Example #1
    def __new__(cls, value=0, context=None):
        """ Initialize a new Size object.  Must pass a bytes or a spec value
            for size. The bytes value is a numerical value for the size
            this object represents, in bytes.  The spec value is a string
            specification of the size using any of the size specifiers in the
            _decimalPrefixes or _binaryPrefixes lists combined with a 'b' or
            'B'.  For example, to specify 640 kilobytes, you could pass any of
            these spec parameters:

                "640 kb"
                "640 KB"
                "640 kilobytes"

            If you want to use a spec value to represent a bytes value,
            you can use the letter 'b' or 'B' or omit the size specifier.
        if isinstance(value, (unicode, str)):
            size = _parseSpec(value)
        elif isinstance(value, (int, long, float, Decimal)):
            size = Decimal(value)
        elif isinstance(value, Size):
            size = Decimal(value.convertTo("b"))
            raise ValueError("invalid value %s for size" % value)

        # drop any partial byte
        size = size.to_integral_value(rounding=ROUND_DOWN)
        self = Decimal.__new__(cls, value=size)
        return self
Example #2
    def __new__(cls, bytes=None, spec=None):
        """ Initialize a new Size object.  Must pass either bytes or spec,
            but not both.  The bytes parameter is a numerical value for
            the size this object represents, in bytes.  The spec parameter
            is a string specification of the size using any of the size
            specifiers in the _decimalPrefix or _binaryPrefix lists combined
            with a 'b' or 'B'.  For example, to specify 640 kilobytes, you
            could pass any of these parameter:

                spec="640 kb"
                spec="640 KB"
                spec="640 kilobytes"

            If you want to use spec to pass a bytes value, you can use the
            letter 'b' or 'B' or simply leave the specifier off and bytes
            will be assumed.
        if bytes and spec:
            raise SizeParamsError("only specify one parameter")

        if bytes is not None:
            if type(bytes).__name__ in ["int", "long", "float", 'Decimal'
                                        ] and bytes >= 0:
                self = Decimal.__new__(cls, value=bytes)
                raise SizeNotPositiveError("bytes= param must be >=0")
        elif spec:
            self = Decimal.__new__(cls, value=_parseSpec(spec))
            raise SizeParamsError("missing bytes= or spec=")

        return self
    def __new__(cls, bytes=None, spec=None):
        """ Initialize a new Size object.  Must pass either bytes or spec,
            but not both.  The bytes parameter is a numerical value for
            the size this object represents, in bytes.  The spec parameter
            is a string specification of the size using any of the size
            specifiers in the _decimalPrefix or _binaryPrefix lists combined
            with a 'b' or 'B'.  For example, to specify 640 kilobytes, you
            could pass any of these parameter:

                spec="640 kb"
                spec="640 KB"
                spec="640 kilobytes"

            If you want to use spec to pass a bytes value, you can use the
            letter 'b' or 'B' or simply leave the specifier off and bytes
            will be assumed.
        if bytes and spec:
            raise SizeParamsError("only specify one parameter")

        if bytes:
            if type(bytes).__name__ in ["int", "long"] and bytes > 0:
                self = Decimal.__new__(cls, value=bytes)
                raise SizeNotPositiveError("bytes= param must be >0")
        elif spec:
            self = Decimal.__new__(cls, value=_parseSpec(spec))
            raise SizeParamsError("missing bytes= or spec=")

