Example #1
def find_houghp_lines(image, rho, theta, threshold, minLineLength, maxLineGap):
    #img = util.create_canny_edge_image(image)
    houghp_lines = shape_detector.find_lines_in_image_houghp(
        image, rho, theta, threshold, minLineLength, maxLineGap)
    log(f"Found {len(houghp_lines)} Hough lines")

    return houghp_lines
Example #2
    def _join_lines_with_association_symbols(self):
        Joins the found lines with the advanced association shapes, such as inheritance, aggregation and so on.
        lines_entities = self.get_generic_entities(types=[ClassDiagramTypes.ASSOCIATION_ENTITY])
        symbol_entities = self.get_generic_entities(types=[ClassDiagramTypes.ASSOCIATION_SYMBOL])

        for l in lines_entities:
            line = l.shapes[0]  # GenericEntity of type ASSOCIATION_ENTITY always has just one shape, which is a Line
            line_start = line.start_xy()
            line_end = line.end_xy()

            for s in symbol_entities:
                symbol_bb = s.bounding_box()

                if util.is_point_in_area(line_start, symbol_bb) or util.is_point_in_area(line_end, symbol_bb):
                    s = s.shapes[0]    # TODO: Don't assume we have only one shape!

                    if s.shape is ShapeType.TRIANGLE:
                        l.set(constants.STR_GENERIC_ENTITY_LABEL_NAME, "Inheritance")
                    elif s.shape is ShapeType.RECTANGLE:
                        l.set(constants.STR_GENERIC_ENTITY_LABEL_NAME, "Aggregation")

                    l.type = ClassDiagramTypes.ASSOCIATION_ENTITY_ADVANCED # Change type from simple to advanced association
                    log("Association line was joined with symbol")
Example #3
def find_hough_lines(image, rho, theta, threshold):
    #img = util.create_canny_edge_image(image)
    hough_lines = shape_detector.find_lines_in_image_hough(
        image, rho, theta, threshold)
    log(f"Found {len(hough_lines)} HoughP lines")

    return hough_lines
Example #4
    def convert(self):
        log("transform to class primitives")
        self.generic_entities = self.generic_entities + self._extract_classes()
        self.generic_entities = self.generic_entities + self._extract_associations()

        return self.generic_entities
Example #5
def draw_contours_on_image(contours, image, color=(0, 255, 0)):
    Draws the given contours onto the given image,
    :param contours: Contours that are drawn.
    :param image: The image the contours are being drawn onto.
    image = image.copy()
    util.log(f"Draw {len(contours)} contours")
    cv2.drawContours(image, contours, -1, color, 2)
    return image
Example #6
def get_next_line_with_corresponding_point(point, lines):
    if point is None:
        return None
        lines = list(filter(lambda x: x.contains_point(point) is False, lines))
        log(f"continue with {len(lines)} lines")
        for l in lines:
            log(f"check point {point}")
            closest_point = get_closest_corresponding_point(point, l)
            if closest_point is None:
                return get_opposite_line_end(point, l)
                return get_next_line_with_corresponding_point(closest_point, lines)
        return point
Example #7
    def export(self):
        log("Exporting image with labeled basic shapes")

        entities = []
        for s in self.shape_detector.get_shapes():
            if util.has_no_contour_children(s.contour_index, self.shape_detector.hierarchy):
                ge = GenericEntity()
                ge.set(constants.STR_GENERIC_ENTITY_LABEL_NAME, s.shape_name())

        self.image = draw_util.draw(self.image, entities)

        return self.image
Example #8
    def _extract_advanced_associations(self, image):
        Tries to extract the associations such as inheritance, aggregation, composition between classes.
        :param image: The image the associations are extracted from
        :return: An array of GenericEntities, were each GenericEntity contains an extracted association
        found_associations = []

        # Extract inheritance shapes
        shapes, _, _ = self.shape_detector.find_shapes_in_image(image)
        for shape in shapes:
            if shape.shape is ShapeType.TRIANGLE or shape.shape is ShapeType.RECTANGLE:
                log(f"Advanced association found: {shape}")
                assoc = GenericEntity(ClassDiagramTypes.ASSOCIATION_SYMBOL)

        log(f"{len(found_associations)} advanced associations found")
        return found_associations
Example #9
    def _extract_simple_associations(self, image):
        Tries to extract the associations that are simple lines between classes.
        :param image: The image the associations are extracted from
        :return: An array of GenericEntities, were each GenericEntity contains the extracted association
        line_detector = LineDetector()
        lines = line_detector.merge_lines()
        log(f"{len(lines)} lines found")

        found_associations = []
        for l in lines:
            new_assoc = GenericEntity(ClassDiagramTypes.ASSOCIATION_ENTITY)

        log(f"{len(found_associations)} simple associations found")
        return found_associations
def nothing(arg):
    rho = cv2.getTrackbarPos(tbRho, hough_winname) + 1
    theta = cv2.getTrackbarPos(tbTheta, hough_winname) + 1
    threshold = cv2.getTrackbarPos(tbThreshold, hough_winname) + 1

    theta = (np.pi / 180) * (theta)

