Example #1
def test_copy_vars():
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    other = _bdd.BDD()
    vrs = {'x', 'y', 'z'}
    _bdd.copy_vars(bdd, other)
    assert vrs.issubset(other.vars)
Example #2
def test_configure_dynamic_reordering():
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    vrs = [
        'x', 'y', 'z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'e', 'z1', 'z2', 'z3', 'y1', 'y2', 'y3'
    expr_1 = '(~ z \/ (c /\ b)) /\ e /\ (a /\ (~ x \/ y))'
    expr_2 = '(z1 /\ y1) \/ (z2 /\ y2) \/ (z3 /\ y3)'
    # w/o dynamic reordering
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    u = bdd.add_expr(expr_1)
    v = bdd.add_expr(expr_2)
    n = len(bdd)
    assert n == 23, n
    # with dynamic reordering
    del u, v, bdd
    dd.bdd.REORDER_STARTS = 7
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    u = bdd.add_expr(expr_1)
    v = bdd.add_expr(expr_2)
    n = len(bdd)
    assert n < 23, n
Example #3
def test_function_wrapper():
    levels = dict(x=0, y=1, z=2)
    bdd = autoref.BDD(levels)
    u = bdd.add_expr('x /\ y')
    assert u.bdd is bdd, (repr(u.bdd), repr(bdd))
    assert abs(u.node) in bdd._bdd, (u.node, bdd._bdd._succ)
    # operators
    x = bdd.add_expr('x')
    z = bdd.add_expr('z')
    v = x.implies(z)
    w = u & ~ v
    w_ = bdd.add_expr('(x /\ y) /\ ~ ((~ x) \/ z)')
    assert w_ == w, (w_, w)
    r = ~ (u | v).equiv(w)
    r_ = bdd.add_expr(
        '( (x /\ y) \/ ((~ x) \/ z) ) ^'
        '( (x /\ y) /\ ~ ((~ x) \/ z) )')
    assert r_ == r, (r_, r)
    p = bdd.add_expr('y')
    q = p.equiv(x)
    q_ = bdd.add_expr('x <=> y')
    assert q_ == q, (q_, q)
    # to_expr
    s = q.to_expr()
    assert s == 'ite(x, y, (~ y))', s
    # equality
    p_ = bdd.add_expr('y')
    assert p_ == p, p_
    # decref and collect garbage
    n = len(bdd)
    assert n > 1, bdd._bdd._ref
    del p
    del q, q_
    del r, r_
    m = len(bdd)
    assert m > 1, bdd._bdd._ref
    assert m < n, (m, n)
    del u
    del v
    del w, w_
    del x
    del z
    n = len(bdd)
    assert n == 2, bdd._bdd._ref
    del p_
    n = len(bdd)
    assert n == 1, bdd._bdd._ref
    # properties
    bdd = autoref.BDD({'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2})
    u = bdd.add_expr('x \/ ~ y')
    assert u.level == 0, u.level
    assert u.var == 'x', u.var
    y = bdd.add_expr('~ y')
    assert u.low == y, (u.low.node, y.node)
    assert u.high.node == 1, u.high.node
    assert u.ref == 1, u.ref
Example #4
def test_function_wrapper():
    bdd = autoref.BDD({'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2})
    u = autoref.Function.from_expr('x & y', bdd)
    assert u.bdd is bdd._bdd, u.bdd
    assert abs(u.node) in bdd._bdd, (u.node, bdd._bdd._succ)
    # operators
    x = autoref.Function.from_expr('x', bdd)
    z = autoref.Function.from_expr('z', bdd)
    v = x.implies(z)
    w = u & ~v
    w_node = bdd.add_expr('(x & y) & !((! x) | z)')
    assert w_node == w.node, (w_node, w.node)
    r = (u | v) ^ w
    r_node = bdd.add_expr('( (x & y) | ((! x) | z) ) ^'
                          '( (x & y) & !((! x) | z) )')
    assert r_node == r.node, (r_node, r.node)
    p = autoref.Function.from_expr('y', bdd)
    q = p.bimplies(x)
    q_node = bdd.add_expr('x <-> y')
    assert q_node == q.node, (q_node, q.node)
    # to_expr
    s = q.to_expr()
    assert s == 'ite(x, y, (! y))', s
    # equality
    p_ = autoref.Function.from_expr('y', bdd)
    assert p_ == p, p_
