Example #1
	def on_get(self,req,resp,action):
		params		= req.params
		kw			= {}
		kw['table']	= self.table
		kw['dbname']= self.dbname
		kw['fields']= params.get('fields','')
		if action == 'getbyname':
			name		= params.get('name','')
			if not name :
				raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('illegal_argument','name must provided')
			kw['where']		= "name='%s'" % name
			kw['order']		='id desc'
			result			= dbhandle.getlist(kw)
		elif action == 'getinfobyemail':	
			email			= params.get('email','')
			if not email :
				raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('illegal_argument','email must provided')
			kw['where']		= "email='%s'" % email
			kw['order']		= 'id desc'
			res,desc		= dbhandle.getlist(kw)
			if res ==0 and desc:
				desc		= desc[0]
			result			= res,desc	
			raise falcon.HTTPError(falcon.HTTP_404,'invalid_grant','invalid action %s' % action)					
		if result[0] == -1:
			raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('invalid_sql_syntax',str(result[1]))

		resp.body = JSONEncoder().encode(result)	
Example #2
	def on_get(self,req,resp,dbname,table,action):
		if dbname not in self.databases:
			raise falcon.HTTPError(falcon.HTTP_404,'invalid_grant',"invalid databases name %s" % dbname)
		if '.' in table:
			raise falcon.HTTPError(falcon.HTTP_404,'invalid_grant',"invalid table name %s" % table)			
		kw 			= req.params
		kw['table']	= table
		kw['dbname']= dbname
		if action == 'getbyid':
			if 'ids' not in kw:
				raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('illegal_argument','ids must provided')
			result = dbhandle.getbyid(kw)
		elif action == 'getcount':
			result = dbhandle.getcount(kw)
		elif action == 'getlist':
			result = dbhandle.getlist(kw)
			raise falcon.HTTPError(falcon.HTTP_404,'invalid_grant','invalid action %s' % action)
		if result[0] == -1:
			raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('invalid_sql_syntax',str(result[1]))

		resp.body = JSONEncoder().encode(result)
Example #3
	def on_get(self,req,resp,action):
		params		= req.params
		kw			= {}
		kw['table']	= self.table
		kw['dbname']= self.dbname
		kw['fields']= params.get('fields','')
		if action == 'getgroupbycomid':
			com_id		= params.get('com_id','')
			if not com_id :
				raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('illegal_argument','com_id must provided')
			kw['group']		= params.get('group','status')
			kw['fields']	= '%s,count(id) as num' % kw['group']
			kw['order']		= 'NULL'
			kw['where']		= "com_id=%s" % com_id
			result			= dbhandle.getlist(kw)
		elif action == 'getlistbycomid':	
			com_id			= params.get('com_id','')
			if not com_id :
				raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('illegal_argument','com_id must provided')
			kw['page']		= params.get('page',1)
			kw['pagesize']	= params.get('pagesize',sconf.PAGE_SIZE)
			kw['order']		= params.get('order')
			kw['where']		= "com_id='%s'" % com_id
			result			= dbhandle.getlist(kw)
		elif action == 'getcount':	
			com_id			= params.get('com_id','')
			if not com_id :
				raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('illegal_argument','com_id must provided')
			kw['fields']	= 'count(id) as n'
			kw['where']		= "com_id='%s'" % com_id
			result			= dbhandle.query(kw)
			if result[0] == 0:
				n			= result[1][0]['n']
				result		= 0,n				

			raise falcon.HTTPError(falcon.HTTP_404,'invalid_grant','invalid action %s' % action)					
		if result[0] == -1:
			raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('invalid_sql_syntax',str(result[1]))

		resp.body = JSONEncoder().encode(result)	
Example #4
	def on_get(self,req,resp,dbname,table):
		if '.' in table:
			raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('invalid_grant',"invalid table name %s" % table)
		kw 			= req.params
		kw['table']	= table
		kw['dbname']= dbname

		if dbname in self.databases:
			result = dbhandle.getlist(kw)
			if result[0] == -1:
				raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('invalid_sql_syntax',result[1]
			raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('invalid_grant',"invalid databases name %s" % dbname)
		logger.info("t:%s bodylen:%s" %(req.date,len(str(result))))
		resp.body = JSONEncoder().encode(result)
Example #5
	def on_get(self,req,resp,action):
		params		= req.params
		kw			= {}
		kw['table']	= self.table
		kw['dbname']= self.dbname
		kw['fields']= params.get('fields','')
		if action == 'getcachebyuserid':
			user_id		= params.get('user_id','')
			if not user_id :
				raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('illegal_argument','user_id must provided')
			kw['where']		= "user_id=%s" % user_id
			kw['order']		='id desc'
			result			= dbhandle.getlist(kw)
			raise falcon.HTTPError(falcon.HTTP_404,'invalid_grant','invalid action %s' % action)					
		if result[0] == -1:
			raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('invalid_sql_syntax',str(result[1]))

