Example #1
 def test_reject_cosmics(self):
     Test that the generic cosmics interface updates the mask
     image = Image(self.pix, self.ivar, camera="r0")
     cosmic = (image.pix > 0)
     self.assertTrue(np.all(image.mask[cosmic] & ccdmask.COSMIC))
Example #2
def main(args) :

    if args.outfile is not None :
    else :

    log = get_logger()
    log.info("starting finding cosmics in %s"%args.infile)


    if args.ignore_cosmic_ccdmask :
        log.warning("ignore cosmic ccdmask for test")
        log.debug("ccdmask.COSMIC = %d"%ccdmask.COSMIC)
        cosmic_ray_prexisting_mask = img.mask & ccdmask.COSMIC
        img._mask &= ~ccdmask.COSMIC  #- turn off cosmic mask


    log.info("writing data and new mask in %s"%outfile)
    image.write_image(outfile, img, meta=img.meta)

Example #3
def main(args):

    if args.outfile is not None:
        outfile = args.outfile
        outfile = args.infile

    log = get_logger()
    log.info("starting finding cosmics in %s" % args.infile)

    img = image.read_image(args.infile)

    if args.ignore_cosmic_ccdmask:
        log.warning("ignore cosmic ccdmask for test")
        log.debug("ccdmask.COSMIC = %d" % ccdmask.COSMIC)
        cosmic_ray_prexisting_mask = img.mask & ccdmask.COSMIC
        img._mask &= ~ccdmask.COSMIC  #- turn off cosmic mask


    log.info("writing data and new mask in %s" % outfile)
    image.write_image(outfile, img, meta=img.meta)

Example #4
def preproc(rawimage,
    preprocess image using metadata in header

    image = ((rawimage-bias-overscan)*gain)/pixflat

        rawimage : 2D numpy array directly from raw data file
        header : dict-like metadata, e.g. from FITS header, with keywords
            where x = A, B, C, D for each of the 4 amplifiers
            (also supports old naming convention 1, 2, 3, 4).
        primary_header: dict-like metadata fit keywords EXPTIME, DOSVER
            DATE-OBS is also required if bias, pixflat, or mask=True

    Optional bias, pixflat, and mask can each be:
        False: don't apply that step
        True: use default calibration data for that night
        ndarray: use that array
        filename (str or unicode): read HDU 0 and use that

    Optional overscan features:
        overscan_per_row : bool,  Subtract the overscan_col values
            row by row from the data.
        use_overscan_row : bool,  Subtract off the overscan_row
            from the data (default: False).  Requires ORSEC in
            the Header
        use_savgol : bool,  Specify whether to use Savitsky-Golay filter for
            the overscan.   (default: False).  Requires use_overscan_row=True
            to have any effect.

    Optional background subtraction with median filtering if bkgsub=True

    Optional disabling of cosmic ray rejection if nocosmic=True
    Optional disabling of dark trail correction if nodarktrail=True

    Optional bias image (testing only) may be provided by bias_img=

    Optional tuning of cosmic ray rejection parameters:
        cosmics_nsig: number of sigma above background required
        cosmics_cfudge: number of sigma inconsistent with PSF required
        cosmics_c2fudge:  fudge factor applied to PSF

    Optional fit and subtraction of scattered light

    Returns Image object with member variables:
        pix : 2D preprocessed image in units of electrons per pixel
        ivar : 2D inverse variance of image
        mask : 2D mask of image (0=good)
        readnoise : 2D per-pixel readnoise of image
        meta : metadata dictionary
        TODO: define what keywords are included

    preprocessing includes the following steps:
        - bias image subtraction
        - overscan subtraction (from BIASSEC* keyword defined regions)
        - readnoise estimation (from BIASSEC* keyword defined regions)
        - gain correction (from GAIN* keywords)
        - pixel flat correction
        - cosmic ray masking
        - propagation of input known bad pixel mask
        - inverse variance estimation


    The bias image is subtracted before any other calculation to remove any
    non-uniformities in the overscan regions prior to calculating overscan
    levels and readnoise.

    The readnoise is an image not just one number per amp, because the pixflat
    image also affects the interpreted readnoise.

    The inverse variance is estimated from the readnoise and the image itself,
    and thus is biased.
    log = get_logger()

    header = header.copy()

    cfinder = None

    if ccd_calibration_filename is not False:
        cfinder = CalibFinder([header, primary_header],

    #- TODO: Check for required keywords first

    #- Subtract bias image
    camera = header['CAMERA'].lower()

    #- convert rawimage to float64 : this is the output format of read_image
    rawimage = rawimage.astype(np.float64)

    # Savgol
    if cfinder and cfinder.haskey("USE_ORSEC"):
        use_overscan_row = cfinder.value("USE_ORSEC")
    if cfinder and cfinder.haskey("SAVGOL"):
        use_savgol = cfinder.value("SAVGOL")

    # Set bias image, as desired
    if bias_img is None:
        bias = get_calibration_image(cfinder, "BIAS", bias)
        bias = bias_img

    if bias is not False:  #- it's an array
        if bias.shape == rawimage.shape:
            log.info("subtracting bias")
            rawimage = rawimage - bias
            raise ValueError('shape mismatch bias {} != rawimage {}'.format(
                bias.shape, rawimage.shape))

    #- Check if this file uses amp names 1,2,3,4 (old) or A,B,C,D (new)
    amp_ids = get_amp_ids(header)

    #- Double check that we have the necessary keywords
    missing_keywords = list()
    for prefix in ['CCDSEC', 'BIASSEC']:
        for amp in amp_ids:
            key = prefix + amp
            if not key in header:
                log.error('No {} keyword in header'.format(key))

    if len(missing_keywords) > 0:
        raise KeyError("Missing keywords {}".format(
            ' '.join(missing_keywords)))

    #- Output arrays
    ny = 0
    nx = 0
    for amp in amp_ids:
        yy, xx = parse_sec_keyword(header['CCDSEC%s' % amp])
        ny = max(ny, yy.stop)
        nx = max(nx, xx.stop)
    image = np.zeros((ny, nx))

    readnoise = np.zeros_like(image)

    #- Load mask
    mask = get_calibration_image(cfinder, "MASK", mask)

    if mask is False:
        mask = np.zeros(image.shape, dtype=np.int32)
        if mask.shape != image.shape:
            raise ValueError('shape mismatch mask {} != image {}'.format(
                mask.shape, image.shape))