        return self
Example #4
 def __new__(cls, value="0", context=None):
     if isinstance(value,basestring) and value.endswith('%'):
         self = Decimal.__new__(Percentage,Decimal(value[:-1]) / 100,context)
         self._value = value
         return self
     #~ raise Exception("Invalid Percentage %r" % value)
     return cls.__new__(Quantity,value,context)
Example #5
 def __new__(cls, value="0:00", context=None):
     if isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta):
         hours = 0
         if value.days != 0:
             hours += value.days * 24
             value = datetime.timedelta(seconds=value.seconds)
         a = str(value).split(':')[:2]
         hours += int(a[0])
         minutes = int(a[1])
         cv = Decimal(hours) + Decimal(minutes) * DEC2HOUR
         text = '%d:%02d' % (hours, minutes)
         text = str(value)
         if ':' in text:
                 h, m = text.split(':')
             except ValueError:
                 raise ValueError("Cannot convert %r to Duration" % value)
             cv = Decimal(h) + Decimal(m) * DEC2HOUR
             cv = Decimal(value)
             hours = int(cv)
             minutes = old_div((cv - hours), DEC2HOUR).to_integral()
             # minutes = old_div((hours - int(self)), DEC2HOUR)
             text = '%d:%02d' % (hours, minutes)
     self = Decimal.__new__(cls, cv, context)
     self._text = text
     return self
Example #6
    def __new__(cls, value=0, context=None):
        """ Initialize a new Size object.  Must pass a bytes or a spec value
            for size. The bytes value is a numerical value for the size
            this object represents, in bytes.  The spec value is a string
            specification of the size using any of the size specifiers in the
            _DECIMAL_PREFIXES or _BINARY_PREFIXES lists combined with a 'b' or
            'B'.  For example, to specify 640 kilobytes, you could pass any of
            these spec parameters:

                "640 kb"
                "640 KB"
                "640 kilobytes"

            If you want to use a spec value to represent a bytes value,
            you can use the letter 'b' or 'B' or omit the size specifier.
        if isinstance(value, (six.string_types, bytes)):
            size = parseSpec(value)
        elif isinstance(value, (six.integer_types, float, Decimal)):
            size = Decimal(value)
        elif isinstance(value, Size):
            size = Decimal(value.convertTo())
            raise ValueError("invalid value %s for size" % value)

