async def _(event): """DeezLoader by @An0nimia Ported for UniBorg by @SpEcHlDe""" if event.fwd_from: return strings = { "name": "DeezLoad", "arl_token_cfg_doc": "ARL Token for Deezer", "invalid_arl_token": "please set the required variables for this module", "wrong_cmd_syntax": "bruh, now i think how far should we go. please terminate my Session 🥺", "server_error": "We're experiencing technical difficulties.", "processing": "checking received input ?" } ARL_TOKEN = Config.DEEZER_ARL_TOKEN if ARL_TOKEN is None: await event.edit(strings["invalid_arl_token"]) return try: loader = deezloader.Login(ARL_TOKEN) except Exception as er: await event.edit(str(er)) return temp_dl_path = os.path.join(Config.TMP_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY, str(time.time())) if not os.path.exists(temp_dl_path): os.makedirs(temp_dl_path) required_link = required_qty =
def download(outputFolder): token = "884d9cf88f80e652ea8d78b64ed7cd1a60e7c7ecf2ee2c74811837ece0291b477e9c29e8e638b6a5c5b37cab0bf13b726cfb27fc09e55ecb74f5785dccee18c96a84220527d166b527f830c857a7b5128f4e3d194b78d8cb63bd6467c7d8c4e4" downloa = deezloader.Login(token) quality = "FLAC" output = outputFolder recursive_quality = False recursive_download = False not_gui = False song = "" artist = "" downQueue = db.getDownloadQueue() for songs in downQueue: song = songs[0] artist = songs[1] try: downloa.download_name(artist, song, output, quality, recursive_quality, recursive_download, not_gui) db.downloaded(song, artist) except deezloader.exceptions.TrackNotFound: print("Track not found")
def music(update, context): if not os.path.exists(TEMP_PATH): os.makedirs(TEMP_PATH) msg = update.effective_message args = context.args track = "" try: loader = deezloader.Login(ARL) except Exception as excp: msg.reply_text(f"Failed to load token. Error: {excp}") return try: flag = args[0] query = args[1] except IndexError: msg.reply_text("use format: /music <flag> <link/song name> <quality>") return quality = "MP3_320" if len(args) == 3: quality = args[2] message = msg.reply_text(f"Searching the music as {quality} . . .") try: if flag == "-link": if "deezer" in query: track = loader.download_trackdee( query, output=TEMP_PATH, quality=quality, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, ) if "spotify" in query: track = loader.download_trackspo( query, output=TEMP_PATH, quality=quality, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, ) if flag == "-song": if len(query.split("-")) == 2: artist, song = query.split("-") else: message.edit_text("read /help music plox on me") return track = loader.download_name( artist=artist, song=song, output=TEMP_PATH, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, ) except NoDataApi: message.edit_text("Song Not Found *sad") return except Exception as excp: message.edit_text(f"Failed. Error: {excp}") return try: message.edit_text("Uploading music . . .") msg.reply_audio(audio=open(track, "rb")) message.edit_text("Done. :)") except FileNotFoundError: message.edit_text("read /help music plox on me") shutil.rmtree(TEMP_PATH)
import json import shutil import settings import spotipy import telepot import acrcloud import requests import threading import dwytsongs import deezloader from time import sleep from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import spotipy.oauth2 as oauth2 from telepot.namedtuple import ReplyKeyboardMarkup, KeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton downloa = deezloader.Login(settings.username, settings.password) token = settings.token bot = telepot.Bot(token) stage = {} users = {} artist = {} array2 = [] array3 = [] local = os.getcwd() temp = 0 goes = 0 config = { "key": "d8d8e2b3e982d8413bd8f3f7f3b5b51a", "secret": "Xy0DL8AGiG4KBInav12P2TYMKSFRQYyclZyw3cu5", "host": "" }
