Example #1
def comm_tower(height=25.0, radius=0.5):

    base_height = 1.2
    pole_radius = 0.10
    top_height = 0.1
    antenna_height = 2.0

    obj_base = ddd.regularpolygon(3, radius, "Comm Tower Base").extrude(base_height)
    obj_base = ddd.uv.map_cubic(obj_base)
    obj_base = obj_base.material(ddd.mats.metal_paint_red)

    obj_pole = ddd.regularpolygon(4, pole_radius, "Comm Tower Pole").extrude(height - base_height - top_height)
    obj_pole = ddd.uv.map_cubic(obj_pole)
    obj_pole = obj_pole.material(ddd.mats.metal_paint_red)
    obj_pole = ddd.align.matrix_polar(obj_pole.translate([radius - pole_radius * 2, 0, base_height]), 3)

    obj_top = ddd.regularpolygon(3, radius, "Comm Tower Top").extrude(top_height)
    obj_top = obj_top.material(ddd.mats.metal_paint_red)
    obj_top = ddd.uv.map_cubic(obj_top)
    obj_top = obj_top.translate([0, 0, height - top_height])

    obj_antenna = ddd.regularpolygon(3, 0.05, "Comm Antenna Vert").extrude(antenna_height).translate([0, 0, height])
    obj_antenna = ddd.uv.map_cubic(obj_antenna)
    obj_antenna = obj_antenna.material(ddd.mats.steel)

    # TODO: Combination of suitable meshes shall be done automatically
    combined = ddd.group([obj_base, obj_pole, obj_top]).combine()
    obj = ddd.group([combined, obj_antenna])

    obj.name = "Communications Tower"
    return obj
Example #2
def trafficlights_head(height=0.8, depth=0.3):

    head = ddd.rect([-0.15, 0, 0.15, height], name="TrafficLight Box").material(ddd.mats.metal_paint_green).extrude(depth)
    disc_green = ddd.disc(ddd.point([0, 0.2]), r=0.09, name="TrafficLight Disc Green").material(ddd.mats.light_green).extrude(0.05)
    disc_orange = ddd.disc(ddd.point([0, 0.4]), r=0.09, name="TrafficLight Disc Green").material(ddd.mats.light_orange).extrude(0.05)
    disc_red = ddd.disc(ddd.point([0, 0.6]), r=0.09, name="TrafficLight Disc Green").material(ddd.mats.light_red).extrude(0.05)

    discs = ddd.group([disc_green, disc_orange, disc_red], name="TrafficLight Discs").translate([0, 0, depth])  # Put discs over head
    head = ddd.group([head, discs], name="TrafficLight Head").translate([0, -height / 2.0, 0])  # Center vertically
    head = head.rotate([math.pi / 2.0, 0, 0])
    head = ddd.uv.map_cubic(head)

    return head
Example #3
def gltf_ddd():
    sphere1 = ddd.sphere(r=1.0, name="Sphere1").translate([0, 0, -2])
    sphere2 = ddd.sphere(r=2.0, name="Sphere2").translate([5, 5, 5])
    sphere1.extra['testSphere1'] = 'MyTest'
    sphere2.extra['test_obj'] = test_metadata

    root = ddd.group([sphere1], name="Spheres Root")

    scene1 = ddd.group([root], name="Scene")
    scene1.extra['test'] = test_metadata

Example #4
def lighthouse(height=10, r=1.5):

    mat = random.choice([ddd.mats.metal_paint_green, ddd.mats.metal_paint_red])

    disc = ddd.point([0, 0]).buffer(r, resolution=3, cap_style=ddd.CAP_ROUND)
    obj = disc.extrude_step(disc, height * 0.3)
    obj = obj.extrude_step(disc.scale(0.7), height * 0.5)
    obj = obj.extrude_step(disc.scale(1.0), height * 0.18)
    obj = obj.extrude_step(disc.scale(1.2), height * 0.02)
    obj = obj.material(mat)
    obj = ddd.uv.map_cylindrical(obj)
    obj.name = "Lighthouse"

    lamp = lamp_ball(r=0.2).material(mat)
    lamp = ddd.uv.map_spherical(lamp)

    top = post(top=lamp, mat_post=ddd.mats.steel).translate([0, 0, height])

