def run(self, indir): '''TODO: document''' log = desiutil.log.get_logger() results = list() infiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(indir, 'qframe-*.fits')) if len(infiles) == 0 : log.error("no qframe in {}".format(indir)) return None for filename in infiles: qframe = read_qframe(filename) night = int(qframe.meta['NIGHT']) expid = int(qframe.meta['EXPID']) cam = qframe.meta['CAMERA'][0].upper() spectro = int(qframe.meta['CAMERA'][1]) log.debug("computing scores for {} {} {} {}".format(night,expid,cam,spectro)) scores,comments = compute_frame_scores(qframe,suffix="RAW",flux_per_angstrom=True) has_calib_frame = False cfilename=filename.replace("qframe","qcframe") if os.path.isfile(cfilename) : # add scores of calibrated sky-subtracted frame qcframe = read_qframe(cfilename) cscores,comments = compute_frame_scores(qcframe,suffix="CALIB",flux_per_angstrom=True) for k in cscores.keys() : scores[k] = cscores[k] has_calib_frame = True nfibers=scores['INTEG_RAW_FLUX_'+cam].size for f in range(nfibers) : fiber = int(qframe.fibermap["FIBER"][f]) if has_calib_frame : results.append(collections.OrderedDict( NIGHT=night, EXPID=expid, SPECTRO=spectro, CAM=cam, FIBER=fiber, INTEG_RAW_FLUX=scores['INTEG_RAW_FLUX_'+cam][f], MEDIAN_RAW_FLUX=scores['MEDIAN_RAW_FLUX_'+cam][f], MEDIAN_RAW_SNR=scores['MEDIAN_RAW_SNR_'+cam][f], INTEG_CALIB_FLUX=scores['INTEG_CALIB_FLUX_'+cam][f], MEDIAN_CALIB_FLUX=scores['MEDIAN_CALIB_FLUX_'+cam][f], MEDIAN_CALIB_SNR=scores['MEDIAN_CALIB_SNR_'+cam][f])) else : results.append(collections.OrderedDict( NIGHT=night, EXPID=expid, SPECTRO=spectro, CAM=cam, FIBER=fiber, INTEG_RAW_FLUX=scores['INTEG_RAW_FLUX_'+cam][f], MEDIAN_RAW_FLUX=scores['MEDIAN_RAW_FLUX_'+cam][f], MEDIAN_RAW_SNR=scores['MEDIAN_RAW_SNR_'+cam][f])) if len(results)==0 : return None return Table(results, names=results[0].keys())
def run(self, indir): '''TODO: document''' log = desiutil.log.get_logger() results = list() infiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(indir, 'qframe-*.fits')) if len(infiles) == 0: log.error("no qframe in {}".format(indir)) return None for filename in infiles: qframe = read_qframe(filename) night = int(qframe.meta['NIGHT']) expid = int(qframe.meta['EXPID']) cam = qframe.meta['CAMERA'][0].upper() spectro = int(qframe.meta['CAMERA'][1]) try: cfinder = CalibFinder([qframe.meta]) except: log.error( "failed to find calib for qframe {}".format(filename)) continue if not cfinder.haskey("FIBERFLAT"): log.warning( "no known fiberflat for qframe {}".format(filename)) continue fflat = read_fiberflat(cfinder.findfile("FIBERFLAT")) tmp = np.median(fflat.fiberflat, axis=1) reference_fflat = tmp / np.median(tmp) tmp = np.median(qframe.flux, axis=1) this_fflat = tmp / np.median(tmp) for f, fiber in enumerate(qframe.fibermap["FIBER"]): results.append( collections.OrderedDict(NIGHT=night, EXPID=expid, SPECTRO=spectro, CAM=cam, FIBER=fiber, FIBERFLAT=this_fflat[f], REF_FIBERFLAT=reference_fflat[f])) if len(results) == 0: return None return Table(results, names=results[0].keys())
def run(self, indir): '''TODO: document''' log = desiutil.log.get_logger() infiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(indir, 'psf-*.fits')) if len(infiles) == 0: log.error('No {}/psf*.fits files found'.format(indir)) return None results = list() for filename in infiles: log.debug(filename) hdr = fitsio.read_header(filename) night = hdr['NIGHT'] expid = hdr['EXPID'] cam = hdr['CAMERA'][0].upper() spectro = int(hdr['CAMERA'][1]) dico={"NIGHT":night,"EXPID":expid,"SPECTRO":spectro,"CAM":cam} for k in ["MEANDX","MINDX","MAXDX","MEANDY","MINDY","MAXDY"] : dico[k]=hdr[k] log.debug("{} {} {} {}".format(night,expid,cam,spectro)) results.append(collections.OrderedDict(**dico)) return Table(results, names=results[0].keys())