        # drop any partial byte
        size = size.to_integral_value(rounding=ROUND_DOWN)
        self = Decimal.__new__(cls, value=size, context=context)
        return self
Example #7
 def __new__(cls, value=0, context=None, summary_instance=None):
     """ Create a new immutable Decimal object, adding our custom
     obj = Decimal.__new__(cls, value, context)
     return obj
Example #8
 def __new__(cls, value=0, context=None, summary_instance=None):
     """ Create a new immutable Decimal object, adding our custom
     obj = Decimal.__new__(cls, value, context)
     return obj
Example #9
 def __new__(cls, value="0:00", context=None):
     if isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta):
         hours = 0
         if value.days != 0:
             hours += value.days * 24
             value = datetime.timedelta(seconds=value.seconds)
         a = str(value).split(':')[:2]
         hours += int(a[0])
         minutes = int(a[1])
         cv = Decimal(hours) + Decimal(minutes) * DEC2HOUR
         text = '%d:%02d' % (hours, minutes)
         text = str(value)
         if ':' in text:
                 h, m = text.split(':')
             except ValueError:
                 raise ValueError("Cannot convert %r to Duration" % value)
             cv = Decimal(h) + Decimal(m) * DEC2HOUR
             cv = Decimal(value)
             hours = int(cv)
             minutes = old_div((cv - hours), DEC2HOUR).to_integral()
             # minutes = old_div((hours - int(self)), DEC2HOUR)
             text = '%d:%02d' % (hours, minutes)
     self = Decimal.__new__(cls, cv, context)
     self._text = text
     return self
Example #10
 def __new__(cls, value="0", context=None):
     if isinstance(value, basestring) and value.endswith('%'):
         self = Decimal.__new__(Percentage,
                                Decimal(value[:-1]) / 100, context)
         self._value = value
         return self
     #~ raise Exception("Invalid Percentage %r" % value)
     return cls.__new__(Quantity, value, context)
Example #11
 def __new__(cls, value="0", context=None):
     if isinstance(value, six.string_types) and value.endswith('%'):
         self = Decimal.__new__(Percentage, old_div(Decimal(value[:-1]),
                                                    100), context)
         self._value = value
         return self
     #~ raise Exception("Invalid Percentage %r" % value)
     return cls.__new__(Quantity, value, context)
Example #12
	def __new__(cls, orb=0):
		"""Orb initialization (orb between 0 and 30).
		:type orb: numeric
		orb = float(orb)
		if orb < 0 or orb > 30: # we consider larger orbs to be errors...
			raise ValueError('Invalid orb value %s.' % orb)
		return Decimal.__new__(cls, str(orb))
Example #13
 def __new__(cls, value="0", context=None):
 #~ def __init__(self,value,**kw):
     if isinstance(value,basestring) and ':' in value:
         h,m = value.split(':')
         value = Decimal(h) + Decimal(m) * DEC2HOUR
     #~ self = super(Duration,cls).__new__(Duration,value,context)
     self = Decimal.__new__(Duration,value,context)
     #~ self._hh_mm = True
     return self
Example #14
 def __new__(cls, value="0", context=None):
     if isinstance(value, basestring):
         if ':' in value:
             h, m = value.split(':')
             value = Decimal(h) + Decimal(m) * DEC2HOUR
     elif isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta):
         a = str(value).split(':')[:2]
         return cls(':'.join(a))
     self = Decimal.__new__(Duration, value, context)
     return self
Example #15
 def __new__(cls, value="0", context=None):
     if isinstance(value, basestring):
         if ':' in value:
             h, m = value.split(':')
             value = Decimal(h) + Decimal(m) * DEC2HOUR
     elif isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta):
         a = str(value).split(':')[:2]
         return cls(':'.join(a))
     self = Decimal.__new__(Duration, value, context)
     return self
Example #16
 def __new__(cls, num, denom=None):
     if denom is None:
         if isinstance(num, cls):
             return num
             denom = 1
     num, denom = int(num), int(denom)
     instance = Decimal.__new__(cls, Decimal(num) / denom)
     instance.__num, instance.__denom = (num, denom)
     instance.__tuple = (unicode(num), unicode(denom))
     return instance
Example #17
    def __new__(cls, value, **kw):
        new = Decimal.__new__(cls, value.replace(",", "."), **kw)
        new.int = Decimal(int(new))
        new.dec = new - new.int
        new.string = value.replace(".", ",")
        new.len = len(new.string)
        new.l_int = len(new.int.as_tuple().digits)
        new.l_dec = len(new.dec.as_tuple().digits) if new.dec else 0
        new.l_chiffres = new.l_int + new.l_dec