else: link = global_search(search_type) tracklink = True albumlink = False if ask_for_output == 'True': out = input('Cambiare Output (lasciare vuoto per standard)?\n') if len(out) == 0: output = check_output(standard_output) else: output = check_output(out) # DEEZER DOWNLOADER try: download = deezloader.Login(requests.get('').text) # requests.get('').text except deezloader.exceptions.BadCredentials: print('Invalid ARL token, please check you connection or try again later') input('Premi \'Invio\' per chiudere il programma') quit() except Exception: print('Trovato errore imprevisto...') input('Premi \'Invio\' per chiudere il programma') quit() if tracklink: try: download.download_trackspo( URL=link, output=output, quality="MP3_320", recursive_quality=True,
from pathlib import Path from telegram.ext.dispatcher import run_async from telegram.ext import CommandHandler, MessageHandler, Filters, ConversationHandler from telegram import ForceReply, ReplyKeyboardMarkup from pyrogram import Client from acutebot import dp, typing, ARLTOKEN, LOG, APIID, APIHASH from acutebot.helpers import strings as st MUSIC, ARTIST, SENDMUSIC = range(3) MUSICDICT = {} if ARLTOKEN is not None: try: downloa = deezloader.Login(ARLTOKEN) except BadCredentials: print("Deezer token is dead :(") @run_async @typing def musicq(update, context): reply_keyboard = [["🎵 256KBs", "🎧 320KBs", "🎶 FLAC"]] update.effective_message.reply_text( st.MUSICQ, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True, selective=True), )
"2": set_check, "3": set_recursive} cmnd = input("> ") if cmnd == "4": break elif cmnd in commands: commands[cmnd]() else: print("Invalid Command!") time.sleep(0.4) qualit, chec, recursiv = 0,0,0 if __name__ == "__main__": menu = {"1": download, "2": modify_parameters, "3": exit_app} dl = deezloader.Login("email", "password", "token") option, qualit, chec, recursiv = set_default_options(dl) while True: os.system('clear') print_menu() cmnd = input("> ") if cmnd in menu: menu[cmnd](option) else: print("Invalid Command!") time.sleep(0.4)
async def _(event): """DeezLoader by @An0nimia Ported for UniBorg by @SpEcHlDe""" if event.fwd_from: return strings = { "name": "DeezLoad", "arl_token_cfg_doc": "ARL Token for Deezer", "invalid_arl_token": "please set the required variables for this module", "wrong_cmd_syntax": "bruh, now i think how far should we go. please terminate my Session!", "server_error": "We're experiencing technical difficulties.", "Processando": "`Downloading...`", "enviando": "`Uploading...`", } ARL_TOKEN = DEEZER_ARL_TOKEN if ARL_TOKEN is None: await event.edit(strings["invalid_arl_token"]) return try: loader = deezloader.Login(ARL_TOKEN) except Exception as er: await event.edit(str(er)) return temp_dl_path = os.path.join(TEMP_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY, str(time.time())) if not os.path.exists(temp_dl_path): os.makedirs(temp_dl_path) required_link = required_qty = await event.edit(strings["Processando"]) if "spotify" in required_link: if "track" in required_link: required_track = loader.download_trackspo( required_link, output=temp_dl_path, quality=required_qty, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, ) await event.edit(strings["enviando"]) await upload_track(required_track, event) shutil.rmtree(temp_dl_path) await event.delete() elif "album" in required_link: reqd_albums = loader.download_albumspo( required_link, output=temp_dl_path, quality=required_qty, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, zips=False, ) await event.edit(strings["enviando"]) for required_track in reqd_albums: await upload_track(required_track, event) shutil.rmtree(temp_dl_path) await event.delete() elif "deezer" in required_link: if "track" in required_link: required_track = loader.download_trackdee( required_link, output=temp_dl_path, quality=required_qty, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, ) await event.edit(strings["enviando"]) await upload_track(required_track, event) shutil.rmtree(temp_dl_path) await event.delete() elif "album" in required_link: reqd_albums = loader.download_albumdee( required_link, output=temp_dl_path, quality=required_qty, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, zips=False, ) await event.edit(strings["enviando"]) for required_track in reqd_albums: await upload_track(required_track, event) shutil.rmtree(temp_dl_path) await event.delete() else: await event.edit(strings["wrong_cmd_syntax"])
