Example #1
import depresolve.depdata as depdata
from deptools import spectuples_to_specstring


new_deps = dict()

for distkey in depdata.dependencies_by_dist:

    my_deps = depdata.dependencies_by_dist[distkey]
    new_deps[distkey] = []

    for dep in my_deps:  # for every one of its dependencies,
        satisfying_packagename = dep[0]
        spectuples = dep[1]
        specstring = ''

        # Catch case where there are new style dependencies among the old....
        if type(spectuples) in [list, tuple]:
            specstring = spectuples_to_specstring(spectuples)

            assert type(spectuples) in [unicode, str], 'Unexpected dep format!'
            specstring = spectuples  # It's already a specstring.

        new_deps[distkey].append([satisfying_packagename, specstring])

depdata.dependencies_by_dist = new_deps
def main():
  # Some defaults:
  n_sdists_to_process = 0 # debug; max packages to explore during debug - overriden by --n=N argument.
  conflict_model = 3
  no_skip = False
  careful_skip = False
  use_local_index = False
  use_local_index_old = False
  #run_all_conflicting = False

  # Files and directories.
  assert(os.path.exists(WORKING_DIRECTORY)), 'Working dir does not exist...??'

  # Ensure that appropriate directory for downloaded distros exists.
  # This would be terrible to duplicate if scraping a large number of packages.
  # One such sdist cache per system! Gets big.
  if not os.path.exists(TEMPDIR_FOR_DOWNLOADED_DISTROS):

  logger.info("scrape_deps_and_detect_conflicts - Version 0.5")
  distkeys_to_inspect_not_normalized = [] # not-yet-normalized user input, potentially filled with distkeys to check, from arguments
  distkeys_to_inspect = [] # list after argument normalization

  # Argument processing.
  # If we have arguments coming in, treat those as the packages to inspect.
  if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
      if arg.startswith("--n="):
        n_sdists_to_process = int(arg[4:])
      elif arg == "--cm1":
        conflict_model = 1
      elif arg == "--cm2":
        conflict_model = 2
      elif arg == "--cm3":
        conflict_model = 3
      elif arg == "--noskip":
        no_skip = True
      elif arg == '--carefulskip':
        careful_skip = True
      elif arg == "--local-old":
        # without ='<directory>' means we pull alphabetically from local PyPI
        # mirror at /srv/pypi/
        # Parse .tar.gz files as they appear in bandersnatch version <= 1.8
        # For newer versions of bandersnatch, the sdist files are stored
        # differently (not in project-based directories) and so the argument
        # --local should be used instead.
        use_local_index_old = True
      elif arg == "--local":
        # without ='<directory>' means we pull from local PyPI mirror at
        # /srv/pypi/
        # Parse .tar.gz files as they appear in bandersnatch version 1.11
        # For bandersnatch 1.11, the sdist files are stored differently than in
        # <1.8. They are no longer kept in project-based directories).
        # If you are using a version of bandersnatch <=1.8, the argument
        # --local-old should be used instead.
        use_local_index = True
      #elif arg == '--conflicting':
      #  # Operate locally and run on the distkeys provided in the indicated
      #  # file, each on its own line.
      #  use_local_index = True
      #  run_all_conflicting = True
        distkeys_to_inspect_not_normalized.append(arg) # e.g. 'motorengine(0.7.4)'
        # For simplicity right now, I'll use one mode or another, not both.
        # Last arg has it if both.

  # Normalize any input distkeys we were given.
  for distkey in distkeys_to_inspect_not_normalized:
    assert '(' in distkey and distkey.endswith(')'), 'Invalid input.'
    distkey = depdata.normalize_distkey(distkey)

  # Were we not given any distkeys to inspect?
  if not distkeys_to_inspect:# and not run_all_conflicting:

    if not use_local_index and not use_local_index_old:
      # If we're not using a local index, we have nothing to do.
      raise ValueError('You neither specified distributions to scrape nor '
          '(alternatively) indicated that they should be chosen from a local '

    elif use_local_index_old:
      # If we were told to work with a local mirror, but weren't given specific
      # sdists to inspect, we'll scan everything in
      # BANDERSNATCH_MIRROR_SDIST_DIR until we have n_sdists_to_process sdists.
      # There is a better way to do this, but I'll leave this as is for now.