    rail = disc.scale(1.2).extrude_step(disc.scale(1.2), 1.0, base=False, cap=False)  #.twosided()
    rail = rail.translate([0, 0, height]).material(ddd.mats.railing)
    rail = ddd.uv.map_cylindrical(rail)

    obj = ddd.group([obj, top, rail], name="Lighthouse Small")

    return obj
Example #5
def childrens_playground_arc(length=3.25, width=1.0, sides=7, height=None):

    arc_thick = 0.08
    bar_thick = 0.05
    if height is None:
        height = length / 2 * 0.9

    circleline = ddd.regularpolygon(sides * 2, name="Childrens Playground Arc Side Arc").rotate(-math.pi / 2).outline().scale([length / 2, height])
    arcline = circleline.intersection(ddd.rect([-length, 0.1, length, height * 2]))
    arc = circleline.buffer(arc_thick / 2).intersection(ddd.rect([-length, 0, length, height * 2]))
    arc = arc.extrude(arc_thick, center=True).material(ddd.mats.metal_paint_red)
    arc = arc.rotate(ddd.ROT_FLOOR_TO_FRONT)
    arc = ddd.uv.map_cubic(arc)

    arc1 = arc.copy().translate([0, -width / 2, 0])
    arc2 = arc.copy().translate([0, +width / 2, 0])
    item = ddd.group([arc1, arc2])

    bar = ddd.point(name="Childrens Playground Arc Bar").buffer(bar_thick / 2).extrude(width - arc_thick, center=True).rotate(ddd.ROT_FLOOR_TO_FRONT)
    bar = ddd.uv.map_cubic(bar)
    mats = [ddd.mats.metal_paint_white, ddd.mats.metal_paint_red]
    for idx, p in enumerate(arcline.geom.coords[1:-1]):
        pbar = bar.copy().translate([p[0], 0, p[1]])
        pbar = pbar.material(mats[idx % 2])

    item = ddd.meshops.batch_by_material(item).clean(remove_degenerate=False)

    return item
Example #6
def osm_model_rest(pipeline, root, osm, logger):

    # Final grouping
    scene = [

    scene = ddd.group(scene, name="Scene")

    # Add metadata to tile root object
    # (some of these are used by ddd-viewer format)
    metadataobj = ddd.instance(None, name="Metadata")
    metadataobj.set('tile:bounds_wgs84', pipeline.data['tile:bounds_wgs84'])
    metadataobj.set('tile:bounds_m', pipeline.data['tile:bounds_m'])
    metadataobj.set('tile:create_time', str(datetime.datetime.now()))

    logger.info("Scene properties: %s", (scene.extra))

    pipeline.root = scene
Example #7
def bench(length=1.40, height=1.00, width=0.8, seat_height=0.45,
          legs=2, hangout=0.20):

    seat_thick = 0.05
    leg_thick = 0.05
    leg_padding = 0.3
    leg_width = width - leg_padding
    leg_height = seat_height - seat_thick

    seat = ddd.rect([-length/ 2.0, -width / 2.0, length / 2.0, width / 2.0], name="Bench Seat")
    seat = seat.extrude(-seat_thick).translate([0, 0, seat_height])

    legs_objs = []
    leg_spacing = (length - leg_padding * 2) / (legs - 1)
    for leg_idx in range(legs):
        leg = ddd.rect([-leg_thick / 2, -leg_width / 2.0, leg_thick / 2, leg_width / 2], name="Bench Leg").extrude(leg_height)
        leg = leg.translate([-(length / 2) + leg_padding + leg_spacing * leg_idx, 0, 0])

    bench = ddd.group([seat] + legs_objs, name="Bench")
    bench = bench.material(ddd.mats.stone)
    bench = ddd.uv.map_cubic(bench)
    bench.name = "Bench"
    bench.mat = None  # to avoid batching issues

    bench = ddd.meshops.batch_by_material(bench).clean(remove_degenerate=False)

    return bench
Example #8
def osm_structured_tunnel(osm, root, pipeline):
    Create tunnel walls for tunnels.
    TODO: More tunnel types
    #layer_m1 = root.select(path="/Ways/", selector='["ddd:layer" = "-1"];["ddd:layer" = "-1a"]')
    #layer_1 = root.select(path="/Ways/", selector='["ddd:layer" = "0a"];["ddd:layer" = "1"]')
    #groups = [layer_m1, layer_1]