		resp.body = JSONEncoder().encode(result)		
Example #6
	def on_get(self,req,resp,action):
		params		= req.params
		kw			= {}
		kw['table']	= self.table
		kw['dbname']= self.dbname
		kw['fields']= params.get('fields','')
		if action == 'getgroupbycomid':
			com_id		= params.get('com_id','')
			if not com_id :
				raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('illegal_argument','com_id must provided')
			kw['group']		= params.get('group','status')
			kw['fields']	= '%s,count(id) as num' % kw['group']
			kw['order']		= 'NULL'
			kw['where']		= "com_id=%s" % com_id
			result			= dbhandle.getlist(kw)
		elif action == 'getlistbycomid':	
			com_id			= params.get('com_id','')
			if not com_id :
				raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('illegal_argument','com_id must provided')
			kw['page']		= params.get('page',1)
			kw['pagesize']	= params.get('pagesize',sconf.PAGE_SIZE)
			kw['order']		= params.get('order')
			kw['where']		= "com_id=%s" % com_id
			result			= dbhandle.getlist(kw)
		elif action == 'getcountbycomid':	
			com_id			= params.get('com_id','')
			if not com_id :
				raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('illegal_argument','com_id must provided')
			kw['fields']	= 'count(id) as n'
			kw['where']		= "com_id='%s'" % com_id
			result			= dbhandle.query(kw)
			if result[0] == 0:
				n			= result[1][0]['n']
				result		= 0,n				

		elif action == 'getlistbyname':	
				title 必须
				com_id 可选 
				status   不存在返回1,存在返回2
				data	 数据
			com_id			= params.get('com_id','')
			title			= params.get('title','')
			if not title:
				raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('illegal_argument','title must provided') 
			kw['where']		= "title='%s'" % title
			if com_id:
				kw['where'] = "com_id=%s and %s" % (com_id,kw['where'])
			res, desc		= dbhandle.getlist(kw)
			if res ==0:
				rs			= {'status':1,'data':[]}
				if desc  :
					rs['status'] = 2
					rs['data']	 = desc
				result		= 0,rs
				result = res, desc
			raise falcon.HTTPError(falcon.HTTP_404,'invalid_grant','invalid action %s' % action)	
		if result[0] == -1:
			raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('invalid_sql_syntax',str(result[1]))

		resp.body = JSONEncoder().encode(result)	
Example #7
	def on_get(self,req,resp,action):
		params		= req.params
		kw			= {}
		kw['table']	= self.table
		kw['dbname']= self.dbname
		kw['fields']= params.get('fields','')
		if action == 'getbyname':
			com_name		= params.get('com_name','')
			if not com_name :
				raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('illegal_argument','com_name must provided')
			kw['where']		= "com_name='%s'" % com_name
			result			= dbhandle.getlist(kw)
		elif action == 'getbydomain':	
			domain			= params.get('domain','')
			if not domain :
				raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('illegal_argument','domain must provided')
			kw['where']		= "domain='%s'" % domain
			result			= dbhandle.getlist(kw)
		elif action == 'getmaxid':	
			kw['fields']	= 'max(id) as mx'
			result			= dbhandle.query(kw)
			if result[0] == 0:
				mx		= result[1][0]['mx']
				result	= 0,mx
		elif action == 'getlistbyuserid':	
			user_id			= params.get('user_id','')
			if not user_id :
				raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('illegal_argument','user_id must provided')
			kw['where']		= "user_id=%s" % user_id
			result			= dbhandle.getlist(kw)
		elif action == 'getbyuserid':	
			user_id			= params.get('user_id','')
			if not user_id :
				raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('illegal_argument','user_id must provided')
			kw['where']		= "user_id=%s" % user_id
			kw['limit']		= "1"
			result			= dbhandle.getlist(kw)
		elif action == 'gettagbycomid':
			kw['table']		= 'com_tag_relate'
			com_id			= params.get('com_id','')
			if not com_id :
				raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('illegal_argument','com_id must provided')
			kw['where']		= "com_id=%s" % com_id	
			kw['limit']		= "1"	
			result			= dbhandle.getlist(kw)	
		elif action == 'getkeywbycomid':
			kw['table']		= 'com_keyword'
			com_id			= params.get('com_id','')
			if not com_id :
				raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('illegal_argument','com_id must provided')
			kw['where']		= "com_id=%s" % com_id	
			kw['limit']		= "1"	
			result			= dbhandle.getlist(kw)	
			raise falcon.HTTPError(falcon.HTTP_404,'invalid_grant','invalid action %s' % action)					
		if result[0] == -1:
			raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('invalid_sql_syntax',str(result[1]))

		resp.body = JSONEncoder().encode(result)