    # HoughP Lines
    houghp_img = shape_detector.image.copy()
    houghp_img = util.create_canny_edge_image(houghp_img)
    houghp_lines = shape_detector.find_lines_in_image_houghp(houghp_img, rho, theta, threshold)
    log(f"Found {len(houghp_lines)} Hough lines")
    for x in range(0, len(houghp_lines)):
        for x1, y1, x2, y2 in houghp_lines[x]:
            cv2.line(houghp_img, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 0, 255), 2)

    # Hough Lines
    hough_img = shape_detector.image.copy()
    hough_img = util.create_canny_edge_image(hough_img)
    hough_lines = shape_detector.find_lines_in_image_hough(hough_img, rho, theta, threshold)
    log(f"Found {len(hough_lines)} HoughP lines")
    for x in range(0, len(hough_lines)):
        for rho, theta in hough_lines[x]:
            a = np.cos(theta)
            b = np.sin(theta)
            x0 = a * rho
            y0 = b * rho
            x1 = int(x0 + 1000 * (-b))
            y1 = int(y0 + 1000 * (a))
            x2 = int(x0 - 1000 * (-b))
            y2 = int(y0 - 1000 * (a))

            cv2.line(hough_img, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 0, 255), 2)

    cv2.imshow("Hough Lines", hough_img)
    cv2.imshow("HoughP Lines", houghp_img)
def image_interaction(ch, image, img_path):
    # C - Canny Edge
    if ch == 99:
        image = util.create_canny_edge_image(image)

    # D - Dilate
    if ch == 100:
        image = util.dilate(image)

    # E - Erode
    if ch == 101:
        image = util.erode(image)

    # C - Find Classes
    if ch == 97:
        shape_detector = ShapeDetector(img_path)
        shapes = shape_detector.find_shapes()
        diagram_converter = DiagramTypeDetector.find_converter(shape_detector)
        entities = diagram_converter._extract_classes()
        image = draw_util.draw_entities_on_image(entities, image)
        log(f"{len(shapes)} shapes in image found")

    # S - Extract Shapes
    if ch == 115:
        shape_detector = ShapeDetector(img_path)
        shapes = shape_detector.find_shapes()
        log(f"{len(shapes)} shapes in image found")
        for s in shapes:

    # B - Binary
    if ch == 98:
        image = util.create_binary_img(image)

    # I - Inverted
    if ch == 105:
        image = util.create_inverted_image(image)

    # R - Reset
    if ch == 114:
        shape_detector = ShapeDetector(img_path)
        image = shape_detector.image
        original = image.copy()

    return image
Example #12
    def _extract_classes(self):
        Extracts the class entities from a class diagram sketch.
        :return: An array of GenericEntities, were each GenericEntity contains a found class
        Extracts the class entities from a class diagram sketch.
        :return: An array of GenericEntities, were each GenericEntity contains a found class
        log(f"Extract classes from {len(self.shape_detector.shapes)} shapes")

        found_classes = []
        sorted_contours = self.shape_detector.sort_contours_by_parent()
        class_counter = 0
        for k, v in sorted_contours.items():
            v = [v for k,v in enumerate(v) if util.area_contour(v) > ClassDiagramConverter.MIN_AREA_CLASS_RECTANGLES]
            contour_groups = util.group_contours_by_x_pos(v)

            for group_key, group_value in contour_groups.items():
                # Create class entities
                if len(group_value) == 3:
                    new_class = GenericEntity(ClassDiagramTypes.CLASS_ENTITY)
                    new_class.set(constants.STR_GENERIC_ENTITY_LABEL_NAME, f"Class {class_counter}")

