def run(self):
            while True:
                if checker.should_stop():
                    bibrec = self.p_q.get_nowait()
                except Empty:

                pfap_assign_paper_iteration(self.i, bibrec, self.atul, self.personid_new_id_lock)
        def run(self):
            while True:
                if checker.should_stop():
                    bibrec = self.p_q.get_nowait()
                except Empty:

                pfap_assign_paper_iteration(self.i, bibrec, self.atul, self.personid_new_id_lock)
        def check_paper(self):
            if bconfig.TABLES_UTILS_DEBUG:
                print " -> processing paper = %s" % (self.paper[0],)

            bibrefs100 = dbinter.get_authors_from_paper(self.paper[0])
            bibrefs700 = dbinter.get_coauthors_from_paper(self.paper[0])
            bibrecreflist = frozenset(
                ["100:%s,%s" % (str(i[0]), self.paper[0]) for i in bibrefs100]
                + ["700:%s,%s" % (str(i[0]), self.paper[0]) for i in bibrefs700]
            pid_rows_lazy = None

            # finally, if a bibrec/ref pair is in the authornames table but not in this list that name of that paper
            # is no longer existing and must be removed from the table. The new one will be addedd by the
            # update procedure in future; this entry will be risky becouse the garbage collector may
            # decide to kill the bibref in the bibX0x table
            for row in self.paper[1]:
                if row[3] not in bibrecreflist:
                    if not pid_rows_lazy:
                        pid_rows_lazy = dbinter.collect_personid_papers(paper=(self.paper[0],), person=personid_q)

                    other_bibrefs = [b[0] for b in pid_rows_lazy if b[1] == row[1] and b[3] != row[3]]
                    if bconfig.TABLES_UTILS_DEBUG:
                        print "*   deleting record with missing bibref: \
                               id = %s, personid = %s, tag = %s, data = %s, flag = %s, lcul = %s" % row
                        print "found %d other records with the same personid and bibrec" % len(other_bibrefs)
                    if len(other_bibrefs) == 1:
                        # we have one and only one sobstitute, we can switch them!
                        dbinter.update_flags_in_personid(row[4], row[5], other_bibrefs[0])
                        if bconfig.TABLES_UTILS_DEBUG:
                            print "updating id=%d with flag=%d,lcul=%d" % (other_bibrefs[0], row[4], row[5])

            persons_to_update = set([(p[1],) for p in self.paper[1]])
            dbinter.update_personID_names_string_set(persons_to_update, single_threaded=True, wait_finished=True)
        def check_paper(self):
            if bconfig.TABLES_UTILS_DEBUG:
                print " -> processing paper = %s" % (self.paper[0],)

            bibrefs100 = dbinter.get_authors_from_paper(self.paper[0])
            bibrefs700 = dbinter.get_coauthors_from_paper(self.paper[0])
            bibrecreflist = frozenset(["100:%s,%s" % (str(i[0]), self.paper[0]) for i in bibrefs100] +
                                      ["700:%s,%s" % (str(i[0]), self.paper[0]) for i in bibrefs700])
            pid_rows_lazy = None

            #finally, if a bibrec/ref pair is in the authornames table but not in this list that name of that paper
            #is no longer existing and must be removed from the table. The new one will be addedd by the
            #update procedure in future; this entry will be risky becouse the garbage collector may
            #decide to kill the bibref in the bibX0x table
            for row in self.paper[1]:
                if row[3] not in bibrecreflist:
                    if not pid_rows_lazy:
                        pid_rows_lazy = dbinter.collect_personid_papers(paper=(self.paper[0],),

                    other_bibrefs = [b[0] for b in pid_rows_lazy if b[1] == row[1] and b[3] != row[3]]
                    if bconfig.TABLES_UTILS_DEBUG:
                        print "*   deleting record with missing bibref: \
                               id = %s, personid = %s, tag = %s, data = %s, flag = %s, lcul = %s" % row
                        print "found %d other records with the same personid and bibrec" % len(other_bibrefs)
                    if len(other_bibrefs) == 1:
                        #we have one and only one sobstitute, we can switch them!
                        dbinter.update_flags_in_personid(row[4], row[5], other_bibrefs[0])
                        if bconfig.TABLES_UTILS_DEBUG:
                            print "updating id=%d with flag=%d,lcul=%d" % (other_bibrefs[0], row[4], row[5])

            persons_to_update = set([(p[1],) for p in self.paper[1]])
            dbinter.update_personID_names_string_set(persons_to_update, single_threaded=True, wait_finished=True)