Example #1
    def __init__(self):
        # Get the access tokens saved in settings.json file
        info = plistlib.readPlist("info.plist")
        bundleid = info["bundleid"]
        settings_path = os.path.join(
            os.path.expanduser("~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/"), bundleid, "settings.json"
        with open(settings_path, "rb") as settings_file:
            settings = json.load(settings_file)
        primary_access_token = settings.get("primary_access_token", None)
        secondary_access_tokens = settings.get("secondary_access_tokens", [])

        # Do not initialize without a primary_access_token
        if primary_access_token:

            self._num_secondary_tokens = len(secondary_access_tokens)
            self.api_calls_remaining = [None for i in range(self._num_secondary_tokens)]
            self.api_last_call = [None for i in range(self._num_secondary_tokens)]
            # Instantiate primary api
            self.primary_api = InstagramAPI(
                access_token=primary_access_token, client_secret=MyInstagramAPI.client_secret
            # Instantiate secondary api's
            self.secondary_apis = []
            for secondary_token in secondary_access_tokens:
                    InstagramAPI(access_token=secondary_token, client_secret=MyInstagramAPI.client_secret)
            self.primary_follows = self.get_primary_follows()
            self.secondary_idx = -1  # Will be incremented to 0 in new_secondary_api
            self.secondary_api_gen = self.new_secondary_api()
            self.secondary_api = self.secondary_api_gen.next()
            self.secondary_follows = self.get_secondary_follows()
            self.api_error_handler = HandleAPIErrors(self)
            self.last_used_api = None
Example #2
class MyInstagramAPI(object):
    """InstagramAPI wrapper, allows for multiple access tokens"""

    # primary_access_token = '1977306979.6104a3c.d49ec03bfe484e46a7be8f35bcd997ed'
    # secondary_access_tokens = ['1593955519.6104a3c.91152da00e96457eb5abad054d45b0af',
    #             '1699042.6104a3c.834088edd4a6474e8d28fdf8bb1ab58b']
    client_secret = "16cf9a1467b740d295631397e17512e5"

    def __init__(self):
        # Get the access tokens saved in settings.json file
        info = plistlib.readPlist("info.plist")
        bundleid = info["bundleid"]
        settings_path = os.path.join(
            os.path.expanduser("~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/"), bundleid, "settings.json"
        with open(settings_path, "rb") as settings_file:
            settings = json.load(settings_file)
        primary_access_token = settings.get("primary_access_token", None)
        secondary_access_tokens = settings.get("secondary_access_tokens", [])

        # Do not initialize without a primary_access_token
        if primary_access_token:

            self._num_secondary_tokens = len(secondary_access_tokens)
            self.api_calls_remaining = [None for i in range(self._num_secondary_tokens)]
            self.api_last_call = [None for i in range(self._num_secondary_tokens)]
            # Instantiate primary api
            self.primary_api = InstagramAPI(
                access_token=primary_access_token, client_secret=MyInstagramAPI.client_secret
            # Instantiate secondary api's
            self.secondary_apis = []
            for secondary_token in secondary_access_tokens:
                    InstagramAPI(access_token=secondary_token, client_secret=MyInstagramAPI.client_secret)
            self.primary_follows = self.get_primary_follows()
            self.secondary_idx = -1  # Will be incremented to 0 in new_secondary_api
            self.secondary_api_gen = self.new_secondary_api()
            self.secondary_api = self.secondary_api_gen.next()
            self.secondary_follows = self.get_secondary_follows()
            self.api_error_handler = HandleAPIErrors(self)
            self.last_used_api = None

    ###################   InstagramAPI Wrappers    #######################

    @api_type("search", "public")
    def media_popular(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Return currently popular media.
        (up to count=64)
        Accepts parameters:
            count, max_id
        return self.last_used_api.media_popular(*args, **kwargs)

    @api_type("search", "public")
    def media_search(self, lat, lng, *args, **kwargs):
        """Return recent media matching a search query and optionally a location
        Accepts parameters:
            lat, lng, min_timestamp, max_timestamp, distance, count
        return self.last_used_api.media_search(lat, lng, *args, **kwargs)

    @api_type("media", "public")
    def media_shortcode(self, shortcode, *args, **kwargs):
        """Return a media using its corresponding shortcode
        Accepts parameter:
        return self.last_used_api.media_shortcode(shortcode)