        return new
Example #18
 def __new__(cls, num, denom=None):
     if denom is None:
         if isinstance(num, cls):
             return num
             denom = 1
     num, denom = int(num), int(denom)
     instance = Decimal.__new__(cls, Decimal(num) / denom)
     instance.__num, instance.__denom = (num, denom)
     instance.__tuple = (str(num), str(denom))
     return instance
Example #19
 def new_money(cls, value='NaN', context=None):
     Build a class named MoneyIn<currency_code> inheriting from Decimal.
     if isinstance(value, cls):
         assert cls._currency_code == value._currency_code, "Money type currency mismatch"
     if value is None:
         value = 'NaN'
         self = Decimal.__new__(cls, value, context)
     except Exception as err:
         raise ValueError(err)
     return self
Example #20
 def __new__(cls, amount_input, currency):
     subunit = currency_subunits.get(currency, subunit2)
     value = Decimal(amount_input).quantize(subunit)
     self = Decimal.__new__(cls, value)
     self.amount_input = amount_input
     if '-' in amount_input:
         self.sign = -1
     elif '+' in amount_input:
         self.sign = 1
         # Unspecified.
         self.sign = 0
     return self
Example #21
 def new_money(cls, value='NaN', context=None):
     Build a class named MoneyIn<currency_code> inheriting from Decimal.
     if isinstance(value, cls):
         assert cls._currency_code == value._currency_code, "Money type currency mismatch"
     if value is None:
         value = 'NaN'
         self = Decimal.__new__(cls, value, context)
     except Exception as err:
         raise ValueError(err)
     return self
Example #22
 def __new__(cls, value="0%", context=None):
     if value is NotImplemented:
         return value
     if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
         text = value
         if text[-1] != "%":
             text += "%"
         cv = Decimal(text[:-1]) / Decimal(100)
         cv = value
         text = str(value * 100) + "%"
     self = Decimal.__new__(cls, cv, context)
     self._text = text
     return self
Example #23
 def __new__(cls, value="0%", context=None):
     if value is NotImplemented:
         return value
     if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
         text = value
         if text[-1] != "%":
             text += "%"
         cv = Decimal(text[:-1]) / Decimal(100)
         cv = value
         text = str(value * 100) + "%"
     self = Decimal.__new__(cls, cv, context)
     self._text = text
     return self
Example #24
 def __new__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     Overloads the decimal __new__ function in order to round the input
     value to the new value.
   if self._precision is not None:
     if len(args):
       value = Decimal(args[0]).quantize(Decimal(str(self._precision)))
       value = Decimal(0)
   elif len(args):
     value = Decimal(args[0])
     value = Decimal(0)
   obj = Decimal.__new__(self, value, **kwargs)
   return obj
Example #25
 def __new__(cls, value="0", context=None):
     if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
         if ':' in value:
             h, m = value.split(':')
             value = Decimal(h) + Decimal(m) * DEC2HOUR
     elif isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta):
         hours = 0
         if value.days != 0:
             hours += value.days * 24
             value = datetime.timedelta(seconds=value.seconds)
         a = str(value).split(':')[:2]
         hours += int(a[0])
         minutes = int(a[1])
         return cls('{0}:{1}'.format(hours, minutes))
         # return cls(':'.join(a))
     self = Decimal.__new__(Duration, value, context)
     return self
Example #26
 def __new__(cls, value="0", context=None):
     if isinstance(value, basestring):
         if ':' in value:
             h, m = value.split(':')
             value = Decimal(h) + Decimal(m) * DEC2HOUR
     elif isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta):
         hours = 0
         if value.days != 0:
             hours += value.days * 24
             value = datetime.timedelta(seconds=value.seconds)
         a = str(value).split(':')[:2]
         hours += int(a[0])
         minutes = int(a[1])
         return cls('{0}:{1}'.format(hours, minutes))
         # return cls(':'.join(a))
     self = Decimal.__new__(Duration, value, context)
     return self
Example #27
    def __new__(cls, num, exponent=None):
        if exponent is None:
            if isinstance(num, cls):
                return num
                exponent = 1
            exponent = int(exponent)

        if exponent > 0:
            value = Decimal(num) * (10 ** exponent)
            value = Decimal(num) / (10 ** abs(exponent))

        instance = Decimal.__new__(cls, value)
        instance.__num, instance.__exponent = num, exponent
        instance.__tuple = (str(num), str(exponent))
        return instance
Example #28
    def __new__(cls, num, exponent=None):
        if exponent is None:
            if isinstance(num, cls):
                return num
                exponent = 1
            exponent = int(exponent)

        if exponent > 0:
            value = Decimal(num) * (10**exponent)
            value = Decimal(num) / (10**abs(exponent))

        instance = Decimal.__new__(cls, value)
        instance.__num, instance.__exponent = num, exponent
        instance.__tuple = (unicode(num), unicode(exponent))
        return instance
Example #29
 def new_money(cls, value='NaN', context=None):
     Build a class named MoneyIn<currency_code> inheriting from Decimal.
     if isinstance(value, cls):
         assert cls._currency_code == value._currency_code
     if isinstance(value, (cls, Decimal)):
         self = object.__new__(cls)
         self._exp = value._exp
         self._sign = value._sign
         self._int = value._int
         self._is_special = value._is_special
         return self
     if value is None:
         value = 'NaN'
         self = Decimal.__new__(cls, value, context)
     except Exception as err:
         raise ValueError(err)
     return self
Example #30
 def new_money(cls, value='NaN', context=None):
     Build a class named MoneyIn<currency_code> inheriting from Decimal.
     if isinstance(value, cls):
         assert cls._currency_code == value._currency_code
     if isinstance(value, (cls, Decimal)):
         self = object.__new__(cls)
         self._exp = value._exp
         self._sign = value._sign
         self._int = value._int
         self._is_special = value._is_special
         return self
     if value is None:
         value = 'NaN'
         self = Decimal.__new__(cls, value, context)
     except Exception as err:
         raise ValueError(err)
     return self
Example #31
    def __new__(cls, bytes=None,  spec=None):
        """ Initialize a new Size object.  Must pass either bytes or spec,
            but not both.  The bytes parameter is a numerical value for the size
            this object represents, in bytes.  The spec parameter is a string
            specification of the size using any of the size specifiers in the
            _decimalPrefixes or _binaryPrefixes lists combined with a 'b' or
            'B'.  For example, to specify 640 kilobytes, you could pass any of
            these parameters:

