def image_recognition(image_path,save_path):
    image = utils.read_image(image_path)
    model = core.Model()

    labels, boxes, scores = model.predict_top(image)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
    # If the image is already a tensor, convert it back to a PILImage
    # and reverse normalize it
    if isinstance(image, torch.Tensor):
        image = reverse_normalize(image)
        image = transforms.ToPILImage()(image)

    # Show a single box or multiple if provided
    if boxes.ndim == 1:
        boxes = boxes.view(1, 4)

    if labels is not None and not _is_iterable(labels):
        labels = [labels]

    # Plot each box
    for i in range(boxes.shape[0]):
        box = boxes[i]
        width, height = (box[2] - box[0]).item(), (box[3] - box[1]).item()
        initial_pos = (box[0].item(), box[1].item())
        rect = patches.Rectangle(initial_pos, width, height, linewidth=1,
                                 edgecolor='r', facecolor='none')
        if labels:
            ax.text(box[0] + 5, box[1] - 5, '{}'.format(labels[i]), color='red')


Example #2
def show_labeled_image(image, boxes, labels=None):
    """Show the image along with the specified boxes around detected objects.
    Also displays each box's label if a list of labels is provided.

    :param image: The image to plot. If the image is a normalized
        torch.Tensor object, it will automatically be reverse-normalized
        and converted to a PIL image for plotting.
    :type image: numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor
    :param boxes: A torch tensor of size (N, 4) where N is the number
        of boxes to plot, or simply size 4 if N is 1.
    :type boxes: torch.Tensor
    :param labels: (Optional) A list of size N giving the labels of
            each box (labels[i] corresponds to boxes[i]). Defaults to None.
    :type labels: torch.Tensor or None


        >>> from detecto.core import Model
        >>> from detecto.utils import read_image
        >>> from detecto.visualize import show_labeled_image

        >>> model = Model.load('model_weights.pth', ['tick', 'gate'])
        >>> image = read_image('image.jpg')
        >>> labels, boxes, scores = model.predict(image)
        >>> show_labeled_image(image, boxes, labels)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
    # If the image is already a tensor, convert it back to a PILImage
    # and reverse normalize it
    if isinstance(image, torch.Tensor):
        image = reverse_normalize(image)
        image = transforms.ToPILImage()(image)

    if len(boxes) == 0 or boxes is None: # can't do "if not boxes"

    # Show a single box or multiple if provided
    if boxes.ndim == 1:
        boxes = boxes.view(1, 4)

    if labels is not None and not _is_iterable(labels):
        labels = [labels]

    # Plot each box
    for i in range(boxes.shape[0]):
        box = boxes[i]
        width, height = (box[2] - box[0]).item(), (box[3] - box[1]).item()
        initial_pos = (box[0].item(), box[1].item())
        rect = patches.Rectangle(initial_pos,  width, height, linewidth=1,
                                 edgecolor='r', facecolor='none')
        if labels:
            ax.text(box[0] + 5, box[1] - 5, '{}'.format(labels[i]), color='red')

Example #3
def show_labeled_image(image, boxes):
    """Show the image along with the specified boxes around detected objects.

    :param image: The image to plot. If the image is a normalized
        torch.Tensor object, it will automatically be reverse-normalized
        and converted to a PIL image for plotting.
    :type image: numpy.ndarray or torch.Tensor
    :param boxes: A torch tensor of size (N, 4) where N is the number
        of boxes to plot, or simply size 4 if N is 1.
    :type boxes: torch.Tensor


        >>> from detecto.core import Model
        >>> from detecto.utils import read_image
        >>> from detecto.visualize import show_labeled_image

        >>> model = Model.load('model_weights.pth', ['tick', 'gate'])
        >>> image = read_image('image.jpg')
        >>> labels, boxes, scores = model.predict(image)
        >>> show_labeled_image(image, boxes)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
    # If the image is already a tensor, convert it back to a PILImage
    # and reverse normalize it
    if isinstance(image, torch.Tensor):
        image = reverse_normalize(image)
        image = transforms.ToPILImage()(image)

    # Show a single box or multiple if provided
    if boxes.ndim == 1:
        boxes = boxes.view(1, 4)

    # Plot each box
    for box in boxes:
        width, height = (box[2] - box[0]).item(), (box[3] - box[1]).item()
        initial_pos = (box[0].item(), box[1].item())
        rect = patches.Rectangle(initial_pos,

Example #4
def plot_prediction_grid(model,
    """Plots a grid of images with boxes drawn around predicted objects.