    #- Load dark
    dark = get_calibration_image(cfinder, "DARK", dark)

    if dark is not False:
        if dark.shape != image.shape:
            log.error('shape mismatch dark {} != image {}'.format(
                dark.shape, image.shape))
            raise ValueError('shape mismatch dark {} != image {}'.format(
                dark.shape, image.shape))

        if cfinder and cfinder.haskey("EXPTIMEKEY"):
            exptime_key = cfinder.value("EXPTIMEKEY")
            log.info("Using exposure time keyword %s for dark normalization" %
            exptime_key = "EXPTIME"
        exptime = primary_header[exptime_key]

        log.info("Multiplying dark by exptime %f" % (exptime))
        dark *= exptime

    for amp in amp_ids:
        # Grab the sections
        ov_col = parse_sec_keyword(header['BIASSEC' + amp])
        if 'ORSEC' + amp in header.keys():
            ov_row = parse_sec_keyword(header['ORSEC' + amp])
        elif use_overscan_row:
            log.error('No ORSEC{} keyword; not using overscan_row'.format(amp))
            use_overscan_row = False

        if nogain:
            gain = 1.
            #- Initial teststand data may be missing GAIN* keywords; don't crash
            if 'GAIN' + amp in header:
                gain = header['GAIN' + amp]  #- gain = electrons / ADU
                if cfinder and cfinder.haskey('GAIN' + amp):
                    gain = float(cfinder.value('GAIN' + amp))
                    log.info('Using GAIN{}={} from calibration data'.format(
                        amp, gain))
                    gain = 1.0
                        'Missing keyword GAIN{} in header and nothing in calib data; using {}'
                        .format(amp, gain))

        #- Add saturation level
        if 'SATURLEV' + amp in header:
            saturlev = header['SATURLEV' + amp]  # in electrons
            if cfinder and cfinder.haskey('SATURLEV' + amp):
                saturlev = float(cfinder.value('SATURLEV' + amp))
                log.info('Using SATURLEV{}={} from calibration data'.format(
                    amp, saturlev))
                saturlev = 200000
                    'Missing keyword SATURLEV{} in header and nothing in calib data; using 200000'
                    .format(amp, saturlev))

        # Generate the overscan images
        raw_overscan_col = rawimage[ov_col].copy()

        if use_overscan_row:
            raw_overscan_row = rawimage[ov_row].copy()
            overscan_row = np.zeros_like(raw_overscan_row)

            # Remove overscan_col from overscan_row
            raw_overscan_squared = rawimage[ov_row[0], ov_col[1]].copy()
            for row in range(raw_overscan_row.shape[0]):
                o, r = _overscan(raw_overscan_squared[row])
                overscan_row[row] = raw_overscan_row[row] - o

        # Now remove the overscan_col
        nrows = raw_overscan_col.shape[0]
        log.info("nrows in overscan=%d" % nrows)
        overscan_col = np.zeros(nrows)
        rdnoise = np.zeros(nrows)
        if (cfinder and cfinder.haskey('OVERSCAN' + amp)
                and cfinder.value("OVERSCAN" + amp).upper()
                == "PER_ROW") or overscan_per_row:
                "Subtracting overscan per row for amplifier %s of camera %s" %
                (amp, camera))
            for j in range(nrows):
                if np.isnan(np.sum(overscan_col[j])):
                        "NaN values in row %d of overscan of amplifier %s of camera %s"
                        % (j, amp, camera))
                o, r = _overscan(raw_overscan_col[j])
                #log.info("%d %f %f"%(j,o,r))
                overscan_col[j] = o
                rdnoise[j] = r
                "Subtracting average overscan for amplifier %s of camera %s" %
                (amp, camera))
            o, r = _overscan(raw_overscan_col)
            overscan_col += o
            rdnoise += r

        rdnoise *= gain
        median_rdnoise = np.median(rdnoise)
        median_overscan = np.median(overscan_col)
        log.info("Median rdnoise and overscan= %f %f" %
                 (median_rdnoise, median_overscan))

        kk = parse_sec_keyword(header['CCDSEC' + amp])
        for j in range(nrows):
            readnoise[kk][j] = rdnoise[j]

        header['OVERSCN' + amp] = (median_overscan, 'ADUs (gain not applied)')
        if gain != 1:
            rdnoise_message = 'electrons (gain is applied)'
            gain_message = 'e/ADU (gain applied to image)'
            rdnoise_message = 'ADUs (gain not applied)'
            gain_message = 'gain not applied to image'
        header['OBSRDN' + amp] = (median_rdnoise, rdnoise_message)
        header['GAIN' + amp] = (gain, gain_message)

        #- Warn/error if measured readnoise is very different from expected if exists
        if 'RDNOISE' + amp in header:
            expected_readnoise = header['RDNOISE' + amp]
            if median_rdnoise < 0.5 * expected_readnoise:
                    'Amp {} measured readnoise {:.2f} < 0.5 * expected readnoise {:.2f}'
                    .format(amp, median_rdnoise, expected_readnoise))
            elif median_rdnoise < 0.9 * expected_readnoise:
                    'Amp {} measured readnoise {:.2f} < 0.9 * expected readnoise {:.2f}'
                    .format(amp, median_rdnoise, expected_readnoise))
            elif median_rdnoise > 2.0 * expected_readnoise:
                    'Amp {} measured readnoise {:.2f} > 2 * expected readnoise {:.2f}'
                    .format(amp, median_rdnoise, expected_readnoise))
            elif median_rdnoise > 1.2 * expected_readnoise:
                    'Amp {} measured readnoise {:.2f} > 1.2 * expected readnoise {:.2f}'
                    .format(amp, median_rdnoise, expected_readnoise))
        #    log.warning('Expected readnoise keyword {} missing'.format('RDNOISE'+amp))

        log.info("Measured readnoise for AMP %s = %f" % (amp, median_rdnoise))

        #- subtract overscan from data region and apply gain
        jj = parse_sec_keyword(header['DATASEC' + amp])

        data = rawimage[jj].copy()
        # Subtract columns
        for k in range(nrows):
            data[k] -= overscan_col[k]
        # And now the rows
        if use_overscan_row:
            # Savgol?
            if use_savgol:
                log.info("Using savgol")
                collapse_oscan_row = np.zeros(overscan_row.shape[1])
                for col in range(overscan_row.shape[1]):
                    o, _ = _overscan(overscan_row[:, col])
                    collapse_oscan_row[col] = o
                oscan_row = _savgol_clipped(collapse_oscan_row, niter=0)
                oimg_row = np.outer(np.ones(data.shape[0]), oscan_row)
                data -= oimg_row
                o, r = _overscan(overscan_row)
                data -= o

        #- apply saturlev (defined in ADU), prior to multiplication by gain
        saturated = (rawimage[jj] >= saturlev)
        mask[kk][saturated] |= ccdmask.SATURATED