def write_tables(indir, outdir, expnights=None): ''' Parses directory for available nights, exposures to generate nights and exposures tables Args: indir : directory of nights outdir : directory where to write nights table Options: expnights (list) : only update exposures tables for these nights ''' import re from astropy.table import Table from nightwatch.webpages import tables as web_tables from pkg_resources import resource_filename from shutil import copyfile from collections import Counter log = desiutil.log.get_logger()'Tabulating exposures in {indir}') #- Count night/expid directories to get num exp per night expdirs = sorted(glob.glob(f"{indir}/20*/[0-9]*")) nights = list() re_expid = re.compile('^\d{8}$') re_night = re.compile('^20\d{6}$') for expdir in expdirs: expid = os.path.basename(expdir) night = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(expdir)) if re_expid.match(expid) and re_night.match(night): nights.append(night) num_exp_per_night = Counter(nights) #- Build the exposures table for the requested nights rows = list() for expdir in expdirs: expid = os.path.basename(expdir) night = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(expdir)) if re_expid.match(expid) and re_night.match(night) and \ (expnights is None or int(night) in expnights): night = int(night) expid = int(expid) qafile = os.path.join(expdir, 'qa-{:08d}.fits'.format(expid)) #- gets the list of failed qprocs for each expid expfiles = os.listdir(expdir) preproc_cams = [ i.split("-")[1] for i in expfiles if re.match(r'preproc-.*-.*.fits', i) ] log_cams = [ i.split("-")[1] for i in expfiles if re.match(r'.*\.log', i) ] qfails = [i for i in log_cams if i not in preproc_cams] if os.path.exists(qafile): try: with fitsio.FITS(qafile) as fits: qproc_status = fits['QPROC_STATUS'].read() exitcode = np.count_nonzero(qproc_status['QPROC_EXIT']) except IOError: exitcode = 0 rows.append( dict(NIGHT=night, EXPID=expid, FAIL=0, QPROC=qfails, QPROC_EXIT=exitcode)) else: log.error('Missing {}'.format(qafile)) rows.append( dict(NIGHT=night, EXPID=expid, FAIL=1, QPROC=None, QPROC_EXIT=None)) if len(rows) == 0: msg = "No exp dirs found in {}/NIGHT/EXPID".format(indir) raise RuntimeError(msg) exposures = Table(rows) caldir = os.path.join(outdir, 'static') if not os.path.isdir(caldir): os.makedirs(caldir) files = [ 'bootstrap.js', 'bootstrap.css', 'bootstrap-year-calendar.css', 'bootstrap-year-calendar.js', 'jquery_min.js', 'popper_min.js', 'live.js' ] for f in files: outfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'static', f) if not os.path.exists(outfile): infile = resource_filename('nightwatch', os.path.join('static', f)) copyfile(infile, outfile) nightsfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'nights.html') web_tables.write_calendar(nightsfile, num_exp_per_night) web_tables.write_exposures_tables(indir, outdir, exposures, nights=expnights)
