def test_can_add_objects_to_xml():
    utils.initialize_xml_file('foo.png', (123, 234))
    boxes = []
    boxes.append([0, (17, 29), (420, 69)])
    boxes.append([0, (27, 19), (230, 45)])
    utils.add_objects_to_xml_file('foo', boxes)
    assert line_written_properly_to_xml('xmin', '17')
    im_path = os.path.join(config.im_dir, new_path + '_boxes' + image_ext)
    xml_path = os.path.join(config.im_dir, new_path + '.xml')

    # If there are already some labels for this box, load that image
    if os.path.exists(im_path):
        image = cv2.imread(im_path)
        image = cv2.imread(orig_image_path)

    # Grab the image size (very important) and draw
    height, width = image.shape[:2]

    # If there is not an xml file for this image, initialize one
    if not os.path.exists(xml_path):
        utils.initialize_xml_file(xml_path, (width, height))

    ### USER INPUT LOOP ###
    # In a loop, check for any keys of interest pressed as well as
    # mouse clicks. The left mouse button is used for drag-and-drop
    # selection of box vertices, the right mouse button deletes the
    # last box.
    # "ESC" is for abort             # "BACKSPACE" is for DELETE LAST
    # "R" is for RESTART IMAGE       # "0-9" is for CLASS selection
    # "SPACE" is for NEXT IMAGE      # "ENTER" is for SAVING CURRENT
    # "awsd" is for MOVING display   # -/+ keys for ZOOM

    while True:
        key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
def test_can_write_size():
    utils.initialize_xml_file('foo.png', (1234, 2345, 3))
    assert line_written_properly_to_xml('width', '1234')
    assert line_written_properly_to_xml('height', '2345')
    assert line_written_properly_to_xml('depth', '3')
def test_can_write_filename_line():
    utils.initialize_xml_file('foo.png', (0, 0))
    assert line_written_properly_to_xml('filename', 'foo.png')
def test_can_write_folder_line():
    utils.initialize_xml_file('foo.png', (0, 0))
    assert line_written_properly_to_xml('folder', 'data/documents')
def test_can_write_annotation_tags_without_extension():
    utils.initialize_xml_file('foo', (0, 0))
    assert annotation_tags_exist()
def test_can_write_annotation_tags():
    utils.initialize_xml_file('foo.png', (0, 0))
    assert annotation_tags_exist()
import detection_utils as utils
import os
import config

for csv_file in os.listdir(config.im_dir):

    if not csv_file.endswith('.csv'):

    xml_file = os.path.splitext(csv_file)[0][:-6] + '.xml'

    csv_file = os.path.join(config.im_dir, csv_file)
    xml_file = os.path.join(config.im_dir, xml_file)

    contents = utils.get_csv_contents(csv_file)
    size = (contents[0][5], contents[0][6])
    if len(contents) == 0:

    utils.initialize_xml_file(xml_file, size)
    utils.add_objects_to_xml_file(xml_file, contents)