reg, drop, mom, tr, res_dir, load_path) ##################################################################### # fuse the ConvNet output with skeleton output -- need to change here ######################################################################
Mean1 = SK_normalization ['Mean1'] Std1 = SK_normalization['Std1'] # customized data loader for both video module and skeleton module #loader = DataLoader_with_skeleton(src, tr.batch_size, Mean1, Std1) # Lio changed it to read from HDF5 files loader = DataLoader_with_skeleton_normalisation(src, tr.batch_size, 0, 1, Mean1, Std1) # Lio changed it to read from HDF5 files #################################################################### # DBN for skeleton modules #################################################################### # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # symbolic variables x_skeleton = ndtensor(len(tr._skeleon_in_shape))(name = 'x_skeleton') # video input x_skeleton_ = _shared(empty(tr._skeleon_in_shape)) dbn = GRBM_DBN(numpy_rng=random.RandomState(123), n_ins=891, \ hidden_layers_sizes=[2000, 2000, 1000], n_outs=101, input_x=x_skeleton, label=y ) # we load the pretrained DBN skeleton parameteres here, currently pretraining is done # unsupervisedly, we can load the supervised pretrainining parameters later dbn.load_params_DBN("/idiap/user/dwu/chalearn/result/try/37.8% 2015.") cost = dbn.finetune_cost # function computing the number of errors errors = dbn.errors # wudi add the mean and standard deviation of the activation values to exam the neural net # Reference: Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks, Xavier Glorot, Yoshua Bengio out_mean = T.stack(dbn.out_mean)
# customized data loader for both video module and skeleton module loader = DataLoader_with_skeleton_normalisation( src, tr.batch_size, Mean_CNN, Std_CNN, Mean1, Std1) # Lio changed it to read from HDF5 files #################################################################### # DBN for skeleton modules #################################################################### # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # symbolic variables x_skeleton = ndtensor(len(tr._skeleon_in_shape))( name='x_skeleton') # video input x_skeleton_ = _shared(empty(tr._skeleon_in_shape)) dbn = GRBM_DBN(numpy_rng=random.RandomState(123), n_ins=891, \ hidden_layers_sizes=[2000, 2000, 1000], n_outs=101, input_x=x_skeleton, label=y ) # we load the pretrained DBN skeleton parameteres here dbn.load(os.path.join(load_path, 'dbn_2015-06-19-11-34-24.npy')) #################################################################### # 3DCNN for video module #################################################################### # we load the CNN parameteres here use.load = True video_cnn = conv3d_chalearn(x, use, lr, batch, net, reg, drop, mom, tr, res_dir, load_path) ##################################################################### # fuse the ConvNet output with skeleton output -- need to change here ######################################################################