def createGraphForEventArtistsAndGenres(store,repo_name,events):
	count =0 
	allArtistUris = []
	for event in events:
		eventAlreadyExists = sesame_repository.doesEventWithIdExist(repo_name,event["id"])
		if not eventAlreadyExists:
			eventUriRef = URIRef(""+event["id"])

			gevent = Graph(store=store,identifier=eventUriRef)
			if "eventdata" in event.keys():
				if("description" in event["eventdata"].keys()):
					description = event["eventdata"]["description"]
					genres = dbpedia.extractMusicGenreNamesFromText(description)
					for dbpediaGenreUri in genres:
					artists = dbpedia_spotlight.getArtistEntities(description)
					for artistUri in artists:
						if artistUri not in allArtistUris:
		count = count+1

		# if count==15:
		# 	break

		print "processed artists for "+str(count)+" out of "+str(len(events))+" events"
	# if count==2:
	# 	break

	#now add soundcloud tracks id data to all artists

	count = 0 
	soundcloudClient = soundcloud_get_tracks.getSoundcloudClient()
	for artistUri in allArtistUris:
		count = count+1
		print "processed artist info for "+str(count)+" out of "+str(len(allArtistUris))+" artists"
def extractArtistsFromText(text):
	foundDbpediaArtists = dbpedia_spotlight.getArtistEntities(text)
	return foundDbpediaArtists