                spec="640 kb"
                spec="640 KB"
                spec="640 kilobytes"

            If you want to use spec to pass a bytes value, you can use the
            letter 'b' or 'B' or simply leave the specifier off and bytes
            will be assumed.
        if bytes and spec:
            raise SizeParamsError("only specify one parameter")

        if bytes is not None:
            if isinstance(bytes, (int, long, float, Decimal)):
                value = Decimal(bytes)
            elif isinstance(bytes, Size):
                value = Decimal(bytes.convertTo("b"))
                raise ValueError("invalid value for bytes param")
        elif spec:
            value = _parseSpec(spec)
            raise SizeParamsError("missing bytes= or spec=")

        # drop any partial byte
        value = value.to_integral_value(rounding=ROUND_DOWN)
        self = Decimal.__new__(cls, value=value)
        return self
Example #32
 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
     vals = list(args)
     vals[0] = str(args[0])
     vals = tuple(vals)
     newobj = Decimal.__new__(cls, *vals, **kwargs)
     return newobj
Example #33
 def __new__(cls, value, currency=None):
     self = Decimal.__new__(cls, value)
     self.currency = currency
     return self
Example #34
 def __new__(cls, angle=0):
     """Aspect angle initialization (angle between 0 and 180)."""
     angle = float(angle)
     if angle < 0 or angle > 180:
         raise ValueError('Invalid angle %s.' % angle)
     return Decimal.__new__(cls, str(angle))
Example #35
 def __new__(cls, value="0", context=None):
     d = Dec.__new__(cls, value, context)
     return d.quantize(Dec('0.00000001'), rounding=ROUND_DOWN)
Example #36
 def __new__(cls, value="0", context=None):
     obj = Decimal.__new__(cls, value, context)
     obj.saved_string = value
     return obj
Example #37
 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
     vals = list(args)
     vals[0] = str(args[0])
     vals = tuple(vals)
     newobj = Decimal.__new__(cls, *vals, **kwargs)
     return newobj
Example #38
 def __new__(self, amount, currency):
     return Decimal.__new__(self, amount)
Example #39
 def __new__(cls, value="0", context=None):
     cls.decimal3 = True
     return Decimal.__new__(cls, value=value or "0", context=context)
Example #40
 def __new__(cls, value):
     return Decimal.__new__(cls, value, cls.context)
Example #41
 def __new__(cls, value, currency=None):
     self = Decimal.__new__(cls, value)
     self.currency = currency
     return self
Example #42
 def __new__(cls, amount):
     if amount is None:
         raise ValueError('Cannot convert None to currency')
     return Decimal.__new__(cls, cls._sanitize(amount))
Example #43
 def __new__(cls, amount):
     return Decimal.__new__(cls, cls._sanitize(amount))
Example #44
 def __new__(cls, amount):
     if amount is None:
         raise ValueError('Cannot convert None to currency')
     return Decimal.__new__(cls, cls._sanitize(amount))
Example #45
 def __new__(cls, value):
     return Decimal.__new__(cls, value, cls.context)
 def __new__(cls, amount):
     return Decimal.__new__(cls, cls._sanitize(amount))