                    # Add shapes to class

                    # new_class.set("name_contour", group_value[0])
                    # new_class.set("attribute_contour", group_value[1])
                    # new_class.set("method_contour", group_value[2])

                    class_counter += 1

        log(f"{len(found_classes)} class entities found")
        return found_classes
    def __init__(self, image=None, options=None):
        self.orig_image = None
        """ Reference to the original image. A working copy will be created from this image. """

        self.image = None
        """ Working copy of the original image. All image processing happens will be applied on this image. """

        self.options = options
        """ Options that define the behaviour of the ShapeDetector. """

        self.preprocessed_image = None
        """ Preprocessed working copy image. """

        self.shapes = []
        """ Holds all found shapes. """

        self.contours = None
        self.hierarchy = None

        if image is not None:

        util.log("ShapeDetector initialized")
Example #14
    def export(self):
        log("Exporting class diagram to image")
        #   Label classes
        class_entities = self.converter.get_generic_entities(types=[ClassDiagramTypes.CLASS_ENTITY])
        log(f"\t... with {len(class_entities)} classes")
        self.image = draw_util.draw_bounding_boxes(self.image, class_entities, labels=True)

        # Extract text from class entities
        if 'ocr' in self.opts and self.opts['ocr']:
            for c in class_entities:
                for s in c.shapes:

        #   Draw bounding boxes of advanced associations
        advanced_association_entities = self.converter.get_generic_entities(
        log(f"\t... with {len(advanced_association_entities)} advanced associations")
        self.image = draw_util.draw_bounding_boxes(self.image, advanced_association_entities, color=constants.COLOR_RED, labels=True)

        #   Draw normal entities
        association_entities = self.converter.get_generic_entities(types=[ClassDiagramTypes.ASSOCIATION_ENTITY])
        log(f"\t... with {len(association_entities)} normal associations")
        self.image = draw_util.draw_entities_on_image(self.image, association_entities, color=constants.COLOR_YELLOW)

        #   Print relations between classes
        association_entities = association_entities + advanced_association_entities
        for i, assoc in enumerate(association_entities):
            from_class = assoc.get(ClassDiagramConverter.STR_ASSOC_FROM)
            to_class = assoc.get(ClassDiagramConverter.STR_ASSOC_TO)

            if from_class is not None and to_class is not None:
                log(f"Association {i} of type {assoc.get(constants.STR_GENERIC_ENTITY_LABEL_NAME)} points "
                    f"from {from_class.get(constants.STR_GENERIC_ENTITY_LABEL_NAME)} "
                    f"to {to_class.get(constants.STR_GENERIC_ENTITY_LABEL_NAME)}")

        return self.image
Example #15
    def _link_associations_with_classes(self):
        Links the found classes and associations with each other.
        log(f"Try linking classes with associations")
        class_entities = self.get_generic_entities(types=[ClassDiagramTypes.CLASS_ENTITY])
        assoc_entities = self.get_generic_entities(types=[ClassDiagramTypes.ASSOCIATION_ENTITY])
        advanced_entities = self.get_generic_entities(types=[ClassDiagramTypes.ASSOCIATION_ENTITY_ADVANCED])

        # Link class entities with remaining associations
        for c in class_entities:
            class_bounding_box = c.bounding_box(adjustment=constants.BOUNDING_BOX_ADJUSTMENT)

            # ... with advanced associations
            for a in advanced_entities:
                for advanced_shape in a.shapes:
                    if type(advanced_shape) is Shape:
                        advanced_bounding_box = advanced_shape.bounding_box()

                        if util.do_bounding_boxes_intersect(advanced_bounding_box, class_bounding_box) or util.do_bounding_boxes_intersect(class_bounding_box, advanced_bounding_box):
                            a.set(ClassDiagramConverter.STR_ASSOC_FROM, c)

                    elif type(advanced_shape) is Line:
                        line_start = advanced_shape.start_xy()
                        line_end = advanced_shape.end_xy()

                        if util.is_point_in_area(line_start, class_bounding_box) or util.is_point_in_area(line_end, class_bounding_box):
                            a.set(ClassDiagramConverter.STR_ASSOC_TO, c)

            # ... with simple associations
            for a in assoc_entities:
                line = a.shapes[0]  # GenericEntity of type ASSOCIATION_ENTITY always has just one shape, which is a Line
                line_start = line.start_xy()
                line_end = line.end_xy()

                if util.is_point_in_area(line_start, class_bounding_box):
                    a.set(ClassDiagramConverter.STR_ASSOC_FROM, c)
                    log("FROM association found")

                elif util.is_point_in_area(line_end, class_bounding_box):
                    a.set(ClassDiagramConverter.STR_ASSOC_TO, c)
                    log("TO association found")
Example #16
    # Line Segment Detector
    lsd_image = cv2.imread(img_path)
    lsd_image = imutils.resize(lsd_image, width=700)
    lsd_gray = cv2.cvtColor(lsd_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    lsd_gauss = cv2.GaussianBlur(lsd_gray,(9,9),0)
    lsd_edges = cv2.Canny(lsd_gauss, 100, 150)

