Example #1
    def testSpringErrorStatus(self):
        """Verify that the reported spring execution status is correct."""
        def doTest(spring_cmd, pipe_cmd, formatted):
            """Execute a test for checking status codes in a spring."""
            commands = [

            regex = r"%s" % escape(formatted)
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(ProcessError, regex) as e:

            self.assertEqual(e.exception.status, 255)

        fail = [executable, "-c", "exit(255)"]
        succeed = [_TRUE]
        formatted = formatCommands(fail)

        doTest(fail, succeed, formatted)
        doTest(succeed, fail, formatted)
Example #2
    def testPipelineErrorStatus(self):
        """Verify that the reported pipeline status is correct."""
        command = [executable, "-c", "exit(42)"]
        commands = [
        regex = r"%s" % escape(formatCommands(command))
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(ProcessError, regex) as e:

        self.assertEqual(e.exception.status, 42)
Example #3
    def testFormatCommands(self):
        """Test conversion of a series of commands into a string."""
        # Case 1) A single string that could potentially represent a
        #         command. Note that strictly speaking it is not a command
        #         in our sense and it could not be executed using the
        #         'execute' functionality the way it is. We merely support
        #         it because it "just works".
        self.assertEqual(formatCommands(_ECHO), _ECHO)

        # Case 2) A single command.
        command = [_ECHO, "test"]
        expected = "{echo} test".format(echo=_ECHO)
        self.assertEqual(formatCommands(command), expected)

        # Case 3) A very simplistic pipeline.
        commands = [
            [_ECHO, "test"],
            [_ECHO, "test2"],
        expected = "{echo} test | {echo} test2".format(echo=_ECHO)
        self.assertEqual(formatCommands(commands), expected)

        # Case 4) A more complex pipeline.
        commands = [
            [_ECHO, "test"],
            [_TR, "t", "z"],
            [_TR, "z", "t"],
        expected = "{echo} test | {tr} t z | {tr} z t"
        expected = expected.format(echo=_ECHO, tr=_TR)
        self.assertEqual(formatCommands(commands), expected)

        # Case 5) A spring without an additional pipeline after it.
        commands = [
            [["echo", "test"], ["echo", "test2"], ["echo", "test3"]],
        expected = "(echo test + echo test2 + echo test3)"
        expected = expected.format(echo=_ECHO)
        self.assertEqual(formatCommands(commands), expected)

        # Case 6) A fairly complex spring. Note that in addition to the
        #         spring part at the beginning we have another on in the
        #         middle. Such a set of command would not be able to execute
        #         properly using our 'spring' function, since this is a
        #         non-standard command set layout. Again, we support it
        #         because we would have to special case it in order to not
        #         support it.
        commands = [
            [["/bin/echo", "suaaerr"], ["/bin/echo", "yippie"],
             ["/bin/echo", "wohoo"]],
            ["/bin/tr", "a", "c"],
            ["/bin/tr", "r", "s"],
            [["/bin/echo", "suaaerr"], ["/bin/echo", "yippie"],
             ["/bin/echo", "wohoo"]],
            ["/bin/tr", "a", "a"],
        expected = "(/bin/echo suaaerr + /bin/echo yippie + /bin/echo wohoo) | " +\
                   "/bin/tr a c | /bin/tr r s | " +\
                   "(/bin/echo suaaerr + /bin/echo yippie + /bin/echo wohoo) | " +\
                   "/bin/tr a a"
        self.assertEqual(formatCommands(commands), expected)