      # Ensure that the local PyPI mirror directory exists first.
      if not os.path.exists(BANDERSNATCH_MIRROR_SDIST_DIR):
        raise Exception('--- Exception. Expecting a bandersnatched mirror of '
            'PyPI at ' + BANDERSNATCH_MIRROR_SDIST_DIR + ' but that directory '
            'does not exist.')
      i = 0
      for dir, subdirs, files in os.walk(BANDERSNATCH_MIRROR_SDIST_DIR):
        for fname in files:
          if is_sdist(fname):
            tarfilename_full = os.path.join(dir, fname)
            # Deduce package names and versions from sdist filename.
            distkey = get_distkey_from_full_filename(tarfilename_full)
            i += 1
            # awkward control structures, but saving debug run time. tidy later
            if i >= n_sdists_to_process:
        if i >= n_sdists_to_process:

    else: # use_local_index (modern bandersnatch version)
      assert use_local_index, 'Programming error.'
      # # sdists live here: /srv/pypi/web/packages/??/??/*/*.tar.gz
      # # Can implement this such that it checks those places.
      # for name1 in os.listdir(BANDERSNATCH_NEW_MIRROR_SDIST_DIR):
      #   if len(name1) != 2:
      #     continue
      #   for name2 in os.listdir(os.path.join(
      #     if len(name2) != 2:
      #       continue
      #     for name3 in os.listdir(os.path.join(
      #         BANDERSNATCH_NEW_MIRROR_SDIST_DIR, name1, name2)):
      #       if len(name3) != 60:
      #         continue
      #       for fname in os.listdir():
      #  #.... No, this is not going to unambiguously get me the package name
      #  # in the way that it used to in older versions of bandersnatch.
      #  # Rather than dealing with unexpected naming consequences, I'll go
      #  # with the following even more annoying hack....

      # A dictionary of all versions of all packages on the mirror,
      # collected out-of-band (via xml-rpc at same time as mirroring occurred).
      vbp_mirror = json.load(open('data/versions_by_package.json', 'r'))
      i = 0
      for package in vbp_mirror:
        if i >= n_sdists_to_process:

        for version in vbp_mirror[package]:

          if i >= n_sdists_to_process:

          distkey = depdata.distkey_format(package, version)

          i += 1

  # We should now have distkeys to inspect (unless run_all_conflicting is True).

  # Load the dependencies, conflicts, and blacklist databases.
  # The blacklist is a list of runs that resulted in errors or runs that were
  # manually added because, for example, they hang seemingly forever or take an
  # inordinate length of time.

  # Alias depdata.conflicts_db to the relevant conflicts db. (Ugly)
  depdata.set_conflict_model_legacy(conflict_model) # should remove this

  #if run_all_conflicting:
  #  distkeys_to_inspect = [distkey for distkey in depdata.conflicts_3_db if
  #      depdata.conflicts_3_db[distkey]]

  n_inspected = 0
  n_successfully_processed = 0
  last_wrote_at = 0

  # Now take all of the distkeys ( e.g. 'python-twitter(0.2.1)' ) indicated and
  # run on them.
  for distkey in distkeys_to_inspect:
    # To avoid losing too much data, make sure we at least write data to disk
    # about every 100 successfully processed or 10000 inspected dists. Avoid
    # writing repeatedly in edge cases (e.g. when we write after 100
    # successfully processed and then have to keep writing for every skip that
    # occurs after that.
    progress = n_inspected + n_successfully_processed * 100
    if progress > last_wrote_at + 10000:
      last_wrote_at = progress
      logger.info("Writing early.")

    # The skip conditions.

    # If dist is in the blacklist for the same version of python we're running.
    blacklisted = distkey in depdata.blacklist \
        and sys.version_info.major in depdata.blacklist[distkey]

    # If dist has conflict info saved already
    already_in_conflicts = distkey in depdata.conflicts_db

    # Do we have dep info for the dist? Not a skip condition, but part of
    # careful_skip tests.
    already_in_dependencies = distkey in depdata.dependencies_by_dist

    # If we're not in no_skip mode, perform the skip checks.
    # Skip checks. If the dist is blacklisted or we already have dependency
    # data, then skip it - unless we're in careful skip mode and we don't
    # have dependency data for the dist.
    if not no_skip and (blacklisted or already_in_conflicts):

      # If dist isn't blacklisted, we already have conflict info, there's no
      # dependency info, and careful skip is on, don't actually skip.
      if careful_skip and not already_in_dependencies and not blacklisted:
        print('---    Not skipping ' + distkey + ': ' +
            'Already have conflict data, however there is no dependency info '
            'for the dist, the dist is not blacklisted, and we are in '
            'careful_skip mode.')

      else: # Skip, since we don't have a reason not to.
        n_inspected += 1
        print('---    SKIP -- ' + distkey + ': ' +
            'Blacklisted. '*blacklisted +
            'Already have conflict data. '*already_in_conflicts +
            '(Finished ' + str(n_inspected) + ' out of ' +
            str(len(distkeys_to_inspect)) + ')')

