Example #1
    def proxy_to_dest(self, request, dest):
        """Do the actual proxying, without applying any transformations"""
        # We need to remove caching headers, since the upstream parts of Deliverance
        # can't handle Not-Modified responses.
        # Not using request.copy because I don't want to copy wsgi.input
        request = Request(request.environ.copy())

            proxy_req = self.construct_proxy_request(request, dest)
        except TypeError:
            return self.proxy_to_file(request, dest)

        proxy_req.path_info += request.path_info

        if proxy_req.query_string and request.query_string:
            proxy_req.query_string = '%s&%s' % \
                (proxy_req.query_string, request.query_string)
        elif request.query_string:
            proxy_req.query_string = request.query_string

        proxy_req.accept_encoding = None
            resp = proxy_req.get_response(proxy_exact_request)
            if resp.status_int == 500:
                print 'Request:'
                print proxy_req
                print 'Response:'
                print resp
        except socket.error, e:
            ## FIXME: really wsgiproxy should handle this
            ## FIXME: which error?
            ## 502 HTTPBadGateway, 503 HTTPServiceUnavailable, 504 HTTPGatewayTimeout?
            if isinstance(e.args, tuple) and len(e.args) > 1:
                error = e.args[1]
                error = str(e)
            resp = exc.HTTPServiceUnavailable(
                'Could not proxy the request to %s:%s : %s' 
                % (proxy_req.server_name, proxy_req.server_port, error))