def add_torrent(client, torrent_path):"adding to %s:%s - %s", str(, str(client.port), os.path.basename(torrent_path)) with open(torrent_path, 'rb') as f: b64_contents = b64encode( torrent_id = decodedict('core.add_torrent_file', os.path.basename(torrent_path), b64_contents, {"paused": False})) if not torrent_id:"%s was a dupe", str(torrent_path)) return (client, 0, None) t_info = decodedict('core.get_torrent_status', torrent_id, ["name", "total_size"])) return (client, t_info["total_size"], t_info["name"])
def cull_by_diskspace(client, want_free=150 * GB): freespace_bytes = decodedict('core.get_free_space')) to_free = want_free - freespace_bytes if to_free <= 0: "Already above disk free threshold (%sGB is free), aborting", round(freespace_bytes / GB, 2)) return (0, 0) logging.warning("Need to delete %sGB of torrents", round(to_free / GB, 2)) torrents = decodedict( 'core.get_torrents_status', {}, ['name', 'hash', 'tracker_status', 'total_size', 'time_added'])) # list of torrents, oldest to newest torrents = sorted([v for k, v in torrents.items()], key=lambda x: x["time_added"]) deleted_bytes = 0 deleted_torrents = 0 while to_free > 0: victim = torrents.pop(0) to_free -= victim["total_size"] deleted_bytes += victim["total_size"] deleted_torrents += 1 logging.warning("Deleting {} added {}".format(victim["name"], victim["time_added"]))'core.remove_torrent', victim['hash'], True) logging.warning("Still need to free: {}GB".format( round(to_free / GB, 2))) logging.warning("Deleted %s torrents freeing %s GB", deleted_torrents, round(deleted_bytes / GB, 2)) return (deleted_torrents, deleted_bytes)
def cull_unregistered(client): """ Delete torrents with 'Unregistered torrent' error state """ torrents = decodedict('core.get_torrents_status', {}, ['name', 'tracker_status', 'total_size', 'time_added'])) tors_deleted = 0 size_deleted = 0 for torrent_id, torrent in torrents.items(): if 'Unregistered torrent' in torrent["tracker_status"]: logging.warning("Deleting %s", torrent["name"])'core.remove_torrent', torrent_id, True) size_deleted += torrent["total_size"] tors_deleted += 1 return (tors_deleted, size_deleted)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Change torrent trackers") parser.add_argument("-s", "--server", type=DelugeUri, required=True, help="Deluge host or IP addresses to connect to in the form of user:pass@hostname:port") parser.add_argument("-c", "--src-substr", help="Tracker to replace", required=True) parser.add_argument("-t", "--tracker", help="URL of new tracker", required=True) parser.add_argument("-n", "--dry-run", action="store_true", help="Only print changed torrents") args = parser.parse_args() uri = urlparse('deluge://{}'.format(args.server)) client = DelugeRPCClient(uri.hostname, uri.port if uri.port else 58846, uri.username, uri.password) client.connect() torrents = decodedict('core.get_torrents_status', {}, ['name', 'trackers'])) for torrent_id, torrent in torrents.items(): tracker = torrent['trackers'][0] if args.src_substr in tracker["url"]: print("Updating '{}' on '{}' ({})".format(tracker["url"], torrent['name'], torrent_id)) if not args.dry_run:'core.set_torrent_trackers', torrent_id, [{"url": args.tracker, "tier": 0}])
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Clean up deluge torrents") parser.add_argument( "-s", "--server", action="append", type=DelugeUri, required=True, help= "Deluge host or IP addresses to connect to in the form of user:pass@hostname:port" ) subparser_action = parser.add_subparsers(dest='action', help='action to take') parser_unreg = subparser_action.add_parser( 'unreg', help='Delete torrents with "Unregistered torrent" error state') parser_free = subparser_action.add_parser( 'space', help='Delete oldest torrents to reach a free disk space quota') parser_free.add_argument("-f", "--free", help="Target free space in GB", type=int, required=True) args = parser.parse_args() if not args.action: print("No action specified") sys.exit(2) clients = [] futures = [] for server in args.server: uri = urlparse('deluge://{}'.format(server)) client = DelugeRPCClient(uri.hostname, uri.port if uri.port else 58846, uri.username, uri.password) client.connect() clients.append(client) if args.action == "unreg": with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as pool: futures += [pool.submit(cull_unregistered, c) for c in clients] elif args.action == "space": with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as pool: futures += [ pool.submit(cull_by_diskspace, c, * GB) for c in clients ] print( tabulate([[ "{}:{}".format(clients[i].host, clients[i].port), "{} GB".format( round( decodedict(clients[i].call('core.get_free_space')) / GB, 2)), futures[i].result()[0], "{} GB".format( round(futures[i].result()[1] / GB, 2)) ] for i in range(0, len(clients))], headers=["server", "space free", "rm'd", "newly freed"]))