def run_qproc(rawfile, outdir, ncpu=None, cameras=None): ''' Determine the obstype of the rawfile, and run qproc with appropriate options Args: rawfile: input desi-EXPID.fits.fz raw data file outdir: directory to write qproc-CAM-EXPID.fits files Options: ncpu: number of CPU cores to use for parallelism; serial if ncpu<=1 cameras: list of cameras to process; default all found in rawfile Returns header of HDU 0 of the input raw data file, plus dictionary of return codes for each qproc process run. ''' log = desiutil.log.get_logger() if not os.path.isdir(outdir):'Creating {}'.format(outdir)) os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) hdr = fitsio.read_header(rawfile, 0) if ('OBSTYPE' not in hdr) and ('FLAVOR' not in hdr): log.warning( "no obstype nor flavor keyword in first hdu header, moving to the next one" ) try: hdr = fitsio.read_header(rawfile, 1) except OSError as err: log.error("fitsio error reading HDU 1, trying 2 then giving up") hdr = fitsio.read_header(rawfile, 2) try: if 'OBSTYPE' in hdr: obstype = hdr['OBSTYPE'].rstrip().upper() else: log.warning('Use FLAVOR instead of missing OBSTYPE') obstype = hdr['FLAVOR'].rstrip().upper() night, expid = get_night_expid_header(hdr) except KeyError as e: log.error(str(e)) raise (e) #- copy coordfile to new folder for pos accuracy indir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(rawfile)) coord_infile = '{}/coordinates-{:08d}.fits'.format(indir, expid) coord_outfile = '{}/coordinates-{:08d}.fits'.format(outdir, expid) print(coord_infile) if os.path.isfile(coord_infile): print('copying coordfile') copyfile(coord_infile, coord_outfile) else: log.warning('No coordinate file for positioner accuracy') #- HACK: Workaround for data on 20190626/27 that have blank NIGHT keywords #- Note: get_night_expid_header(hdr) should take care of this now, but #- this is left in for robustness just in case if night == ' ' or night is None: log.error( 'Correcting blank NIGHT keyword based upon directory structure') #- /path/to/NIGHT/EXPID/rawfile.fits night = os.path.basename( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(rawfile)))) if re.match('20\d{6}', night):'Setting NIGHT to {}'.format(night)) else: raise RuntimeError('Unable to derive NIGHT for {}'.format(rawfile)) cmdlist = list() loglist = list() msglist = list() rawcameras = which_cameras(rawfile) if cameras is None: cameras = rawcameras elif len(set(cameras) - set(rawcameras)) > 0: missing_cameras = set(cameras) - set(rawcameras) for cam in sorted(missing_cameras): log.error('{} missing camera {}'.format(os.path.basename(rawfile), cam)) cameras = sorted(set(cameras) & set(rawcameras)) for camera in cameras: outfiles = dict( rawfile=rawfile, fibermap='{}/fibermap-{:08d}.fits'.format(outdir, expid), logfile='{}/qproc-{}-{:08d}.log'.format(outdir, camera, expid), outdir=outdir, camera=camera) cmd = "desi_qproc -i {rawfile} --fibermap {fibermap} --auto --auto-output-dir {outdir} --cam {camera}".format( **outfiles) cmdlist.append(cmd) loglist.append(outfiles['logfile']) msglist.append('qproc {}/{} {}'.format(night, expid, camera)) ncpu = min(len(cmdlist), get_ncpu(ncpu)) if ncpu > 1 and len(cameras) > 1:'Running qproc in parallel on {} cores for {} cameras'.format( ncpu, len(cameras))) pool = mp.Pool(ncpu) errs = pool.starmap(runcmd, zip(cmdlist, loglist, msglist)) pool.close() pool.join() else: errs = []'Running qproc serially for {} cameras'.format(len(cameras))) for cmd, logfile, msg in zip(cmdlist, loglist, msglist): err = runcmd(cmd, logfile, msg) errs.append(err) errorcodes = dict() for err in errs: for key in err.keys(): errorcodes[key] = err[key] jsonfile = '{}/errorcodes-{:08d}.txt'.format(outdir, expid) with open(jsonfile, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(errorcodes, outfile) print('Wrote {}'.format(jsonfile)) return hdr
