def test_categories_with_misc():
    # create several categories, but leave at lease one (1) view not in any
    # category.
    categories = {
        "Employees": ["listEmployees", "topSalesmen"],
        "Customers": ["topCustomer"],
    report = Report(paths={
        "database": TEST_PATH,
        "report_dir": "."
    rendered = report.render()

    for v, html in rendered.items():
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html, features="html.parser")
        buttons = soup.find_all("button",
                                class_="dropbtn theme-d5 hover-theme")

        # compare the length of rendered categories and input categories. The
        # rendered categories should be one more than the input categories
        # since it will have the automatically added Misc category
        assert (
            len(categories) == len(buttons) -
            1), "number of rendered categories does not match input categories"

        for category, button in zip(categories, buttons):
            assert (category == button.text
                    ), "input category does not match rendered category"
def test_titles(db_connection, views):
    report = Report(
        paths={"database": TEST_PATH},
        titles={view: view.upper()
                for view in views},
    rendered = report.render()
    for view, html in rendered.items():
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html, features="html.parser")
        title = soup.find("title")
        assert title.text == view.upper(), "title does match expected value"
def test_captions(db_connection, views):
    report = Report(
        paths={"database": TEST_PATH},
        captions={view: f"caption for view {view}"
                  for view in views},
    rendered = report.render()
    for view, html in rendered.items():
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html, features="html.parser")
        caption = soup.find("caption")
        assert (caption.text == f"caption for view {view}"
                ), "caption does match expected value"
def test_descriptions(db_connection, views):
    description = "description for view {}"
    report = Report(
        paths={"database": TEST_PATH},
        descriptions={view: description.format(view)
                      for view in views},
    rendered = report.render()
    for view, html in rendered.items():
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html, features="html.parser")
        description_tag = soup.find("p", class_="description")
        assert description_tag.text == description.format(
            view), "descriptions do not match"
Example #5
def test_init_with_both_layout_path_and_kwargs():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        # only the path to the layout file is given as a positional argument.
        # The remaining parameters are parameters from the layout file given as
        # keyword arguments. If any keyword arguments are given, the path to
        # the layout file must be None
        Report("layout_path.json", path="any_keyword_argument_db.db")
Example #6
def test_init_with_non_existent_layout():
    with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
Example #7
def test_database_connection(db_connection):
    with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
        Report(paths={"database": "database_that_does_not_exist.db"})