    # If we didn't skip, process the dist.

    packagename = depdata.get_packname(distkey)
    version_string = depdata.get_version(distkey)
    #assert(distkey.rfind(')') == len(distkey) - 1)
    formatted_requirement = packagename + "==" + version_string
    exitcode = None
    assert(conflict_model in [1, 2, 3])

    # Construct the argument list.
    # Include argument to pass to pip to tell it not to prod users about our
    # strange pip version (lest they follow that instruction and install a
    # standard pip version):
    pip_arglist = [
      '--find-dep-conflicts', str(conflict_model),
    if use_local_index:
      pip_arglist.extend(['-i', BANDERSNATCH_MIRROR_INDEX_DIR])


    # With arg list constructed, call pip.main with it to run a modified pip
    # install attempt (will not install).
    # This assumes that we're dealing with my pip fork version 8.0.0.dev0seb).
    print('---    Sending ' + distkey + ' to pip.')
    logger.debug('Scraper says: before pip call, len(deps) is ' +

    # Call pip, with a 5 minute timeout.
    exitcode = None # scoping paranoia
      exitcode = _call_pip_with_timeout(pip_arglist)
    except timeout.TimeoutException as e: # This catch is not likely. See below
      logger.warning('pip timed out on dist ' + distkey + '(5min)!'
          ' Will treat as error. Exception follows: ' + str(e.args))
      # Set the exit code to something other than 2 or 0 and it'll be treated
      # like any old pip error below, resulting in a blacklist.
      exitcode = 1000

    # However, unfortunately, we cannot assume that pip will let that exception
    # pass up to us. It seems to take the signal, stop and clean up, and then
    # return exit code 2. This is fine, except that then we can't really
    # blacklist the process. I'd have to add a timer here, detect something
    # very close to the timeout, and guess that it timed out. /: That sucks.
    # In any case, we'll not learn that it's a process that times out, but
    # we'll just look at it as a possible conflict case. (The data recorded
    # will not list it as a conflict. Hopefully, that data is not corrupted.
    # It's unlikely that it would have been, though, so I judge this OK.)
    # Process the output of the pip command.
    if exitcode == 2:
      print('--- X  SDist ' + distkey + ' : pip errored out (code=' +
        str(exitcode) + '). Possible DEPENDENCY CONFLICT. Result recorded in '
        'conflicts_<...>.json. (Finished ' +
        str(n_inspected) + ' out of ' + str(len(distkeys_to_inspect)) +
    elif exitcode == 0:
      print('--- .  SDist ' + distkey + ' : pip completed successfully. '
        'No dependency conflicts observed. (Finished ' + str(n_inspected)
        + ' out of ' + str(len(distkeys_to_inspect)) + ')')
      print('--- .  SDist ' + distkey + ': pip errored out (code=' +
        str(exitcode) + '), but it seems to have been unrelated to any dep '
        'conflict.... (Finished ' + str(n_inspected) + ' out of ' +
        str(len(distkeys_to_inspect)) + ')')
      # Store in the list of failing packages along with the python version
      # we're running. (sys.version_info.major yields int 2 or 3)
      # Contents are to eventually be a list of the major versions in which it
      # fails. We should never get here if the dist is already in the blacklist
      # for this version of python, but let's keep going even if so.
      if distkey in depdata.blacklist and sys.version_info.major in \
        depdata.blacklist[distkey] and not no_skip:
        logger.warning('  WARNING! This should not happen! ' + distkey + ' was'
          'already in the blacklist for python ' + str(sys.version_info.major)
          + ', thus it should not have been run unless we have --noskip on '
          '(which it is not)!')
      # Either the dist is not in the blacklist or it's not in the blacklist
      # for this version of python. (Sensible)
        if distkey not in depdata.blacklist: # 
          depdata.blacklist[distkey] = [sys.version_info.major]
          logger.info("  Added entry to blacklist for " + distkey)
          assert(no_skip or sys.version_info.major not in depdata.blacklist[distkey])
          logger.info("  Added additional entry to blacklist for " + distkey)

    # end of exit code processing
    n_inspected += 1
    n_successfully_processed += 1

  # end of for each tarfile/sdist

  # We're done with all packages. Write the collected data back to file.

for distkey in depdata.dependencies_by_dist:
  my_deps = depdata.dependencies_by_dist[distkey]
  new_deps[distkey] = []

  for dep in my_deps: # for every one of its dependencies,
    satisfying_packagename = dep[0]
    spectuples = dep[1]
    specstring = ''

    # Catch case where there are new style dependencies among the old....
    if type(spectuples) in [list, tuple]:
      specstring = spectuples_to_specstring(spectuples)
      assert type(spectuples) in [unicode, str], 'Unexpected dep format!'
      specstring = spectuples # It's already a specstring.

    new_deps[distkey].append([satisfying_packagename, specstring])

depdata.dependencies_by_dist = new_deps