def main(args): """Command-line driver for updating the survey plan. """ # Check for a valid fa-delay value. if args.fa_delay[-1] not in ('d', 'm', 'q'): raise ValueError('fa-delay must have the form Nd, Nm or Nq.') fa_delay_type = args.fa_delay[-1] try: fa_delay = int(args.fa_delay[:-1]) except ValueError: raise ValueError('invalid number in fa-delay.') if fa_delay < 0: raise ValueError('fa-delay value must be >= 0.') # Set up the logger if args.debug: log = desiutil.log.get_logger(desiutil.log.DEBUG) args.verbose = True elif args.verbose: log = desiutil.log.get_logger(desiutil.log.INFO) else: log = desiutil.log.get_logger(desiutil.log.WARNING) # Freeze IERS table for consistent results. desisurvey.utils.freeze_iers() # Set the output path if requested. config = desisurvey.config.Configuration(file_name=args.config_file) if args.output_path is not None: config.set_output_path(args.output_path) # Load ephemerides. ephem = desisurvey.ephem.get_ephem() # Initialize scheduler. if not os.path.exists(config.get_path('scheduler.fits')): # Tabulate data used by the scheduler if necessary. desisurvey.old.schedule.initialize(ephem) scheduler = desisurvey.old.schedule.Scheduler() # Read priority rules. rules = desisurvey.rules.Rules(args.rules) if args.create: # Load initial design hour angles for each tile. design ='surveyinit.fits')) # Create an empty progress record. progress = desisurvey.progress.Progress() # Initialize the observing priorities. priorities = rules.apply(progress) # Create the initial plan. plan = desisurvey.plan.create(design['HA'], priorities) # Start the survey from scratch. start = config.first_day() else: # Load an existing plan and progress record. if not os.path.exists(config.get_path('plan.fits')): log.error('No plan.fits found in output path.') return -1 if not os.path.exists(config.get_path('progress.fits')): log.error('No progress.fits found in output path.') return -1 plan ='plan.fits')) progress = desisurvey.progress.Progress('progress.fits') # Start the new plan from the last observing date. with open(config.get_path('last_date.txt'), 'r') as f: start = desisurvey.utils.get_date( num_complete, num_total, pct = progress.completed(as_tuple=True) # Already observed all tiles? if num_complete == num_total:'All tiles observed!') # Return a shell exit code so scripts can detect this condition. sys.exit(9) # Reached end of the survey? if start >= config.last_day():'Reached survey end date!') # Return a shell exit code so scripts can detect this condition. sys.exit(9) day_number = desisurvey.utils.day_number(start) 'Planning night[{0}] {1} with {2:.1f} / {3} ({4:.1f}%) completed.'. format(day_number, start, num_complete, num_total, pct)) bookmarked = False if not args.create: # Update the priorities for the progress so far. new_priority = rules.apply(progress) changed_priority = (new_priority != plan['priority']) if np.any(changed_priority): changed_passes = np.unique(plan['pass'][changed_priority])'Priorities changed in pass(es) {0}.'.format(', '.join( [str(p) for p in changed_passes]))) plan['priority'] = new_priority bookmarked = True # Identify any new tiles that are available for fiber assignment. plan = desisurvey.plan.update_available(plan, progress, start, ephem, fa_delay, fa_delay_type) # Will update design HA assignments here... pass # Update the progress table for the new plan. ptable = progress._table new_cover = (ptable['covered'] < 0) & (plan['covered'] <= day_number) ptable['covered'][new_cover] = day_number new_avail = (ptable['available'] < 0) & plan['available'] ptable['available'][new_avail] = day_number new_plan = (ptable['planned'] < 0) & (plan['priority'] > 0) ptable['planned'][new_plan] = day_number # Save updated progress.'progress.fits') # Save the plan. plan.write(config.get_path('plan.fits'), overwrite=True) if bookmarked: # Save a backup of the plan and progress at this point. plan.write(config.get_path('plan_{0}.fits'.format(start)))'progress_{0}.fits'.format(start))