    @api_type("media", "private")
    def media_likes(self, media_id, *args, **kwargs):
        """Return a list of likes for a media given its media_id
        Accepts parameter:
        return self.last_used_api.media_likes(media_id)

    @api_type("media", "personal")
    def like_media(self, media_id, *args, **kwargs):
        """Submit a like to an Instagram post given its media_id
        Accepts parameter:
        return self.last_used_api.like_media(media_id)

    @api_type("media", "personal")
    def unlike_media(self, media_id, *args, **kwargs):
        """Remove a like from an Instagram post
        Accepts parameter:
        return self.last_used_api.unlike_media(media_id)

    @api_type("media", "personal")
    def create_media_comment(self, media_id, text, *args, **kwargs):
        """Post a comment to an Instagram photo given its media_id
        Accepts parameters:
            media_id, text
        return self.last_used_api.create_media_comment(media_id, text)

    @api_type("media", "personal")
    def delete_comment(self, media_id, comment_id, *args, **kwargs):
        """Delete a comment from an Instagram photo given its media_id and comment_id
        Accepts parameters:
            media_id, comment_id
        return self.last_used_api.delete_comment(media_id, comment_id)

    @api_type("media", "private")
    def media_comments(self, media_id, *args, **kwargs):
        """Return comments on an Instagram post given its media_id
        Accepts parameter:
        return self.last_used_api.media_comments(media_id)

    @api_type("media", "private")
    def media(self, media_id, *args, **kwargs):
        """Return the information about a single instagram post given its media_id
        Accepts parameters:
        return self.last_used_api.media(media_id)

    @api_type("search", "personal")
    def user_media_feed(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Return a list of most recent media from user's followers
        Accepts parameters:
            max_id, min_id, count
        Paginates: True
        return self.last_used_api.user_media_feed(*args, **kwargs)

    @api_type("search", "personal")
    def user_liked_media(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Return media liked by self
        Accepts parameters:
            max_like_id, count
        Paginates: True
        return self.last_used_api.user_liked_media(*args, **kwargs)

    @api_type("user", "private")
    def user_recent_media(self, user_id, *args, **kwargs):
        """Return recent media of another user given their user_id
        Accepts parameters:
            user_id, max_id, min_id, count, max_timestamp, min_timestamp
        Paginates: True
        return self.last_used_api.user_recent_media(user_id, *args, **kwargs)

    @api_type("search", "public")
    def user_search(self, q, *args, **kwargs):
        """Search for a user by username
        Accepts parameters:
            q, count
        return self.last_used_api.user_search(q, *args, **kwargs)

    @api_type("user", "private")
    def user_follows(self, user_id, *args, **kwargs):
        """Return the 50 most recent follows of a user as well as a pagination url
        Accepts parameter:
        Paginates: True
        return self.last_used_api.user_follows(user_id, **kwargs)

    @api_type("user", "private")
    def user_followed_by(self, user_id, *args, **kwargs):
        """Get the users that follow a particular user given their user_id
        Accepts parameters:
        Paginates: True
        return self.last_used_api.user_followed_by(user_id, **kwargs)

    @api_type("user", "private")
    def user(self, user_id, *args, **kwargs):
        """Return user object given user_id
        Accepts parameter:
        return self.last_used_api.user(user_id)

    @api_type("search", "public")
    def location_recent_media(self, location_id, *args, **kwargs):
        """Get a list of recent media objects from a given locaiton given its location_id
        Accepts parameters:
            location_id, max_id, min_id, min_timestamp, max_timestamp
        Paginates: True
        return self.last_used_api.location_recent_media(location_id, *args, **kwargs)

    @api_type("search", "public")
    def location_search(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Search for a location by geographic coordinates or foursquare id
        Accepts parameters:
            lat, lng, foursquare_v2_id, distance
        Required parameters:
            (lat AND lng) OR foursquare_v2_id
        return self.last_used_api.location_search(*args, **kwargs)

    @api_type("search", "public")
    def location(self, location_id, *args, **kwargs):
        Get information about a location given its location_id
        Accepts parameters:
        Required parameters:
        return self.last_used_api.location(location_id)

    @api_type("search", "personal")
    def geography_recent_media(self, geography_id, *args, **kwargs):
        Get recent media from a geography subscription that you created
        Accepts parameters:
            geography_id, min_id, count
        Required parameters:
        Paginates: True
        return self.last_used_api.geography_recent_media(geography_id, *args, **kwargs)