        #- ADC to electrons
        image[kk] = data * gain

    if not nocrosstalk:
        #- apply cross-talk

        # the ccd looks like :
        # C D
        # A B
        # for cross talk, we need a symmetric 4x4 flip_matrix
        # of coordinates ABCD giving flip of both axis
        # when computing crosstalk of
        #    A   B   C   D
        # A  AA  AB  AC  AD
        # B  BA  BB  BC  BD
        # C  CA  CB  CC  CD
        # D  DA  DB  DC  BB
        # orientation_matrix_defines change of orientation
        fip_axis_0 = np.array([[1, 1, -1, -1], [1, 1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, 1, 1],
                               [-1, -1, 1, 1]])
        fip_axis_1 = np.array([[1, -1, 1, -1], [-1, 1, -1, 1], [1, -1, 1, -1],
                               [-1, 1, -1, 1]])

        for a1 in range(len(amp_ids)):
            amp1 = amp_ids[a1]
            ii1 = parse_sec_keyword(header['CCDSEC' + amp1])
            a1flux = image[ii1]

            for a2 in range(len(amp_ids)):
                if a1 == a2:
                amp2 = amp_ids[a2]
                if cfinder is None: continue
                if not cfinder.haskey("CROSSTALK%s%s" % (amp1, amp2)): continue
                crosstalk = cfinder.value("CROSSTALK%s%s" % (amp1, amp2))
                if crosstalk == 0.: continue
                log.info("Correct for crosstalk=%f from AMP %s into %s" %
                         (crosstalk, amp1, amp2))
                a12flux = crosstalk * a1flux.copy()
                if fip_axis_0[a1, a2] == -1:
                    a12flux = a12flux[::-1]
                if fip_axis_1[a1, a2] == -1:
                    a12flux = a12flux[:, ::-1]
                ii2 = parse_sec_keyword(header['CCDSEC' + amp2])
                image[ii2] -= a12flux
                # mask[ii2]  |= a12mask (not sure we really need to propagate the mask)

    #- Poisson noise variance (prior to dark subtraction and prior to pixel flat field)
    #- This is biasing, but that's what we have for now
    poisson_var = image.clip(0)

    #- subtract dark after multiplication by gain
    if dark is not False:
        log.info("subtracting dark for amp %s" % amp)
        image -= dark

    #- Correct for dark trails if any
    if not nodarktrail and cfinder is not None:
        for amp in amp_ids:
            if cfinder.haskey("DARKTRAILAMP%s" % amp):
                amplitude = cfinder.value("DARKTRAILAMP%s" % amp)
                width = cfinder.value("DARKTRAILWIDTH%s" % amp)
                ii = _parse_sec_keyword(header["CCDSEC" + amp])
                    "Removing dark trails for amplifier %s with width=%3.1f and amplitude=%5.4f"
                    % (amp, width, amplitude))
                                   left=((amp == "B") | (amp == "D")),

    #- Divide by pixflat image
    pixflat = get_calibration_image(cfinder, "PIXFLAT", pixflat)
    if pixflat is not False:
        if pixflat.shape != image.shape:
            raise ValueError('shape mismatch pixflat {} != image {}'.format(
                pixflat.shape, image.shape))

        almost_zero = 0.001

        if np.all(pixflat > almost_zero):
            image /= pixflat
            readnoise /= pixflat
            poisson_var /= pixflat**2
            good = (pixflat > almost_zero)
            image[good] /= pixflat[good]
            readnoise[good] /= pixflat[good]
            poisson_var[good] /= pixflat[good]**2
            mask[~good] |= ccdmask.PIXFLATZERO

        lowpixflat = (0 < pixflat) & (pixflat < 0.1)
        if np.any(lowpixflat):
            mask[lowpixflat] |= ccdmask.PIXFLATLOW

    #- Inverse variance, estimated directly from the data (BEWARE: biased!)
    var = poisson_var + readnoise**2
    ivar = np.zeros(var.shape)
    ivar[var > 0] = 1.0 / var[var > 0]

    #- Ridiculously high readnoise is bad
    mask[readnoise > 100] |= ccdmask.BADREADNOISE

    if bkgsub:
        bkg = _background(image, header)
        image -= bkg

    img = Image(image,

    #- update img.mask to mask cosmic rays

    if not nocosmic:

    if remove_scattered_light:
        if psf_filename is None:
            psf_filename = cfinder.findfile("PSF")
        xyset = read_xytraceset(psf_filename)
        img.pix -= model_scattered_light(img, xyset)

    return img
Example #5
def preproc(rawimage,
    preprocess image using metadata in header

    image = ((rawimage-bias-overscan)*gain)/pixflat

        rawimage : 2D numpy array directly from raw data file
        header : dict-like metadata, e.g. from FITS header, with keywords
            where x = A, B, C, D for each of the 4 amplifiers
            (also supports old naming convention 1, 2, 3, 4).
        primary_header: dict-like metadata fit keywords EXPTIME, DOSVER
            DATE-OBS is also required if bias, pixflat, or mask=True

    Optional bias, pixflat, and mask can each be:
        False: don't apply that step
        True: use default calibration data for that night
        ndarray: use that array
        filename (str or unicode): read HDU 0 and use that

    Optional background subtraction with median filtering if bkgsub=True

    Optional disabling of cosmic ray rejection if nocosmic=True

    Optional tuning of cosmic ray rejection parameters:
        cosmics_nsig: number of sigma above background required
        cosmics_cfudge: number of sigma inconsistent with PSF required
        cosmics_c2fudge:  fudge factor applied to PSF

    Returns Image object with member variables:
        image : 2D preprocessed image in units of electrons per pixel
        ivar : 2D inverse variance of image
        mask : 2D mask of image (0=good)
        readnoise : 2D per-pixel readnoise of image
        meta : metadata dictionary
        TODO: define what keywords are included

    preprocessing includes the following steps:
        - bias image subtraction
        - overscan subtraction (from BIASSEC* keyword defined regions)
        - readnoise estimation (from BIASSEC* keyword defined regions)
        - gain correction (from GAIN* keywords)
        - pixel flat correction
        - cosmic ray masking
        - propagation of input known bad pixel mask
        - inverse variance estimation


    The bias image is subtracted before any other calculation to remove any
    non-uniformities in the overscan regions prior to calculating overscan
    levels and readnoise.

    The readnoise is an image not just one number per amp, because the pixflat
    image also affects the interpreted readnoise.

    The inverse variance is estimated from the readnoise and the image itself,
    and thus is biased.
    log = get_logger()

    calibration_data = None

    if ccd_calibration_filename is None:
        srch_file = "data/ccd/ccd_calibration.yaml"
        if not resource_exists('desispec', srch_file):
                "Cannot find CCD calibration file {:s}".format(srch_file))
            ccd_calibration_filename = resource_filename('desispec', srch_file)

    if ccd_calibration_filename is not None and ccd_calibration_filename is not False:
        calibration_data = read_ccd_calibration(header, primary_header,

    #- Get path to calibration data
    if "DESI_CCD_CALIBRATION_DATA" in os.environ:
        calibration_data_path = os.environ["DESI_CCD_CALIBRATION_DATA"]
        calibration_data_path = None

    #- TODO: Check for required keywords first

    #- Subtract bias image
    camera = header['CAMERA'].lower()

