Example #1
def test_copy_bdd_same_indices():
    # each va has same index in each `BDD`
    bdd = cudd.BDD()
    other = cudd.BDD()
    assert bdd != other
    dvars = ['x', 'y', 'z']
    for var in dvars:
    s = '(x & y) | !z'
    u0 = bdd.add_expr(s)
    u1 = cudd.copy_bdd(u0, bdd, other)
    u2 = cudd.copy_bdd(u1, other, bdd)
    # involution
    assert u0 == u2, (u0, u2)
    # confirm
    w = other.add_expr(s)
    assert w == u1, (w, u1)
    # different nodes
    u3 = cudd.copy_bdd(other. True, other, bdd)
    assert u3 != u2, (u3, u2)
    # same bdd
    with assert_raises(AssertionError):
        cudd.copy_bdd(u0, bdd, bdd)
    del u0, u1, u2, u3, w
Example #2
def test_reorder():
    bdd = cudd.BDD()
    dvars = ['x', 'y', 'z']
    for var in dvars:
    _confirm_var_order(dvars, bdd)
    order = dict(y=0, z=1, x=2)
    for var in order:
        level_ = order[var]
        level = bdd.level_of_var(var)
        assert level == level_, (var, level, level_)
    # without args
    bdd = cudd.BDD()
    # Figs. 6.24, 6.25 Baier 2008
    vrs = ['z1', 'z2', 'z3', 'y1', 'y2', 'y3']
    _confirm_var_order(vrs, bdd)
    expr = '(z1 /\ y1) \/ (z2 /\ y2) \/ (z3 /\ y3)'
    u = bdd.add_expr(expr)
    levels = {var: bdd.level_of_var(var) for var in vrs}
    for i in range(1, 4):
        a = levels['z{i}'.format(i=i)]
        b = levels['y{i}'.format(i=i)]
        assert abs(a - b) == 1, levels
Example #3
def test_contains():
    bdd = cudd.BDD()
    true = bdd.true
    assert true in bdd
    x = bdd.var('x')
    assert x in bdd
    # undefined `__contains__`
    other_bdd = cudd.BDD()
    other_true = other_bdd.true
    with assert_raises(AssertionError):
        other_true in bdd
Example #4
def test_copy_bdd_different_indices():
    # each var has different index in each `BDD`
    bdd = cudd.BDD()
    other = cudd.BDD()
    assert bdd != other
    dvars = ['x', 'y', 'z']
    for var in dvars:
    for var in reversed(dvars):
    u0 = bdd.add_expr('(x | !y) & !z')
    with assert_raises(AssertionError):
        cudd.copy_bdd(u0, bdd, other)
Example #5
def test_dump_load():
    b = cudd.BDD()
    b.declare('x', 'y', 'z')
    u = b.add_expr('x /\ ~ y')
    # dump
    fname = 'hoho.json'
    nodes = [u]
    _copy.dump_json(nodes, fname)
    # load
    target = cudd.BDD()
    roots = _copy.load_json(fname, target)
    # assert
    v, = roots
    u_ = target.copy(v, b)
    assert u == u_, (u, u_)
Example #6
def test_add_expr():
    bdd = cudd.BDD()
    for var in ['x', 'y']:
    # ((FALSE \/ TRUE) /\ x) \equiv x
    s = '(True \/ FALSE) /\ x'
    u = bdd.add_expr(s)
    x = bdd.var('x')
    assert u == x, (u, x)