    # decref and collect garbage
    n = len(bdd)
    assert n > 1, bdd._ref
    del p
    del q
    del r
    m = len(bdd)
    assert m > 1, bdd._ref
    assert m < n, (m, n)
    del u
    del v
    del w
    del x
    del z
    n = len(bdd)
    assert n == 2, bdd._ref
    del p_
    n = len(bdd)
    assert n == 1, bdd._ref
    # properties
    bdd = autoref.BDD({'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2})
    u = autoref.Function.from_expr('x | !y', bdd)
    assert u.level == 0, u.level
    assert u.var == 'x', u.var
    y = bdd.add_expr('!y')
    assert u.low.node == y, (u.low.node, y)
    assert u.high.node == 1, u.high.node
    assert u.ref == 1, u.ref
Example #5
def test_copy_bdd():
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    other = _bdd.BDD()
    u = bdd.var('x')
    v = _bdd.copy_bdd(u, other)
    v_ = other.var('x')
    assert v == v_, other.to_expr(v)
    # involution
    u_ = _bdd.copy_bdd(v, bdd)
    assert u == u_, bdd.to_expr(u_)
Example #6
def test_copy():
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    other = _bdd.BDD()
    u = bdd.add_expr('~ x')
    v = bdd.copy(u, other)
    v_ = other.add_expr('~ x')
    assert v == v_, (v, v_)
    # copy to same manager
    w = bdd.copy(u, bdd)
    assert u == w, (u, w)
Example #7
def test_dump_load():
    vrs = ['x', 'y', 'z']
    s = 'x \/ y \/ ~ z'
    fname = 'foo.p'
    # dump
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    u = bdd.add_expr(s)
    bdd.dump(fname, roots=[u])
    # load
    other = _bdd.BDD()
    umap = other.load(fname)
    assert len(umap) == 3, umap
Example #8
def copy_variable_order():
    """As in `transfer`, and copy variable order too."""
    source = autoref.BDD()
    target = autoref.BDD()
    # declare variables in the source BDD manager
    source.declare(['a', 'b'])
    # create a BDD with root `u`
    u = source.add_expr('a /\ b')
    # copy the variables, and the variable order
    # copy the BDD `u` to the BDD manager `target`
    u_ = source.copy(u, target)
Example #9
def transfer():
    """Copy a BDD from one manager to another."""
    # create two BDD managers
    source = autoref.BDD()
    target = autoref.BDD()
    # declare the variables in both BDD managers
    vrs = ['a', 'b']
    # create a BDD with root `u`
    u = source.add_expr('a /\ b')
    # copy the BDD `u` to the BDD manager `target`
    u_ = source.copy(u, target)
Example #10
def comparing_two_variable_orders():
    n = 6
    # declare variables
    vrs = ['x{i}'.format(i=i) for i in range(2 * n)]
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    # equality constraints cause difficulties with BDD size
    expr_1 = r' /\ '.join(
        " x{i} <=> x{j} ".format(i=i, j=(i + n + 1) % (2*n)) for i in range(n))
    u = bdd.add_expr(expr_1)
    expr_2 = r' /\ '.join(
        " x{i} <=> x{j} ".format(i=2 * i, j=(2 * i + 1)) for i in range(n))
    v = bdd.add_expr(expr_2)
    # an order that yields a small BDD for `expr`
    good_order = ['x{i}'.format(i=i - 1) for i in
        [1, 7, 3, 9, 5, 11,
        2, 8, 4, 10, 6, 12]]
    # an order that yields a large BDD for `expr`
    bad_order = list(vrs)
    # plot
    _bdd.reorder(bdd, list_to_dict(good_order))
    _bdd.reorder(bdd, list_to_dict(bad_order))
Example #11
def test_function_properties():
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    bdd.declare('x', 'y')
    order = dict(x=0, y=1)
    u = bdd.add_expr('x \/ y')
    y = bdd.add_expr('y')