def run(self, indir, outfile=None, jsonfile=None): '''TODO: document''' log = desiutil.log.get_logger() log.debug('Running QA in {}'.format(indir)) print('here qa.runner', indir) preprocfiles = sorted(glob.glob('{}/preproc-*.fits'.format(indir))) if len(preprocfiles) == 0: log.error('No preproc files found in {}'.format(indir)) return None # We can have different obstypes (signal+dark) with calibration data # obtained with a calibration slit hooked to a single spectrograph. # So we have to loop over all frames to check if there are science, # arc, or flat obstypes as guessed by qproc. qframefiles = sorted(glob.glob('{}/qframe-*.fits'.format(indir))) if len(qframefiles) == 0: # no qframe so it's either zero or dark hdr = fitsio.read_header(preprocfiles[0], 0) if 'OBSTYPE' in hdr: obstype = hdr['FLAVOR'].strip() else: log.warning("Using FLAVOR instead of missing OBSTYPE") obstype = hdr['FLAVOR'].strip() else: obstype = None log.debug("Reading qframe headers to guess flavor ...") for qframefile in qframefiles: # look at all of them and prefer arc or flat over dark or zero hdr = fitsio.read_header(qframefile, 0) if 'OBSTYPE' in hdr: this_obstype = hdr['OBSTYPE'].strip().upper() else: log.warning("Using FLAVOR instead of missing OBSTYPE") obstype = hdr['FLAVOR'].strip() if this_obstype == "ARC" or this_obstype == "FLAT" \ or this_obstype == "TESTARC" or this_obstype == "TESTFLAT" : obstype = this_obstype # we use this so we exit the loop break elif obstype == None: obstype = this_obstype # we stay in the loop in case another frame has another obstype log.debug('Found OBSTYPE={} files'.format(obstype)) results = dict() for qa in self.qalist: if qa.valid_obstype(obstype):'{} Running {} {}'.format(timestamp(), qa, qa.output_type)) qa_results = None try: qa_results = except Exception as err: log.warning('{} failed on {} because {}; skipping'.format( qa, indir, str(err))) exc_info = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(*exc_info) del exc_info #raise(err) #- TODO: print traceback somewhere useful if qa_results is not None: if qa.output_type not in results: results[qa.output_type] = list() results[qa.output_type].append(qa_results) else: log.debug('Skip {} {} for {}'.format(qa, qa.output_type, obstype)) #- Combine results for different types of QA join_keys = dict( PER_AMP=['NIGHT', 'EXPID', 'SPECTRO', 'CAM', 'AMP'], PER_CAMERA=['NIGHT', 'EXPID', 'SPECTRO', 'CAM'], PER_FIBER=['NIGHT', 'EXPID', 'SPECTRO', 'FIBER'], PER_CAMFIBER=['NIGHT', 'EXPID', 'SPECTRO', 'CAM', 'FIBER'], PER_SPECTRO=['NIGHT', 'EXPID', 'SPECTRO'], PER_EXP=['NIGHT', 'EXPID'], QPROC_STATUS=['NIGHT', 'EXPID', 'SPECTRO', 'CAM']) if jsonfile is not None: if os.path.exists(jsonfile): with open(jsonfile, 'r') as myfile: json_data = json_data = json.loads(json_data) else: json_data = dict() rewrite_necessary = False for key1 in results: if key1 != "PER_CAMFIBER" and key1.startswith("PER_"): colnames_lst = results[key1][0].colnames if key1 in join_keys: for i in join_keys[key1]: colnames_lst.remove(i) if key1 not in json_data: json_data[key1] = colnames_lst rewrite_necessary = True else: for