    # ((x \/ ~ y) /\ x) \equiv x
    s = '(x \/ ~ y) /\ x'
    u = bdd.add_expr(s)
    assert u == x, (u, x)
    # x /\ y /\ z
    z = bdd.var('z')
    u = bdd.add_expr('x /\ y /\ z')
    u_ = bdd.cube(dict(x=True, y=True, z=True))
    assert u == u_, (u, u_)
    # x /\ ~ y /\ z
    u = bdd.add_expr('x /\ ~ y /\ z')
    u_ = bdd.cube(dict(x=True, y=False, z=True))
    assert u == u_, (u, u_)
    # (\E x:  x /\ y) \equiv y
    y = bdd.var('y')
    u = bdd.add_expr('\E x:  x /\ y')
    assert u == y, (str(u), str(y))
    # (\A x:  x \/ ~ x) \equiv TRUE
    u = bdd.add_expr('\A x:  ~ x \/ x')
    assert u == bdd.true, u
Example #7
def test_add_expr():
    bdd = cudd.BDD()
    for var in ['x', 'y']:
    # (0 | 1) & x = x
    s = '(True | False) & x'
    u = bdd.add_expr(s)
    x = bdd.var('x')
    assert u == x, (u, x)
    # (x | !y) & x = x
    s = '(x | !y) & x'
    u = bdd.add_expr(s)
    assert u == x, (u, x)
    # x & y & z
    z = bdd.var('z')
    u = bdd.add_expr('x & y & z')
    u_ = bdd.cube({'x', 'y', 'z'})
    assert u == u_, (u, u_)
    # x & !y & z
    u = bdd.add_expr('x & !y & z')
    u_ = bdd.cube(dict(x=True, y=False, z=True))
    assert u == u_, (u, u_)
    # ? x. x & y = y
    y = bdd.var('y')
    u = bdd.add_expr('? x. x & y')
    assert u == y, (str(u), str(y))
    # ! x. x | !x = 1
    u = bdd.add_expr('! x. !x | x')
    assert u == bdd. True, u
    del x, y, z, u, u_
Example #8
def test_quantify():
    bdd = cudd.BDD()
    for var in ['x', 'y']:
    x = bdd.var('x')
    # ? x. x = 1
    r = bdd.quantify(x, ['x'], forall=False)
    assert r == bdd. True, r
    # ! x. x = 0
    r = bdd.quantify(x, ['x'], forall=True)
    assert r == bdd. False, r
    # ? y. x = x
    r = bdd.quantify(x, ['y'], forall=False)
    assert r == x, (r, x)
    # ! y. x = x
    r = bdd.quantify(x, ['y'], forall=True)
    assert r == x, (r, x)
    # ? x. x & y = y
    y = bdd.var('y')
    u = bdd.apply('and', x, y)
    r = bdd.quantify(u, ['x'], forall=False)
    assert r == y, (r, y)
    assert r != x, (r, x)
    # ! x. x & y = 0
    r = bdd.quantify(u, ['x'], forall=True)
    assert r == bdd. False, r
    # ! x. !x | y = y
    not_x = bdd.apply('not', x)
    u = bdd.apply('or', not_x, y)
    r = bdd.quantify(u, ['x'], forall=True)
    assert r == y, (r, y)
    del x, not_x, y, r, u
Example #9
def solve_gpg_bdd_partial_multiple_calls(gpg_path, timeout_value):
    Load and solve the generalized parity game whose path is provided in parameter using the bdd implementation of the
    combination of the recursive algorithm and a partial solver. This implementation performs a call to the partial
    sover in each recursive call.