    #- convert rawimage to float64 : this is the output format of read_image
    rawimage = rawimage.astype(np.float64)

    bias = get_calibration_image(calibration_data, calibration_data_path,
                                 "BIAS", bias)

    if bias is not False:  #- it's an array
        if bias.shape == rawimage.shape:
            log.info("subtracting bias")
            rawimage = rawimage - bias
            raise ValueError('shape mismatch bias {} != rawimage {}'.format(
                bias.shape, rawimage.shape))

    if calibration_data and "AMPLIFIERS" in calibration_data:
        amp_ids = list(calibration_data["AMPLIFIERS"])
        amp_ids = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']

    #- check whether it's indeed CCDSECx with x in ['A','B','C','D']
    #  or older version with x in ['1','2','3','4']
    #  we can remove this piece of code at later times
    has_valid_keywords = True
    for amp in amp_ids:
        if not 'CCDSEC%s' % amp in header:
                "No CCDSEC%s keyword in header , will look for alternative naming CCDSEC{1,2,3,4} ..."
                % amp)
            has_valid_keywords = False
    if not has_valid_keywords:
        amp_ids = ['1', '2', '3', '4']
        for amp in ['1', '2', '3', '4']:
            if not 'CCDSEC%s' % amp in header:
                log.error("No CCDSEC%s keyword, exit" % amp)
                raise KeyError("No CCDSEC%s keyword" % amp)

    #- Output arrays
    ny = 0
    nx = 0
    for amp in amp_ids:
        yy, xx = _parse_sec_keyword(header['CCDSEC%s' % amp])
        ny = max(ny, yy.stop)
        nx = max(nx, xx.stop)
    image = np.zeros((ny, nx))

    readnoise = np.zeros_like(image)

    #- Load mask
    mask = get_calibration_image(calibration_data, calibration_data_path,
                                 "MASK", mask)

    if mask is False:
        mask = np.zeros(image.shape, dtype=np.int32)
        if mask.shape != image.shape:
            raise ValueError('shape mismatch mask {} != image {}'.format(
                mask.shape, image.shape))

    #- Load dark
    dark = get_calibration_image(calibration_data, calibration_data_path,
                                 "DARK", dark)

    if dark is not False:
        if dark.shape != image.shape:
            log.error('shape mismatch dark {} != image {}'.format(
                dark.shape, image.shape))
            raise ValueError('shape mismatch dark {} != image {}'.format(
                dark.shape, image.shape))

        if calibration_data and "EXPTIMEKEY" in calibration_data:
            exptime_key = calibration_data["EXPTIMEKEY"]
            log.info("Using exposure time keyword %s for dark normalization" %
            exptime_key = "EXPTIME"
        exptime = primary_header[exptime_key]

        log.info("Multiplying dark by exptime %f" % (exptime))
        dark *= exptime

    for amp in amp_ids:
        ii = _parse_sec_keyword(header['BIASSEC' + amp])

        #- Initial teststand data may be missing GAIN* keywords; don't crash
        if 'GAIN' + amp in header:
            gain = header['GAIN' + amp]  #- gain = electrons / ADU
            if calibration_data and 'GAIN' + amp in calibration_data:
                gain = float(calibration_data['GAIN' + amp])
                log.info('Using GAIN{}={} from calibration data'.format(
                    amp, gain))
                gain = 1.0
                    'Missing keyword GAIN{} in header and nothing in calib data; using {}'
                    .format(amp, gain))

        #- Add saturation level
        if 'SATURLEV' + amp in header:
            saturlev = header['SATURLEV' + amp]  # in electrons
            if calibration_data and 'SATURLEV' + amp in calibration_data:
                saturlev = float(calibration_data['SATURLEV' + amp])
                log.info('Using SATURLEV{}={} from calibration data'.format(
                    amp, saturlev))
                saturlev = 200000
                    'Missing keyword SATURLEV{} in header and nothing in calib data; using 200000'
                    .format(amp, saturlev))

        overscan_image = rawimage[ii].copy()
        nrows = overscan_image.shape[0]
        log.info("nrows in overscan=%d" % nrows)
        overscan = np.zeros(nrows)
        rdnoise = np.zeros(nrows)
        overscan_per_row = True
        if calibration_data and 'OVERSCAN' + amp in calibration_data and calibration_data[
                "OVERSCAN" + amp].upper() == "PER_ROW":
                "Subtracting overscan per row for amplifier %s of camera %s" %
                (amp, camera))
            for j in range(nrows):
                if np.isnan(np.sum(overscan_image[j])):
                        "NaN values in row %d of overscan of amplifier %s of camera %s"
                        % (j, amp, camera))
                o, r = _overscan(overscan_image[j])
                #log.info("%d %f %f"%(j,o,r))
                overscan[j] = o
                rdnoise[j] = r
                "Subtracting average overscan for amplifier %s of camera %s" %
                (amp, camera))
            o, r = _overscan(overscan_image)
            overscan += o
            rdnoise += r

        rdnoise *= gain
        median_rdnoise = np.median(rdnoise)
        median_overscan = np.median(overscan)
        log.info("Median rdnoise and overscan= %f %f" %
                 (median_rdnoise, median_overscan))

        kk = _parse_sec_keyword(header['CCDSEC' + amp])
        for j in range(nrows):
            readnoise[kk][j] = rdnoise[j]

        header['OVERSCN' + amp] = median_overscan
        header['OBSRDN' + amp] = median_rdnoise

        #- Warn/error if measured readnoise is very different from expected if exists
        if 'RDNOISE' + amp in header:
            expected_readnoise = header['RDNOISE' + amp]
            if median_rdnoise < 0.5 * expected_readnoise:
                    'Amp {} measured readnoise {:.2f} < 0.5 * expected readnoise {:.2f}'
                    .format(amp, median_rdnoise, expected_readnoise))
            elif median_rdnoise < 0.9 * expected_readnoise:
                    'Amp {} measured readnoise {:.2f} < 0.9 * expected readnoise {:.2f}'
                    .format(amp, median_rdnoise, expected_readnoise))
            elif median_rdnoise > 2.0 * expected_readnoise:
                    'Amp {} measured readnoise {:.2f} > 2 * expected readnoise {:.2f}'
                    .format(amp, median_rdnoise, expected_readnoise))
            elif median_rdnoise > 1.2 * expected_readnoise:
                    'Amp {} measured readnoise {:.2f} > 1.2 * expected readnoise {:.2f}'
                    .format(amp, median_rdnoise, expected_readnoise))
        #    log.warning('Expected readnoise keyword {} missing'.format('RDNOISE'+amp))

        log.info("Measured readnoise for AMP %s = %f" % (amp, median_rdnoise))

        #- subtract overscan from data region and apply gain
        jj = _parse_sec_keyword(header['DATASEC' + amp])

        data = rawimage[jj].copy()
        for k in range(nrows):
            data[k] -= overscan[k]

        #- apply saturlev (defined in ADU), prior to multiplication by gain
        saturated = (rawimage[jj] >= saturlev)
        mask[kk][saturated] |= ccdmask.SATURATED