    @api_type("search", "public")
    def tag_recent_media(self, tag_name, *args, **kwargs):
        Get recent media by tag
        Accepts parameters:
            tag_name, count, max_tag_id, min_tag_id
        Required parameters:
        Paginates: True
        return self.last_used_api.tag_recent_media(tag_name, *args, **kwargs)

    @api_type("search", "public")
    def tag_search(self, q, *args, **kwargs):
        Search for tags by name (without a leading '#')
        Accepts parameters:
        Required parameters:
        return self.last_used_api.tag_search(q)

    @api_type("search", "public")
    def tag(self, tag_name, *args, **kwargs):
        Get information about a tag (without leading '#')
        Accepts parameters:
        Required parameters:
        return self.last_used_api.tag(tag_name)

    @api_type("search", "personal")
    def user_incoming_requests(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Get incoming requests
        Accepts parameters:
        Required parameters:
        return self.last_used_api.user_incoming_requests()

    @api_type("user", "personal")
    def user_relationship(self, user_id, *args, **kwargs):
        Get the status of a relationship with another user
        Accepts parameters:
        Required parameters:
        return self.last_used_api.user_relationship(user_id)

    @api_type("user", "personal")
    def change_user_relationship(self, user_id, action, *args, **kwargs):
        Modify a relationship with another user.
        Possible actions are follow, unfollow, approve, ignore, block, unblock
        Accepts parameters:
            user_id, action
            action={follow, unfollow, approve, ignore, block, unblock}
        Required paramters:
            user_id, action
        return self.last_used_api.change_user_relationship(user_id, action)

    ############# Change user relationship action shortcuts ##############

    def _make_relationship_shortcut(action):
        def _inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
            if args:
                user_id = args[0]
                user_id = kwargs.pop("user_id")
            return self.change_user_relationship(user_id=user_id, action=action)

        return _inner

    follow_user = _make_relationship_shortcut("follow")
    unfollow_user = _make_relationship_shortcut("unfollow")
    block_user = _make_relationship_shortcut("block")
    unblock_user = _make_relationship_shortcut("unblock")
    approve_user_request = _make_relationship_shortcut("approve")
    ignore_user_request = _make_relationship_shortcut("ignore")

    ################   Instagram Generator Wrappers    ###################

    def _make_paginator(func, results_per_page, max_pages, **outer_kwargs):
        def _paginator_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
            maximum_pages = kwargs.pop("max_pages", None) or max_pages
            params = {"as_generator": True, "max_pages": maximum_pages}
            # Initialize update message
            message_template = kwargs.pop("message_template", None)
            update_after_pages = kwargs.pop("update_after_pages", None)
            if message_template:
                message_gen = self.print_update_message(maximum_pages, update_after_pages=update_after_pages)

            func_gen = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
            content = []
            pages_read = 0
            while True:
                    # Iterate over function until successful or unrecoverable failure
                    while self.primary_api.is_good:  # and self.secondary_api.is_good:
                            content_chunk, _ = func_gen.next()
                        except InstagramAPIError as err:
                except StopIteration:
                    # Print final update message
                    if message_template:
                        # Set pages_read to max_pages and it will force the message to print
                        message_gen.send((max_pages, content_len, message_template))
                    content += content_chunk
                    content_len = len(content)
                    pages_read += 1
                    if message_template:
                        message_gen.send((pages_read, content_len, message_template))

            return content

        doc = "Return muliple pages of content from api function: {}\n\n".format(func.__name__)
        doc += "Results per page:{}\n".format(results_per_page)
        doc += "Default max_pages: {}\n".format(max_pages)
        _paginator_wrapper.__doc__ = doc
        return _paginator_wrapper

    def print_update_message(self, max_pages, update_interval=5, update_after_pages=None):
        """Display updates of the information every 5 seconds"""
        start = time.time()
        interval_start = start
        previous_content_len = None
        if update_after_pages:
            # Send a debug update message after a certain number of pages are read
            while True:
                (pages_read, content_len, message_template) = yield
                now = time.time()
                interval = now - interval_start
                do_not_reprint = True if (content_len == previous_content_len) else False
                if not do_not_reprint and ((pages_read % update_after_pages == 0) or (pages_read == max_pages)):
                    previous_content_len = content_len
                    print message_template.format(running_time="{0:0.2f}".format(now - start), len_content=content_len)

