def printCards(cards): outStr = "[ "; for i in range(0, len(cards)): outStr += "{0}".format(Card.int_to_str(cards[i])); if i != len(cards)-1: outStr += ", "; outStr += " ]"; print outStr;
def generate_action_data(self, table): if self.stage_actions[-1][0] == "ALL_IN": return 0 hand_idx = table.hand_idx pos_idx = self.playing_position hero_cards = [[Card.int_to_str(x)[0], Card.int_to_str(x)[1]] for x in self.hand] board = [[Card.int_to_str(x)[0], Card.int_to_str(x)[1]] for x in table.board] # Padding board board += ["__"] * (5 - len(board)) stage = table.stage stack = self.stack pot = table.current_pot action_type = self.stage_actions[-1][0] action_value = self.stage_actions[-1][1] current_bet = table.current_bet num_active_players = len(table.get_active_players()) net_stack = np.nan flatten = lambda l: [item for sublist in l for item in sublist] data_list = [] data_list.append(hand_idx) data_list.append(pos_idx) data_list += flatten(hero_cards) data_list += flatten(board) data_list.append(stage) data_list.append(stack) data_list.append(pot) data_list.append(action_type) data_list.append(action_value) data_list.append(current_bet) data_list.append(num_active_players) data_list.append(net_stack) # self.actions_df.append(data_list) self.actions_df.loc[len(self.actions_df), :] = data_list
def update_hand(self, hand, turn): # input hand of player, update to widget base on current turn openCardIndex = {1: 5, 2: 1, 3: 0, 4: -1} for i in range(5): self.ids[ + '_card' + str(i)].set_card( Card.int_to_str(hand[i])) if i > openCardIndex[turn]: self.ids[ + '_card' + str(i)].show_card_to_all() else: self.ids[ + '_card' + str(i)].show_card_to_self() '''
def get_or_create(cls, code): """ Lookup a card by its code and create if it doesn't exist :param code: Deuces card code :return: The created Card """ card = cls.query.filter_by(code=code).first() if not card: rank, suit = PokerCard.int_to_str(code) card = cls.create(code=code, suit=suit, rank=rank) return card
def hand_to_str(hand, mode): output = " " for i in range(len(hand)): c = hand[i] if c == -1: if i != len(hand) - 1: output += '[ ],' else: output += '[ ] ' continue if i != len(hand) - 1: if mode == "machine": output += '[' + str(Card.int_to_str(c)) + '],' else: output += str(Card.int_to_pretty_str(c)) + ',' else: if mode == "machine": output += '[' + str(Card.int_to_str(c)) + '] ' else: output += str(Card.int_to_pretty_str(c)) + ' ' return output
def upgrade(): bind = op.get_bind() session = orm.Session(bind=bind) op.add_column('cards', sa.Column('rank', sa.String(length=1), nullable=True)) op.add_column('cards', sa.Column('suit', sa.String(length=1), nullable=True)) for card in session.query(Card): rank, suit = PokerCard.int_to_str(card.code) card.rank = rank card.suit = suit session.commit() op.alter_column('cards', 'rank', nullable=False) op.alter_column('cards', 'suit', nullable=False)
def card_to_normal_str(card): " {'23456789TJQKA'} + {'shdc''} (note: lower case) " if card == -1: return '' return Card.int_to_str(card)
card ='Ah') # table cards board = ['Ah'),'Kd'),'Jc') ] # self cards hand = ['Qs'),'Th') ] # card is presented as int at deuces: print(card)# 268446761 # int to string print(Card.int_to_str(card))#Ah for c in board+hand: print(Card.int_to_str(c)) ''' Ah Kd Jc Qs Th '''
def cards_to_str(cards): return {Card.int_to_str(card) for card in cards}
