Example #1
    def test_fd_grad(self, dataset, transformers=[]):
    Uses self to calculate finite difference gradient on provided Dataset object.
    Currently only useful if your task is energy and self contains predict_grad_on_batch.

    TODO(rbharath): This shouldn't be a method of the Model class. Perhaps a
    method of PhysicalModel subclass. Leaving it in for time-being while refactoring

      y_pred: numpy ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
        y_preds = []
        batch_size = self.model_params["batch_size"]
        for (X_batch, y_batch, w_batch,
             ids_batch) in dataset.iterbatches(batch_size):

            for xb in X_batch:

                num_atoms = xb.shape[0]
                coords = 3

                h = 0.001
                fd_batch = []
                # Filling a new batch with displaced geometries
                for i in xrange(num_atoms):
                    for j in xrange(coords):
                        displace = np.zeros((num_atoms, coords))
                        displace[i][j] += h / 2
                        fd_batch.append(xb + displace)
                        fd_batch.append(xb - displace)

                fd_batch = np.asarray(fd_batch)
                # Predict energy on displaced geometry batch
                y_pred_batch = self.predict_on_batch(fd_batch)
                energy = y_pred_batch[:, 0]
                y_pred_batch = undo_transforms(y_pred_batch, transformers)
                y_pred_batch = y_pred_batch[:, 0]
                y_pred_batch = np.reshape(y_pred_batch, (3 * num_atoms, 2))

                fd_grads = []
                # Calculate numerical gradient by centered finite difference
                for x in y_pred_batch:
                    fd_grads.append((x[0] - x[1]) / h)

                fd_grads = np.asarray(fd_grads)
                fd_grads = np.reshape(fd_grads, (num_atoms, coords))

                xb = np.asarray([xb])
                y_pred_batch = self.predict_grad_on_batch(xb)
                y_pred_batch = undo_grad_transforms(energy, y_pred_batch,
                # Calculate error between symbolic gradient and numerical gradient
                y_pred_batch = y_pred_batch - fd_grads

        y_pred = np.vstack(y_preds)

        return y_pred
Example #2
    def test_fd_grad(self, dataset, transformers=[]):
    Uses self to calculate finite difference gradient on provided Dataset object.
    Currently only useful if your task is energy and self contains predict_grad_on_batch.

    TODO(rbharath): This shouldn't be a method of the Model class. Perhaps a
    method of PhysicalModel subclass. Leaving it in for time-being while refactoring

      y_pred: numpy ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
        y_preds = []
        batch_size = self.model_params["batch_size"]
        for (X_batch, y_batch, w_batch, ids_batch) in dataset.iterbatches(batch_size):

            for xb in X_batch:

                num_atoms = xb.shape[0]
                coords = 3

                h = 0.001
                fd_batch = []
                # Filling a new batch with displaced geometries
                for i in xrange(num_atoms):
                    for j in xrange(coords):
                        displace = np.zeros((num_atoms, coords))
                        displace[i][j] += h / 2
                        fd_batch.append(xb + displace)
                        fd_batch.append(xb - displace)

                fd_batch = np.asarray(fd_batch)
                # Predict energy on displaced geometry batch
                y_pred_batch = self.predict_on_batch(fd_batch)
                energy = y_pred_batch[:, 0]
                y_pred_batch = undo_transforms(y_pred_batch, transformers)
                y_pred_batch = y_pred_batch[:, 0]
                y_pred_batch = np.reshape(y_pred_batch, (3 * num_atoms, 2))

                fd_grads = []
                # Calculate numerical gradient by centered finite difference
                for x in y_pred_batch:
                    fd_grads.append((x[0] - x[1]) / h)

                fd_grads = np.asarray(fd_grads)
                fd_grads = np.reshape(fd_grads, (num_atoms, coords))

                xb = np.asarray([xb])
                y_pred_batch = self.predict_grad_on_batch(xb)
                y_pred_batch = undo_grad_transforms(energy, y_pred_batch, transformers)
                # Calculate error between symbolic gradient and numerical gradient
                y_pred_batch = y_pred_batch - fd_grads
                # print(y_pred_batch)

        y_pred = np.vstack(y_preds)

        return y_pred
Example #3
    def evaluate_error_class2(self, dataset, transformers=[]):
    Evaluate the error in energy and gradient components, forcebalance-style.

