Example #1
def main():
    random.seed(50) #set random seed to static value

    # Generate 20 random test
    for i in range(20):
        # Genereate random message to test
        # Message will have random length (betwewen 4 and 40)
        message = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYXZ' * random.randint(4,40)

        #Convert the message string to a list to shuffle it:
        message = list(message)
        #Convert list back to string
        message = ''.join(message)
        print('Test #%s: "%s..."' % (i + 1, message[:50]))

        # check all possible keys for each message
        for key in range (1, int(len(message)/2)):
            encrypted = transpositionEncrypt.encryptMessage(key, message)
            decrypted = decryptTransposition.decryptMessage(key, encrypted)

            # If the decryption doesn't match the original message, display an error message and quit
            if message != decrypted:
                print('There is something wrong with the key %s and message %s' % (key,message))
                print('Decrypted as: ' + decrypted)
        print('Transposition cipher test passed')
def hackTransposition(message):
    print 'Hacking...'

    print '(Press Ctrl-C or Ctrl-D to quit at any time.)'

    # brute-force by looping through every possible key
    for key in range(1, len(message)):
        print 'Trying key #%s...' % (key)

        decryptedText = decryptTransposition.decryptMessage(key, message)

        if detectEnglish.isEnglish(decryptedText):
            # Check with user to see if the decrypted key has been found.
            print 'Possible encryption hack:'
            print 'Key %s: %s' % (key, decryptedText[:100])
            #accounts for false positives
            print 'Enter D for done, or just press Enter to continue hacking:'
            response = raw_input('> ')

            if response.strip().upper().startswith('D'):
                return decryptedText

    return None
def main():
    #inputFilename = 'frankenstein.txt'
    # to decrypt, next line must run
    inputFilename = 'frankenstein.encrypted.txt'
    outputFilename = 'frankenstein.decrypted.txt'
    myKey = 10
    myMode = 'decrypt'
    # if input file does not exist program leaves early.
    if not os.path.exists(inputFilename):
        print "the file %s does not exist. Qutting..." % (inputFilename)
    # if output file exists, give user a chance to continue
    if os.path.exists(outputFilename):
        print "this will overwrite the file %s. (C)ontinue or (Q)uit?" % (outputFilename)
        response = raw_input('> ')
        if not response.lower().startswith('c'):
    # read in message from input file
    fileObj = open(inputFilename)
    content = fileObj.read()
    print '%sing...' % (myMode.title()) # converts lowercase to first letter capitalized 
    startTime = time.time()
    if myMode == 'encrypt':
        translated = TranspositionCipher.encryptMessage(myKey, content)
    elif myMode == 'decrypt':
        translated = decryptTransposition.decryptMessage(myKey, content)
    totalTime = round(time.time() - startTime, 2)
    print '%sion time: %s seconds' % (myMode.title(), totalTime)
    # write out translated message to a file
    outputFileObj = open(outputFilename, 'w')
    print 'Done %sing %s (%s characters).' % (myMode, inputFilename, len(content))
    print '%sed file is %s.' % (myMode.title(), outputFilename)
def main():
    fileName = 'helloworld.txt'
    outputFileName = 'encryptedFile.txt'

    myKey = 10
    encryptMode = 'encrypt'

    if not os.path.exists(fileName):
        print('The file %s does not exist.' % (fileName))

    # If output file already exist the user can quit or continue to encrypt new file
    if os.path.exists(fileName):
        print('This will overwrite the file %s. (C)ontinue or (Quit)' %
        response = input('> ')
        # if response does not start with c exit the system
        if not response.lower().startswith('c'):
    # Read the message from the input file
    fileObj = open(fileName)
    content = fileObj.read()
    print('%sing...' % (encryptMode.title()))
    # Measure how long the encryption and decryption takes
    startTime = time.time()
    if encryptMode == 'encrypt':
        translated = transpositionEncrypt.encryptMessage(myKey, content)
    elif encryptMode == 'decrypt':
        translated = decryptTransposition.decryptMessage(myKey, content)
    totalTime = round(time.time() - startTime, 2)
    print('%sion time:%s seconds' % (encryptMode.title(), totalTime))

    # Write the translated message to the textfile
    outputFileObj = open(outputFileName, 'w')

    print('Done %sing %s (%s characters).' %
          (encryptMode, fileName, len(content)))
    print('%sed file is %s.' % (encryptMode.title(), fileName))