Example #1
def set_bank_account_login():
    This will ask for a username and Password.
    The password will be retrieved via getpass lib.
    Requires the password length to be at least 5 characters.

    # Getting the login name from a raw_input.
    obp_logger.info("get username")
    username = raw_input("Username: "******"username is set")

    # Now getting the password via getpass lib.
    obp_logger.info("get password")
    password = getpass.getpass()
    obp_logger.debug("password has set")

    # We know from the Web Page that we need at least 5 characters.
    # This will check for the right length of the password.
    obp_logger.debug("start while loop")
    while len(password) < 5:
        obp_logger.error("Password was not 5 character long")
        print "Password has to contain at least 5 letters"
        password = getpass.getpass()
        obp_logger.debug("Password has set")

    obp_logger.debug("Will return username: %s ,password is set" % username)
    # Return username and password.
    return username, password
Example #2
def create_hash(value_to_hash):
    """This will create a hash and return it"""

    obp_logger.info("Creating hash with sha512")
    data_hash = hashlib.sha512(value_to_hash).hexdigest()
    obp_logger.debug("created hash is in hexdigest: %s" % data_hash)
    return check_hash(data_hash)
def main(csv_file_path):
    """Will check for a valid CSV and import it to the Scala API"""

    obp_logger.info("Start Main")
    obp_logger.debug("csv_file_path is: %s" % csv_file_path)
    obp_logger.debug("Check that csv_file_path is valid path")

    obp_logger.debug("Start parse_row_of_csv")
def main(csv_file_path):
    """Will check for a valid CSV and import it to the Scala API"""

    obp_logger.info("Start Main")
    obp_logger.debug("csv_file_path is: %s" % csv_file_path)
    obp_logger.debug("Check that csv_file_path is valid path")

    obp_logger.debug("Start parse_row_of_csv")
def insert_into_scala(scala_api_host, scala_api_port, JSON_to_insert):
    Inserting JSON via HTTP POST into the API.

    obp_logger.info("Insert JSON to Scala API")
    obp_logger.debug("test connection to Scala API Host")
    check_scala_host_reachable(scala_api_host, scala_api_port)

    # Set content-type to JSON in the HTTP Header
    headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
    obp_logger.debug("Set HTTP headers to: %s" % headers)
    post_request = requests.post("http://" + scala_api_host + ":" + scala_api_port + "/api/transactions",
                        data=JSON_to_insert, headers=headers)
    # Return the http status code.
    obp_logger.debug("Inserted to SCALA API")
    return post_request
def insert_into_scala(scala_api_host, scala_api_port, JSON_to_insert):
    Inserting JSON via HTTP POST into the API.

    obp_logger.info("Insert JSON to Scala API")
    obp_logger.debug("test connection to Scala API Host")
    check_scala_host_reachable(scala_api_host, scala_api_port)

    # Set content-type to JSON in the HTTP Header
    headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
    obp_logger.debug("Set HTTP headers to: %s" % headers)
    post_request = requests.post("http://" + scala_api_host + ":" +
                                 scala_api_port + "/api/transactions",
    # Return the http status code.
    obp_logger.debug("Inserted to SCALA API")
    return post_request
Example #7
def insert_hash_to_cache(hash_to_insert, file):
    """Will insert the Hash_input into the file, if it isn't already there"""

    obp_logger.debug("start insert_hash")
    obp_logger.debug("check for valid_hash")
    valid_hash = check_hash(hash_to_insert)
    obp_logger.debug("read cache file for existing hash")
    if check_existing_hashs(valid_hash, file) != True:
        obp_logger.debug("Opening cache file, appending")
        file_to_write = open(file, 'a')
        obp_logger.debug("writing hash to file, hash is: %s" % valid_hash)
        file_to_write.write(valid_hash + '\n')
        obp_logger.debug("closing cache file")
        obp_logger.debug("returning True")
        return True
        obp_logger.info("Hash already inserted")
        return False
Example #8
def check_for_clean_folder(check_path):
    """Check for an empty folder. Else create it."""

    obp_logger.info("Check for empty and exists folder")
    obp_logger.debug("Check that %s exists" % check_path)
    if os.path.exists(check_path) != True:
        obp_logger.debug("%s no there, create it")

