def get_resource(self, url, orig_req, log, retry_inner_if_not_200=False):
        Gets the resource at the given url, using the original request
        `orig_req` as the basis for constructing the subrequest.
        Returns a `webob.Response` object.

        We want to never retry_inner_if_not_200.
        retry_inner_if_not_200 = False
        return DeliveranceMiddleware.get_resource(self, url, orig_req, log,
Example #2
    def get_resource(self, url, orig_req, log, retry_inner_if_not_200=False):
        Gets the resource at the given url, using the original request
        `orig_req` as the basis for constructing the subrequest.
        Returns a `webob.Response` object.

        We want to never retry_inner_if_not_200.
        retry_inner_if_not_200 = False
        return DeliveranceMiddleware.get_resource(self, url, orig_req, log,
 def build_external_subrequest(self, url, orig_req, log):
     We need to carry through certain headers into external 
     subrequests so that the downstream applications know
     what project context the request is within, what primary
     application the request is handled by, what domain the
     request is coming from; and login status must be retained
     subreq = DeliveranceMiddleware.build_external_subrequest(
         self, url, orig_req, log)
     for header in self._preserve_headers:
         value = orig_req.environ.get(header)
         if value is None: continue
         subreq.environ[header] = value
     return subreq
Example #4
 def build_external_subrequest(self, url, orig_req, log):
     We need to carry through certain headers into external 
     subrequests so that the downstream applications know
     what project context the request is within, what primary
     application the request is handled by, what domain the
     request is coming from; and login status must be retained
     subreq = DeliveranceMiddleware.build_external_subrequest(
         self, url, orig_req, log)
     for header in self._preserve_headers:
         value = orig_req.environ.get(header)
         if value is None: continue
         subreq.environ[header] = value
     subreq.user_agent = "Deliverance"
     if and":80"): =[:-3]
     return subreq
Example #5
def create_deliverance_proxy(proxy_base_url, theme_html, rules_xml=None):
    '''Proxy to another url with re-theming using deliverance.

    Based on

    :param proxy_base_url: base destination url we are proxying to.
    :param theme_html: string providing html theme to use for re-themeing.
    :param rules_xml: (optional) deliverance rules xml as a string. If not
        provided use `default_deliverance_rules`. For info on rulesets see
        deliverance docs. We require that ruleset support a single
        substitution string '%s' which is used to insert internal mountpoint
        for the them ('/_deliverance_theme.html').
    theme_url = '/_deliverance_theme.html'
    # use a urlmap so we can mount theme and urlset
    app = paste.urlmap.URLMap()
    # set up theme consistent with our rules file
    app[theme_url] = Response(theme_html)

    if rules_xml:
        rules = rules_xml
        rules = default_deliverance_rules
    rules = rules % theme_url
    app['/_deliverance_rules.xml'] = Response(rules,

    class MyProxy(object):
        def __init__(self, proxy_base_url):
            self.proxy = paste.proxy.Proxy(proxy_base_url)

        def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
            req = Request(environ)
            res = req.get_response(self.proxy)
            return res(environ, start_response)

    app['/'] = MyProxy(proxy_base_url)
    deliv = DeliveranceMiddleware(
    return deliv
def setup():
    # Monkeypatch webtest TestRequest to inject our custom TestResponse
    # for now, hopefully subclass approach (demonstrated above to no effect)
    # will be merged to WebTest trunk (from
    TestRequest.ResponseClass = HtmlTestResponse

    global raw_app, rule_filename, deliv_filename, deliv_url
    app = URLMap()
    app['/theme.html'] = make_response(get_text("theme.html"))

    app['/blog/index.html'] = make_response(get_text("blog_index.html"))
    app['/about.html'] = make_response(get_text("about.html"))
    app['/magic'] = make_response(get_text("magic.html"), headerlist=[
            ('Content-Type', "text/html"), ('X-No-Deliverate', "1")])
    app['/magic2'] = make_response(get_text("magic2.html"))
    app['/foo'] = make_response(get_text("foo.html"))
    app['/empty'] = make_response("")
    app['/html_entities.html'] = make_response(get_text("html_entities.html"))
    app['/xhtml_doctype.html'] = make_response(get_text("xhtml_doctype.html"))
    app['/no_xhtml_doctype.html'] = make_response(get_text("no_xhtml_doctype.html"))
    app['/scriptcomments'] = make_response(get_text("scriptcomments.html"))
    app['/xhtml_scriptcomments'] = make_response(get_text("xhtml_scriptcomments.html"))