    layer_m1 = root.select(path="/Ways/", selector='["ddd:layer" = "-1"]')
    layer_m1a = root.select(path="/Ways/", selector='["ddd:layer" = "-1a"]')

    ways = layer_m1.children + layer_m1a.children

    union = layer_m1.union()
    union_with_transitions = ddd.group(ways, empty="2").union()
    union_sidewalks = union_with_transitions.buffer(0.6, cap_style=2, join_style=2)

    sidewalks_2d = union_sidewalks.subtract(union_with_transitions)  # we include transitions
    sidewalks_2d.name="Tunnel Sidewalks"
    sidewalks_2d.set("ddd:layer", "-1")
    sidewalks_2d = sidewalks_2d.material(ddd.mats.pavement)

    walls_2d = sidewalks_2d.buffer(0.5, cap_style=2, join_style=2).subtract(union_sidewalks)
    walls_2d.name = "Walls"
    walls_2d.set("ddd:layer", "-1")

    floors_2d = union_sidewalks.copy()

    ceilings_2d = union.buffer(0.6, cap_style=2, join_style=2).subtract(layer_m1a)
    ceilings_2d.name = "Ceilings"
    ceilings_2d.set("ddd:layer", "-1")
Example #9
def column(r=0.1, height=2.0, top=None):
    col = ddd.point([0, 0]).buffer(r, resolution =1).extrude(height)
    col = ddd.uv.map_cubic(col)
    if top:
        top = top.translate([0, 0, height])
        col = ddd.group([col, top])
    return col
Example #10
def reed(height=None, leaves=None):

    if leaves is None:
        leaves = random.randint(4, 7)
    if height is None:
        height = random.uniform(1.3, 1.9)

    reed = ddd.group3(name="Reed")
    for i in range(leaves):
        lh = height + random.uniform(-0.4, 0.4)
        lb = 0.02 * lh
        item = ddd.polygon([[-lb, 0.0], [lb, 0.0], [0, lh]],
                           name="Reed leaf").triangulate(
        item = item.rotate(ddd.ROT_FLOOR_TO_FRONT)
        item = ddd.group([item, item.rotate(ddd.ROT_TOP_CW)], name="Reed leaf")
        item = ddd.uv.map_cubic(item, scale=(0.2, 2.0))
        item = item.rotate([0, 0, random.uniform(0, math.pi)])
        item = item.rotate([random.uniform(0.1, 0.3), 0, 0])
        torsion_advance = math.pi / 4
        item = item.rotate([0, 0, torsion_advance])
        rt = 0.15
        item = item.translate(
            [random.uniform(-rt, rt),
             random.uniform(-rt, rt), 0])

    reed = ddd.align.polar(reed, 0.1, rotate=True)

    reed = reed.combine()
    return reed
Example #11
def text(text):
    chars = []
    for idx, c in enumerate(text):
        spacing = 1
        if c != " ":
            char_2d = char(c)
            char_2d = char_2d.translate([idx * spacing, 0, 0])
    return ddd.group(chars)
Example #12
def powertower(height=14.0):
    obj_pole = ddd.rect([-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5]).extrude(height)
    obj_horz1 = ddd.rect([-2.5, -0.3, 2.5, 0.3]).extrude(0.6).translate([0, 0, height - 2])
    obj_horz2 = ddd.rect([-3, -0.3, 3, 0.3]).extrude(0.6).translate([0, 0, height - 4])
    obj = ddd.group([obj_pole, obj_horz1, obj_horz2])
    obj = obj.material(ddd.mats.steel)
    obj = ddd.uv.map_cubic(obj)
    obj = obj.combine()
    return obj
Example #13
def busstop_small(height=2.50, panel_height=1.4, panel_width=0.45, text=None):
    text = "🚍 %s" % text
    obj_post = post(height=height).material(ddd.mats.metal_paint_green)
    obj_panel = panel(height=panel_width, width=panel_height, depth=0.05, text=text, text_back=text, center=True)
    obj_panel = obj_panel.rotate([0, math.pi / 2, 0]).translate([panel_width / 2 + 0.075, 0, height - 0.20 - panel_height / 2])
    for o in obj_panel.select('[ddd:text]', path="*").children:
        o.set('ddd:text:font', 'opensansemoji')

    obj = ddd.group([obj_post, obj_panel])
    return obj
Example #14
    def generate_ways_3d_subways(self):
        Generates boxing for sub ways.
        logger.info("Generating subways.")
        logger.warn("IMPLEMENT 2D/3D separation for this, as it needs to be cropped, and it's being already cropped earlier")