acrcloud_key = config['acrcloud']['key'] acrcloud_hash = config['acrcloud']['secret'] acrcloud_host = config['acrcloud']['host'] ya_key = config['yandex']['key'] version = config['bot_info']['version'] creator = config['bot_info']['creator'] donation_link = config['bot_info']['donation'] group_link = config['bot_info']['group'] except KeyError: print("Something went wrong with configuration file") sys.exit(0) downloa = deezloader.Login(deezer_token) bot = telepot.Bot(bot_token) bot_name = bot.getMe()['username'] users = {} qualit = {} date = {} languag = {} del1 = 0 del2 = 0 free = 1 default_time = 0.8 is_audio = 0
async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return strings = { "name": "DeezLoad", "arl_token_cfg_doc": "ARL Token for Deezer", "invalid_arl_token": "please set the required variables for this module", "wrong_cmd_syntax": "Bruh, sekarang kupikir seberapa jauh kita harus melangkah. tolong hentikan Sesi saya 🥺", "server_error": "Kami mengalami kesulitan teknis.", "processing": "`Mendownload..`", "uploading": "`Mengupload...`", } ARL_TOKEN = DEEZER_ARL_TOKEN if ARL_TOKEN is None: await event.edit(strings["invalid_arl_token"]) return try: loader = deezloader.Login(ARL_TOKEN) except Exception as er: await event.edit(str(er)) return temp_dl_path = os.path.join(TEMP_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY, str(time.time())) if not os.path.exists(temp_dl_path): os.makedirs(temp_dl_path) required_link = required_qty = await event.edit(strings["processing"]) if "spotify" in required_link: if "track" in required_link: required_track = loader.download_trackspo( required_link, output=temp_dl_path, quality=required_qty, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, ) await event.edit(strings["uploading"]) await upload_track(required_track, event) shutil.rmtree(temp_dl_path) await event.delete() elif "album" in required_link: reqd_albums = loader.download_albumspo( required_link, output=temp_dl_path, quality=required_qty, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, zips=False, ) for required_track in reqd_albums: await event.edit(strings["uploading"]) await upload_track(required_track, event) shutil.rmtree(temp_dl_path) await event.delete() elif "deezer" in required_link: if "track" in required_link: required_track = loader.download_trackdee( required_link, output=temp_dl_path, quality=required_qty, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, ) await upload_track(required_track, event) await event.edit(strings["uploading"]) shutil.rmtree(temp_dl_path) await event.delete() elif "album" in required_link: reqd_albums = loader.download_albumdee( required_link, output=temp_dl_path, quality=required_qty, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, zips=False, ) for required_track in reqd_albums: await event.edit(strings["uploading"]) await upload_track(required_track, event) shutil.rmtree(temp_dl_path) await event.delete() else: await event.edit(strings["wrong_cmd_syntax"])
async def deezload(message: Message): if not os.path.exists(TEMP_PATH): os.makedirs(TEMP_PATH) if not message.flags: await message.edit( "Hello, this plugin requires a proper flag to be passed...") return await message.edit("Checking your token.") if ARL_TOKEN is None: await message.edit(ARL_HELP, disable_web_page_preview=True) return try: loader = deezloader.Login(ARL_TOKEN) except Exception as er: await message.edit(er) await Clogger.log(f"#ERROR\n\n{er}") return flags = list(message.flags) to_zip = "-zip" in flags d_quality = "MP3_320" if not message.filtered_input_str: await message.edit("Tell me how to download `nothing`...") return input_ = message.filtered_input_str if "-dsong" not in flags: try: input_link, quality = input_.split() except ValueError: if len(input_.split()) == 1: input_link = input_ quality = d_quality else: await message.edit("Invalid Syntax Detected. 