def testListWithAListWithAnInt(self): item = JsonItem([[4]]) self.assertEqual( '\n'.join([ "1 list of length 1. Values:", " 1 list of length 1. Values:", " 1 int" ]), item.__str__())
def testListWithTwoSameLengthDictsLengthCompare(self): item = JsonItem([{'a': 3}, {'b': 4}], strictness='length') self.assertEqual( '\n'.join([ "1 list of length 2. Values:", " 2 dicts of length 1. Values:", " 1 int" ]), item.__str__())
def testListWithOneDictAndOneInt(self): item = JsonItem([{}, 4]) self.assertEqual( '\n'.join([ "1 list of length 2. Values:", " 1 dict of length 0.", " 1 int" ]), item.__str__())
def testListWithTwoUnequalListsKeysCompare(self): item = JsonItem([[4, 5], [6, 7]], strictness='keys') self.assertEqual( '\n'.join([ "1 list of length 2. Values:", " 1 list of length 2. Values:", " 2 ints", " 1 list of length 2. Values:", " 2 ints" ]), item.__str__())
def testListWithTwoEqualDictsEqualCompare(self): item = JsonItem([{'a': 3, 'b': 4}, {'a': 3, 'b': 4}], strictness='equal') self.assertEqual('\n'.join(["1 list of length 2. Values:", " 2 dicts of length 2. Values:", " 2 ints"]), item.__str__())
def testListWithTwoDifferentLengthDictsLengthCompare(self): item = JsonItem([{'a': 3}, {'b': 4, 'c': 5}], strictness='length') self.assertEqual( '\n'.join([ "1 list of length 2. Values:", " 1 dict of length 1. Values:", " 1 int", " 1 dict of length 2. Values:", " 2 ints" ]), item.__str__())
def testListWithTwoEqualListsEqualCompare(self): item = JsonItem([[4, 5], [4, 5]], strictness='equal') self.assertEqual( '\n'.join([ "1 list of length 2. Values:", " 2 lists of length 2. Values:", " 2 ints" ]), item.__str__())
def testListWithTwoUnequalListsKeysCompare(self): item = JsonItem([[4, 5], [6, 7]], strictness='keys') self.assertEqual('\n'.join(["1 list of length 2. Values:", " 1 list of length 2. Values:", " 2 ints", " 1 list of length 2. Values:", " 2 ints"]), item.__str__())
def testListWithTwoDifferentLengthDictsLengthCompare(self): item = JsonItem([{'a': 3}, {'b': 4, 'c': 5}], strictness='length') self.assertEqual('\n'.join(["1 list of length 2. Values:", " 1 dict of length 1. Values:", " 1 int", " 1 dict of length 2. Values:", " 2 ints"]), item.__str__())
def testListWithTwoEqualDictsEqualCompare(self): item = JsonItem([{ 'a': 3, 'b': 4 }, { 'a': 3, 'b': 4 }], strictness='equal') self.assertEqual( '\n'.join([ "1 list of length 2. Values:", " 2 dicts of length 2. Values:", " 2 ints" ]), item.__str__())
def testDictWithOneFloatKey(self): item = JsonItem({'a': 4.3}) self.assertEqual("1 dict of length 1. Values:\n 1 float", item.__str__())
def testListWithAListWithAnInt(self): item = JsonItem([[4]]) self.assertEqual('\n'.join(["1 list of length 1. Values:", " 1 list of length 1. Values:", " 1 int"]), item.__str__())
def testInt(self): item = JsonItem(4) self.assertEqual("1 int", item.__str__())
def testListWithTwoSameLengthDictsLengthCompare(self): item = JsonItem([{'a': 3}, {'b': 4}], strictness='length') self.assertEqual('\n'.join(["1 list of length 2. Values:", " 2 dicts of length 1. Values:", " 1 int"]), item.__str__())
def testDictWithOneLongKey(self): item = JsonItem({'a': 100L}) self.assertEqual("1 dict of length 1. Values:\n 1 long", item.__str__())
def testListWithOneInt(self): item = JsonItem([4]) self.assertEqual("1 list of length 1. Values:\n 1 int", item.__str__())
def testListWithTwoInts(self): item = JsonItem([4, 5]) self.assertEqual("1 list of length 2. Values:\n 2 ints", item.__str__())
def testDictWithOneBooleanKey(self): item = JsonItem({'a': True}) self.assertEqual("1 dict of length 1. Values:\n 1 boolean", item.__str__())
def testDictWithOneNoneKey(self): item = JsonItem({'a': None}) self.assertEqual("1 dict of length 1. Values:\n 1 None", item.__str__())
def testListWithAnEmptyList(self): item = JsonItem([[]]) self.assertEqual("1 list of length 1. Values:\n 1 list of length 0.", item.__str__())
def testEmptyList(self): item = JsonItem([]) self.assertEqual("1 list of length 0.", item.__str__())
def testListWithTwoEqualListsEqualCompare(self): item = JsonItem([[4, 5], [4, 5]], strictness='equal') self.assertEqual('\n'.join(["1 list of length 2. Values:", " 2 lists of length 2. Values:", " 2 ints"]), item.__str__())
def testEmptyDict(self): item = JsonItem({}) self.assertEqual("1 dict of length 0.", item.__str__())
def testListWithOneDict(self): item = JsonItem([{}]) self.assertEqual("1 list of length 1. Values:\n 1 dict of length 0.", item.__str__())
def testDictWithTwoStrKeys(self): item = JsonItem({'a': u'b', 'c': u'd'}) self.assertEqual("1 dict of length 2. Values:\n 2 unicodes", item.__str__())
def testDictWithOneEmptyListKey(self): item = JsonItem({'a': []}) self.assertEqual("1 dict of length 1. Values:\n 1 list of length 0.", item.__str__())
def testListWithOneDictAndOneInt(self): item = JsonItem([{}, 4]) self.assertEqual('\n'.join(["1 list of length 2. Values:", " 1 dict of length 0.", " 1 int"]), item.__str__())
def testDictWithOneStrKey(self): item = JsonItem({'x': u'y'}) self.assertEqual("1 dict of length 1. Values:\n 1 unicode", item.__str__())
def testDictWithOneIntKey(self): item = JsonItem({'x': 4}) self.assertEqual("1 dict of length 1. Values:\n 1 int", item.__str__())