def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray): if isinstance(X, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): X = X.values if isinstance(y, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): y = y.values.reshape(-1, 1) if X.shape[0] != y.shape[0]: msg = (f"Ensure that the number of samples in X and y are the same" f"Number of samples in X = {X.shape[0]}" f"Number of samples in y = {y.shape[0]}") raise ModelError(msg) self.X = X self.y = y if self.subsets is None: self.subsets = [] # Create random subsets of decision variables for each subnet for i in range(self.num_subnets): n = random.randint(1, self.X.shape[1]) self.subsets.append(random.sample(range(self.X.shape[1]), n)) # Ensure that each decision variable is used as an input in at least one subnet for n in list(range(self.X.shape[1])): if not any(n in k for k in self.subsets): self.subsets[random.randint(0, self.num_subnets - 1)].append(n) # Create problem problem = surrogateProblem( performance_evaluator=self._model_performance) problem.n_of_objectives = 2 # Create Population initial_pop = self._create_individuals() population = SurrogatePopulation(problem, self.pop_size, initial_pop, None, None, None) # Do evolution evolver = self.training_algorithm(problem, initial_population=population) recombinator = EvoDN2Recombination(evolver=evolver) evolver.population.recombination = recombinator figure = animate_init_(evolver.population.objectives, filename="EvoDN2.html") while evolver.continue_evolution(): evolver.iterate() figure = animate_next_( evolver.population.objectives, figure, filename="EvoDN2.html", generation=evolver._iteration_counter, ) self.model_population = evolver.population # Selection self.model_trained = True
def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray): if isinstance(X, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): X = X.values if isinstance(y, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): y = y.values.reshape(-1, 1) if X.shape[0] != y.shape[0]: msg = (f"Ensure that the number of samples in X and y are the same" f"Number of samples in X = {X.shape[0]}" f"Number of samples in y = {y.shape[0]}") raise ModelError(msg) self.X = X self.y = y # Create problem problem = surrogateProblem( performance_evaluator=self._model_performance) problem.n_of_objectives = 2 # Create Population initial_pop = self._create_individuals() population = SurrogatePopulation(problem, self.pop_size, initial_pop, None, None, None) # Do evolution evolver = self.training_algorithm(problem, initial_population=population) recombinator = EvoNNRecombination(evolver=evolver, mutation_type=self.mutation_type) evolver.population.recombination = recombinator figure = animate_init_(evolver.population.objectives, filename="EvoNN.html") while evolver.continue_evolution(): evolver.iterate() figure = animate_next_( evolver.population.objectives, figure, filename="EvoNN.html", generation=evolver._iteration_counter, ) self.model_population = evolver.population # Selection self.model_trained = True
def fit(self, X: pd.DataFrame, y: pd.DataFrame): if X.shape[0] != y.shape[0]: msg = (f"Ensure that the number of samples in X and y are the same" f"Number of samples in X = {X.shape[0]}" f"Number of samples in y = {y.shape[0]}") raise ModelError(msg) self.X = X self.y = y if self.terminal_set is None: self.terminal_set = X.columns.tolist() # Create problem problem = surrogateProblem( performance_evaluator=self._model_performance) problem.n_of_objectives = 2 # Create Population initial_pop = self._create_individuals() population = SurrogatePopulation(problem, self.pop_size, initial_pop, None, None, None) population.xover = BioGP_xover( probability_crossover=self.probability_crossover) population.mutation = BioGP_mutation( probability_mutation=self.probability_mutation) # Do single objective evolution tournament_evolver = TournamentEA( problem, initial_population=population, population_size=self.pop_size, n_gen_per_iter=self.single_obj_generations, n_iterations=1, ) figure = animate_init_(tournament_evolver.population.objectives, filename="BioGP.html") while tournament_evolver.continue_evolution(): tournament_evolver.iterate() figure = animate_next_( tournament_evolver.population.objectives, figure, filename="BioGP.html", generation=tournament_evolver._iteration_counter, ) population = tournament_evolver.population # Do bi-objective evolution evolver = self.training_algorithm( problem, initial_population=population, population_size=self.pop_size, n_gen_per_iter=10, n_iterations=10, ) while evolver.continue_evolution(): evolver.iterate() figure = animate_next_( evolver.population.objectives, figure, filename="BioGP.html", generation=evolver._iteration_counter + tournament_evolver._iteration_counter, ) self.model_population = evolver.population # Selection self.model_trained = True
from desdeo_problem.testproblems.TestProblems import test_problem_builder from desdeo_emo.EAs.RVEA import RVEA from desdeo_emo.EAs.NSGAIII import NSGAIII from desdeo_emo.othertools.plotlyanimate import animate_init_, animate_next_ dtlz3 = test_problem_builder("DTLZ3", n_of_variables=12, n_of_objectives=11) evolver = RVEA(dtlz3, n_iterations=10) figure = animate_init_(evolver.population.objectives, filename="dtlz3.html") while evolver.continue_evolution(): evolver.iterate() figure = animate_next_( evolver.population.objectives, figure, filename="dtlz3.html", generation=evolver._iteration_counter, )