    player0_won = "TIMEOUT"

    winning_0, winning_1 = None, None

    start_time = time.time()

    with timeout(timeout_value):
        manager = _bdd.BDD()
        arena, all_vertices = bdd_gpg_loader.gpg2bdd(gpg_path, manager)
        winning_0, winning_1 = bdd_gpg_recursive.generalized_recursive_with_psolver_multiple_calls(
            arena, manager)
        vertex_0_dict_rep = next(manager.pick_iter(all_vertices[0]))
        player0_won = manager.let(vertex_0_dict_rep, winning_0) == manager.true

    end_time = "%.5f" % (time.time() - start_time)

    if player0_won == "TIMEOUT":
        end_time = "TIMEOUT"

    return player0_won, end_time, winning_0, winning_1
Example #10
def test_add_expr():
    bdd = cudd.BDD()
    for var in ['x', 'y']:
    # (0 | 1) & x = x
    s = '(True | False) & x'
    u = bdd.add_expr(s)
    x = bdd.var('x')
    assert u == x, (u, x)
    # (x | !y) & x = x
    s = '(x | !y) & x'
    u = bdd.add_expr(s)
    assert u == x, (u, x)
    # x & y & z
    z = bdd.var('z')
    u = bdd.add_expr('x & y & z')
    u_ = bdd.cube(dict(x=True, y=True, z=True))
    assert u == u_, (u, u_)
    # x & !y & z
    u = bdd.add_expr('x & !y & z')
    u_ = bdd.cube(dict(x=True, y=False, z=True))
    assert u == u_, (u, u_)
    # \E x: x & y = y
    y = bdd.var('y')
    u = bdd.add_expr('\E x: x & y')
    assert u == y, (str(u), str(y))
    # \A x: x | !x = 1
    u = bdd.add_expr('\A x: !x | x')
    assert u == bdd.true, u
Example #11
def test_quantify():
    bdd = cudd.BDD()
    for var in ['x', 'y']:
    x = bdd.var('x')
    # \E x: x = 1
    r = bdd.quantify(x, ['x'], forall=False)
    assert r == bdd.true, r
    # \A x: x = 0
    r = bdd.quantify(x, ['x'], forall=True)
    assert r == bdd.false, r
    # \E y: x = x
    r = bdd.quantify(x, ['y'], forall=False)
    assert r == x, (r, x)
    # \A y: x = x
    r = bdd.quantify(x, ['y'], forall=True)
    assert r == x, (r, x)
    # \E x: x & y = y
    y = bdd.var('y')
    u = bdd.apply('and', x, y)
    r = bdd.quantify(u, ['x'], forall=False)
    assert r == y, (r, y)
    assert r != x, (r, x)
    # \A x: x & y = 0
    r = bdd.quantify(u, ['x'], forall=True)
    assert r == bdd.false, r
    # \A x: !x | y = y
    not_x = bdd.apply('not', x)
    u = bdd.apply('or', not_x, y)
    r = bdd.quantify(u, ['x'], forall=True)
    assert r == y, (r, y)
Example #12
def solve_pg_bdd_partial_debug(pg_path, timeout_value):
    Load and solve the parity game whose path is provided in parameter using the bdd implementation of the combination
    of the recursive algorithm and a partial solver. This is Clement's implementation.

    player0_won = "TIMEOUT"

    winning_0, winning_1 = None, None

    start_time = time.time()

    with timeout(timeout_value):
        manager = _bdd.BDD()

        arena, all_vertices = bdd_pg_loader.pg2bdd(pg_path, manager)
        winning_0, winning_1 = bdd_pg_recursive.recursive_with_buchi(
            arena, manager)
        vertex_0_dict_rep = next(manager.pick_iter(all_vertices[0]))
        player0_won = manager.let(vertex_0_dict_rep, winning_0) == manager.true

    end_time = "%.5f" % (time.time() - start_time)

    if player0_won == "TIMEOUT":
        end_time = "TIMEOUT"