        #- subtract dark prior to multiplication by gain
        if dark is not False:
            log.info("subtracting dark for amp %s" % amp)
            data -= dark[kk]

        image[kk] = data * gain

    if not nocrosstalk:
        #- apply cross-talk

        # the ccd looks like :
        # C D
        # A B
        # for cross talk, we need a symmetric 4x4 flip_matrix
        # of coordinates ABCD giving flip of both axis
        # when computing crosstalk of
        #    A   B   C   D
        # A  AA  AB  AC  AD
        # B  BA  BB  BC  BD
        # C  CA  CB  CC  CD
        # D  DA  DB  DC  BB
        # orientation_matrix_defines change of orientation
        fip_axis_0 = np.array([[1, 1, -1, -1], [1, 1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, 1, 1],
                               [-1, -1, 1, 1]])
        fip_axis_1 = np.array([[1, -1, 1, -1], [-1, 1, -1, 1], [1, -1, 1, -1],
                               [-1, 1, -1, 1]])

        for a1 in range(len(amp_ids)):
            amp1 = amp_ids[a1]
            ii1 = _parse_sec_keyword(header['CCDSEC' + amp1])
            a1flux = image[ii1]

            for a2 in range(len(amp_ids)):
                if a1 == a2:
                amp2 = amp_ids[a2]
                if calibration_data is None: continue
                if not "CROSSTALK%s%s" % (amp1, amp2) in calibration_data:
                crosstalk = calibration_data["CROSSTALK%s%s" % (amp1, amp2)]
                if crosstalk == 0.: continue
                log.info("Correct for crosstalk=%f from AMP %s into %s" %
                         (crosstalk, amp1, amp2))
                a12flux = crosstalk * a1flux.copy()
                if fip_axis_0[a1, a2] == -1:
                    a12flux = a12flux[::-1]
                if fip_axis_1[a1, a2] == -1:
                    a12flux = a12flux[:, ::-1]
                ii2 = _parse_sec_keyword(header['CCDSEC' + amp2])
                image[ii2] -= a12flux
                # mask[ii2]  |= a12mask (not sure we really need to propagate the mask)

    #- Divide by pixflat image
    pixflat = get_calibration_image(calibration_data, calibration_data_path,
                                    "PIXFLAT", pixflat)
    if pixflat is not False:
        if pixflat.shape != image.shape:
            raise ValueError('shape mismatch pixflat {} != image {}'.format(
                pixflat.shape, image.shape))

        if np.all(pixflat != 0.0):
            image /= pixflat
            readnoise /= pixflat
            good = (pixflat != 0.0)
            image[good] /= pixflat[good]
            readnoise[good] /= pixflat[good]
            mask[~good] |= ccdmask.PIXFLATZERO

        lowpixflat = (0 < pixflat) & (pixflat < 0.1)
        if np.any(lowpixflat):
            mask[lowpixflat] |= ccdmask.PIXFLATLOW

    #- Inverse variance, estimated directly from the data (BEWARE: biased!)
    var = image.clip(0) + readnoise**2
    ivar = np.zeros(var.shape)
    ivar[var > 0] = 1.0 / var[var > 0]

    if bkgsub:
        bkg = _background(image, header)
        image -= bkg

    img = Image(image,

    #- update img.mask to mask cosmic rays

    if not nocosmic:

    return img
Example #6
def preproc(rawimage, header, bias=False, pixflat=False, mask=False):
    preprocess image using metadata in header

    image = ((rawimage-bias-overscan)*gain)/pixflat

        rawimage : 2D numpy array directly from raw data file
        header : dict-like metadata, e.g. from FITS header, with keywords
            where x = 1, 2, 3, 4 for each of the 4 amplifiers.

    Optional bias, pixflat, and mask can each be:
        False: don't apply that step
        True: use default calibration data for that night
        ndarray: use that array
        filename (str or unicode): read HDU 0 and use that
        DATE-OBS is required in header if bias, pixflat, or mask=True

    Returns Image object with member variables:
        image : 2D preprocessed image in units of electrons per pixel
        ivar : 2D inverse variance of image
        mask : 2D mask of image (0=good)
        readnoise : 2D per-pixel readnoise of image
        meta : metadata dictionary
        TODO: define what keywords are included

    preprocessing includes the following steps:
        - bias image subtraction
        - overscan subtraction (from BIASSEC* keyword defined regions)
        - readnoise estimation (from BIASSEC* keyword defined regions)
        - gain correction (from GAIN* keywords)
        - pixel flat correction
        - cosmic ray masking
        - propagation of input known bad pixel mask
        - inverse variance estimation


    The bias image is subtracted before any other calculation to remove any
    non-uniformities in the overscan regions prior to calculating overscan
    levels and readnoise.

    The readnoise is an image not just one number per amp, because the pixflat
    image also affects the interpreted readnoise.

    The inverse variance is estimated from the readnoise and the image itself,
    and thus is biased.
    #- TODO: Check for required keywords first

    #- Subtract bias image
    camera = header['CAMERA'].lower()

    if bias is not False and bias is not None:
        if bias is True:
            #- use default bias file for this camera/night
            dateobs = header['DATE-OBS']
            bias = read_bias(camera=camera, dateobs=dateobs)
        elif isinstance(bias, (str, unicode)):
            #- treat as filename
            bias = read_bias(filename=bias)

        if bias.shape == rawimage.shape:
            rawimage = rawimage - bias
            raise ValueError('shape mismatch bias {} != rawimage {}'.format(bias.shape, rawimage.shape))

    #- Output arrays
    yy, xx = _parse_sec_keyword(header['CCDSEC4'])  #- 4 = upper right
    image = np.zeros( (yy.stop, xx.stop) )
    readnoise = np.zeros_like(image)

    for amp in ['1', '2', '3', '4']:
        ii = _parse_sec_keyword(header['BIASSEC'+amp])

        #- Initial teststand data may be missing GAIN* keywords; don't crash
        if 'GAIN'+amp in header:
            gain = header['GAIN'+amp]          #- gain = electrons / ADU
            log.error('Missing keyword GAIN{}; using 1.0'.format(amp))
            gain = 1.0

        overscan, rdnoise = _overscan(rawimage[ii])
        rdnoise *= gain
        kk = _parse_sec_keyword(header['CCDSEC'+amp])
        readnoise[kk] = rdnoise

        header['OVERSCN'+amp] = overscan
        header['OBSRDN'+amp] = rdnoise

        #- Warn/error if measured readnoise is very different from expected
        if 'RDNOISE'+amp in header:
            expected_readnoise = header['RDNOISE'+amp]
            if rdnoise < 0.5*expected_readnoise:
                log.error('Amp {} measured readnoise {:.2f} < 0.5 * expected readnoise {:.2f}'.format(
                    amp, rdnoise, expected_readnoise))
            elif rdnoise < 0.9*expected_readnoise:
                log.warn('Amp {} measured readnoise {:.2f} < 0.9 * expected readnoise {:.2f}'.format(
                    amp, rdnoise, expected_readnoise))
            elif rdnoise > 2.0*expected_readnoise:
                log.error('Amp {} measured readnoise {:.2f} > 2 * expected readnoise {:.2f}'.format(
                    amp, rdnoise, expected_readnoise))
            elif rdnoise > 1.2*expected_readnoise:
                log.warn('Amp {} measured readnoise {:.2f} > 1.2 * expected readnoise {:.2f}'.format(
                    amp, rdnoise, expected_readnoise))
            log.warn('Expected readnoise keyword {} missing'.format('RDNOISE'+amp))