aspect in colnames_lst: if aspect not in json_data[key1]: json_data[key1] += [aspect] rewrite_necessary = True if rewrite_necessary: if os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(jsonfile)): with open(jsonfile, 'w') as out: json.dump(json_data, out) print('Wrote {}'.format(jsonfile)) for qatype in list(results.keys()): if len(results[qatype]) == 1: results[qatype] = results[qatype][0] else: tx = results[qatype][0] for i in range(1, len(results[qatype])): tx = join(tx, results[qatype][i], keys=join_keys[qatype], join_type='outer') results[qatype] = tx #- convert python string to bytes for FITS format compatibility if 'AMP' in results[qatype].colnames: results[qatype]['AMP'] = results[qatype]['AMP'].astype('S1') if 'CAM' in results[qatype].colnames: results[qatype]['CAM'] = results[qatype]['CAM'].astype('S1') #- TODO: NIGHT/EXPID/SPECTRO/FIBER int64 -> int32 or int16 #- TODO: metrics from float64 -> float32 if outfile is not None: for tx in results.values(): night = tx['NIGHT'][0] expid = tx['EXPID'][0] break #- To do: consider propagating header from indir/desi*.fits.fz'{} Writing {}'.format(timestamp(), outfile)) tmpfile = outfile + '.tmp' with fitsio.FITS(tmpfile, 'rw', clobber=True) as fx: fx.write(np.zeros(3, dtype=float), extname='PRIMARY', header=hdr) for qatype, qatable in results.items(): fx.write_table(qatable.as_array(), extname=qatype, header=hdr) os.rename(tmpfile, outfile)'{} Finished writing {}'.format(timestamp(), outfile)) return results
def run(self, indir): '''TODO: document''' log = desiutil.log.get_logger() results = list() infiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(indir, 'qcframe-*.fits')) if len(infiles) == 0: log.error("no qcframe in {}".format(indir)) return None # find number of spectros spectros = [] for filename in infiles: hdr = fitsio.read_header(filename) s = int(hdr['CAMERA'][1]) spectros.append(s) spectros = np.unique(spectros) for spectro in spectros: infiles = glob.glob( os.path.join(indir, 'qcframe-?{}-*.fits'.format(spectro))) qframes = {} fmap = None for infile in infiles: qframe = read_qframe(infile) cam = qframe.meta["CAMERA"][0].upper() qframes[cam] = qframe if fmap is None: fmap = qframe.fibermap night = int(qframe.meta['NIGHT']) expid = int(qframe.meta['EXPID']) # need to decode fibermap columns, masks, survey = targets.main_cmx_or_sv(fmap) desi_target = fmap[columns[0]] # (SV1_)DESI_TARGET desi_mask = masks[0] # (sv1) desi_mask stars = ( desi_target & desi_mask.mask('STD_WD|STD_FAINT|STD_BRIGHT')) != 0 qsos = (desi_target & desi_mask.QSO) != 0 # sw = np.zeros(self.rwave.size) # swf = np.zeros(self.rwave.size) #- we need a ridiculously large array to cover the r filter, but precache #- what wavelength ranges matter for each band iiband = dict() for c in ["B", "R", "Z"]: if c in qframes: qframe = qframes[c] iiband[c] = (qframe.wave[0][0] < self.rwave) iiband[c] &= (self.rwave < qframe.wave[0][-1]) #- for each fiber, generate list of arguments to pass to get_dico #- get_fiber_data extracts data for only *one* fiber from qframes, fmap, which have data for all fibers #- this reduces the parallel processing overhead argslist = [(self, iiband, get_fiber_data(qframes, fmap, f, fiber, night, expid, spectro, stars, qsos)) for f, fiber in enumerate(fmap["FIBER"])] ncpu = get_ncpu(None) if ncpu > 1: pool = mp.Pool(ncpu) results = pool.starmap(get_dico, argslist) else: for args in argslist: results.append(get_dico(**args)) if len(results) == 0: return None return Table(results, names=results[0].keys())