Example #1
    def steering_cmd_publisher(self, angle_rad=0.0):
        ID = 100 in BusCan
        # Steering Wheel
        float32 steering_wheel_angle_cmd        # rad, range -8.2 to 8.2
        float32 steering_wheel_angle_velocity   # rad/s, range 0 to 8.7, 0 = maximum
        # Enable
        bool enable
        # Ignore driver overrides
        bool ignore
        # Disable the driver override audible warning
        bool quiet
        # Watchdog counter (optional)
        uint8 count
        #msg_str = "Publishing Steering message in /vehicle/steering_cmd %s" % rospy.get_time()
        steering_command_object = SteeringCmd()
        #steering_command_object.steering_wheel_angle_cmd = random.uniform(-8.2, 8.2)
        steering_command_object.steering_wheel_angle_cmd = angle_rad
        steering_command_object.steering_wheel_angle_velocity = random.uniform(
            0.0, 8.7)
        #steering_command_object.steering_wheel_angle_velocity = 0.8

        steering_command_object.enable = False
        steering_command_object.ignore = False
        steering_command_object.quiet = False
        steering_command_object.count = 0
        rospy.loginfo("Steering Publish ::>" +
    def callback(self, data):
        i = 0
            screen = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, "bgr8")
        except CvBridgeError as e:
        screen = cv2.cvtColor(screen, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        screen = cv2.resize(screen, (120, 160))
        screen = cv2.normalize(screen,
        print "test"
        screen = np.array(screen).reshape(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 1)
        predictionx = model.predict([screen])[0]
        motion = predictionx[1]
        turn = predictionx[0]
        if 0.000001 < turn <= 0.01:
            turn1 = 0
        elif turn < 0.000001:
            q = np.log10(turn)
            turn1 = q * 0.2
        elif 0.01 < turn <= 0.4:
            turn = 1 / (turn * 10)

            turn1 = turn * 1.3
        motion = motion * .15

        self.pub_throttle_cmd = rospy.Publisher('/fusion/throttle_cmd',
        self.pub_steering_cmd = rospy.Publisher('/fusion/steering_cmd',

        throttle_command_object = ThrottleCmd()
        throttle_command_object.pedal_cmd = motion
        throttle_command_object.pedal_cmd_type = 1
        throttle_command_object.enable = True
        throttle_command_object.ignore = False
        throttle_command_object.count = 0

        steering_command_object = SteeringCmd()
        steering_command_object.steering_wheel_angle_cmd = turn1
        steering_command_object.steering_wheel_angle_velocity = random.uniform(
            0.0, 8.7)
        steering_command_object.enable = True
        steering_command_object.ignore = False
        steering_command_object.quiet = False
        steering_command_object.count = 0

        print turn, motion
Example #3
 def publishSteeringCmd(self, steerVal):
     msg = SteeringCmd()
     msg.steering_wheel_angle_cmd = steerVal
     msg.steering_wheel_angle_velocity = 0
     msg.enable = True
     msg.clear = False
     msg.ignore = False
     msg.quiet = False
     msg.count = 0
Example #4
def make_steering_msg(angle_rad=0.0):

    steering_command_object = SteeringCmd()
    steering_command_object.steering_wheel_angle_cmd = angle_rad
    # steering_command_object.steering_wheel_angle_velocity = random.uniform(0.0, 8.7)
    steering_command_object.steering_wheel_angle_velocity = 5 * angle_rad

    steering_command_object.enable = True
    steering_command_object.ignore = False
    steering_command_object.quiet = False
    steering_command_object.count = 0
    return steering_command_object
Example #5
	def steering_cmd_publisher(self, angle_rad=0.0):
		steering_command_object = SteeringCmd()
		steering_command_object.steering_wheel_angle_cmd = angle_rad
		steering_command_object.steering_wheel_angle_velocity = random.uniform(0.0, 8.7)
		steering_command_object.enable = True
		steering_command_object.ignore = False
		steering_command_object.quiet = False
		steering_command_object.count = 0
		rospy.loginfo("Steering Publish::>"+str(steering_command_object.steering_wheel_angle_cmd))
		rospy.loginfo("Steering wheel_angle Report::>"+str(self.steering_wheel_angle))
		rospy.loginfo("Steering wheel_cmd Report::>"+str(self.steering_wheel_angle))
		rospy.loginfo("Speed ::>"+str(self.speed))
    def steering_callback(self, steering_model_data):
        The dbw_mkz SteeringCmd message looks like this:
        # Steering Wheel
        float32 steering_wheel_angle_cmd        # rad, range -8.2 to 8.2
        float32 steering_wheel_angle_velocity   # rad/s, range 0 to 8.7, 0 = maximum
        # Enable
        bool enable
        # Ignore driver overrides
        bool ignore
        # Disable the driver override audible warning
        bool quiet
        # Watchdog counter (optional)
        uint8 count

        # Sometimes the neural net is faster, sometimes slower. Every time it processes an input
        # image it will publish a steering command and that would affect the smoothing of the
        # values. To produce a more stable behavior, a timer is used.
        time_now = timer()

        max_update_frequency = 15  #hz
        time_passed = (time_now - self.last_execution_time) * 100.0

        steeringCmd_msg = None

        if time_passed * max_update_frequency > 100.0:
            self.last_execution_time = time_now

            steeringCmd_msg = SteeringCmd()

            # The original steering values are in between 0 and 100 where 100 is max left and 0 is max right.
            # This is first smoothed over 5 previous values and then converted to the range -8.2 to 8.2

            # input from the callback
            steering_lilliput = steering_model_data.data

            # The queue is emptied on the left

            # The newest value added

            # The newest steering command is the weighted sum of the previous 6 input commands
            # with a weighting vector, designed to change the value first by a large, later by a minor margin
            steering_lilliput = np.sum(self.previous_steering_commands *

            # Norm to [0,1]
            steering_norm = steering_lilliput / 100.0

            # Regard DMZ limits
            steer_max_left = -8.2  # rad
            steer_max_right = 8.2  # rad

            # Observe the range of the DMZ limits ( to make it possible to change those values later )
            steer_range = np.abs(steer_max_left - steer_max_right)

            # Map the normed steering values from lilliput to the dmz
            steer_output_rad = (steering_norm * steer_range) - (steer_range /

            # Put it into a message
            steeringCmd_msg.steering_wheel_angle_cmd = steer_output_rad

            # Fill other fields
            steeringCmd_msg.steering_wheel_angle_velocity = 1.0

            steeringCmd_msg.enable = True

            steeringCmd_msg.ignore = False

            steeringCmd_msg.quiet = False

            # If the watchdog counter should be increased do so
            if (self.watchdog_counter_used):
                steeringCmd_msg.count = self.counter

                # If the watchdog counter rises to quickly there is
                # another trick here to make him rise slower

                if (self.watchdog_throttle):
                    if (np.random() > self.throttle_value):
                        self.counter = self.counter + 1
                    self.counter = self.counter + 1

            self.steeringCmd_msg = steeringCmd_msg

            # The message has to be sent at a higher rate than
            # the net is working so that rate is realized here
            #if not self.thread_started:
            #    threading.Thread(target=self.sendMessageAtRate).start()
            #    self.thread_started = True
