Example #1
def do_query(issues, config_file=None, logger=None, context=None):
    print('Loading config')
    with open(config_file, "r") as f:
        config = yaml.load(f)
    print(f'config: {config}')

    if sys.platform == "linux":
        os_type = "sys-i386-64"
        os_type = "sys-i386-snow-leopard"
    print(f'platform: {sys.platform}')

    if "defoe_path" in config:
        defoe_path = config["defoe_path"]
        defoe_path = "./"

    preprocess_type = query_utils.extract_preprocess_word_type(config)
    print(f'preprocessing: {preprocess_type}')

    unproc_keywords = config['keywords']
    keywords = []
    for k in unproc_keywords:
        keywords.append(' '.join([
            query_utils.preprocess_word(word, preprocess_type)
            for word in k.split()
    print(f'keywords: {keywords}')

    clean_articles = issues.flatMap(lambda issue: [(
        issue.date.year, clean_article_as_string(
            article, defoe_path, os_type)) for article in issue.articles])

    preprocessed_articles = clean_articles.map(lambda cl_article: (cl_article[
        0], preprocess_clean_article(cl_article[1], preprocess_type)))

    # [(year, article_string)
    filter_articles = preprocessed_articles.filter(
        lambda year_article: any(k in year_article[1] for k in keywords))

    # [(year, [keysentence, keysentence]), ...]
    # Note: get_articles_list_matches ---> articles count
    # Note: get_sentences_list_matches ---> word_count
    matching_articles = filter_articles.map(lambda year_article: (year_article[
        0], get_sentences_list_matches(year_article[1], keywords)))

    # [[(year, keysentence), 1) ((year, keysentence), 1) ] ...]
    matching_sentences = matching_articles.flatMap(lambda year_sentence: [(
        (year_sentence[0], sentence), 1) for sentence in year_sentence[1]])

    # [((year, keysentence), num_keysentences), ...]
    # =>
    # [(year, (keysentence, num_keysentences)), ...]
    # =>
    # [(year, [keysentence, num_keysentences]), ...]
    result = matching_sentences\
        .map(lambda yearsentence_count:
              (yearsentence_count[0][1], yearsentence_count[1]))) \
        .groupByKey() \
        .map(lambda a: (a[0], [{x[0]: x[1]} for x in a[1]])) \
    return result
Example #2
def do_query(issues, config_file=None, logger=None, context=None):
    Counts number of occurrences of keywords or keysentences and groups by year.
    This query is the recommended to use when there are not target words.  

    config_file must be the path to a lexicon file with a list
    of the keywords to search for, one per line.
    Also the config_file can indicate the preprocess treatment, along with the defoe
    path, and the type of operating system. 


    Returns result of form:


    :param issues: RDD of defoe.papers.issue.Issue
    :type archives: pyspark.rdd.PipelinedRDD
    :param config_file: query configuration file
    :type config_file: str or unicode
    :param logger: logger (unused)
    :type logger: py4j.java_gateway.JavaObject
    :return: number of occurrences of keywords grouped by year
    :rtype: dict
    with open(config_file, "r") as f:
        config = yaml.load(f)
    if "os_type" in config:
        if config["os_type"] == "linux":
            os_type = "sys-i386-64"
            os_type = "sys-i386-snow-leopard"
        os_type = "sys-i386-64"
    if "defoe_path" in config:
        defoe_path = config["defoe_path"]
        defoe_path = "./"

    preprocess_type = query_utils.extract_preprocess_word_type(config)
    data_file = query_utils.extract_data_file(config,
    keysentences = []
    with open(data_file, 'r') as f:
        for keysentence in list(f):
            k_split = keysentence.split()
            sentence_word = [
                query_utils.preprocess_word(word, preprocess_type)
                for word in k_split
            sentence_norm = ''
            for word in sentence_word:
                if sentence_norm == '':
                    sentence_norm = word
                    sentence_norm += " " + word
    # [(year, article_string), ...]
    clean_articles = issues.flatMap(lambda issue: [(
        issue.date.year, clean_article_as_string(
            article, defoe_path, os_type)) for article in issue.articles])

    # [(year, preprocess_article_string), ...]
    t_articles = clean_articles.flatMap(lambda cl_article: [(cl_article[
        0], preprocess_clean_article(cl_article[1], preprocess_type))])
    # [(year, clean_article_string)
    filter_articles = t_articles.filter(lambda year_article: any(
        keysentence in year_article[1] for keysentence in keysentences))

    # [(year, [keysentence, keysentence]), ...]
    matching_articles = filter_articles.map(lambda year_article: (year_article[
        0], get_sentences_list_matches(year_article[1], keysentences)))

    # [[(year, keysentence), 1) ((year, keysentence), 1) ] ...]
    matching_sentences = matching_articles.flatMap(lambda year_sentence: [(
        (year_sentence[0], sentence), 1) for sentence in year_sentence[1]])

    # [((year, keysentence), num_keysentences), ...]
    # =>
    # [(year, (keysentence, num_keysentences)), ...]
    # =>
    # [(year, [keysentence, num_keysentences]), ...]
    result = matching_sentences\
        .map(lambda yearsentence_count:
              (yearsentence_count[0][1], yearsentence_count[1]))) \
        .groupByKey() \
        .map(lambda year_sentencecount:
             (year_sentencecount[0], list(year_sentencecount[1]))) \
    return result
def do_query(issues, config_file=None, logger=None, context=None):
    Counts number of occurrences of keywords or keysentences and groups by year.

    config_file must be the path to a configuration file with a list
    of the keywords to search for, one per line.