        # Take roads
        ways = [w for w in self.osm.ways_2d["-1a"].children] + [w for w in self.osm.ways_2d["-1"].children]

        union = self.osm.ways_2d["-1"].union()
        union_with_transitions = ddd.group(ways, empty="2").union()
        union_sidewalks = union_with_transitions.buffer(0.6, cap_style=2, join_style=2)

        sidewalks_2d = union_sidewalks.subtract(union_with_transitions)  # we include transitions
        walls_2d = sidewalks_2d.buffer(0.5, cap_style=2, join_style=2).subtract(union_sidewalks)
        floors_2d = union_sidewalks.copy()
        ceilings_2d = union.buffer(0.6, cap_style=2, join_style=2).subtract(self.osm.ways_2d["-1a"])

        # FIXME: Move cropping to generic site, use interintermediatemediate osm.something for storage
        crop = ddd.shape(self.osm.area_crop)
        sidewalks_2d = sidewalks_2d.intersection(crop)
        walls_2d = walls_2d.intersection(crop)
        floors_2d = floors_2d.intersection(crop)
        ceilings_2d = ceilings_2d.intersection(crop)

        sidewalks_3d = sidewalks_2d.extrude(0.3).translate([0, 0, -5]).material(ddd.mats.sidewalk)
        walls_3d = walls_2d.extrude(5).translate([0, 0, -5]).material(ddd.mats.cement)
        #floors_3d = floors_2d.extrude(-0.3).translate([0, 0, -5]).material(ddd.mats.sidewalk)
        floors_3d = floors_2d.triangulate().translate([0, 0, -5]).material(ddd.mats.sidewalk)
        ceilings_3d = ceilings_2d.extrude(0.5).translate([0, 0, -1.0]).material(ddd.mats.cement)

        sidewalks_3d = terrain.terrain_geotiff_elevation_apply(sidewalks_3d, self.osm.ddd_proj)
        sidewalks_3d = ddd.uv.map_cubic(sidewalks_3d)
        walls_3d = terrain.terrain_geotiff_elevation_apply(walls_3d, self.osm.ddd_proj)
        walls_3d = ddd.uv.map_cubic(walls_3d)
        floors_3d = terrain.terrain_geotiff_elevation_apply(floors_3d, self.osm.ddd_proj)
        ceilings_3d = terrain.terrain_geotiff_elevation_apply(ceilings_3d, self.osm.ddd_proj)
        ceilings_3d = ddd.uv.map_cubic(ceilings_3d)

        subway = ddd.group([sidewalks_3d, walls_3d, floors_3d, ceilings_3d], empty=3).translate([0, 0, -0.2])
Example #15
def rooms_test_show(root, pipeline):

    items = ddd.group([root.find("/Rooms"), root.find("/Items")])
    nitems = ddd.group3()

    items = items.flatten()
    for item in items.children:
        item = item.extrude(20.0 + item.get('ddd:z_index', 0))
        item = item.translate([0, 0, -item.get('ddd:z_index', 0)])
Example #16
def pedestal(obj=None, d=1.0):
    A pedestal with an optional object on top.
    Sits centered on its base.