    # Assigned first because in presence of a bug
    # different property calls could yield
    # different values.
    level = u.level
    assert level == 0, level
    var = u.var
    assert var == 'x', var
    low = u.low
    assert low == y, low
    high = u.high
    assert high == bdd.true, high
    ref = u.ref
    assert ref == 1, ref
    assert not u.negated
    support = u.support
    assert support == {'x', 'y'}, support
    # terminal
    u = bdd.false
    assert u.var is None, u.var
    assert u.low is None, u.low
    assert u.high is None, u.high
Example #12
def test_add_expr():
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    for var in ['x', 'y']:
    # (0 | 1) & x = x
    s = '(True | False) & x'
    u = bdd.add_expr(s)
    x = bdd.var('x')
    assert u == x, (u, x)
    # (x | !y) & x = x
    s = '(x | !y) & x'
    u = bdd.add_expr(s)
    assert u == x, (u, x)
    # x & y & z
    z = bdd.var('z')
    u = bdd.add_expr('x & y & z')
    u_ = bdd.cube(dict(x=True, y=True, z=True))
    assert u == u_, (u, u_)
    # x & !y & z
    u = bdd.add_expr('x & !y & z')
    u_ = bdd.cube(dict(x=True, y=False, z=True))
    assert u == u_, (u, u_)
    # \E x: x & y = y
    y = bdd.var('y')
    u = bdd.add_expr('\E x: x & y')
    assert u == y, (str(u), str(y))
    # \A x: x | !x = 1
    u = bdd.add_expr('\A x: !x | x')
    assert u == bdd.true, u
Example #13
def test_quantify():
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    for var in ['x', 'y']:
    x = bdd.var('x')
    # \E x: x = 1
    r = bdd.quantify(x, ['x'], forall=False)
    assert r == bdd.true, r
    # \A x: x = 0
    r = bdd.quantify(x, ['x'], forall=True)
    assert r == bdd.false, r
    # \E y: x = x
    r = bdd.quantify(x, ['y'], forall=False)
    assert r == x, (r, x)
    # \A y: x = x
    r = bdd.quantify(x, ['y'], forall=True)
    assert r == x, (r, x)
    # \E x: x & y = y
    y = bdd.var('y')
    u = bdd.apply('and', x, y)
    r = bdd.quantify(u, ['x'], forall=False)
    assert r == y, (r, y)
    assert r != x, (r, x)
    # \A x: x & y = 0
    r = bdd.quantify(u, ['x'], forall=True)
    assert r == bdd.false, r
    # \A x: !x | y = y
    not_x = bdd.apply('not', x)
    u = bdd.apply('or', not_x, y)
    r = bdd.quantify(u, ['x'], forall=True)
    assert r == y, (r, y)
Example #14
def test_node_hash():
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    u = bdd.add_expr('z')
    n = hash(u)
    m = hash(bdd.true)
    assert n != m, (n, m)
Example #15
def test_add_expr():
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    for var in ['x', 'y']:
    # (FALSE \/ TRUE) /\ x = x
    s = '(TRUE \/ FALSE) /\ x'
    u = bdd.add_expr(s)
    x = bdd.var('x')
    assert u == x, (u, x)
    # ((x \/ ~ y) /\ x) \equiv x
    s = '(x \/ ~ y) /\ x'
    u = bdd.add_expr(s)
    assert u == x, (u, x)
    # x /\ y /\ z
    z = bdd.var('z')
    u = bdd.add_expr('x /\ y /\ z')
    u_ = bdd.cube(dict(x=True, y=True, z=True))
    assert u == u_, (u, u_)
    # x /\ ~ y /\ z
    u = bdd.add_expr('x /\ ~ y /\ z')
    u_ = bdd.cube(dict(x=True, y=False, z=True))
    assert u == u_, (u, u_)
    # (\E x:  x /\ y) \equiv y
    y = bdd.var('y')
    u = bdd.add_expr('\E x:  x /\ y')
    assert u == y, (str(u), str(y))
    # (\A x:  x \/ ~ x) \equiv TRUE
    u = bdd.add_expr('\A x:  ~ x \/ x')
    assert u == bdd.true, u
Example #16
def test_quantify():