🙂") return if not, input_link): await message.edit( "As per my Blek Mejik Regex, this link is not supported.") return else: try: artist, song, quality = input_.split("-") except ValueError: if len(input_.split("-")) == 2: artist, song = input_.split("-") quality = d_quality else: await message.edit( "Give [{artist name} - {song name}-{quality(optional)}]..." ) return artist = artist.strip() artist_n = artist.split() a = [] for a_name in artist_n: a_name = a_name.capitalize() a.append(a_name) artist = " ".join(a) song = song.strip() song_n = song.split() s = [] for s_name in song_n: s_name = s_name.capitalize() s.append(s_name) song = " ".join(s) try: if ("-sdl" in flags and "track/" in input_link or "-ddl" in flags and "track/" in input_link): await proper_trackdl(input_link, quality, message, loader, TEMP_PATH) elif "-sdl" in flags or "-ddl" in flags: await batch_dl(input_link, quality, message, loader, TEMP_PATH, to_zip) except NoDataApi as nd: await message.edit("No Data is available for input link") await Clogger.log(f"#ERROR\n\n{nd}") except Exception as e_r: await Clogger.log(f"#ERROR\n\n{e_r}") if "-dsong" in flags: await message.edit( f"Searching results for **{artist} - {song}**({quality})...") try: track = await pool.run_in_thread(loader.download_name)( artist=artist.strip(), song=song.strip(), output=TEMP_PATH, quality=quality.strip(), recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, ) await message.edit("Song found, now uploading 📤...", del_in=5) await audio_upload(message=message, path=Path(track), del_path=True) except Exception as e_r: await message.edit("Song not nound 🚫...") await Clogger.log(f"#ERROR\n\n{e_r}") await message.delete() shutil.rmtree(TEMP_PATH, ignore_errors=True)
import deezloader import os import urllib.request import glob import telepot import telegram from client import Client from telepot.namedtuple import ReplyKeyboardMarkup, KeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup client = Client() dw = deezloader.Login("*****@*****.**", "camillo01") global typeDown typeDown = [] def on_chat_message(msg): content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg) global mex global search keyboard = [[[]]] search = bot.getUpdates()[0]['message']['text'] #print(search) start = InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=[ [InlineKeyboardButton(text="🔍 Cerca", callback_data="search"),]]) if content_type == 'text': if len(typeDown) > 0: if typeDown[0] == 'album' and search[0] != '🎵': infos = client.list_title_results_album(search)
async def music(client, message): if not os.path.exists(TEMP_PATH): os.makedirs(TEMP_PATH) args = message.text.split() track = "" try: loader = deezloader.Login(ARL) except Exception as excp: await message.reply_text(f"Failed to load token. Error: {excp}") return try: flag = args[1] query = args[2] except IndexError: await message.reply_text( "use format: `/music` <flag> <link/song name> <quality>", parse_mode="markdown") return quality = "MP3_320" if len(args) == 4: quality = args[3] msg = await message.reply_text(f"Searching the music as {quality} . . .") try: if flag == "-link": if "deezer" in query: track = loader.download_trackdee( query, output=TEMP_PATH, quality=quality, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, ) if "spotify" in query: track = loader.download_trackspo( query, output=TEMP_PATH, quality=quality, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, ) if flag == "-song": if len(query.split("-")) == 2: artist, song = query.split("-") else: await msg.edit_text("read /help music plox on me") return track = loader.download_name( artist=artist, song=song, output=TEMP_PATH, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, ) except NoDataApi: await msg.edit_text("Song Not Found *sad") return except Exception as excp: await msg.edit_text(f"Failed. Error: {excp}") return try: await asyncio.gather( msg.edit_text("Uploading music . . ."), msg.reply_audio(audio=open(track, "rb")), msg.edit_text("Done. :)"), ) except FileNotFoundError: await msg.edit_text("read /help music plox on me") shutil.rmtree(TEMP_PATH)
older_folder = song.split('/')[:2] # Taking the Main Folder shutil.rmtree(older_folder[0] + '/' + older_folder[1]) # Opening Folder With Album real_path = os.path.realpath('./download/' + directory) os.startfile(real_path) return real_path def cover(path, info_album): urllib.request.urlretrieve(info_album['cover_xl'], path + '/cover.png') d = deezloader.Login('ARL TOKER HERE') while True: query = input("Search for Album : ") link = '' + query response = requests.get(link) # Writing Response in File JSON with open('received.json', 'w+') as f: f.write(response.text) # Creating a Dict from Response parsed = json.loads(response.text) info = """