    return player0_won, end_time, winning_0, winning_1
Example #13
def test_rename():
    bdd = cudd.BDD()
    for var in ['x', 'y']:
    # x -> y
    x = bdd.var('x')
    supp = bdd.support(x)
    assert supp == set(['x']), supp
    d = dict(x='y')
    f = cudd.rename(x, bdd, d)
    supp = bdd.support(f)
    assert supp == set(['y']), supp
    y = bdd.var('y')
    assert f == y, (f, y)
    # x, y -> z, w
    for var in ['z', 'w']:
    not_y = bdd.apply('not', y)
    u = bdd.apply('or', x, not_y)
    supp = bdd.support(u)
    assert supp == set(['x', 'y']), supp
    d = dict(x='z', w='y')
    f = cudd.rename(u, bdd, d)
    supp = bdd.support(f)
    assert supp == set(['z', 'w']), supp
    z = bdd.var('z')
    w = bdd.var('w')
    not_w = bdd.apply('not', w)
    f_ = bdd.apply('or', z, not_w)
    assert f == f_, (f, f_)
    # x -> x
    d = dict(x='y', y='x')
    with assert_raises(AssertionError):
        cudd.rename(u, bdd, d)
    del x, y, not_y, z, w, not_w, u, f, f_
Example #14
def test_compose():
    bdd = cudd.BDD()
    for var in ['x', 'y', 'z']:
    u = bdd.add_expr('x /\ ~ y')
    # x |-> y
    sub = dict(x=bdd.var('y'))
    v = bdd.let(sub, u)
    v_ = bdd.false
    assert v == v_, v
    # x |-> y, y |-> x
    sub = dict(x=bdd.var('y'), y=bdd.var('x'))
    v = bdd.let(sub, u)
    v_ = bdd.add_expr('y /\ ~ x')
    assert v == v_, v
    # x |-> z
    sub = dict(x=bdd.var('z'))
    v = bdd.let(sub, u)
    v_ = bdd.add_expr('z /\ ~ y')
    assert v == v_, v
    # x |-> z, y |-> x
    sub = dict(x=bdd.var('z'), y=bdd.var('x'))
    v = bdd.let(sub, u)
    v_ = bdd.add_expr('z /\ ~ x')
    assert v == v_, v
    # x |-> (y \/ z)
    sub = dict(x=bdd.add_expr('y \/ z'))
    v = bdd.let(sub, u)
    v_ = bdd.add_expr('(y \/ z) /\ ~ y')
    assert v == v_, v
Example #15
def test_quantify():
    bdd = cudd.BDD()
    for var in ['x', 'y']:
    x = bdd.var('x')
    # (\E x:  x) \equiv TRUE
    r = bdd.quantify(x, ['x'], forall=False)
    assert r == bdd.true, r
    # (\A x:  x) \equiv FALSE
    r = bdd.quantify(x, ['x'], forall=True)
    assert r == bdd.false, r
    # (\E y:  x) \equiv x
    r = bdd.quantify(x, ['y'], forall=False)
    assert r == x, (r, x)
    # (\A y:  x) \equiv x
    r = bdd.quantify(x, ['y'], forall=True)
    assert r == x, (r, x)
    # (\E x:  x /\ y) \equiv y
    y = bdd.var('y')
    u = bdd.apply('and', x, y)
    r = bdd.quantify(u, ['x'], forall=False)
    assert r == y, (r, y)
    assert r != x, (r, x)
    # (\A x:  x /\ y) \equiv FALSE
    r = bdd.quantify(u, ['x'], forall=True)
    assert r == bdd.false, r
    # (\A x:  ~ x \/ y) \equiv y
    not_x = bdd.apply('not', x)
    u = bdd.apply('or', not_x, y)
    r = bdd.quantify(u, ['x'], forall=True)
    assert r == y, (r, y)
Example #16
def main():
    b = cudd.BDD()
    b.declare('x', 'y', 'z')
    u = b.add_expr('x & y & z')
    u = b.add_expr('x | y | ~ z')
    stats = b.statistics()
Example #17
 def __init__(self):
         'Deprecated; use the class '
         '`omega.symbolic.temporal.Automaton` instead.',
     self.players = dict(env=0, sys=1)  # name -> turn
     self.vars = dict()
     self.moore = True
     self.plus_one = True
     self.qinit = '\A \A'
     # formulas
     self.init = dict(env=list(), sys=list())
     self.action = dict(env=list(), sys=list())
     self.win = {'<>[]': list(), '[]<>': list()}
     self.acceptance = 'Streett(1)'
     # auto-populated
     self.turns = list()  # inverse of `self.players`
     # subsets of bits
     self.uvars = set()  # unprimed env
     self.upvars = set()  # primed env
     self.ubvars = set()  # both primed and unprimed env
     self.evars = set()  # unprimed sys
     self.epvars = set()  # primed sys
     self.ebvars = set()  # both primed and unprimed env
     self.uevars = set()  # all unprimed vars
     self.uepvars = set()  # all primed vars
     # future: hidden, node vars
     # map between primed and unprimed
     self.prime = dict()  # unprimed -> primed
     self.unprime = dict()  # primed -> unprimed
     # aux
     # init only to aid static analysis
     self.bdd = _bdd.BDD()
Example #18
def test_prob_negated_edge_basic():
    r_expr = "a & ~b"
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    bdd.declare('a', 'b')
    r = bdd.add_expr(r_expr)