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    for var in ['x', 'y']:
    x = bdd.var('x')
    # \E x: x = 1
    r = bdd.exist(['x'], x)
    assert r == bdd.true, r
    # \A x: x = 0
    r = bdd.forall(['x'], x)
    assert r == bdd.false, r
    # \E y: x = x
    r = bdd.exist(['y'], x)
    assert r == x, (r, x)
    # \A y: x = x
    r = bdd.forall(['y'], x)
    assert r == x, (r, x)
    # (\E x:  x /\ y) \equiv y
    y = bdd.var('y')
    u = bdd.apply('and', x, y)
    r = bdd.exist(['x'], u)
    assert r == y, (r, y)
    assert r != x, (r, x)
    # (\A x:  x /\ y) \equiv FALSE
    r = bdd.forall(['x'], u)
    assert r == bdd.false, r
    # (\A x:  ~ x \/ y) \equiv y
    not_x = bdd.apply('not', x)
    u = bdd.apply('or', not_x, y)
    r = bdd.forall(['x'], u)
    assert r == y, (r, y)
Example #17
def test_comparators():
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    # `None`
    assert not (bdd.false == None)
    assert not (bdd.true == None)
    assert bdd.false != None
    assert bdd.true != None
    # constant
    assert bdd.false < bdd.true
    assert bdd.false <= bdd.true
    assert bdd.false != bdd.true
    assert bdd.true >= bdd.false
    assert bdd.true > bdd.false
    assert bdd.true == bdd.true
    assert bdd.false == bdd.false
    # non-constant
    u = bdd.add_expr('x')
    # compared to false
    assert u > bdd.false
    assert u >= bdd.false
    assert u != bdd.false
    assert bdd.false <= u
    assert bdd.false < u
    assert u == u
    # compared to true
    assert u < bdd.true
    assert u <= bdd.true
    assert u != bdd.true
    assert bdd.true >= u
    assert bdd.true > u
Example #18
def test_add_var():
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    assert set(bdd.vars) == {'x', 'y'}, bdd.vars
    x = bdd.var('x')
    y = bdd.var('y')
    assert x != y, (x, y)
Example #19
def test_succ():
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    u = bdd.var('x')
    level, low, high = bdd.succ(u)
    assert level == 0, level
    assert low == bdd.false, low
    assert high == bdd.true, high
Example #20
def test_true_false():
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    true = bdd.true
    false = bdd.false
    assert false != true
    assert false == ~true
    assert false == false & true
    assert true == true | false
Example #21
def test_negated():
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    u = bdd.add_expr('x')
    neg_u = bdd.add_expr('~ x')
    a = u.negated
    b = neg_u.negated
    assert a or b, (a, b)
    assert not (a and b), (a, b)
Example #22
def test_func_len():
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    bdd.declare('x', 'y')
    u = bdd.add_expr('x')
    n = len(u)
    assert n == 2, n
    u = bdd.add_expr('x /\ y')
    n = len(u)
    assert n == 3, n
Example #23
def test_to_expr():
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    bdd.declare('x', 'y')
    u = bdd.add_expr('x')
    s = bdd.to_expr(u)
    assert s == 'x', s
    u = bdd.add_expr('x /\ y')
    s = bdd.to_expr(u)
    assert s == 'ite(x, y, FALSE)', s
def dump_bdd_using_autoref(u, fname):
    # copy from `dd.cudd` to `dd.autoref`
    b = autoref.BDD()
    cudd_bdd = u.bdd
    _bdd.copy_vars(cudd_bdd, b)
    r = _bdd.copy_bdd(u, cudd_bdd, b)
    b.dump(fname, [r])
    print('dumped BDD to file "{f}"'.format(f=fname))
Example #25
def test_preimage():
