Example #1
def GetBusNumberToDeviceTreeMap(fast=True):
    """Gets devices currently attached.

    fast [bool]: whether to do it fast (only get description, not
    the whole dictionary, from lsusb)

    map of {bus number: bus object}
    where the bus object has all the devices attached to it in a tree.
    if fast:
        info_map = {}
        for line in lsusb.raw_lsusb().splitlines():
            match = _LSUSB_BUS_DEVICE_RE.match(line)
            if match:
                info_map[(int(match.group(1)), int(match.group(2)))] = ({
        info_map = {((int(line['bus']), int(line['device']))): line
                    for line in _GetParsedLSUSBOutput()}

    tree = {}
    bus_num = -1
    for line in _GetUSBDevicesOutput().splitlines():
        match = _T_LINE_REGEX.match(line)
        if match:
            bus_num = int(match.group('bus'))
            parent_num = int(match.group('prnt'))
            # usb-devices starts counting ports from 0, so add 1
            port_num = int(match.group('port')) + 1
            device_num = int(match.group('dev'))

            # create new bus if necessary
            if bus_num not in tree:
                tree[bus_num] = USBBusNode(bus_num=bus_num)

            # create the new device
            new_device = USBDeviceNode(bus_num=bus_num,
                                       info=info_map[(bus_num, device_num)])

            # add device to bus
            if parent_num != 0:
                    port_num, new_device)
                tree[bus_num].AddChild(port_num, new_device)

        match = _S_LINE_REGEX.match(line)
        if match:
            if bus_num == -1:
                raise ValueError('S line appears before T line in input file')
            # put the serial number in the device
            tree[bus_num].FindDeviceNumber(device_num).serial = match.group(

    return tree
def GetBusNumberToDeviceTreeMap(fast=True):
  """Gets devices currently attached.

    fast [bool]: whether to do it fast (only get description, not
    the whole dictionary, from lsusb)

    map of {bus number: bus object}
    where the bus object has all the devices attached to it in a tree.
  if fast:
    info_map = {}
    for line in lsusb.raw_lsusb().splitlines():
      match = _LSUSB_BUS_DEVICE_RE.match(line)
      if match:
        info_map[(int(match.group(1)), int(match.group(2)))] = (
    info_map = {((int(line['bus']), int(line['device']))): line
                for line in _GetParsedLSUSBOutput()}

  tree = {}
  bus_num = -1
  for line in _GetUSBDevicesOutput().splitlines():
    match = _T_LINE_REGEX.match(line)
    if match:
      bus_num = int(match.group('bus'))
      parent_num = int(match.group('prnt'))
      # usb-devices starts counting ports from 0, so add 1
      port_num = int(match.group('port')) + 1
      device_num = int(match.group('dev'))

      # create new bus if necessary
      if bus_num not in tree:
        tree[bus_num] = USBBusNode(bus_num=bus_num)

      # create the new device
      new_device = USBDeviceNode(bus_num=bus_num,
                                 info=info_map.get((bus_num, device_num),
                                                   {'desc': 'NOT AVAILABLE'}))

      # add device to bus
      if parent_num != 0:
            port_num, new_device)
        tree[bus_num].AddChild(port_num, new_device)

    match = _S_LINE_REGEX.match(line)
    if match:
      if bus_num == -1:
        raise ValueError('S line appears before T line in input file')
      # put the serial number in the device
      tree[bus_num].FindDeviceNumber(device_num).serial = match.group('serial')

  return tree