    pedestal = ddd.cube(d=d / 2.0).material(ddd.mats.bronze)
    pedestal = ddd.uv.map_cubic(pedestal)

    obj = obj.translate([0, 0, d])

    item = ddd.group([pedestal, obj], name="Pedestal: %s" % obj.name)
    return item
Example #17
def sign_pharmacy_side(size=1.0, depth=0.3, arm_length=1.0):
    A pharmacy sign, attached sideways to a post arm. The post attaches centered
    (on the vertical plane).
    arm_thick = depth / 2
    sign = sign_pharmacy(size, depth)
    arm = ddd.rect([-arm_thick / 2, -arm_thick / 2, arm_thick / 2, arm_thick / 2]).extrude(arm_length)
    arm = arm.rotate([math.pi / 2.0, 0, 0])
    arm = arm.material(ddd.material(color='#888888'))
    arm = ddd.uv.map_cubic(arm)
    sign = sign.rotate([0, 0, -math.pi / 2.0]).translate([depth / 2, 0, 0])
    sign = sign.translate([0, -(arm_length + size * 0.66), 0])
    return ddd.group([sign, arm], name="Pharmacy Side Sign with Arm")
Example #18
def lamppost_high_mast(height=20.5, arm_count=3, span=math.pi * 2):
    bulb = lamp_ball(r=0.45).material(ddd.mats.lightbulb)
    arm = post_arm_angled(lamp=bulb)
    arms = ddd.align.matrix_polar(arm, arm_count, span=span)

    item = roundedpost(height=height, r=0.25, mat_post=ddd.mats.steel)
    item = ddd.group([item, arms.translate((0, 0, height))])

    item = ddd.meshops.batch_by_material(item)
    item = item.clean(remove_degenerate=False)

    return item
Example #19
def lamp_case(height=0.5, r=0.30):
    lamp_shape = ddd.point(name="Lamp Case").buffer(r - 0.10, resolution=1)
    lamp = lamp_shape.extrude_step(lamp_shape.buffer(0.10, cap_style=ddd.CAP_SQUARE, join_style=ddd.JOIN_BEVEL), height * 0.8)
    lamp = lamp.extrude_step(lamp_shape.buffer(-0.10), height * 0.2)
    lamp = lamp.merge_vertices().smooth()
    lamp = lamp.material(ddd.mats.lightbulb)
    lamp = ddd.collision.aabox_from_aabb(lamp)
    lamp = ddd.uv.map_spherical(lamp, split=True)

    # TODO: Possibly add this with styling too, although lights are first class citizens (used for render)
    light = PointLight([0, 0, height * 0.8], name="Lamp Light", color="#e4e520", radius=18, intensity=1.25, enabled=False)

    lamp_case = ddd.group([lamp, light], name="Lamp Case and Light")

    return lamp_case
Example #20
def childrens_playground_sandbox(r=1.5, sides=5, height=0.4, thick=0.1):
    area = ddd.regularpolygon(sides, r, name="Playground Sand")
    item = area.material(ddd.mats.wood)
    item = item.outline().buffer(thick / 2).extrude(height)
    item = ddd.uv.map_cubic(item)
    item.name = "Playground sandbox border"

    area = area.triangulate().material(ddd.mats.sand).translate([0, 0, height / 3])
    area = ddd.uv.map_cubic(area)

    item = ddd.group([area, item], name="Playground Sandbox")

    return item
Example #21
def osm_positioning_init(pipeline, osm, root, logger):
    """Repositions features in different ways."""

    pipeline.data['positioning_ways_2d_0'] = root.select(
        path="/Ways/*", selector='["osm:layer" = "0"]', recurse=False)
    pipeline.data['positioning_ways_2d_0_major'] = root.select(
        path="/Ways/*", selector='["osm:layer" = "0"]',
        recurse=False).flatten().filter(lambda i: i.extra.get(
            'osm:highway', None) not in ('path', 'track', 'footway', None))
    #pipeline.data['positioning_ways_2d_0_traffic_sign'] = root.select(path="/Ways/*", selector='["osm:layer" = "0"]', recurse=False).flatten().filter(lambda i: i.extra.get('osm:highway', None) not in ('path', 'track', 'footway', None))
    pipeline.data['positioning_buildings_2d'] = root.select(
        path="/Buildings/*", recurse=False)
    pipeline.data['positioning_ways_2d_0_and_buildings'] = ddd.group([
    pipeline.data['positioning_areas_ways_2d_outline'] = ddd.group([
                    selector='["osm:layer" = "0"]',
                    selector='["osm:layer" = "0"]',
Example #22
    def generate_item_3d_pond(self, item_2d):
        # Todo: Use fountain shape if available, instead of centroid
        exterior = item_2d.subtract(
        exterior = ddd.uv.map_cylindrical(exterior)

        water = item_2d.buffer(-0.2).triangulate().material(ddd.mats.water)