    :param model: The trained model with which to run object detection.
    :type model: detecto.core.Model
    :param images: An iterable of images to plot. If the images are
        normalized torch.Tensor images, they will automatically be
        reverse-normalized and converted to PIL images for plotting.
    :type images: iterable
    :param dim: (Optional) The dimensions of the grid in the format
        ``(rows, cols)``. If no value is given, the grid is of the shape
        ``(len(images), 1)``. ``rows * cols`` must match the number of
        given images, or a ValueError is raised. Defaults to None.
    :type dim: tuple or None
    :param figsize: (Optional) The size of the entire grid in the format
        ``(width, height)``. Defaults to None.
    :type figsize: tuple or None
    :param score_filter: (Optional) Minimum score required to show a
        prediction. Defaults to 0.6.
    :type score_filter: float


        >>> from detecto.core import Model
        >>> from detecto.utils import read_image
        >>> from detecto.visualize import plot_prediction_grid

        >>> model = Model.load('model_weights.pth', ['tick', 'gate'])
        >>> images = []
        >>> for i in range(4):
        >>>     image = read_image('image{}.jpg'.format(i))
        >>>     images.append(image)
        >>> plot_prediction_grid(model, images, dim=(2, 2), figsize=(8, 8))

    # If not specified, show all in one column
    if dim is None:
        dim = (len(images), 1)

    if dim[0] * dim[1] != len(images):
        raise ValueError('Grid dimensions do not match size of list of images')

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(dim[0], dim[1], figsize=figsize)

    # Loop through each image and position in the grid
    index = 0
    for i in range(dim[0]):
        for j in range(dim[1]):
            image = images[index]
            preds = model.predict(image)

            # If already a tensor, reverse normalize it and turn it back
            if isinstance(image, torch.Tensor):
                image = transforms.ToPILImage()(reverse_normalize(image))
            index += 1

            # Get the correct axis
            if dim[0] <= 1 and dim[1] <= 1:
                ax = axes
            elif dim[0] <= 1:
                ax = axes[j]
            elif dim[1] <= 1:
                ax = axes[i]
                ax = axes[i, j]


            # Plot boxes and labels
            for label, box, score in zip(*preds):
                if score >= score_filter:
                    width, height = box[2] - box[0], box[3] - box[1]
                    initial_pos = (box[0], box[1])
                    rect = patches.Rectangle(initial_pos,

                    ax.text(box[0] + 5,
                            box[1] - 10,
                            '{}: {}'.format(label, round(score.item(), 2)),
                ax.set_title('Image {}'.format(index))
Example #5
    def classifyMountingConfiguration(self,
        This function is used to detect and classify the mounting configuration
        of solar installations in satellite imagery. It leverages the Detecto
        package's functionality
        to perform object detection on a satellite image.

        image_file_path: string
            File path of the image. PNG file.
        acc_cutoff: float
            Default set to 0.65. Confidence cutoff for whether or not to
            count a object detection classification as real. All returned
            classications greater than or equal to the accuracy cutoff are
            counted, and all classifications less than the accuracy cutoff
            are thrown out.
            Tuple consisting of (scores, labels, boxes), where 'scores' is
            the list of object detection confidence scores, 'labels' is a
            list of all corresponding labels, and 'boxes' is a tensor object
            containing the associated boxes for the associated labels and
            confidence scores.
        image = read_image(image_file_path)
        labels, boxes, scores = self.mounting_classifier.predict(image)
        if use_nms:
            # Perform non-maximum suppression (NMS) on the detections
            nms_idx = nms(boxes=boxes, scores=scores, iou_threshold=0.25)
            scores = scores[nms_idx]
            boxes = boxes[nms_idx]
            labels = [labels[nms] for nms in nms_idx]
        mask = [float(x) > acc_cutoff for x in scores]
        scores = list(np.array(scores)[mask])
        labels = list(np.array(labels)[mask])
        boxes = torch.tensor(np.array(boxes)[mask])
        # This code is adapted from the Detecto package's show_labeled_image()
        # function. See the following link as reference:
        # Generate the image associated with the classifications
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
        # If the image is already a tensor, convert it back to a PILImage
        # and reverse normalize it
        if isinstance(image, torch.Tensor):
            image = reverse_normalize(image)
            image = transforms.ToPILImage()(image)
        # Show a single box or multiple if provided
        if boxes.ndim == 1:
            boxes = boxes.view(1, 4)
        if labels is not None and not _is_iterable(labels):
            labels = [labels]
        # Plot each box
        for i in range(boxes.shape[0]):
            box = boxes[i]
            width, height = (box[2] - box[0]).item(), (box[3] - box[1]).item()
            initial_pos = (box[0].item(), box[1].item())
            rect = patches.Rectangle(initial_pos,
            if labels:
                ax.text(box[0] + 5,
                        box[1] - 5,
        if file_name_save is not None:
        return (scores, labels, boxes)