    # Check for an empty folder
    obp_logger.debug("Check for empty folder")
    if len(os.listdir(check_path)) != 0:
        obp_logger.debug("Getting length of items in %s" % check_path)
        obp_logger.debug("Try to remove items in check_path")
        for item in os.listdir(check_path):
            item_to_remove = os.path.join(check_path, item)
            obp_logger.debug("Item is %s" % item_to_remove)
            except OSError, e:
                obp_logger.warn("Can't remove %s" % e)
def parse_row_of_csv(csv_file_to_parse):
    """Gets rows from CSV file"""

    obp_logger.info("start reading the csv file line by line")
    # This is to set the separators in the CSV file
    # TODO: This should be in the obp_config
    delimiter = ';'
    quote_char = '"'
    obp_logger.debug("Set CSV delimiter to: %s" % delimiter)
    obp_logger.debug("Set CSV quote_char to: %s" % quote_char)

    # re : \d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\d\d
    # This will check if date is formatted like this: 23.01.2001
    obp_logger.debug("Set regular expression to: \d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d")
    data_expression = re.compile('\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\d\d')
    obp_logger.debug("starting csv reader")
    transaction_reader = csv.reader(open(csv_file_to_parse, 'rb'),

    obp_logger.debug("Start of for loop of transaction_reader")
    for row in transaction_reader:

        # The first valid entry always has a date: check for it.
        # If it doesn't exist, add this row to the csv_header_info and then continue.
        obp_logger.debug("checking for date in first row from csv")
        if data_expression.match(row[0]) == None:
            obp_logger.debug("append row to csv_header_info, row is: %s" % row)
            # When we have a valid date, call get_info_from_row.
            obp_transaction_dict = get_info_from_row(row)
            obp_logger.debug("call get_info_from_row")

        # This will create a hash and return it.
        json_hash = create_hash(json_formatter(obp_transaction_dict))
        obp_logger.debug("create json_hash from obp_transaction_dict")
        # Some debug output. So that we may can see the content of the JSON
        # and the hash.
        obp_logger.info("The hash of the JSON is: %s" % json_hash)
        print "%s:The hash of the JSON is: %s" % (date_now_formatted(),

        # Insert the hash into the cache. If it worked (the hash did not yet exist)
        # send it to the API.
        result = insert_hash_to_cache(json_hash, HASH_FILE)
        if result == True:
            result = insert_into_scala(SCALA_HOST, SCALA_PORT,

            obp_logger.debug("HTTP POST result is: %s" % result)
            #obp_logger.debug("HTTP POST text from result is: %s" % result.text)
                "Transaction is already in hash file, not inserting")
            print "%s:Transaction is already in hash file, not inserting" % date_now_formatted(
def parse_row_of_csv(csv_file_to_parse):
        """Gets rows from CSV file"""

        obp_logger.info("start reading the csv file line by line")
        # This is to set the separators in the CSV file
        # TODO: This should be in the obp_config
        delimiter = ';'
        quote_char = '"'
        obp_logger.debug("Set CSV delimiter to: %s" % delimiter)
        obp_logger.debug("Set CSV quote_char to: %s" % quote_char)

        # re : \d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\d\d
        # This will check if date is formatted like this: 23.01.2001
        obp_logger.debug("Set regular expression to: \d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d")
        data_expression = re.compile('\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\d\d')
        obp_logger.debug("starting csv reader")
        transaction_reader = csv.reader(
            open(csv_file_to_parse, 'rb'),

        obp_logger.debug("Start of for loop of transaction_reader")
        for row in transaction_reader:

            # The first valid entry always has a date: check for it.
            # If it doesn't exist, add this row to the csv_header_info and then continue.
            obp_logger.debug("checking for date in first row from csv")
            if data_expression.match(row[0]) == None:
                obp_logger.debug("append row to csv_header_info, row is: %s" % row)
                # When we have a valid date, call get_info_from_row.
                obp_transaction_dict = get_info_from_row(row)
                obp_logger.debug("call get_info_from_row")

            # This will create a hash and return it.
            json_hash = create_hash(json_formatter(obp_transaction_dict))
            obp_logger.debug("create json_hash from obp_transaction_dict")
            # Some debug output. So that we may can see the content of the JSON
            # and the hash.
            obp_logger.info("The hash of the JSON is: %s" % json_hash)
            print "%s:The hash of the JSON is: %s" % (date_now_formatted(), json_hash)