async def _(event): """DeezLoader by @An0nimia Ported for UniBorg by @SpEcHlDe""" if event.fwd_from: return strings = { "name": "DeezLoad", "arl_token_cfg_doc": "ARL Token untuk Deezer", "invalid_arl_token": "tolong setel variabel yang dibutuhkan untuk modul ini", "wrong_cmd_syntax": "bruh, sekarang saya pikir seberapa jauh kita harus melangkah. tolong hentikan Sesi saya!", "server_error": "Terjadi kesalahan teknis.", "processing": "`Sedang Mendownload..`", "uploading": "`Sedang Mengunggah...`", } ARL_TOKEN = DEEZER_ARL_TOKEN if ARL_TOKEN is None: await event.edit(strings["invalid_arl_token"]) return try: loader = deezloader.Login(ARL_TOKEN) except Exception as er: await event.edit(str(er)) return temp_dl_path = os.path.join(TEMP_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY, str(time.time())) if not os.path.exists(temp_dl_path): os.makedirs(temp_dl_path) required_link = required_qty = await event.edit(strings["processing"]) if "spotify" in required_link: if "track" in required_link: required_track = loader.download_trackspo( required_link, output=temp_dl_path, quality=required_qty, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, ) await event.edit(strings["uploading"]) await upload_track(required_track, event) shutil.rmtree(temp_dl_path) await event.delete() elif "album" in required_link: reqd_albums = loader.download_albumspo( required_link, output=temp_dl_path, quality=required_qty, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, zips=False, ) await event.edit(strings["uploading"]) for required_track in reqd_albums: await upload_track(required_track, event) shutil.rmtree(temp_dl_path) await event.delete() elif "deezer" in required_link: if "track" in required_link: required_track = loader.download_trackdee( required_link, output=temp_dl_path, quality=required_qty, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, ) await event.edit(strings["uploading"]) await upload_track(required_track, event) shutil.rmtree(temp_dl_path) await event.delete() elif "album" in required_link: reqd_albums = loader.download_albumdee( required_link, output=temp_dl_path, quality=required_qty, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, zips=False, ) await event.edit(strings["uploading"]) for required_track in reqd_albums: await upload_track(required_track, event) shutil.rmtree(temp_dl_path) await event.delete() else: await event.edit(strings["wrong_cmd_syntax"])
import setting import logging import acrcloud import requests import dwytsongs import deezloader from time import sleep from pprint import pprint from mutagen.mp3 import MP3 from threading import Thread from mutagen.flac import FLAC from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import spotipy.oauth2 as oauth2 from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3 from telepot.namedtuple import ReplyKeyboardMarkup, KeyboardButton, ReplyKeyboardRemove, InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton, InlineQueryResultArticle, InputTextMessageContent downloa = deezloader.Login(setting.username, setting.password, setting.deezer_token) token = setting.token bot = telepot.Bot(token) users = {} qualit = {} date = {} languag = {} del1 = 0 del2 = 0 local = os.getcwd() db_file = local + "/dwsongs.db" loc_dir = local + "/Songs/" config = { "key": "de46e5c7420b418d73717c6b9ab0ba79", "secret": "IQzjk1uwooSt7ilW7wt872QlcFMuO51zaZ0gw4xQ", "host": ""
