def getChunkLength(args, chromSize):
    There's no point in parsing the GTF time over and over again needlessly.
    Emprically, it seems that adding ~4x the number of workers is ideal, since
    coverage is non-uniform. This is a heuristic way of approximating that.

    Note that if there are MANY small contigs and a few large ones (e.g., the
    max and median lengths are >10x different, then it's best to take a
    different tack.

    if args.region:
        chromSize, region_start, region_end, genomeChunkLength = getUserRegion(chromSize, args.region)
        rv = np.ceil((region_start - region_end) / float(4 * args.numberOfProcessors)).astype(int)
        return max(1, rv)

    bl = None
    if args.blackListFileName:
        bl = GTF(args.blackListFileName)

    lengths = []
    for k, v in chromSize:
        regs = blSubtract(bl, k, [0, v])
        for reg in regs:
            lengths.append(reg[1] - reg[0])

    if len(lengths) >= 4 * args.numberOfProcessors:
        rv = np.median(lengths).astype(int)
        # In cases like dm6 or GRCh38, there are a LOT of really small contigs, which will cause the median to be small and performance to tank
        if np.max(lengths) >= 10 * rv:
            rv = np.ceil(np.sum(lengths) / (4.0 * args.numberOfProcessors)).astype(int)
        rv = np.ceil(np.sum(lengths) / (4.0 * args.numberOfProcessors)).astype(int)

    return max(1, rv)
Example #2
def getChunkLength(args, chromSize):
    There's no point in parsing the GTF time over and over again needlessly.
    Emprically, it seems that adding ~4x the number of workers is ideal, since
    coverage is non-uniform. This is a heuristic way of approximating that.

    Note that if there are MANY small contigs and a few large ones (e.g., the
    max and median lengths are >10x different, then it's best to take a
    different tack.

    if args.region:
        chromSize, region_start, region_end, genomeChunkLength = getUserRegion(chromSize, args.region)
        rv = np.ceil((region_start - region_end) / float(4 * args.numberOfProcessors)).astype(int)
        return max(1, rv)

    bl = None
    if args.blackListFileName:
        bl = GTF(args.blackListFileName)

    lengths = []
    for k, v in chromSize:
        regs = blSubtract(bl, k, [0, v])
        for reg in regs:
            lengths.append(reg[1] - reg[0])

    if len(lengths) >= 4 * args.numberOfProcessors:
        rv = np.median(lengths).astype(int)
        # In cases like dm6 or GRCh38, there are a LOT of really small contigs, which will cause the median to be small and performance to tank
        if np.max(lengths) >= 10 * rv:
            rv = np.ceil(np.sum(lengths) / (4.0 * args.numberOfProcessors)).astype(int)
        rv = np.ceil(np.sum(lengths) / (4.0 * args.numberOfProcessors)).astype(int)

    return max(1, rv)