        #coords = item_2d.geom.centroid.coords[0]
        #insidefountain = urban.fountain(r=item_2d.geom).translate([coords[0], coords[1], 0.0])

        item_3d = ddd.group([exterior, water])  # .translate([0, 0, 0.3])

        item_3d.name = 'Pond: %s' % item_2d.name
        return item_3d
Example #23
    def generate_item_3d_fountain(self, item_2d):
        # Todo: Use fountain shape if available, instead of centroid
        exterior = item_2d.subtract(item_2d.buffer(-0.3)).extrude(1.0).material(ddd.mats.stone)
        exterior = ddd.uv.map_cubic(exterior)

        water =  item_2d.buffer(-0.20).triangulate().material(ddd.mats.water).translate([0, 0, 0.4])
        water = ddd.uv.map_cubic(water)  # map_2d_linear

        #coords = item_2d.geom.centroid.coords[0]
        #insidefountain = urban.fountain(r=item_2d.geom).translate([coords[0], coords[1], 0.0])

        item_3d = ddd.group([exterior, water])

        item_3d.name = 'Fountain: %s' % item_2d.name
        return item_3d
Example #24
def pipeline_test_line_substring(pipeline, root, logger):
    Tests geometric operations.

    items = ddd.group3()

    # Test substrings
    obj = ddd.line([(0, 0), (4, 0)])
    obj2 = obj.line_substring(1.0, -1.0)

    result = ddd.group([
        obj.buffer(0.1, cap_style=ddd.CAP_FLAT),
        obj2.buffer(0.1, cap_style=ddd.CAP_FLAT).material(ddd.MAT_HIGHLIGHT)
Example #25
def childrens_playground_slide(length=4.5, height=None, width=0.60):

    slide_thick = 0.03
    side_thick = 0.06
    if height is None:
        height = length * 0.45

    side_mat = random.choice([ddd.mats.metal_paint_red, ddd.mats.metal_paint_green, ddd.mats.metal_paint_yellow])

    slideline = ddd.point([0, 0], name="Slide").line_to([0.5, 0]).line_to([3, 1.5]).line_to([3.5, 1.5])
    # TODO: slideline.interpolate_cubic(), or slideline.smooth() or similar
    slideprofile = slideline.buffer(slide_thick / 2, cap_style=ddd.CAP_FLAT)
    slide = slideprofile.scale([1 / 4.5 * length, 1 / 2.0 * height])
    slide = slide.extrude(width - side_thick, center=True).rotate(ddd.ROT_FLOOR_TO_FRONT)
    slide = slide.material(ddd.mats.steel)
    slide = ddd.uv.map_cubic(slide)

    slidesideprofile = slideline.line_to([3.5, 1.7]).line_to([3, 1.7]).line_to([0.5, 0.2]).line_to([0, 0.2])
    slidesideprofile = ddd.polygon(list(slidesideprofile.geom.coords), name="Slide profile")
    stairssideprofile = ddd.polygon([[3.5, 1.5], [3.5, 2], [4, 2], [4, 1.5], [4.5, 0], [4.0, 0], [3.5, 1.5]])
    stairssideprofile = stairssideprofile.union(ddd.point([3.75, 2]).buffer(0.25, cap_style=ddd.CAP_ROUND))
    stairssideprofile = stairssideprofile.subtract(ddd.point([3.75, 2]).buffer(0.15, cap_style=ddd.CAP_ROUND, resolution=2))  # Hole
    stairssideprofile = stairssideprofile.translate([-0.25, 0])
    slidesideprofile = slidesideprofile.union(stairssideprofile)

    slidesideprofile = slidesideprofile.scale([1 / 4.5 * length, 1 / 2.0 * height])
    slidesideprofile = slidesideprofile.extrude(side_thick, center=True).rotate(ddd.ROT_FLOOR_TO_FRONT)
    slidesideprofile = slidesideprofile.material(side_mat)
    slidesideprofile = ddd.uv.map_cubic(slidesideprofile)