    x = {"a": 0.5, "b": 0.25}
    assert (bdd_prob(bdd, r, x, dict()) == 0.375)
Example #19
def test_prob_negated_edge_basic_2():
    r_expr = "a & ~(b | ~c)"
    bdd = _bdd.BDD()
    bdd.declare('a', 'b', 'c')
    r = bdd.add_expr(r_expr)

    x = {"a": 0.5, "b": 0.25, "c": 0.125}
    assert (bdd_prob(bdd, r, x, dict()) == 0.046875)
Example #20
def test_true_false():
    bdd = cudd.BDD()
    true = bdd.true
    false = bdd.false
    assert false != true
    assert false == ~true
    assert false == false & true
    assert true == true | false
Example #21
def main():
    assert cudd.GB == 2**30, cudd.GB
    b = cudd.BDD()
        # number of bytes
        max_memory=2 * cudd.GB,
        # number of entries, not memory units!
Example #22
def test_dump_load():
    bdd = cudd.BDD()
    for var in ['x', 'y', 'z', 'w']:
    u = bdd.add_expr('(x & !w) | z')
    fname = 'bdd.txt'
    bdd.dump(u, fname)
    u_ = bdd.load(fname)
    assert u == u_
Example #23
def test_true_false():
    bdd = cudd.BDD()
    true = bdd. True
    false = bdd. False
    assert false != true
    assert false == ~true
    assert false == false & true
    assert true == true | false
    del true, false
Example #24
def test_dump_load():
    bdd = cudd.BDD()
    for var in ['x', 'y', 'z', 'w']:
    u = bdd.add_expr('(x /\ ~ w) \/ z')
    fname = 'bdd.txt'
    bdd.dump(fname, [u], filetype='dddmp')
    u_ = bdd.load(fname)
    assert u == u_
Example #25
def test_function():
    bdd = cudd.BDD()
    # x
    x = bdd.var('x')
    assert not x.negated
    # ~ x
    not_x = ~x
    assert not_x.negated
Example #26
def _init_bdd(use_cudd):
    if _bdd is None:
        raise ImportError('Failed to import `dd.bdd`.\n'
                          'Install package `dd`.')
    if not use_cudd:
        return _bdd.BDD()
    if cudd is None:
        raise ImportError('Failed to import module `dd.cudd`.\n'
                          'Compile the Cython bindings of `dd` to CUDD.')
    return cudd.BDD()
Example #27
def test_or_forall():
    bdd = cudd.BDD()
    for var in ['x', 'y']:
    # \A x y: x | ! y = 0
    x = bdd.var('x')
    not_y = bdd.add_expr('!y')
    qvars = ['x', 'y']
    r = cudd.or_forall(x, not_y, qvars, bdd)
    assert r == bdd.false, r
Example #28
def test_or_forall():
    bdd = cudd.BDD()
    for var in ['x', 'y']:
    # (\A x, y:  x \/ ~ y) \equiv FALSE
    x = bdd.var('x')
    not_y = bdd.add_expr('~ y')
    qvars = ['x', 'y']
    r = cudd.or_forall(x, not_y, qvars)
    assert r == bdd.false, r
Example #29
def test_var_cofactor():
    bdd = cudd.BDD()
    x = bdd.var('x')
    values = dict(x=False)
    u = bdd.let(values, x)
    assert u == bdd.false, u
    values = dict(x=True)
    u = bdd.let(values, x)
    assert u == bdd.true, u
Example #30
def test_function_support():
    bdd = cudd.BDD()
    u = bdd.var('x')
    r = u.support
    assert r == {'x'}, r
    u = bdd.add_expr('y /\ x')
    r = u.support
    assert r == {'x', 'y'}, r