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    bdd.declare('x', 'y', 'z')
    action = bdd.add_expr('x <=> y')
    target = bdd.add_expr('x')
    qvars = {'y'}
    rename = dict(x='y')
    u = _bdd.preimage(action, target, rename, qvars)
    u_ = bdd.add_expr('x')
    assert u == u_
Example #26
def test_image():
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    bdd.declare('x', 'y', 'z')
    action = bdd.add_expr('x => y')
    source = bdd.add_expr('x')
    qvars = {'x'}
    rename = dict(y='x')
    u = _bdd.image(action, source, rename, qvars)
    u_ = bdd.add_expr('x')
    assert u == u_
Example #27
def test_reorder_2():
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    vrs = [
        'x', 'y', 'z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'e', 'z1', 'z2', 'z3', 'y1', 'y2', 'y3'
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    expr_1 = '(~ z \/ (c /\ b)) /\ e /\ (a /\ (~ x \/ y))'
    # Figs. 6.24, 6.25 Baier 2008
    expr_2 = '(z1 /\ y1) \/ (z2 /\ y2) \/ (z3 /\ y3)'
    u = bdd.add_expr(expr_1)
    v = bdd.add_expr(expr_2)
    n = len(bdd)
    assert n == 23, n
    n_ = len(bdd)
    assert n > n_, (n, n_)
Example #28
def test_var_cofactor():
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    x = bdd.var('x')
    values = dict(x=False)
    u = bdd.let(values, x)
    assert u == bdd.false, u
    values = dict(x=True)
    u = bdd.let(values, x)
    assert u == bdd.true, u
Example #29
def test_apply():
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    for var in ['x', 'y', 'z']:
    x = bdd.var('x')
    y = bdd.var('y')
    z = bdd.var('z')
    # (x \/ ~ x) \equiv TRUE
    not_x = bdd.apply('not', x)
    true = bdd.apply('or', x, not_x)
    assert true == bdd.true, true
    # (x /\ ~ x) \equiv FALSE
    false = bdd.apply('and', x, not_x)
    assert false == bdd.false, false
    # (x /\ y) \equiv ~ (~ x \/ ~ y)
    u = bdd.apply('and', x, y)
    not_y = bdd.apply('not', y)
    v = bdd.apply('or', not_x, not_y)
    v = bdd.apply('not', v)
    assert u == v, (u, v)
    # xor
    u = bdd.apply('xor', x, y)
    r = bdd.let(dict(x=False, y=False), u)
    assert r == bdd.false, r
    r = bdd.let(dict(x=True, y=False), u)
    assert r == bdd.true, r
    r = bdd.let(dict(x=False, y=True), u)
    assert r == bdd.true, r
    r = bdd.let(dict(x=True, y=True), u)
    assert r == bdd.false, r
    # (z \/ ~ y) /\ x = (z /\ x) \/ (~ y /\ x)
    u = bdd.apply('or', z, not_y)
    u = bdd.apply('and', u, x)
    v = bdd.apply('and', z, x)
    w = bdd.apply('and', not_y, x)
    v = bdd.apply('or', v, w)
    assert u == v, (u, v)
    # symbols
    u = bdd.apply('and', x, y)
    v = bdd.apply('&', x, y)
    assert u == v, (u, v)
    u = bdd.apply('or', x, y)
    v = bdd.apply('|', x, y)
    assert u == v, (u, v)
    u = bdd.apply('not', x)
    v = bdd.apply('!', x)
    assert u == v, (u, v)
    u = bdd.apply('xor', x, y)
    v = bdd.apply('^', x, y)
    assert u == v, (u, v)
    # ternary
    u = bdd.apply('ite', x, y, ~z)
    u_ = bdd.add_expr('(x /\ y) \/ (~ x /\ ~ z)')
    assert u == u_, (u, u_)
Example #30
def test_find_or_add():
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    bdd.declare('x', 'y')
    n = len(bdd)
    u = bdd.find_or_add('x', bdd.true, bdd.false)
    m = len(bdd)
    assert n < m, (n, m)
    u_ = bdd.find_or_add('x', bdd.true, bdd.false)
    assert u == u_, (u, u_)
    m_ = len(bdd)
    assert m == m_, (m, m_)