    slidesideprofile1 = slidesideprofile.translate([0, width / 2, 0])
    slidesideprofile2 = slidesideprofile.translate([0, -width / 2, 0])

    item = ddd.group([slide, slidesideprofile1, slidesideprofile2])

    numsteps = int((height - 1) / 0.3) + 1
    for i in range(numsteps):
        step = ddd.box([-0.1, -((width - side_thick) / 2), 0, 0.1, ((width - side_thick) / 2), 0.05], name="Slide Step")
        step = step.translate([4 - (i + 1) * (0.5 / (numsteps + 1)), 0, (i + 1) * 0.3]).material(ddd.mats.steel)
        step = ddd.uv.map_cubic(step)

    item = item.translate([-4.5/2, 0, 0]).rotate(ddd.ROT_TOP_CCW)

    item = ddd.meshops.batch_by_material(item).clean(remove_degenerate=False)

    return item
Example #26
def bell(r=1.00, height=2.6, thick=0.10):
    The bell is hung on 0, 0, 0.
    base = ddd.disc(r=r, resolution=4, name="Bell").subtract(ddd.disc(r=r - thick, resolution=4))
    extrude_steps = ((4.45, 0), (4.5, 0.25), (4.3, 1), (3.7, 2), (3.0, 3), (2.5, 4), (2.3, 5), (2.4, 6), (2.6, 7))
    bell = extrude_step_multi(base, extrude_steps, base=True, cap=False, scale_y=height / 10)
    bell = bell.twosided()

    cap = extrude_dome(ddd.disc(r=r * (2.6 / 4.45), resolution=4), height=1.5 / 10)
    cap = cap.translate([0, 0, 7 / 10 * height])

    bell = ddd.group([bell, cap]).combine()
    bell = bell.material(ddd.mats.bronze)
    bell = ddd.uv.map_cylindrical(bell)
    bell = bell.translate([0, 0, -height])

    return bell
Example #27
def fountain(r=1.5):
    # Base
    base = ddd.disc(r=r, resolution=2).extrude(0.30).material(ddd.mats.stone)
    base = ddd.uv.map_cylindrical(base)

    # Fountain
    fountain = ddd.sphere(r=r, subdivisions=1).subtract(ddd.cube(d=r * 1.2)).subtract(ddd.sphere(r=r - 0.2, subdivisions=1))
    fountain = fountain.translate([0, 0, 1.2])  # TODO: align
    fountain = fountain.material(ddd.mats.stone)
    fountain = ddd.uv.map_spherical(fountain)
    # Water
    water = ddd.disc(r=r-0.2, resolution=2).triangulate().translate([0, 0, 1.1]).material(ddd.mats.water)
    water.extra['ddd:collider'] = False
    water.extra['ddd:occluder'] = False
    water.extra['ddd:shadows'] = False

    item = ddd.group([base, fountain, water])
    return item
Example #28
def patio_umbrella(side=2.5, height=2.5):
    base_height = 0.04
    base_side = 0.4
    base_weight = ddd.rect([base_side, base_side], name="Base weight").recenter()
    base_weight = base_weight.extrude(base_height).material(ddd.mats.metal_paint_white)
    base_weight = ddd.uv.map_cubic(base_weight)

    pole_r = 0.04
    pole = ddd.point(name="Pole").buffer(pole_r).extrude(height - base_height).translate([0, 0, base_height])
    pole = pole.material(ddd.mats.metal_paint_white)
    pole = ddd.uv.map_cylindrical(pole)

    umbrella_height = height - 1.8
    umbrella = ddd.rect([side, side], name="Umbrella").recenter().material(ddd.mats.rope)
    umbrella = umbrella.extrude_step(ddd.point(), umbrella_height, base=False, cap=False)
    umbrella = umbrella.twosided().translate([0, 0, height - umbrella_height - 0.02])
    umbrella = ddd.uv.map_cubic(umbrella)
    item = ddd.group([base_weight, pole, umbrella])
    return item
Example #29
def recursivetree(height=2.25, r=0.30, fork_height_ratio=1.0, fork_angle=30.0, fork_r_scale=0.8, fork_spawn=3, fork_iters=2, fork_level=0, leaves_callback=None, trunk_callback=None):