            # Insert the hash into the cache. If it worked (the hash did not yet exist)
	    # send it to the API.
            result = insert_hash_to_cache(json_hash, HASH_FILE)
            if result == True:
                result = insert_into_scala(

                obp_logger.debug("HTTP POST result is: %s" % result)
                #obp_logger.debug("HTTP POST text from result is: %s" % result.text)
                obp_logger.info("Transaction is already in hash file, not inserting")
                print "%s:Transaction is already in hash file, not inserting" % date_now_formatted()
def get_info_from_row(input_row):
    """Read rows and get the transaction data, print as JSON"""

    obp_logger.info("Start get_info_from_row")

    # The Germans format money like 1.200,12 Eur. We
    # need a English format, i.e. 1200.12 Eur
    # So have to remove the dot and replace the , with a dot.
    # This will turn . to ""
    obp_logger.debug("replace . with empty string")
    dotless_amount = re.sub('\.', '', input_row[6])
    dotless_new_balance = re.sub('\.', '', input_row[7])

    obp_logger.debug("replace , with .")
    comma_to_dot_amount = re.sub(',', '.', dotless_amount)
    comma_to_dot_new_balance = re.sub(',', '.', dotless_new_balance)

    # This regular expression searches for all kind of numbers in a string.
    # Also covering + and -
    amount = re.match("[+-]?((\d+(\.\d*)?)|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?",

    new_balance = re.match("[+-]?((\d+(\.\d*)?)|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?",

    obp_logger.debug("set this_account_holder")
    this_account_holder = csv_header_info[1]

    obp_logger.debug("set this_account_IBAN")
    this_account_IBAN = csv_header_info[4]

    obp_logger.debug("set this_account_number")
    this_account_number = csv_header_info[3]

    # There is still some value inside that we need to remove
    this_account_unclean_currency = csv_header_info[5]
    this_account_currency = re.search('\xe2\x82\xac',

    obp_logger.debug("set this_account_currency")

    obp_logger.debug("set this_account_kind")
    this_account_kind = 'current'

    obp_logger.debug("set this_account_ni")
    this_account_ni = ""  # ni = national_identifier

    obp_logger.debug("set this_account_bank_name")
    this_account_bank_name = 'Postbank'

    # Need to use row 4 if we're sending money,
    # and row 5 when we're getting money.
        "check that this_account_holder is not other_account_holder")
    if input_row[5].rstrip() != this_account_holder[1]:
        other_account_holder = input_row[5].rstrip()
        obp_logger.debug("set other_account_holder")
        other_account_holder = input_row[4].rstrip()
        obp_logger.debug("set other_account_holder")

    # Don't print out the JSON, to ensure no sensitive data gets displayed.
    obp_logger.debug("create json dump")
    obp_transaction_data = json.dumps(
            "obp_transaction": {
                "this_account": {
                    "holder": this_account_holder[1],
                    "number": this_account_number[1],
                    "kind": this_account_kind,
                    "bank": {
                        "IBAN": this_account_IBAN[1],
                        "national_identifier": this_account_ni,
                        "name": this_account_bank_name
                "other_account": {
                    "holder": other_account_holder,
                    "number": input_row[3].rstrip(),
                    "kind": "",
                    "bank": {
                        "IBAN": "",
                        "national_identifier": "",
                        "name": ""
                "details": {
                    "type_en": "",
                    "type_de": input_row[2],
                    "posted": {
                        "$dt": convert_date(
                        )  # Have to set to $dt so Scala can work with it.
                    "completed": {
                        "$dt": convert_date(
                        )  # Have to set to $dt so Scala can work with it.
                    "new_balance": {
                    "value": {
                    "other_data": input_row[5]

    obp_logger.debug("Done filling json, returning obp_transaction_data")
    return obp_transaction_data
def get_csv_with_selenium(path_to_save_csv, username, password):
    """Getting CSV file via Firefox, controlled by Selenium webdriver"""
    # TODO: When no username and password is set, use the demo login.
    # Clean up the OBP temp folder (delete all csv files there).
    # LINK: http://seleniumhq.org/docs/03_webdriver.html#getting-started-with-selenium-webdriver
    obp_logger.info("Setting csv_folder...")