def AI(hand, board, stack, opp_stack, BB, to_call, pot, dealer, bets, VARIABLES): if len(board) == 0: return preflop_decision(hand, board, stack, opp_stack, BB, to_call, pot, dealer, bets) if len(board) == 3: name = "".join( sorted([Card.int_to_str(c) for c in board], key=str.lower)) KEY = "flop_charts/%s.p" % name try: print "downloading file" s3.Bucket("chartsflopturn").download_file( KEY, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'currentflop.p')) print "found and downloaded file" with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'currentflop.p'), "rb") as f: board_rankings = pickle.load(f) board_rankings = [i[0] for i in board_rankings] except: print "pickle loading error!" return int(0) if len(board) == 4: name = "".join( sorted([Card.int_to_str(c) for c in board], key=str.lower)) KEY = "turn_charts/%s.p" % name try: print "downloading file" s3.Bucket("chartsflopturn").download_file( KEY, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'currentflop.p')) print "found and downloaded file" with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'currentflop.p'), "rb") as f: board_rankings = pickle.load(f) board_rankings = [i[0] for i in board_rankings] except: print "pickle loading error!" return int(0) if len(board) == 5: board_rankings = generate_river_rankings(board) board_rankings = [i[0] for i in board_rankings] fixed_board_rankings = [ i for i in board_rankings if (len(i & set(hand)) == 0 and len(i & set(board)) == 0) or ( i == frozenset(hand)) ] my_hand_percentile = 1 - (fixed_board_rankings.index(frozenset(hand)) / float(len(fixed_board_rankings))) strong_bets = len([o for o in bets if o[0] == "bet" and o[1] > BB * 3]) very_strong_bets = len( [o for o in bets if o[0] == "bet" and o[1] > pot / 2.5 and o[2] > 0]) strong_calls = len([o for o in bets if o[0] == "call" and o[1] > BB * 3]) checks = len([o for o in bets if o[0] == "check"]) if very_strong_bets > 0: V_strength = max(1.0 + strong_bets + strong_calls + very_strong_bets, 1.0) else: V_strength = max(1.0 + strong_bets + strong_calls - checks, 1.0) if to_call > 25 * BB: V_strength += 2 if to_call >= opp_stack / 2.0: V_strength += 1 if to_call == opp_stack: if len(board) <= 3 or pot / 1.4 < to_call: V_strength += 2 else: V_strength += 1 if len(board) < 5: if to_call > 0: EV_CALL = (my_hand_percentile**V_strength) * pot - ( 1 - my_hand_percentile**V_strength) * to_call if EV_CALL > 0: if EV_CALL > pot / 2.0: if random.random() > .5: return to_call else: return min( stack, random.choice([to_call + pot, to_call * 2 + pot])) elif pot / 2.0 >= EV_CALL > pot / 3.5: return min(stack, to_call + pot) else: return to_call elif to_call < stack / 4.0: if V_strength < 3: if random.random() > .85: return min( stack, random.choice([ to_call + pot, to_call + pot, to_call * 2 + pot ])) elif V_strength < 5: if random.random() > .95: return min(stack, random.choice([to_call + pot])) return int(0) return int(0) if to_call == 0: if dealer == True: if my_hand_percentile**V_strength > .8 and len(board) == 3: return int(0) if my_hand_percentile**V_strength > .66: return min(pot, stack) elif V_strength < 4 and random.random() > .75: return min(pot, stack) else: if my_hand_percentile**V_strength > .85: return int(0) elif my_hand_percentile**V_strength > .66: return min(pot, stack) elif V_strength < 4 and random.random() > .85: return min(pot, stack) return int(0) else: if my_hand_percentile**V_strength > .95: return min(stack, pot * 2 + to_call) if to_call > 0: EV_CALL = (my_hand_percentile**V_strength) * pot - ( 1 - my_hand_percentile**V_strength) * to_call if EV_CALL > 0: if EV_CALL > pot / 1.2: return min(stack, pot * 2 + to_call) if EV_CALL > pot / 2.0: return min(stack, to_call + pot) else: return to_call if to_call < stack / 4.0 and to_call < opp_stack / 4.0 and strong_bets < 3: if random.random() < .1: return min(stack, to_call * 2 + pot) return int(0) elif to_call == 0: if dealer == True: if my_hand_percentile**V_strength > .85: return min(stack, pot * 2) elif my_hand_percentile**V_strength > .75: return min(stack / 2.0, pot) elif my_hand_percentile**V_strength > .6: return min(pot, stack / 3.0) else: if my_hand_percentile**V_strength > .9: return min(stack, pot * 2) elif my_hand_percentile > .8: return min(stack / 3.0, pot) elif my_hand_percentile**V_strength > .7: return min(pot, stack / 4.0) return int(0) return int(0)