    # Create trunk part
    #section = ddd.point([0, 0, 0]).buffer(r, cap_style=ddd.CAP_ROUND, resolution=1).extrude(height * fork_height_ratio)

    branches = []
    if fork_iters > 0:
        section = trunk_callback(height * fork_height_ratio)

        azimuth = 0
        num_items = fork_spawn + random.choice([-1, 0, +1])

        if fork_level > 1:
            stop_prob = 0.1
            if random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) < stop_prob: num_items = 0

        # Only 1 leave in last iter
        if fork_iters == 1: num_items = 1

        offset = random.uniform(0, 360)
        for i in range(num_items):
            azimuth = offset + (360.0 / fork_spawn) * i + (360.0 / fork_spawn) * random.uniform(-0.15, 0.15)
            if fork_iters > 1:
                ssection = recursivetree(height=height * (1 - fork_height_ratio) * random.uniform(0.8, 1.2), r=r * fork_r_scale, fork_height_ratio=fork_height_ratio * random.uniform(0.8, 1.2), fork_r_scale=fork_r_scale,
                                         fork_iters=fork_iters - 1, fork_level=fork_level + 1, leaves_callback=leaves_callback, trunk_callback=trunk_callback)
            elif leaves_callback:
                ssection = leaves_callback(height * (1 - fork_height_ratio))
            ssection = ssection.rotate([(fork_angle * random.uniform(0.65, 1.35)) / 180.0 * math.pi, 0.0, 0.0])
            ssection = ssection.rotate([0.0, 0.0, azimuth / 180.0 * math.pi])
            ssection = ssection.translate([0, 0, height * fork_height_ratio])
            ssection.name = "Branch (level %d)" % fork_level


    # Optionally increase fork_spawn each iteration (golden ratio)
    # Optionally randomize number of branches (fork_spawn)  each iteration

            branches = [section] + branches

    return ddd.group(branches)
Example #30
def ladder_pool(height=1.75, width=0.6):
    arc_thick = 0.08
    bar_thick = 0.05
    arc_radius = 0.35
    steps_interval = 0.30

    height_above_ground = arc_radius

    circleline = ddd.point([-arc_radius, 0], "Ladder").arc_to([arc_radius, 0], [0, 0], False, resolution=4)
    circleline = circleline.line_rel([0, -(height - height_above_ground)])
    circleline = circleline.arc_to([0, -(height - height_above_ground + arc_radius)], [0, -(height - height_above_ground)], False)
    #circleline = circleline.simplify(0.01)
    #regularpolygon(sides * 2, name="Childrens Playground Arc Side Arc").rotate(-math.pi / 2).outline().scale([length / 2, height])
    #arcline = circleline.intersection(ddd.rect([-length, 0.1, length, height * 2]))
    arc = circleline.buffer(arc_thick / 2, cap_style=ddd.CAP_FLAT)  #.intersection(ddd.rect([-length, 0, length, height * 2]))
    arc = arc.extrude(arc_thick, center=True).material(ddd.mats.steel)
    arc = arc.rotate(ddd.ROT_FLOOR_TO_FRONT)
    arc = ddd.uv.map_cubic(arc)

    arc1 = arc.copy().translate([0, -width / 2, 0])
    arc2 = arc.copy().translate([0, +width / 2, 0])
    item = ddd.group([arc1, arc2])

    bar = ddd.point(name="Ladder step").buffer(bar_thick / 2).extrude(width - arc_thick, center=True).rotate(ddd.ROT_FLOOR_TO_FRONT)
    bar = bar.material(ddd.mats.steel)
    bar = ddd.uv.map_cubic(bar)

    stepsline = ddd.line([[arc_radius, 0], [arc_radius, -(height - height_above_ground)]])
    numsteps = int(stepsline.length() / steps_interval) + 1
    step_interval_adjusted = stepsline.length() / numsteps
    for idx in range(numsteps):
        (p, segment_idx, segment_coords_a, segment_coords_b) = stepsline.interpolate_segment(idx * step_interval_adjusted)
        pbar = bar.copy().translate([p[0], 0, p[1]])

    item = item.combine()
    item = item.rotate(ddd.ROT_TOP_CW)

    return item