async def deezload(message: Message): cmd = str(message.text)[0] if not os.path.exists(TEMP_PATH): os.makedirs(TEMP_PATH) await message.edit("Checking your Token.") if ARL_TOKEN is None: await message.edit(ARL_HELP, disable_web_page_preview=True) return try: loader = deezloader.Login(ARL_TOKEN) except Exception as er: await message.edit(er) await Clogger.log(f"#ERROR\n\n{er}") return flags = list(message.flags) if "-zip" not in flags: to_zip = False else: to_zip = True d_quality = "MP3_320" if not message.filtered_input_str: await message.edit("Olá Peru Master🙂, Tell me how to download `Nothing`") return input_ = message.filtered_input_str if "-dsong" not in flags: try: input_link, quality = input_.split() except ValueError: if len(input_.split()) == 1: input_link = input_ quality = d_quality else: await message.edit("Invalid Syntax Detected. 🙂") return if not await message.edit( ">.< this link is not supported." ) return else: try: artist, song, quality = input_.split("-") except ValueError: if len(input_.split("-")) == 2: artist, song = input_.split("-") quality = d_quality else: await message.edit(f"🙂K!! Check `{cmd}help deezload`") return await message.edit(f"Searching Results for {song}") try: track = await pool.run_in_thread(loader.download_name)( artist=artist.strip(), song=song.strip(), output=TEMP_PATH, quality=quality.strip(), recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, ) await message.edit("Song found, Now Uploading 📤", del_in=5) await audio_upload(message, Path(track), True) except Exception as e_r: await message.edit("Song not Found 🚫") await Clogger.log(f"#ERROR\n\n{e_r}") await message.delete() shutil.rmtree(TEMP_PATH, ignore_errors=True) return try: if "track/" in input_link: await proper_trackdl(input_link, quality, message, loader, TEMP_PATH) else: await batch_dl(input_link, quality, message, loader, TEMP_PATH, to_zip) except NoDataApi as nd: await message.edit("No Data is available for input link") await Clogger.log(f"#ERROR\n\n{nd}") except Exception as e_r: await Clogger.log(f"#ERROR\n\n{e_r}") await message.delete() shutil.rmtree(TEMP_PATH, ignore_errors=True)
tracklink = False albumlink = False else: link = global_search(search_type) tracklink = True albumlink = False out = input('Change output? (leave empty for standard)\n') if len(out) == 0: output = check_output(standard_output) else: output = check_output(out) # DEEZER DOWNLOADER download = deezloader.Login("your ARL token here") if tracklink: try: download.download_trackspo( URL=link, output=output, quality="MP3_320", recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=False, not_interface=False ) except(deezloader.exceptions.TrackNotFound, deezloader.exceptions.NoDataApi, deezloader.exceptions.InvalidLink): print('Couldn\'t find the song :(\n') quit() elif albumlink:
async def deezload(message: Message): if not os.path.exists(PATH): os.makedirs(PATH) if not message.flags: await message.edit( "Check your E-Mail📧 I've sent an invitation to read help for DeezLoader :)") return await message.edit("Trying to Login 🥴") if ARL_TOKEN is None: await message.edit(ARL_HELP, disable_web_page_preview=True) return try: loader = deezloader.Login(ARL_TOKEN) except Exception as er: await message.edit(er) return flags = list(message.flags) if '-zip' not in flags: to_zip = False else: to_zip = True d_quality = "MP3_320" if not message.filtered_input_str: await message.edit("Bruh, Now I Think how far should we go. Plz Terminate my Session 🥺") return input_ = message.filtered_input_str if '-dsong' not in flags: try: input_link, quality = input_.split() except ValueError: if len(input_.split()) == 1: input_link = input_ quality = d_quality else: await message.edit("🤔 Comedy? You are good at it") return if '.com' not in input_link: await message.edit("Invalid Link") return elif '-dsong' in flags: try: artist, song, quality = input_.split('-') except ValueError: if len(input_.split("-")) == 2: artist, song = input_.split('-') quality = d_quality else: await message.edit("WeW, Use that thing which is present on top floor of ur body 🌚") return if '-sdl' in flags: if 'track/' in input_link: await proper_trackdl(input_link, quality, message, loader, PATH) elif 'album/' or 'playlist/' in input_link: await batch_dl(input_link, quality, message, loader, PATH, userge, to_zip) elif '-ddl' in flags: if 'track/' in input_link: await proper_trackdl(input_link, quality, message, loader, PATH) elif 'album/' or 'playlist/' in input_link: await batch_dl(input_link, quality, message, loader, PATH, userge, to_zip) if '-dsong' in flags: await message.edit("Searching for Song 🔍") try: track = loader.download_name( artist=artist, song=song, output=PATH, quality=quality, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True ) await message.edit("Song found, Now Uploading 📤") await uload_tg(track, message) except Exception: await message.edit("Song not Found 🚫") await message.delete() shutil.rmtree(PATH, ignore_errors=True)