        #- subtract overscan from data region and apply gain
        jj = _parse_sec_keyword(header['DATASEC'+amp])
        data = rawimage[jj] - overscan
        image[kk] = data*gain

    #- Load mask
    if mask is not False and mask is not None:
        if mask is True:
            dateobs = header['DATE-OBS']
            mask = read_mask(camera=camera, dateobs=dateobs)
        elif isinstance(mask, (str, unicode)):
            mask = read_mask(filename=mask)
        mask = np.zeros(image.shape, dtype=np.int32)

    if mask.shape != image.shape:
        raise ValueError('shape mismatch mask {} != image {}'.format(mask.shape, image.shape))

    #- Divide by pixflat image
    if pixflat is not False and pixflat is not None:
        if pixflat is True:
            dateobs = header['DATE-OBS']
            pixflat = read_pixflat(camera=camera, dateobs=dateobs)
        elif isinstance(pixflat, (str, unicode)):
            pixflat = read_pixflat(filename=pixflat)

        if pixflat.shape != image.shape:
            raise ValueError('shape mismatch pixflat {} != image {}'.format(pixflat.shape, image.shape))

        if np.all(pixflat != 0.0):
            image /= pixflat
            readnoise /= pixflat
            good = (pixflat != 0.0)
            image[good] /= pixflat[good]
            readnoise[good] /= pixflat[good]
            mask[~good] |= ccdmask.PIXFLATZERO

        lowpixflat = (0 < pixflat) & (pixflat < 0.1)
        if np.any(lowpixflat):
            mask[lowpixflat] |= ccdmask.PIXFLATLOW

    #- Inverse variance, estimated directly from the data (BEWARE: biased!)
    var = image.clip(0) + readnoise**2
    ivar = 1.0 / var

    img = Image(image, ivar=ivar, mask=mask, meta=header, readnoise=readnoise, camera=camera)

    #- update img.mask to mask cosmic rays

    return img
Example #7
def preproc(rawimage, header, bias=False, pixflat=False, mask=False):
    preprocess image using metadata in header

    image = ((rawimage-bias-overscan)*gain)/pixflat

        rawimage : 2D numpy array directly from raw data file
        header : dict-like metadata, e.g. from FITS header, with keywords
            where x = 1, 2, 3, 4 for each of the 4 amplifiers.

    Optional bias, pixflat, and mask can each be:
        False: don't apply that step
        True: use default calibration data for that night
        ndarray: use that array
        filename (str or unicode): read HDU 0 and use that
        DATE-OBS is required in header if bias, pixflat, or mask=True

    Returns Image object with member variables:
        image : 2D preprocessed image in units of electrons per pixel
        ivar : 2D inverse variance of image
        mask : 2D mask of image (0=good)
        readnoise : 2D per-pixel readnoise of image
        meta : metadata dictionary
        TODO: define what keywords are included

    preprocessing includes the following steps:
        - bias image subtraction
        - overscan subtraction (from BIASSEC* keyword defined regions)
        - readnoise estimation (from BIASSEC* keyword defined regions)
        - gain correction (from GAIN* keywords)
        - pixel flat correction
        - cosmic ray masking
        - propagation of input known bad pixel mask
        - inverse variance estimation


    The bias image is subtracted before any other calculation to remove any
    non-uniformities in the overscan regions prior to calculating overscan
    levels and readnoise.

    The readnoise is an image not just one number per amp, because the pixflat
    image also affects the interpreted readnoise.

    The inverse variance is estimated from the readnoise and the image itself,
    and thus is biased.
    #- TODO: Check for required keywords first

    #- Subtract bias image
    camera = header['CAMERA'].lower()

    if bias is not False and bias is not None:
        if bias is True:
            #- use default bias file for this camera/night
            dateobs = header['DATE-OBS']
            bias = read_bias(camera=camera, dateobs=dateobs)
        elif isinstance(bias, (str, unicode)):
            #- treat as filename
            bias = read_bias(filename=bias)

        if bias.shape == rawimage.shape:
            rawimage = rawimage - bias
            raise ValueError('shape mismatch bias {} != rawimage {}'.format(
                bias.shape, rawimage.shape))

    #- Output arrays
    yy, xx = _parse_sec_keyword(header['CCDSEC4'])  #- 4 = upper right
    image = np.zeros((yy.stop, xx.stop))
    readnoise = np.zeros_like(image)

    for amp in ['1', '2', '3', '4']:
        ii = _parse_sec_keyword(header['BIASSEC' + amp])

        #- Initial teststand data may be missing GAIN* keywords; don't crash
        if 'GAIN' + amp in header:
            gain = header['GAIN' + amp]  #- gain = electrons / ADU
            log.error('Missing keyword GAIN{}; using 1.0'.format(amp))
            gain = 1.0

        overscan, rdnoise = _overscan(rawimage[ii])
        rdnoise *= gain
        kk = _parse_sec_keyword(header['CCDSEC' + amp])
        readnoise[kk] = rdnoise

        header['OVERSCN' + amp] = overscan
        header['OBSRDN' + amp] = rdnoise

        #- Warn/error if measured readnoise is very different from expected
        if 'RDNOISE' + amp in header:
            expected_readnoise = header['RDNOISE' + amp]
            if rdnoise < 0.5 * expected_readnoise:
                    'Amp {} measured readnoise {:.2f} < 0.5 * expected readnoise {:.2f}'
                    .format(amp, rdnoise, expected_readnoise))
            elif rdnoise < 0.9 * expected_readnoise:
                    'Amp {} measured readnoise {:.2f} < 0.9 * expected readnoise {:.2f}'
                    .format(amp, rdnoise, expected_readnoise))
            elif rdnoise > 2.0 * expected_readnoise:
                    'Amp {} measured readnoise {:.2f} > 2 * expected readnoise {:.2f}'
                    .format(amp, rdnoise, expected_readnoise))
            elif rdnoise > 1.2 * expected_readnoise:
                    'Amp {} measured readnoise {:.2f} > 1.2 * expected readnoise {:.2f}'
                    .format(amp, rdnoise, expected_readnoise))
            log.warn('Expected readnoise keyword {} missing'.format('RDNOISE' +

        #- subtract overscan from data region and apply gain
        jj = _parse_sec_keyword(header['DATASEC' + amp])
        data = rawimage[jj] - overscan
        image[kk] = data * gain