    app['/cdata.html'] = make_response(get_text("cdata.html"))
    app['/newfooter.html'] = make_response(get_text("newfooter.html"))
    app['/newfooter_sneaky_cdata.html'] = make_response(get_text("newfooter_sneaky_cdata.html"))

    app['/reddot.html'] = make_response(get_text("reddot.html"))
    app['/reddot2.html'] = make_response(get_text("reddot2.html"))
    app['/ellipse.html'] = make_response(get_text("ellipse.html"))

    app['/collapse_theme.html'] = make_response(get_text("collapse_theme.html"))
    app['/collapse_content.html'] = make_response(get_text("collapse_content.html"))

    app['/redirect_test/theme.html'] = make_redirect("/theme.html")
    app['/redirect_test/dynamic_topnav/logged_in.html'] = make_response(
    app['/redirect_test/dynamic_topnav'] = make_redirect(
    app['/redirect_test/dynamic_topnav'] = make_redirect(
    app['/redirect_test'] = make_redirect("/redirect_test/welcome.html")
    app['/redirect_test/welcome.html'] = make_response(get_text("welcome.html"))

    rule_xml = get_text("rule.xml")

    # Rule files can be read directly from the filesystem:
    rule_filename_pos, rule_filename = tempfile.mkstemp()
    f = open(rule_filename, 'w+')

    # Rule files can also be published and fetched with an HTTP subrequest:
    def read_rule_file(environ, start_response):
        f = open(rule_filename)
        content =
        return Response(content, content_type="application/xml")(environ, start_response)
    app['/mytheme/rules.xml'] = read_rule_file

    # We'll set up one DeliveranceMiddleware using the published rules, 
    # and another using the rule file:
    deliv_filename = DeliveranceMiddleware(
        app, FileRuleGetter(rule_filename),
        PrintingLogger, log_factory_kw=dict(print_level=logging.WARNING))
    deliv_url = DeliveranceMiddleware(
        app, SubrequestRuleGetter('http://localhost/mytheme/rules.xml'),
        PrintingLogger, log_factory_kw=dict(print_level=logging.WARNING))
    raw_app = HtmlTestApp(app)

    deliv_filename = HtmlTestApp(deliv_filename)
    deliv_url = HtmlTestApp(deliv_url)
Example #7
This sets up an example site

import os
import sys
from paste.urlparser import StaticURLParser
from paste.httpserver import serve
from weberror.evalexception import EvalException
from deliverance.middleware import DeliveranceMiddleware, FileRuleGetter
from import SecurityContext

base_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'example-files')
app = StaticURLParser(base_path)
rules_file = os.path.join(base_path, 'rules.xml')
deliv_app = DeliveranceMiddleware(app, FileRuleGetter(rules_file))
full_app = SecurityContext.middleware(deliv_app,

if __name__ == '__main__':
        port = sys.argv[1]
    except IndexError:
        port = '8080'
    host = ''
    if ':' in port:
        host, port = port.split(':')
    print('See http://%s:%s/?deliv_log for the page with log messages' %
 def notheme_request(self, req):
     if DeliveranceMiddleware.notheme_request(self, req):
         return True
     if req.headers.get("X-Requested-With") == "XMLHttpRequest":
         return True
Example #9
 def __init__(self, proxies, ruleset, source_location=None):
     self.proxies = proxies
     self.ruleset = ruleset
     self.source_location = source_location
     self.deliverator = DeliveranceMiddleware(self.proxy_app, self.rule_getter)
Example #10
 def notheme_request(self, req):
     if DeliveranceMiddleware.notheme_request(self, req):
         return True
     if req.headers.get("X-Requested-With") == "XMLHttpRequest":
         return True