def queryCardsToThrow(_hand): worse_cards = [] thrown_cards = '' card_range = range(0, 5) ########### EVALUATE HAND ########### print '=== EVALUATION ===' poker_hand = [] for n in _hand: poker_hand.append( Card.print_pretty_cards(poker_hand) score = DEUCES_EVALUATOR.evaluate([], poker_hand) rank = DEUCES_EVALUATOR.get_rank_class(score) ########### / EVALUATE HAND ########### print("======= THROW CARDS ACTION =======") ########### SEARCH FOR COMBINATIONS ########### # Search for High Card def search_highCard(cards): max = 0 k = 0 for i in card_range: current = ((cards[i] & 0xF00) >> 8) if current > max: max = current k = i return k # Search for Pair combination def search_pair(cards): for i in range(0, 4): for j in range(i + 1, 5): if (cards[i] & 0xF00) == (cards[j] & 0xF00): return [i, j] return [] # Search for Two Pair combination def search_twoPair(cards): [k, l] = search_pair(cards) for i in range(k + 1, 4): for j in range(i + 1, 5): if (cards[i] & 0xF00) == (cards[j] & 0xF00): return [k, l, i, j] return [] # Search for Three of a Kind combination def search_threeKind(cards): [k, l] = search_pair(cards) for i in range(l + 1, 5): if (cards[i] & 0xF00) == (cards[l] & 0xF00): return [k, l, i] return [] # Search for Four of a Kind combination def search_fourKind(cards): [k, l] = search_pair(cards) if k != 0: return 1 else: for i in range(1, 5): if (cards[i] & 0xF00) != (cards[0] & 0xF00): return i ########### / SEARCH ########### ########### ACTION DEPENDS HAND RANK ########### # For Four of a Kind: Keep the four of a kind a throw the rest away if rank == 2: worse_cards = [ Card.int_to_str(poker_hand[search_fourKind(poker_hand)]) ] # For Three of a Kind: Keep the three of a kind and throw the rest away elif rank == 6: keep_cards = set(search_threeKind(poker_hand)) throw_away = filter(lambda x: x not in keep_cards, card_range) worse_cards = [ Card.int_to_str(poker_hand[throw_away[0]]), Card.int_to_str(poker_hand[throw_away[1]]) ] # For Two Pair: Keep the two pair and throw the rest away elif rank == 7: keep_cards = set(search_twoPair(poker_hand)) throw_away = filter(lambda x: x not in keep_cards, card_range) worse_cards = [Card.int_to_str(poker_hand[throw_away[0]])] # For Pair: Keep the pair and throw the rest away elif rank == 8: keep_cards = set(search_pair(poker_hand)) throw_away = filter(lambda x: x not in keep_cards, card_range) worse_cards = [ Card.int_to_str(poker_hand[throw_away[0]]), Card.int_to_str(poker_hand[throw_away[1]]), Card.int_to_str(poker_hand[throw_away[2]]) ] # For High Card: Keep the high card and throw the rest away elif rank == 9: keep_cards = [search_highCard(poker_hand)] throw_away = filter(lambda x: x not in keep_cards, card_range) worse_cards = [ Card.int_to_str(poker_hand[throw_away[0]]), Card.int_to_str(poker_hand[throw_away[1]]), Card.int_to_str(poker_hand[throw_away[2]]), Card.int_to_str(poker_hand[throw_away[3]]) ] ########### / ACTION ########### # Create string of thrown away cards: for i in range(0, len(worse_cards)): thrown_cards += worse_cards[i] + ' ' print('Weakest cards are thrown away: ' + thrown_cards) return thrown_cards
def fget(self): return [Card.int_to_str(card) for card in self._board._cards]
def print_cards(cards, rank_class): s = [] for x in cards: s.append(Card.int_to_str(x)) print(s, rank_class)
def _update_hand(self, hand): for i in range(2): self.ids["public_card" + str(i)].set_card(Card.int_to_str(hand[i])) self.ids["public_card" + str(i)].show_card_to_all()