    # Check for existing and empty tmp

    csv_save_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), path_to_save_csv, TMP_CSV_SUFFIX)
    obp_logger.debug("csv_folder is: %s" % csv_save_path)


    obp_logger.info("Start Selenium")
    obp_logger.debug("csv_save_path: %s" % csv_save_path)
    obp_logger.debug("username is set")
    obp_logger.debug("password is set")

    # Setting up a Profile for Firefox.
    # Proxy is disabled and download files without asking.
    obp_logger.info("Setup Firefox Profile")
    fp = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()
    obp_logger.debug("webdriver firefox")
    fp.set_preference("network.proxy.type", 0)
    obp_logger.debug("network.proxy.type 0")
    fp.set_preference("browser.download.folderList", 2)
    obp_logger.debug("rowser.download.fold 2")
    fp.set_preference("browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting", False)
    obp_logger.debug("rowser.download.manager.showWhenStarting False ")
    fp.set_preference("browser.download.dir", csv_save_path)
    obp_logger.debug("browser.download.dir %s" % csv_save_path)

    # Need to set CSV to saveToDisk, else it's unknown to FF and it will ask for it
    fp.set_preference("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk", "text/csv")
    obp_logger.debug("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk text/csv")

    obp_logger.info("Start Firefox")
    browser = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=fp)  # Get local session of firefox

    obp_logger.debug("Open URL: %s" % postbank_main_url_login_page)
    browser.get(postbank_main_url_login_page)  # Load page
    assert "Postbank Online-Banking" in browser.title


    # Here we will insert the username and password:
    # find the element that's name attribute is nutzername and kennwort
    obp_logger.info("Inserting Username and Password to Login")
    obp_logger.debug("searching for login box")
    inputElement_username = browser.find_element_by_name("nutzername")
    obp_logger.debug("searching for password box")
    inputElement_password = browser.find_element_by_name("kennwort")

    # send Username and Password
    obp_logger.debug("Inserting username into login box: %s " % username)
    obp_logger.debug("Inserting password into login box")

    # submit the Username and Password to Postbank.
    obp_logger.info("submitting login_data to login")

    # This opens the main page for accounts, and checks the name.
    # Call the Transaction Page
    obp_logger.debug("Open URL: %s" % postbank_main_url_value_page)
    assert "Postbank Online-Banking" in browser.title

    # Call the CSV Link.
    # Warning!
    # The Postbank uses a :page counter, and when the URL doesn't have the right page counter it will return
    # an error message.
    obp_logger.debug("Open URL: %s" % postbank_main_url_value_download)
    result = browser.get(postbank_main_url_value_download)
    obp_logger.info("closing Firefox")
    return csv_save_path
def main():
    obp_logger.info("Start main")
    obp_logger.info("Done main")
def get_info_from_row(input_row):
    """Read rows and get the transaction data, print as JSON"""

    obp_logger.info("Start get_info_from_row")

    # The Germans format money like 1.200,12 Eur. We
    # need a English format, i.e. 1200.12 Eur
    # So have to remove the dot and replace the , with a dot.
    # This will turn . to ""
    obp_logger.debug("replace . with empty string")
    dotless_amount = re.sub('\.', '', input_row[6])
    dotless_new_balance = re.sub('\.', '', input_row[7])

    obp_logger.debug("replace , with .")
    comma_to_dot_amount = re.sub(',', '.', dotless_amount)
    comma_to_dot_new_balance = re.sub(',', '.', dotless_new_balance)

    # This regular expression searches for all kind of numbers in a string.
    # Also covering + and -
    amount = re.match(

    new_balance = re.match(

    obp_logger.debug("set this_account_holder")
    this_account_holder = csv_header_info[1]

    obp_logger.debug("set this_account_IBAN")
    this_account_IBAN = csv_header_info[4]

    obp_logger.debug("set this_account_number")
    this_account_number = csv_header_info[3]

    # There is still some value inside that we need to remove
    this_account_unclean_currency = csv_header_info[5]
    this_account_currency = re.search(

    obp_logger.debug("set this_account_currency")

    obp_logger.debug("set this_account_kind")
    this_account_kind = 'current'

    obp_logger.debug("set this_account_ni")
    this_account_ni = ""  # ni = national_identifier

    obp_logger.debug("set this_account_bank_name")
    this_account_bank_name = 'Postbank'

    # Need to use row 4 if we're sending money,
    # and row 5 when we're getting money.
    obp_logger.debug("check that this_account_holder is not other_account_holder")
    if input_row[5].rstrip() != this_account_holder[1]:
        other_account_holder = input_row[5].rstrip()
        obp_logger.debug("set other_account_holder")
        other_account_holder = input_row[4].rstrip()
        obp_logger.debug("set other_account_holder")

