Example #1
    def __init__(self, options=None, daemon=True):
        Setup the DelugeWeb server.

            options (argparse.Namespace): The web server options.
            daemon (bool): If True run web server as a separate daemon process (starts a twisted
                reactor). If False shares the process and twisted reactor from WebUI plugin or tests.

        component.Component.__init__(self, 'DelugeWeb', depend=['Web'])
        self.config = configmanager.ConfigManager(
            'web.conf', defaults=CONFIG_DEFAULTS, file_version=2
        self.config.run_converter((0, 1), 2, self._migrate_config_1_to_2)
        self.config.register_set_function('language', self._on_language_changed)
        self.socket = None
        self.top_level = TopLevel()

        self.interface = self.config['interface']
        self.port = self.config['port']
        self.https = self.config['https']
        self.pkey = self.config['pkey']
        self.cert = self.config['cert']
        self.base = self.config['base']

        if options:
            self.interface = (
                options.interface if options.interface is not None else self.interface
            self.port = options.port if options.port else self.port
            self.base = options.base if options.base else self.base
            if options.ssl:
                self.https = True
            elif options.no_ssl:
                self.https = False

        if self.base != '/':
            # Strip away slashes and serve on the base path as well as root path
            self.top_level.putChild(self.base.strip('/'), self.top_level)


        # Remove twisted version number from 'server' http-header for security reasons
        server.version = 'TwistedWeb'
        self.site = server.Site(self.top_level)
        self.web_api = WebApi()
        self.web_utils = WebUtils()

        self.auth = Auth(self.config)
        self.daemon = daemon
        # Initialize the plugins
        self.plugins = PluginManager()
Example #2
    def __init__(self):
        super(DelugeWeb, self).__init__("DelugeWeb")
        self.config = configmanager.ConfigManager("web.conf", CONFIG_DEFAULTS)

        # Check to see if a configuration from the web interface prior to 1.2
        # exists and convert it over.
        if os.path.exists(configmanager.get_config_dir("webui06.conf")):
            old_config = configmanager.ConfigManager("webui06.conf")
            if old_config.config:
                # we have an old config file here to handle so we should move
                # all the values across to the new config file, and then remove
                # it.
                for key in OLD_CONFIG_KEYS:
                    if key in old_config:
                        self.config[key] = old_config[key]

                # We need to base64 encode the passwords since json can't handle
                # them otherwise.
                from base64 import encodestring
                self.config["old_pwd_md5"] = encodestring(
                self.config["old_pwd_salt"] = encodestring(

                # Save our config and if it saved successfully then rename the
                # old configuration file.
                if self.config.save():
                    config_dir = os.path.dirname(old_config.config_file)
                    backup_path = os.path.join(config_dir, 'web.conf.old')
                    os.rename(old_config.config_file, backup_path)
                    del old_config

        self.socket = None
        self.top_level = TopLevel()
        self.site = server.Site(self.top_level)
        self.interface = self.config["interface"]
        self.port = self.config["port"]
        self.https = self.config["https"]
        self.pkey = self.config["pkey"]
        self.cert = self.config["cert"]
        self.base = self.config["base"]
        self.web_api = WebApi()
        self.auth = Auth()

        # Initalize the plugins
        self.plugins = PluginManager()