def __init__(self, N_layer, p, p_opt, Ln, afunc=func.relu): """ Parameters ---------- N_layer : int Number of iterations `L` in RNN. p : :py:class:`~deepwave.nn.crnn.Parameter` Serializer to encode/decode parameters. p_opt : :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N_cell_1,) vectorized parameter encoding, output of :py:meth:`~deepwave.nn.crnn.Parameter.encode`. Ln : :py:class:`~scipy.sparse.csr_matrix` (N_px, N_px) normalized graph Laplacian. afunc : function activation function """ if N_layer < 1: raise ValueError('Parameter[N_layer] must be positive.') self._N_layer = N_layer if not isinstance(p, Parameter): raise ValueError( 'Parameter[p]: expected deepwave.nn.crnn.Parameter') self._afunc = afunc mu, D, tau = p.decode(p_opt) self._mu = mu.copy() self._tau = tau.copy() self._h = graph.ConvolutionalFilter(Ln, p._K) self._D_conj_T = np.ascontiguousarray(D.conj().T)
def APGD_Parameter(XYZ, R, wl, lambda_, gamma, L, eps): r""" Theoretical values of mu, D, tau in APGD, used as initializer point for SGD. Parameters ---------- XYZ : :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray` (3, N_antenna) Cartesian array geometry. R : :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray` (3, N_px) Cartesian grid points. wl : float Wavelength \ge 0 [m] lambda_ : float Regularization parameter. gamma : float Linear trade-off between lasso and ridge regularizers. L : float Lipschitz constant from Remark 3.3 eps : float PSF truncation coefficient for :py:method:`` Returns ------- p : :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray` (N_cell,) vectorized parameter value, output of :py:meth:`~deepwave.nn.crnn.Parameter.encode`. K : int Order of polynomial filter. """ def e(i: int, N: int): v = np.zeros((N, )) v[i] = 1 return v A = phased_array.steering_operator(XYZ, R, wl) N_antenna, N_px = A.shape alpha = 1 / L beta = 2 * lambda_ * alpha * (1 - gamma) + 1 Ln, rho = graph.laplacian_exp(R, normalized=True) K = graph.ConvolutionalFilter.estimate_order(XYZ, rho, wl, eps) K *= 2 # Why?: just to be on the safe side. h = graph.ConvolutionalFilter(Ln, K) # Solve LSQ problem \sum_{k = 0}^{K} \mu_{k} T_{k}(\tilde{L}) = # \frac{I_{N} - 2 \alpha \abs{A^{H} A}^{2}}{beta} R_focus = np.mean(R, axis=1) R_focus /= linalg.norm(R_focus) idx = np.argmax(R_focus @ R) psf_mag2 = np.abs(A.conj().T @ A[:, idx])**2 c = (e(idx, N_px) - 2 * alpha * psf_mag2) / beta mu =, N_px), c) D = A * np.sqrt(2 * alpha / beta) tau = np.ones((N_px, )) * (lambda_ * alpha * gamma / beta) parameter = Parameter(N_antenna, N_px, K) p = parameter.encode(None, mu, D, tau) return p, K
def draw_rnn_psf(D, P, ax): N_antenna, N_px, K = D.XYZ.shape[1], D.R.shape[1], int(P['K']) parameter = crnn.Parameter(N_antenna, N_px, K) R_focus = np.mean(D.R, axis=1) R_focus /= linalg.norm(R_focus) idx_focus = np.argmax(R_focus @ D.R) p_vec = P['p_opt'][np.argmin(P['v_loss'])] p = dict(zip(['mu', 'D', 'tau'], parameter.decode(p_vec))) Ln, _ = graph.laplacian_exp(D.R, normalized=True) fltr = graph.ConvolutionalFilter(Ln, K) filter = fltr.filter(p['mu'], e(idx_focus, N_px)) psf = np.abs(filter) psf[idx_focus] = 0 if info['interpolation_order'] is not None: N = info['interpolation_order'] approximate_kernel = True if (N > 15) else False interp = interpolate.Interpolator(N, approximate_kernel) N_s = N_px = D.R.shape[1] psf = interp.__call__(weight=np.ones((N_s, )), support=D.R, f=psf.reshape((1, N_px)), r=D.R) psf = np.clip(psf, a_min=0, a_max=None) psf_plot = s2image.Image(data=psf, grid=D.R) psf_plot.draw(projection=info['projection'], use_contours=False, catalog_kwargs=dict(edgecolor='g', ), ax=ax) ax.set_title(r'$\Psi_{RNN}(r, r_{0})$')
def __init__(self, N_layer, p, s, Ln, loss='relative-l2', afunc=(func.relu, func.d_relu), trainable_parameter=(('mu', True), ('D', True), ('tau', True))): r""" Parameters ---------- N_layer : int Number of iterations `L` in RNN. p : :py:class:`~deepwave.nn.crnn.Parameter` Serializer to encode/decode parameters. s : :py:class:`~deepwave.nn.Sampler` Serializer to encode/decode samples. Ln : :py:class:`~scipy.sparse.csr_matrix` (N_px, N_px) normalized graph Laplacian. loss : str If 'relative-l2', use the relative squared error \eps = (1/2) * \norm{\hat{x} - x^{L}}{2}^{2} / \norm{\hat{x}}{2}^{2} If 'shifted-kl', use the generalized shifted Kullback-Leibler divergence \eps = (1 + \hat{x})^{T} \log\bigParen{\frac{1 + \hat{x}}{1 + x^{L}}} - 1^{T}\bigParen{\hat{x} - x^{L}} afunc : tuple(function) (activation function, activation function derivative) trainable_parameter : tuple(tuple(str, bool)) Tuple of (str, bool) pairs that state whether the corresponding parameters should have a gradient or not. """ super().__init__() if N_layer < 1: raise ValueError('Parameter[N_layer] must be positive.') self._N_layer = N_layer if not isinstance(p, Parameter): raise ValueError( 'Parameter[p]: expected deepwave.nn.crnn.Parameter') self._p = p if not isinstance(s, nn.Sampler): raise ValueError('Parameter[s]: expected deepwave.nn.Sampler') self._s = s N_px = self._s._N_px if not (isinstance(Ln, sp.csr_matrix) and (Ln.shape == (N_px, N_px))): raise ValueError('Parameter[Ln] must be (N_px, N_px) CSR.') self._h = graph.ConvolutionalFilter(Ln, self._p._K) if loss == 'relative-l2': self._use_l2 = True elif loss == 'shifted-kl': self._use_l2 = False else: raise ValueError( 'Parameter[loss] must be one of {"relative-l2", "shifted-kl"}.' ) if not (isinstance(afunc, tuple) and (len(afunc) == 2)): raise ValueError('Parameter[afunc]: expected (function, function)') self._afunc = afunc[0] self._afunc_d = afunc[1] param_msg = ('Parameter[trainable_parameter] must take form ' "(('mu', T/F), ('D', T/F), ('tau', T/F)).") if not (isinstance(trainable_parameter, tuple) and (len(trainable_parameter) == 3) and all([len(p) == 2 for p in trainable_parameter])): raise ValueError(param_msg) self._param = dict(trainable_parameter) if not ((set(self._param.keys()) == {'mu', 'D', 'tau'}) and (set(self._param.values()) <= {True, False})): raise ValueError(param_msg) # Buffer of intermediate values for grad(). # Will always have shape (N_sample, N_layer, N_px) self._tape_buffer = None # Buffer (p, x) variables used in eval(). If the same ones are used in # grad() afterwards, we can skip re-computation of eval() during # grad(). self._tape_p = None self._tape_x = None