def checklist(): s1 = Section('First section', 'A', [Line('A.1', 'A1sum', 'First A line'), Line('A.2', 'A2sum', 'Second A line')]) s2 = Section('Second section', 'B', [Line('B.1', 'B1sum', 'First B line'), Line('B.2', 'B2sum', 'Second B line')]) cl = Checklist('My Checklist', [s1, s2]) return cl
def make_table_of_links(): """ Generates table where lefthand column contains checklist items (from checklist.yml) and righthand column contains hyperlinks to examples where things have gone wrong (from examples.yml). Table appears in docs/docs/ """ root = Path(__file__).absolute().parents[1] / "deon" / "assets" cl = / "checklist.yml") with open(root / "examples_of_ethical_issues.yml", "r") as f: refs = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) refs_dict = dict() for r in refs: refs_dict[r["line_id"]] = r["links"] template = """<center>Checklist Question</center> | <center>Examples of Ethical Issues</center> --- | --- {lines} """ line_template = "**{line_id} {line_summary}**: {line} | {row_text}" section_title_template = " | <center>**{section_title}**</center>" line_delimiter = "\n" formatted_rows = [] for s in cl.sections: # section title row row = section_title_template.format(section_title=s.title) formatted_rows.append(row) for line in s.lines: # create bulleted list of links for each checklist item in that section bulleted_list = [] for link in refs_dict[line.line_id]: text = link["text"] url = link["url"] bullet_hyperlink = f"<li>[{text}]({url})</li>" bulleted_list.append(bullet_hyperlink) formatted_bullets = "".join(bulleted_list) row = line_template.format( line_id=line.line_id, line_summary=line.line_summary, line=line.line, row_text=f"<ul>{formatted_bullets}</ul>", ) formatted_rows.append(row) # bring all the rows together all_rows = line_delimiter.join(formatted_rows) return template.format(lines=all_rows)
def create_context(): cl = Path(__file__).absolute().parents[1] / 'deon' / 'assets' / 'checklist.yml') checklist_template = Markdown(cl) rendered_checklist = checklist_template.render() runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(deon_command, ['--help']) table = make_table_of_links() return { 'default_checklist': rendered_checklist, 'cli_options': result.output, 'supported_formats': EXTENSIONS, 'links_table': table, }
def create_context(): cl = Path(__file__).absolute().parents[1] / "deon" / "assets" / "checklist.yml") checklist_template = Markdown(cl) rendered_checklist = checklist_template.render() runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(deon_command, ["--help"]) table = make_table_of_links() return { "default_checklist": rendered_checklist, "cli_options": result.output, "supported_formats": EXTENSIONS, "links_table": table, }
def test_checklist(): checklist_path = Path( __file__).parents[1] / 'deon' / 'assets' / 'checklist.yml' c = with open(checklist_path, "r") as f: raw_parsed = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) assert c.title == raw_parsed['title'] assert [s.title for s in c.sections][2] == raw_parsed['sections'][2]['title'] assert [s.section_id for s in c.sections][2] == raw_parsed['sections'][2]['section_id'] assert c.sections[1].lines[1].line == raw_parsed['sections'][1]['lines'][ 1]['line'] assert c.sections[1].lines[1].line_id == raw_parsed['sections'][1][ 'lines'][1]['line_id']
def test_checklist(): checklist_path = Path( __file__).parents[1] / "deon" / "assets" / "checklist.yml" c = with open(checklist_path, "r") as f: raw_parsed = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) assert c.title == raw_parsed["title"] assert [s.title for s in c.sections][2] == raw_parsed["sections"][2]["title"] assert [s.section_id for s in c.sections][2] == raw_parsed["sections"][2]["section_id"] assert c.sections[1].lines[1].line == raw_parsed["sections"][1]["lines"][ 1]["line"] assert c.sections[1].lines[1].line_id == raw_parsed["sections"][1][ "lines"][1]["line_id"]
def checklist(): s1 = Section( "First section", "A", [ Line("A.1", "A1sum", "First A line"), Line("A.2", "A2sum", "Second A line") ], ) s2 = Section( "Second section", "B", [ Line("B.1", "B1sum", "First B line"), Line("B.2", "B2sum", "Second B line") ], ) cl = Checklist("My Checklist", [s1, s2]) return cl