def test_with_duplicate_params(self, print_error):
        - integration configuratiton contains duplicate parameter (called test)

        - running the validation is_there_duplicate_params()

        - it should set is_valid to False
        - it should return True (there are duplicate params)
        - it should print an error message that contains the duplicated param name
        # from import print_error
        # mocker.patch(tools, 'print_error')

        current = {'configuration': [{'name': 'test'}, {'name': 'test'}]}
        structure = mock_structure("", current)
        validator = IntegrationValidator(structure)

        assert validator.is_there_duplicate_params() is True
        assert validator.is_valid is False

        error_message = print_error.call_args[0][0]
        assert error_message == ': The parameter \'test\' of the file is duplicated, please remove one of its ' \
 def test_no_duplicate_params(self, current, answer):
     current = {'configuration': current}
     structure = mock_structure("", current)
     validator = IntegrationValidator(structure)
     assert validator.is_there_duplicate_params() is answer