    TODO(rbharath): Should be a subclass PhysicalModel method. Also, need to
    find a better name for this method (class2 doesn't tell us anything about the
    semantics of this method.
        y_preds = []
        y_train = []
        grads = []
        batch_size = self.model_params["batch_size"]
        for (X_batch, y_batch, w_batch,
             ids_batch) in dataset.iterbatches(batch_size):

            # untransformed E is needed for undo_grad_transform
            energy_batch = self.predict_on_batch(X_batch)
            grad_batch = self.predict_grad_on_batch(X_batch)
            grad_batch = undo_grad_transforms(grad_batch, energy_batch,
            y_pred_batch = np.reshape(energy_batch, y_batch.shape)

            # y_pred_batch gives us the pred E and pred multitask trained gradE
            y_pred_batch = undo_transforms(y_pred_batch, transformers)

            # undo transforms on y_batch should know how to handle E and gradE separately
            y_batch = undo_transforms(y_batch, transformers)

        y_pred = np.vstack(y_preds)
        y = np.vstack(y_train)
        grad = np.vstack(grads)

        n_samples, n_tasks = len(dataset), len(self.tasks)
        n_atoms = int((n_tasks - 1) / 3)

        y_pred = np.reshape(y_pred, (n_samples, n_tasks))
        y = np.reshape(y, (n_samples, n_tasks))
        grad_train = y[:, 1:]

        energy_error = y[:, 0] - y_pred[:, 0]
        energy_error = np.sqrt(np.mean(
            energy_error * energy_error)) * 2625.5002

        grad = np.reshape(grad, (n_samples, n_atoms, 3))
        grad_train = np.reshape(grad_train, (n_samples, n_atoms, 3))

        grad_error = grad - grad_train
        grad_error = np.sqrt(np.mean(grad_error * grad_error)) * 4961.47596096

        print("Energy error (RMSD): %f kJ/mol" % energy_error)
        print("Grad error (RMSD): %f kJ/mol/A" % grad_error)

        return energy_error, grad_error
Example #4
    def evaluate_error_class2(self, dataset, transformers=[]):
    Evaluate the error in energy and gradient components, forcebalance-style.

    TODO(rbharath): Should be a subclass PhysicalModel method. Also, need to
    find a better name for this method (class2 doesn't tell us anything about the
    semantics of this method.
        y_preds = []
        y_train = []
        grads = []
        batch_size = self.model_params["batch_size"]
        for (X_batch, y_batch, w_batch, ids_batch) in dataset.iterbatches(batch_size):

            # untransformed E is needed for undo_grad_transform
            energy_batch = self.predict_on_batch(X_batch)
            grad_batch = self.predict_grad_on_batch(X_batch)
            grad_batch = undo_grad_transforms(grad_batch, energy_batch, transformers)
            y_pred_batch = np.reshape(energy_batch, y_batch.shape)

            # y_pred_batch gives us the pred E and pred multitask trained gradE
            y_pred_batch = undo_transforms(y_pred_batch, transformers)

            # undo transforms on y_batch should know how to handle E and gradE separately
            y_batch = undo_transforms(y_batch, transformers)

        y_pred = np.vstack(y_preds)
        y = np.vstack(y_train)
        grad = np.vstack(grads)

        n_samples, n_tasks = len(dataset), len(self.tasks)
        n_atoms = int((n_tasks - 1) / 3)

        y_pred = np.reshape(y_pred, (n_samples, n_tasks))
        y = np.reshape(y, (n_samples, n_tasks))
        grad_train = y[:, 1:]

        energy_error = y[:, 0] - y_pred[:, 0]
        energy_error = np.sqrt(np.mean(energy_error * energy_error)) * 2625.5002

        grad = np.reshape(grad, (n_samples, n_atoms, 3))
        grad_train = np.reshape(grad_train, (n_samples, n_atoms, 3))

        grad_error = grad - grad_train
        grad_error = np.sqrt(np.mean(grad_error * grad_error)) * 4961.47596096

        print("Energy error (RMSD): %f kJ/mol" % energy_error)
        print("Grad error (RMSD): %f kJ/mol/A" % grad_error)

        return energy_error, grad_error
Example #5
    def predict_grad(self, dataset, transformers=[]):
    Uses self to calculate gradient on provided Dataset object.

    TODO(rbharath): Should we assume each model has meaningful gradients to
    predict? Should this be a subclass for PhysicalModel or the like?

      y_pred: numpy ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
        grads = []
        batch_size = self.model_params["batch_size"]
        for (X_batch, y_batch, w_batch, ids_batch) in dataset.iterbatches(batch_size):
            energy_batch = self.predict_on_batch(X_batch)
            grad_batch = self.predict_grad_on_batch(X_batch)
            grad_batch = undo_grad_transforms(grad_batch, energy_batch, transformers)
        grad = np.vstack(grads)

        return grad
Example #6
    def predict_grad(self, dataset, transformers=[], batch_size=50):
    Uses self to calculate gradient on provided Dataset object.

    TODO(rbharath): Should we assume each model has meaningful gradients to
    predict? Should this be a subclass for PhysicalModel or the like?

      y_pred: numpy ndarray of shape (n_samples,)
        grads = []
        for (X_batch, y_batch, w_batch,
             ids_batch) in dataset.iterbatches(batch_size):
            energy_batch = self.predict_on_batch(X_batch)
            grad_batch = self.predict_grad_on_batch(X_batch)
            grad_batch = undo_grad_transforms(grad_batch, energy_batch,
        grad = np.vstack(grads)

        return grad