    # Don't print out the JSON, to ensure no sensitive data gets displayed.
    obp_logger.debug("create json dump")
    obp_transaction_data = json.dumps([
    "obp_transaction": {
        "this_account": {
            "holder": this_account_holder[1],
            "number": this_account_number[1],
            "kind": this_account_kind,
         "bank": {
                "IBAN": this_account_IBAN[1],
                "national_identifier": this_account_ni,
                "name": this_account_bank_name
        "other_account": {
            "holder": other_account_holder,
            "number": input_row[3].rstrip(),
            "kind": "",
            "bank": {
                "IBAN": "",
                "national_identifier": "",
                "name": ""
        "details": {
            "type_en": "",
            "type_de": input_row[2],
            "posted": {
                "$dt": convert_date(input_row[0])  # Have to set to $dt so Scala can work with it.
            "completed": {
                "$dt": convert_date(input_row[1])  # Have to set to $dt so Scala can work with it.
                "currency": currency_sign_to_text(this_account_currency.group()),
                "amount": new_balance.group()
            "value": {
                "currency": currency_sign_to_text(this_account_currency.group()),
                "amount": amount.group()
            "other_data": input_row[5]
    }], sort_keys=False)

    obp_logger.debug("Done filling json, returning obp_transaction_data")
    return obp_transaction_data
def get_csv_with_selenium(path_to_save_csv, username, password):
    """Getting CSV file via Firefox, controlled by Selenium webdriver"""
    # TODO: When no username and password is set, use the demo login.
    # Clean up the OBP temp folder (delete all csv files there).
    # LINK: http://seleniumhq.org/docs/03_webdriver.html#getting-started-with-selenium-webdriver
    obp_logger.info("Setting csv_folder...")

    # Check for existing and empty tmp

    csv_save_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), path_to_save_csv, TMP_CSV_SUFFIX)
    obp_logger.debug("csv_folder is: %s" % csv_save_path)


    obp_logger.info("Start Selenium")
    obp_logger.debug("csv_save_path: %s" % csv_save_path)
    obp_logger.debug("username is set")
    obp_logger.debug("password is set")

    # Setting up a Profile for Firefox.
    # Proxy is disabled and download files without asking.
    obp_logger.info("Setup Firefox Profile")
    fp = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()
    obp_logger.debug("webdriver firefox")
    fp.set_preference("network.proxy.type", 0)
    obp_logger.debug("network.proxy.type 0")
    fp.set_preference("browser.download.folderList", 2)
    obp_logger.debug("rowser.download.fold 2")
    fp.set_preference("browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting", False)
    obp_logger.debug("rowser.download.manager.showWhenStarting False ")
    fp.set_preference("browser.download.dir", csv_save_path)
    obp_logger.debug("browser.download.dir %s" % csv_save_path)

    # Need to set CSV to saveToDisk, else it's unknown to FF and it will ask for it
    fp.set_preference("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk", "text/csv")
    obp_logger.debug("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk text/csv")

    obp_logger.info("Start Firefox")
    browser = webdriver.Firefox(
        firefox_profile=fp)  # Get local session of firefox

    obp_logger.debug("Open URL: %s" % postbank_main_url_login_page)
    browser.get(postbank_main_url_login_page)  # Load page
    assert "Postbank Online-Banking" in browser.title


    # Here we will insert the username and password:
    # find the element that's name attribute is nutzername and kennwort
    obp_logger.info("Inserting Username and Password to Login")
    obp_logger.debug("searching for login box")
    inputElement_username = browser.find_element_by_name("nutzername")
    obp_logger.debug("searching for password box")
    inputElement_password = browser.find_element_by_name("kennwort")

    # send Username and Password
    obp_logger.debug("Inserting username into login box: %s " % username)
    obp_logger.debug("Inserting password into login box")

    # submit the Username and Password to Postbank.
    obp_logger.info("submitting login_data to login")

    # This opens the main page for accounts, and checks the name.
    # Call the Transaction Page
    obp_logger.debug("Open URL: %s" % postbank_main_url_value_page)
    assert "Postbank Online-Banking" in browser.title

    # Call the CSV Link.
    # Warning!
    # The Postbank uses a :page counter, and when the URL doesn't have the right page counter it will return
    # an error message.
    obp_logger.debug("Open URL: %s" % postbank_main_url_value_download)
    result = browser.get(postbank_main_url_value_download)
    obp_logger.info("closing Firefox")
    return csv_save_path
def main():
    obp_logger.info("Start main")
    obp_logger.info("Done main")