async def deezload(message: Message): if not os.path.exists(TEMP_PATH): os.makedirs(TEMP_PATH) if not message.flags: await message.edit( "Hello🙂, This Plugin requires a proper flag to be passed.") return await message.edit("Checking your Token.") if ARL_TOKEN is None: await message.edit(ARL_HELP, disable_web_page_preview=True) return try: loader = deezloader.Login(ARL_TOKEN) except Exception as er: await message.edit(er) await Clogger.log(f"#ERROR\n\n{er}") return flags = list(message.flags) if '-zip' not in flags: to_zip = False else: to_zip = True d_quality = "MP3_320" if not message.filtered_input_str: await message.edit( "Olá Peru Master🙂, Tell me how to download `Nothing`") return input_ = message.filtered_input_str if '-dsong' not in flags: try: input_link, quality = input_.split() except ValueError: if len(input_.split()) == 1: input_link = input_ quality = d_quality else: await message.edit("Invalid Syntax Detected. 🙂") return if not, input_link): await message.edit( "As per my Blek Mejik Regex, this link is not supported.") return elif '-dsong' in flags: try: artist, song, quality = input_.split('-') except ValueError: if len(input_.split("-")) == 2: artist, song = input_.split('-') quality = d_quality else: await message.edit("🙂K!!") return try: if '-sdl' in flags: if 'track/' in input_link: await proper_trackdl(input_link, quality, message, loader, TEMP_PATH) elif 'album/' or 'playlist/' in input_link: await batch_dl(input_link, quality, message, loader, TEMP_PATH, to_zip) elif '-ddl' in flags: if 'track/' in input_link: await proper_trackdl(input_link, quality, message, loader, TEMP_PATH) elif 'album/' or 'playlist/' in input_link: await batch_dl(input_link, quality, message, loader, TEMP_PATH, to_zip) except NoDataApi as nd: await message.edit("No Data is available for input link") await Clogger.log(f"#ERROR\n\n{nd}") except Exception as e_r: await Clogger.log(f"#ERROR\n\n{e_r}") if '-dsong' in flags: await message.edit(f"Searching Results for {song}") try: track = await pool.run_in_thread(loader.download_name )(artist=artist.strip(), song=song.strip(), output=TEMP_PATH, quality=quality.strip(), recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True) await message.edit("Song found, Now Uploading 📤", del_in=5) await audio_upload(message, Path(track), True) except Exception as e_r: await message.edit("Song not Found 🚫") await Clogger.log(f"#ERROR\n\n{e_r}") await message.delete() shutil.rmtree(TEMP_PATH, ignore_errors=True)
async def _(event): """DeezLoader by @An0nimia. Ported for UniBorg by @SpEcHlDe""" if event.fwd_from: return strings = { "name": "DeezLoad", "arl_token_cfg_doc": "ARL Token for Deezer", "invalid_arl_token": "please set the required variables for this module", "wrong_cmd_syntax": "bruh, now i think how far should we go. please terminate my Session.", "server_error": "We're experiencing technical difficulties.", "processing": "`Downloading...`", "uploading": "`Uploading...`", } ARL_TOKEN = DEEZER_ARL_TOKEN if ARL_TOKEN is None: await event.edit(strings["invalid_arl_token"]) return try: loader = deezloader.Login(ARL_TOKEN) except Exception as er: await event.edit(str(er)) return temp_dl_path = os.path.join(TEMP_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY, str(time.time())) if not os.path.exists(temp_dl_path): os.makedirs(temp_dl_path) required_link = required_qty = required_qty = required_qty.strip() if required_qty else "MP3_320" await event.edit(strings["processing"]) if "spotify" in required_link: if "track" in required_link: required_track = loader.download_trackspo( required_link, output=temp_dl_path, quality=required_qty, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, ) await event.edit(strings["uploading"]) await upload_track(required_track, event) shutil.rmtree(temp_dl_path) await