Example #1
 def received_message(self, message):
     '''Defines behavior for when a client sends a message to the server
 In this case we don't expect the clients to send us data so we just log the message.
     self.log = logs.Logger(WSEcho.app_name).getLogger()
     self.log.info('websocket app: Message: ' + str(message))
Example #2
 def __init__(self, host, port):
     self.log = logs.Logger('WebSocketsServer').getLogger()
     self.port = int(port)
     self.host = host
     self.daemon = True
     self.flag = True
     self.server = WSGIServer((self.host, self.port), WSDemoApp())
Example #3
    def closed(self, code, reason=None):
        '''Defines behavior for when a client disconnects from the websocket server
    In this case when a client disconnects we check and remove them from the client list.
        self.log = logs.Logger(WSEcho.app_name).getLogger()
        app = self.environ.pop('ws4py.app')

        if self in app.clients:
            self.log.info('websocket app: client disconnected')

        self.log.debug('closed - Clients: ' + str(app.clients))
Example #4
    def opened(self):
        '''Defines behavior for when a new client connects to the server
    In this case we add the client to our list of clients so we know who we can send messages too.
    The clients are accessed through ``environ``.
        self.log = logs.Logger(WSEcho.app_name).getLogger()
        app = self.environ['ws4py.app']
        if not self in app.clients:
            self.log.info('websocket app: client connected')

        self.log.debug('opened - Clients: ' + str(app.clients))
Example #5
# First thing to do...
# Import the demo_utils module :)
import sys, os
filedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
sys.path.append(filedir + '/../demo_utils')

import threading, time, json, flask, cluster, logging
from flask import Flask, request
from demo_utils import config, generator
from cluster import ThreadedGenerator
from demo_utils import logs
from ws4py import configure_logger
from flask_cors import CORS
log = logs.Logger('DEMO_SERVER.py').getLogger()

'''The three different types of outputs from the generator'''

conf = config.read_config('global.conf')

app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path='')
app_port = int(conf['DEMO']['server_port'])
schema = conf['DEMO']['data_schema']
throughput = conf['DEMO']['bytes_per_second']
log_level = conf['LOGGING']['log-level']

# The Websockets will always be the demo_server port + 1
ws_port = app_port + 1
# First thing to do...
# Import the demo_utils module :)
import sys, os
filedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
sys.path.append(filedir + '/../demo_utils')

# Use demo_utils if necessary
import demo_utils, logging
from demo_utils import config, ambari
from demo_utils.ambari import Ambari
from demo_utils import service_installer
from demo_utils import logs

rootLogger = logging.getLogger()
log = logs.Logger('SERVICE.py').getLogger()

def on_service_start():
    '''This method will run every time the service start
  Fill in this method with any necessary commands to set up and start other services for the demo
  Note that this method will always be the very last thing to be executed upon starting the demo service
    print 'Running on_service_start'
    cfg = config.read_config('global.conf')

    # Ambari Client
    amc = Ambari(config=cfg['AMBARI'])
Example #7
 def __init__(self):
     self.log = logs.Logger('WebSocketHandler').getLogger()
     self.log.info('InitWebsocket app')
     self.ws = WebSocketWSGIApplication(handler_cls=WSEcho)
     self.clients = []
Example #8
    "string": "STRING",
    "boolean": "BOOLEAN",
    "map": "STRING"  # This will change in the future - possibly add mapType?
'''Maps types from datum types to Hive types'''

    "int": "Int",
    "decimal": "Double",
    "string": "String",
    "boolean": "Boolean",
    "map": "String"  # This will change in the future - possibly add mapType?
'''Maps types from datum types to Scala types'''

logger = logs.Logger('CLUSTER.py').getLogger()

def kerberize():
    '''Kerberize the cluster using a script. Untested. Can take 10-15 minutes.
  This utilizes a script found at https://github.com/crazyadmins/useful-scripts/tree/master/ambari
  If you're running this script on a cluster you should look in ``configuration/kerberos/ambari.props`` to make sure the proper values are present in the file or else the script will fail.