    #- Load mask
    if mask is not False and mask is not None:
        if mask is True:
            dateobs = header['DATE-OBS']
            mask = read_mask(camera=camera, dateobs=dateobs)
        elif isinstance(mask, (str, unicode)):
            mask = read_mask(filename=mask)
        mask = np.zeros(image.shape, dtype=np.int32)

    if mask.shape != image.shape:
        raise ValueError('shape mismatch mask {} != image {}'.format(
            mask.shape, image.shape))

    #- Divide by pixflat image
    if pixflat is not False and pixflat is not None:
        if pixflat is True:
            dateobs = header['DATE-OBS']
            pixflat = read_pixflat(camera=camera, dateobs=dateobs)
        elif isinstance(pixflat, (str, unicode)):
            pixflat = read_pixflat(filename=pixflat)

        if pixflat.shape != image.shape:
            raise ValueError('shape mismatch pixflat {} != image {}'.format(
                pixflat.shape, image.shape))

        if np.all(pixflat != 0.0):
            image /= pixflat
            readnoise /= pixflat
            good = (pixflat != 0.0)
            image[good] /= pixflat[good]
            readnoise[good] /= pixflat[good]
            mask[~good] |= ccdmask.PIXFLATZERO

        lowpixflat = (0 < pixflat) & (pixflat < 0.1)
        if np.any(lowpixflat):
            mask[lowpixflat] |= ccdmask.PIXFLATLOW

    #- Inverse variance, estimated directly from the data (BEWARE: biased!)
    var = image.clip(0) + readnoise**2
    ivar = 1.0 / var

    img = Image(image,

    #- update img.mask to mask cosmic rays

    return img
Example #8
def preproc(rawimage, header, primary_header, bias=True, dark=True, pixflat=True, mask=True, bkgsub=False, nocosmic=False, cosmics_nsig=6, cosmics_cfudge=3., cosmics_c2fudge=0.5,ccd_calibration_filename=None, nocrosstalk=False, nogain=False):

    preprocess image using metadata in header

    image = ((rawimage-bias-overscan)*gain)/pixflat

        rawimage : 2D numpy array directly from raw data file
        header : dict-like metadata, e.g. from FITS header, with keywords
            where x = A, B, C, D for each of the 4 amplifiers
            (also supports old naming convention 1, 2, 3, 4).
        primary_header: dict-like metadata fit keywords EXPTIME, DOSVER
            DATE-OBS is also required if bias, pixflat, or mask=True

    Optional bias, pixflat, and mask can each be:
        False: don't apply that step
        True: use default calibration data for that night
        ndarray: use that array
        filename (str or unicode): read HDU 0 and use that

    Optional background subtraction with median filtering if bkgsub=True

    Optional disabling of cosmic ray rejection if nocosmic=True

    Optional tuning of cosmic ray rejection parameters:
        cosmics_nsig: number of sigma above background required
        cosmics_cfudge: number of sigma inconsistent with PSF required
        cosmics_c2fudge:  fudge factor applied to PSF

    Returns Image object with member variables:
        image : 2D preprocessed image in units of electrons per pixel
        ivar : 2D inverse variance of image
        mask : 2D mask of image (0=good)
        readnoise : 2D per-pixel readnoise of image
        meta : metadata dictionary
        TODO: define what keywords are included

    preprocessing includes the following steps:
        - bias image subtraction
        - overscan subtraction (from BIASSEC* keyword defined regions)
        - readnoise estimation (from BIASSEC* keyword defined regions)
        - gain correction (from GAIN* keywords)
        - pixel flat correction
        - cosmic ray masking
        - propagation of input known bad pixel mask
        - inverse variance estimation


    The bias image is subtracted before any other calculation to remove any
    non-uniformities in the overscan regions prior to calculating overscan
    levels and readnoise.

    The readnoise is an image not just one number per amp, because the pixflat
    image also affects the interpreted readnoise.

    The inverse variance is estimated from the readnoise and the image itself,
    and thus is biased.

    header = header.copy()
    cfinder = None
    if ccd_calibration_filename is not False :
        cfinder = CalibFinder([header, primary_header], yaml_file=ccd_calibration_filename)
    #- TODO: Check for required keywords first

    #- Subtract bias image
    camera = header['CAMERA'].lower()

    #- convert rawimage to float64 : this is the output format of read_image
    rawimage = rawimage.astype(np.float64)

    bias = get_calibration_image(cfinder,"BIAS",bias)

    if bias is not False : #- it's an array
        if bias.shape == rawimage.shape  :
            log.info("subtracting bias")
            rawimage = rawimage - bias
            raise ValueError('shape mismatch bias {} != rawimage {}'.format(bias.shape, rawimage.shape))

    if cfinder and cfinder.haskey("AMPLIFIERS") :
    else :

    #- check whether it's indeed CCDSECx with x in ['A','B','C','D']
    #  or older version with x in ['1','2','3','4']
    #  we can remove this piece of code at later times
    has_valid_keywords = True
    for amp in amp_ids :
        if not 'CCDSEC%s'%amp in header :
            log.warning("No CCDSEC%s keyword in header , will look for alternative naming CCDSEC{1,2,3,4} ..."%amp)
            has_valid_keywords = False
    if not has_valid_keywords :
        for amp in ['1','2','3','4'] :
            if not 'CCDSEC%s'%amp in header :
                log.error("No CCDSEC%s keyword, exit"%amp)
                raise KeyError("No CCDSEC%s keyword"%amp)

    #- Output arrays
    for amp in amp_ids :
        yy, xx = _parse_sec_keyword(header['CCDSEC%s'%amp])
    image = np.zeros( (ny,nx) )

    readnoise = np.zeros_like(image)

    #- Load mask
    mask = get_calibration_image(cfinder,"MASK",mask)

    if mask is False :
        mask = np.zeros(image.shape, dtype=np.int32)
    else :
        if mask.shape != image.shape :
            raise ValueError('shape mismatch mask {} != image {}'.format(mask.shape, image.shape))

    #- Load dark
    dark = get_calibration_image(cfinder,"DARK",dark)

    if dark is not False :
        if dark.shape != image.shape :
            log.error('shape mismatch dark {} != image {}'.format(dark.shape, image.shape))
            raise ValueError('shape mismatch dark {} != image {}'.format(dark.shape, image.shape))

        if cfinder and cfinder.haskey("EXPTIMEKEY") :
            log.info("Using exposure time keyword %s for dark normalization"%exptime_key)
        else :
        exptime =  primary_header[exptime_key]

        log.info("Multiplying dark by exptime %f"%(exptime))
        dark *= exptime

    for amp in amp_ids :
        ii = _parse_sec_keyword(header['BIASSEC'+amp])

        if nogain :
            gain = 1.
        else :
            #- Initial teststand data may be missing GAIN* keywords; don't crash
            if 'GAIN'+amp in header:
                gain = header['GAIN'+amp]          #- gain = electrons / ADU
                if cfinder and cfinder.haskey('GAIN'+amp) :
                    gain = float(cfinder.value('GAIN'+amp))
                    log.info('Using GAIN{}={} from calibration data'.format(amp,gain))
                else :
                    gain = 1.0
                    log.warning('Missing keyword GAIN{} in header and nothing in calib data; using {}'.format(amp,gain))