    Both keywords/keysentences and words in articles are normalized, by removing
    all non-'a-z|A-Z' characters.

    Returns result of form:


    :param archives: RDD of defoe.nls.archive.Archive
    :type archives: pyspark.rdd.PipelinedRDD
    :param config_file: query configuration file
    :type config_file: str or unicode
    :param logger: logger (unused)
    :type logger: py4j.java_gateway.JavaObject
    :return: number of occurrences of keywords grouped by year
    :rtype: dict
    with open(config_file, "r") as f:
        config = yaml.load(f)
    preprocess_type = query_utils.extract_preprocess_word_type(config)
    data_file = query_utils.extract_data_file(config,
    keysentences = []
    with open(data_file, 'r') as f:
        for keysentence in list(f):
            k_split = keysentence.split()
            sentence_word = [
                query_utils.preprocess_word(word, preprocess_type)
                for word in k_split
            sentence_norm = ''
            for word in sentence_word:
                if sentence_norm == '':
                    sentence_norm = word
                    sentence_norm += " " + word
    # [(year, article_string), ...]
    clean_articles = issues.flatMap(
        lambda issue: [(issue.date.year, clean_article_as_string(article))
                       for article in issue.articles])

    # [(year, preprocess_article_string), ...]
    t_articles = clean_articles.flatMap(lambda cl_article: [(cl_article[
        0], preprocess_clean_article(cl_article[1], preprocess_type))])
    # [(year, clean_article_string)
    filter_articles = t_articles.filter(lambda year_article: any(
        keysentence in year_article[1] for keysentence in keysentences))

    # [(year, [keysentence, keysentence]), ...]
    matching_articles = filter_articles.map(lambda year_article: (year_article[
        0], get_sentences_list_matches(year_article[1], keysentences)))

    # [[(year, keysentence), 1) ((year, keysentence), 1) ] ...]
    matching_sentences = matching_articles.flatMap(lambda year_sentence: [(
        (year_sentence[0], sentence), 1) for sentence in year_sentence[1]])

    # [((year, keysentence), num_keysentences), ...]
    # =>
    # [(year, (keysentence, num_keysentences)), ...]
    # =>
    # [(year, [keysentence, num_keysentences]), ...]
    result = matching_sentences\
        .map(lambda yearsentence_count:
              (yearsentence_count[0][1], yearsentence_count[1]))) \
        .groupByKey() \
        .map(lambda year_sentencecount:
             (year_sentencecount[0], list(year_sentencecount[1]))) \
    return result
Example #4
def do_query(archives, config_file=None, logger=None, context=None):
    Counts number of articles in which they are occurences of
    keysentences and groups them by year.

    Words in articles and keysentences can be normalized, normalized
    and stemmed, or normalized and lemmatized (default).

    config_file must be the path to a configuration file of form:

        preprocess: none|normalize|stem|lemmatize # Optional
        data: <DATA_FILE>

    <DATA_FILE> must be the path to a plain-text data file with a list
    of the keysentences to search for, one per line. If <DATA_FILE> is
    a relative path then it is assumed to be relative to the directory
    in which config_file resides.

    Returns result of form:

                [<SENTENCE>, <NUM_ARTICLES>],
                [<SENTENCE>, <NUM_ARTICLES>],

    :param issues: RDD of defoe.papers.issue.Issue
    :type issues: pyspark.rdd.PipelinedRDD
    :param config_file: query configuration file
    :type config_file: str or unicode
    :param logger: logger (unused)
    :type logger: py4j.java_gateway.JavaObject
    :return: number of occurrences of keysentences grouped by year
    :rtype: dict
    with open(config_file, "r") as f:
        config = yaml.load(f)
    preprocess_type = query_utils.extract_preprocess_word_type(config)
    data_file = query_utils.extract_data_file(config,
    keysentences = []
    with open(data_file, 'r') as f:
        for keysentence in list(f):
            k_split = keysentence.split()
            sentence_word = [
                query_utils.preprocess_word(word, preprocess_type)
                for word in k_split
            sentence_norm = ''
            for word in sentence_word:
                if sentence_norm == '':
                    sentence_norm = word
                    sentence_norm += " " + word
    # [(year, article_string)
    articles = issues.flatMap(lambda issue: [(
        issue.date.year, get_article_as_string(article, preprocess_type))
                                             for article in issue.articles])

    # [(year, article_string)
    filter_articles = articles.filter(lambda year_article: any(
        keysentence in year_article[1] for keysentence in keysentences))

    # [(year, [keysentence, keysentence]), ...]
    matching_articles = filter_articles.map(lambda year_article: (year_article[
        0], get_sentences_list_matches(year_article[1], keysentences)))

    # [[(year, keysentence), 1) ((year, keysentence), 1) ] ...]
    matching_sentences = matching_articles.flatMap(lambda year_sentence: [(
        (year_sentence[0], sentence), 1) for sentence in year_sentence[1]])

    # [((year, keysentence), num_keysentences), ...]
    # =>
    # [(year, (keysentence, num_keysentences)), ...]
    # =>
    # [(year, [keysentence, num_keysentences]), ...]
    result = matching_sentences\
        .map(lambda yearsentence_count:
              (yearsentence_count[0][1], yearsentence_count[1]))) \
        .groupByKey() \
        .map(lambda year_sentencecount:
             (year_sentencecount[0], list(year_sentencecount[1]))) \
    return result