event.delete() elif "album" in required_link: reqd_albums = loader.download_albumspo( required_link, output=temp_dl_path, quality=required_qty, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, zips=False, ) await event.edit(strings["uploading"]) for required_track in reqd_albums: await upload_track(required_track, event) shutil.rmtree(temp_dl_path) await event.delete() elif "deezer" in required_link: if "track" in required_link: required_track = loader.download_trackdee( required_link, output=temp_dl_path, quality=required_qty, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, ) await event.edit(strings["uploading"]) await upload_track(required_track, event) shutil.rmtree(temp_dl_path) await event.delete() elif "album" in required_link: reqd_albums = loader.download_albumdee( required_link, output=temp_dl_path, quality=required_qty, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, zips=False, ) await event.edit(strings["uploading"]) for required_track in reqd_albums: await upload_track(required_track, event) shutil.rmtree(temp_dl_path) await event.delete() elif "now" in required_link: playing = User(LASTFM_USERNAME, lastfm).get_now_playing() artist = str(playing.get_artist()) song = str(playing.get_title()) try: required_track = loader.download_name( artist=artist, song=song, output=temp_dl_path, quality=required_qty, recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True, ) except BaseException as err: await event.edit(f"**ERROR :** {err}") await asyncio.sleep(5) return await event.edit(strings["uploading"]) await upload_track(required_track, event) shutil.rmtree(temp_dl_path) await event.delete() else: await event.edit(strings["wrong_cmd_syntax"])
async def deezload(message: Message): if not os.path.exists(TEMP_PATH): os.makedirs(TEMP_PATH) if not message.flags: await message.edit( "Hello🙂, This Plugin requires a proper flag to be passed.") return await message.edit("Bentar lagi cek token") if ARL_TOKEN is None: await message.edit(ARL_HELP, disable_web_page_preview=True) return try: loader = deezloader.Login(ARL_TOKEN) except Exception as er: await message.edit(er) await Clogger.log(f"#ERROR\n\n{er}") return flags = list(message.flags) if '-zip' not in flags: to_zip = False else: to_zip = True d_quality = "MP3_320" if not message.filtered_input_str: await message.edit("Hadehhh link nya mana mastahh`") return input_ = message.filtered_input_str if '-dsong' not in flags: try: input_link, quality = input_.split() except ValueError: if len(input_.split()) == 1: input_link = input_ quality = d_quality else: await message.edit("Syntax gagal 🙂") return if not, input_link): await message.edit("Link nya ga support nih :(.") return elif '-dsong' in flags: try: artist, song, quality = input_.split('-') except ValueError: if len(input_.split("-")) == 2: artist, song = input_.split('-') quality = d_quality else: await message.edit("Hmm") return try: if '-sdl' in flags: if 'track/' in input_link: await proper_trackdl(input_link, quality, message, loader, TEMP_PATH) elif 'album/' or 'playlist/' in input_link: await batch_dl(input_link, quality, message, loader, TEMP_PATH, to_zip) elif '-ddl' in flags: if 'track/' in input_link: await proper_trackdl(input_link, quality, message, loader, TEMP_PATH) elif 'album/' or 'playlist/' in input_link: await batch_dl(input_link, quality, message, loader, TEMP_PATH, to_zip) except NoDataApi as nd: await message.edit("Data nya ngk ada om :(") await Clogger.log(f"#ERROR\n\n{nd}") except Exception as e_r: await Clogger.log(f"#ERROR\n\n{e_r}") if '-dsong' in flags: await message.edit(f"Bentar lagi nyari {song}") try: track = await pool.run_in_thread(loader.download_name )(artist=artist.strip(), song=song.strip(), output=TEMP_PATH, quality=quality.strip(), recursive_quality=True, recursive_download=True, not_interface=True) await message.edit( "Lagu yang kamu cari ada, bentar lg upload 📤", del_in=5) await audio_upload(message, Path(track), True) except Exception as e_r: await message.edit("Lagu nya gk ada :(🚫") await Clogger.log(f"#ERROR\n\n{e_r}") await message.delete() shutil.rmtree(TEMP_PATH, ignore_errors=True)