        #- Add saturation level
        if 'SATURLEV'+amp in header:
            saturlev = header['SATURLEV'+amp]          # in electrons
            if cfinder and cfinder.haskey('SATURLEV'+amp) :
                saturlev = float(cfinder.value('SATURLEV'+amp))
                log.info('Using SATURLEV{}={} from calibration data'.format(amp,saturlev))
            else :
                saturlev = 200000
                log.warning('Missing keyword SATURLEV{} in header and nothing in calib data; using 200000'.format(amp,saturlev))

        overscan_image = rawimage[ii].copy()
        log.info("nrows in overscan=%d"%nrows)
        overscan = np.zeros(nrows)
        rdnoise  = np.zeros(nrows)
        overscan_per_row = True
        if cfinder and cfinder.haskey('OVERSCAN'+amp) and cfinder.value("OVERSCAN"+amp).upper()=="PER_ROW" :
            log.info("Subtracting overscan per row for amplifier %s of camera %s"%(amp,camera))
            for j in range(nrows) :
                if np.isnan(np.sum(overscan_image[j])) :
                    log.warning("NaN values in row %d of overscan of amplifier %s of camera %s"%(j,amp,camera))
                o,r =  _overscan(overscan_image[j])
                #log.info("%d %f %f"%(j,o,r))
        else :
            log.info("Subtracting average overscan for amplifier %s of camera %s"%(amp,camera))
            o,r =  _overscan(overscan_image)
            overscan += o
            rdnoise  += r

        rdnoise *= gain
        median_rdnoise  = np.median(rdnoise)
        median_overscan = np.median(overscan)
        log.info("Median rdnoise and overscan= %f %f"%(median_rdnoise,median_overscan))

        kk = _parse_sec_keyword(header['CCDSEC'+amp])
        for j in range(nrows) :
            readnoise[kk][j] = rdnoise[j]

        header['OVERSCN'+amp] = (median_overscan,'ADUs (gain not applied)')
        if gain != 1 :
            rdnoise_message = 'electrons (gain is applied)'
            gain_message    = 'e/ADU (gain applied to image)'
        else :
            rdnoise_message = 'ADUs (gain not applied)'
            gain_message    = 'gain not applied to image'
        header['OBSRDN'+amp] = (median_rdnoise,rdnoise_message)
        header['GAIN'+amp] = (gain,gain_message)
        #- Warn/error if measured readnoise is very different from expected if exists
        if 'RDNOISE'+amp in header:
            expected_readnoise = header['RDNOISE'+amp]
            if median_rdnoise < 0.5*expected_readnoise:
                log.error('Amp {} measured readnoise {:.2f} < 0.5 * expected readnoise {:.2f}'.format(
                    amp, median_rdnoise, expected_readnoise))
            elif median_rdnoise < 0.9*expected_readnoise:
                log.warning('Amp {} measured readnoise {:.2f} < 0.9 * expected readnoise {:.2f}'.format(
                    amp, median_rdnoise, expected_readnoise))
            elif median_rdnoise > 2.0*expected_readnoise:
                log.error('Amp {} measured readnoise {:.2f} > 2 * expected readnoise {:.2f}'.format(
                    amp, median_rdnoise, expected_readnoise))
            elif median_rdnoise > 1.2*expected_readnoise:
                log.warning('Amp {} measured readnoise {:.2f} > 1.2 * expected readnoise {:.2f}'.format(
                    amp, median_rdnoise, expected_readnoise))
        #    log.warning('Expected readnoise keyword {} missing'.format('RDNOISE'+amp))

        log.info("Measured readnoise for AMP %s = %f"%(amp,median_rdnoise))

        #- subtract overscan from data region and apply gain
        jj = _parse_sec_keyword(header['DATASEC'+amp])

        data = rawimage[jj].copy()
        for k in range(nrows) :
            data[k] -= overscan[k]

        #- apply saturlev (defined in ADU), prior to multiplication by gain
        saturated = (rawimage[jj]>=saturlev)
        mask[kk][saturated] |= ccdmask.SATURATED

        #- subtract dark prior to multiplication by gain
        if dark is not False  :
            log.info("subtracting dark for amp %s"%amp)
            data -= dark[kk]

        image[kk] = data*gain

    if not nocrosstalk :
        #- apply cross-talk

        # the ccd looks like :
        # C D
        # A B
        # for cross talk, we need a symmetric 4x4 flip_matrix
        # of coordinates ABCD giving flip of both axis
        # when computing crosstalk of
        #    A   B   C   D
        # A  AA  AB  AC  AD
        # B  BA  BB  BC  BD
        # C  CA  CB  CC  CD
        # D  DA  DB  DC  BB
        # orientation_matrix_defines change of orientation
        fip_axis_0= np.array([[1,1,-1,-1],
        fip_axis_1= np.array([[1,-1,1,-1],

        for a1 in range(len(amp_ids)) :
            ii1 = _parse_sec_keyword(header['CCDSEC'+amp1])

            for a2 in range(len(amp_ids)) :
                if a1==a2 :
                if cfinder is None : continue
                if not cfinder.haskey("CROSSTALK%s%s"%(amp1,amp2))  : continue
                if crosstalk==0. : continue
                log.info("Correct for crosstalk=%f from AMP %s into %s"%(crosstalk,amp1,amp2))
                if fip_axis_0[a1,a2]==-1 :
                if fip_axis_1[a1,a2]==-1 :
                ii2 = _parse_sec_keyword(header['CCDSEC'+amp2])
                image[ii2] -= a12flux
                # mask[ii2]  |= a12mask (not sure we really need to propagate the mask)

    #- Divide by pixflat image
    pixflat = get_calibration_image(cfinder,"PIXFLAT",pixflat)
    if pixflat is not False :
        if pixflat.shape != image.shape:
            raise ValueError('shape mismatch pixflat {} != image {}'.format(pixflat.shape, image.shape))

        if np.all(pixflat != 0.0):
            image /= pixflat
            readnoise /= pixflat
            good = (pixflat != 0.0)
            image[good] /= pixflat[good]
            readnoise[good] /= pixflat[good]
            mask[~good] |= ccdmask.PIXFLATZERO

        lowpixflat = (0 < pixflat) & (pixflat < 0.1)
        if np.any(lowpixflat):
            mask[lowpixflat] |= ccdmask.PIXFLATLOW

    #- Inverse variance, estimated directly from the data (BEWARE: biased!)
    var = image.clip(0) + readnoise**2
    ivar = np.zeros(var.shape)
    ivar[var>0] = 1.0 / var[var>0]

    if bkgsub :
        bkg = _background(image,header)
        image -= bkg

    img = Image(image, ivar=ivar, mask=mask, meta=header, readnoise=readnoise, camera=camera)

    #- update img.mask to mask cosmic rays

    if not nocosmic :

    return img