    #cv2.imshow(wincanny, lsd_edges)

    LSD = cv2.createLineSegmentDetector()
    lines, width, prec, nfa = LSD.detect(lsd_edges)

    lsd_color = cv2.cvtColor(lsd_gray, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)

    log(f"{len(lines)} lines through LSD found")

    all_lines = []
    for i in range(len(lines)):
        for x1, y1, x2, y2 in lines[i]:
            line = Line(Point(x1,y1), Point(x2, y2))

    # Merged lines
    merged_lines = purge_lines(all_lines)
    log(f"Lines were merged. Still {len(merged_lines)} lines")

    # path_lines = []
    # for l in merged_lines:
    #     #path_line = find_path(l, merged_lines)
    #     short_circuit_end_point = short_circuit_line(l, merged_lines)
Example #17
    # Press D for dilation
    # Press C for Canny Edge
    # Press H for Hough Lines
    # Press P for HoughP Lines

    # Loop for get trackbar pos and process it
    while True:
        ch = cv2.waitKey(5)

        # C - Canny Edge
        if ch == 99:
            image = util.create_canny_edge_image(image, min=50, max=150)

        # D - Dilate
        if ch == 100:
            image = util.dilate(image)

        # E - Erode
        if ch == 101:
            image = util.erode(image)

        # 1 - Draw contours
        if ch == 49:
            shapes = shape_detector.find_shapes()
            contours = [s.contour for s in shape_detector.shapes]
            image = draw_util.draw_labeled_contours(contours,
Example #18
from detector.detector import *
from detector.export.basic_shape_image_exporter import BasicShapeImageExporter

ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ap.add_argument("-i", "--image", required=True, help="Path to the image you want to detect")
    ap.add_argument("-s", "--save", required=False, help="Path the result will be saved at")
    args = vars(ap.parse_args())

    img_path = args["image"]
    output_path = args["save"]

    if os.path.isfile(img_path):
        shape_detector = ShapeDetector(img_path)
        shapes = shape_detector.find_shapes()

        # Print shapes
        for s in shapes:

        exporter = BasicShapeImageExporter(shape_detector.image, shape_detector)
        img = exporter.export()

        util.save_image(img, output_path)

        raise ValueError("Image doesn't exist")
Example #19
    #img_path = "img/class.jpeg"
    #img_path = "img/class_many.jpeg"
    #img_path = "img/class2.jpeg"
    #img_path = "img/usecase.jpeg"
    #img_path = "img/circles.jpeg"
    #img_path = "img/ocr_test.jpeg"
    #img_path = "img/ocr_test2.jpeg"

    # ap.add_argument("-i", "--image", required=True, help="Path to the image you want to detect")
    # args = vars(ap.parse_args())
    # print(args["image"])

    #   Detect all shapes
    shape_detector = ShapeDetector(img_path)
    shapes = shape_detector.find_shapes()
    log(f"{len(shapes)} shapes in image found")

    #   Detect type of diagram
    diagram_converter = DiagramTypeDetector.find_converter(shape_detector)

    #   Convert shapes into diagram
    class_entities = diagram_converter._extract_classes()
    assoc_entities = diagram_converter._extract_associations()

    # contours = [c.get("name_contour") for c in entities] +\
    #            [c.get("attribute_contour") for c in entities] +\
    #            [c.get("method_contour") for c in entities]

    #img = shape_detector.get_image_remove_shape_type(ShapeType.RECTANGLE)

    # Draw class contours
Example #20
 def convert(self):
     log("transform to use case primitives")
Example #21
        help="Set this parameter in order to toggle the shape detection.",

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = vars(ap.parse_args())

    img_path = args["image"]
    output_path = args["save"]

    if os.path.isfile(img_path):
        opts = {'ocr': args['ocr'], 'contour_epsilon': args['epsilon']}
        util.log(f"Passed options: {str(opts)}")

        shape_detector = ShapeDetector(img_path, opts)
        img = shape_detector.image

        if not args['custom']:  # Start default diagram detection
            shapes = shape_detector.find_shapes()

            # Print shapes
            for s in shapes:

            diagram_converter = DiagramTypeDetector.find_converter(
Example #22
    def __init__(self):
        self.edge_image = None
        self.lines = []
        self.LSD = None

        util.log("LineDetector initialized")