            # Send an update message after a time interval
            while True:
                (idx, message_template) = yield
                now = time.time()
                interval = now - interval_start

                if interval > update_interval or interval_start is start or (idx + 1) == list_length:
                    print message_template.substitute(running_time="{0:0.2f}".format(now - start))
                    interval_start = now

    api_results_per_page = {
        "user_liked_media": 20,
        "user_recent_media": 20,
        "user_media_feed": 20,
        "user_follows": 50,
        "user_followed_by": 50,
        "location_recent_media": 20,
        "geography_recent_media": 20,
        "tag_recent_media": 20,

    all_user_liked_media = _make_paginator(
        func=user_liked_media, results_per_page=api_results_per_page["user_liked_media"], max_pages=10

    all_user_recent_media = _make_paginator(

    all_user_media_feed = _make_paginator(
        func=user_media_feed, results_per_page=api_results_per_page["user_media_feed"], max_pages=3

    all_user_follows = _make_paginator(
        func=user_follows, results_per_page=api_results_per_page["user_follows"], max_pages=20

    all_user_followed_by = _make_paginator(
        func=user_followed_by, results_per_page=api_results_per_page["user_followed_by"], max_pages=20

    all_location_recent_media = _make_paginator(
        func=location_recent_media, results_per_page=api_results_per_page["location_recent_media"], max_pages=10

    all_geography_recent_media = _make_paginator(
        func=geography_recent_media, results_per_page=api_results_per_page["geography_recent_media"], max_pages=10

    all_tag_recent_media = _make_paginator(
        func=tag_recent_media, results_per_page=api_results_per_page["tag_recent_media"], max_pages=5

    ######################   Convenience Methods    ######################

    def get_primary_follows(self):
        """Get follows of the primary account"""
        params = {"as_generator": True, "max_pages": 50}
        follows_gen = self.primary_api.user_follows("self", **params)
        primary_follows = []
        for follows_chunk, url in follows_gen:
            primary_follows += follows_chunk
        return UserSet(primary_follows)

    def get_secondary_follows(self):
        """Get the follows of the secondary accounts"""
        num_secondary_accounts = len(self.secondary_apis)
        secondary_follows = [None for i in range(num_secondary_accounts)]
        for idx in range(num_secondary_accounts):
            follows = self.all_user_follows("self", max_pages=50, api=self.secondary_apis[idx])
            secondary_follows[idx] = UserSet(follows)
        return secondary_follows

    ######################   Instance Methods    #########################

    def new_secondary_api(self):

        num_secondary_tokens = len(self.secondary_apis)
        hour = 60 * 60
        new_api = False
        while 1:
            while 2:
                for i in range(num_secondary_tokens):
                    self.secondary_idx = (self.secondary_idx + 1) % num_secondary_tokens
                    num_remaining = self.api_calls_remaining[self.secondary_idx]
                    last_call = self.api_last_call[self.secondary_idx]
                    if (num_remaining == None) or (num_remaining >= 1000):
                        new_api = True
                        # break for loop through secondary access tokens
                    elif time.time() - last_call >= hour:
                        new_api = True
                        # break for loop through secondary access tokens
                if new_api:
                    secondary_api = self.secondary_apis[self.secondary_idx]
                    # Test api
                    user_self = self.test_api(secondary_api)
                    if user_self:
                        yield secondary_api
                        # break (while 2), enter final statements of (while 1)
                        # continue (while 2) through secondary access tokens
                else:  # No new api found
                    yield False
            # Re-enter (while 2)

    def test_api(self, api):
            user = api.user("self")
        except InstagramAPIError as err:
            api.is_good = False
            return False
            api.is_good = True
            return user

    def update_api(self, api=None):
        if not api:
            api = self.last_used_api
        if api is self.primary_api:
            self.primary_api.api_last_call = time.time()
        else:  # api is secondary_api
            calls_remaining = api.x_ratelimit_remaining
            if calls_remaining is not None:
                self.api_calls_remaining[self.secondary_idx] = int(calls_remaining)
            self.api_last_call[self.secondary_idx] = time.time()

    def api_for_media(self, media):
        if media.user.id in self.primary_follows:
            return self.primary_api
            return self.secondary_api