Example #1
    def _build_dag(self, cgroups, prefix):
        A DAG representing the data dependences across the ClusterGroups within
        a given scope.
        prefix = {i.dim for i in as_tuple(prefix)}

        dag = DAG(nodes=cgroups)
        for n, cg0 in enumerate(cgroups):
            for cg1 in cgroups[n + 1:]:
                # A Scope to compute all cross-ClusterGroup anti-dependences
                rule = lambda i: i.is_cross
                scope = Scope(exprs=cg0.exprs + cg1.exprs, rules=rule)

                # Optimization: we exploit the following property:
                # no prefix => (edge <=> at least one (any) dependence)
                # to jump out of this potentially expensive loop as quickly as possible
                if not prefix and any(scope.d_all_gen()):
                    dag.add_edge(cg0, cg1)

                # Anti-dependences along `prefix` break the execution flow
                # (intuitively, "the loop nests are to be kept separated")
                # * All ClusterGroups between `cg0` and `cg1` must precede `cg1`
                # * All ClusterGroups after `cg1` cannot precede `cg1`
                elif any(i.cause & prefix for i in scope.d_anti_gen()):
                    for cg2 in cgroups[n:cgroups.index(cg1)]:
                        dag.add_edge(cg2, cg1)
                    for cg2 in cgroups[cgroups.index(cg1) + 1:]:
                        dag.add_edge(cg1, cg2)

                # Any anti- and iaw-dependences impose that `cg1` follows `cg0`
                # while not being its immediate successor (unless it already is),
                # to avoid they are fused together (thus breaking the dependence)
                # TODO: the "not being its immediate successor" part *seems* to be
                # a work around to the fact that any two Clusters characterized
                # by anti-dependence should have been given a different stamp,
                # and same for guarded Clusters, but that is not the case (yet)
                elif any(scope.d_anti_gen()) or\
                        any(i.is_iaw for i in scope.d_output_gen()):
                    dag.add_edge(cg0, cg1)
                    index = cgroups.index(cg1) - 1
                    if index > n and self._key(cg0) == self._key(cg1):
                        dag.add_edge(cg0, cgroups[index])
                        dag.add_edge(cgroups[index], cg1)

                # Any flow-dependences along an inner Dimension (i.e., a Dimension
                # that doesn't appear in `prefix`) impose that `cg1` follows `cg0`
                elif any(not (i.cause and i.cause & prefix)
                         for i in scope.d_flow_gen()):
                    dag.add_edge(cg0, cg1)

                # Clearly, output dependences must be honored
                elif any(scope.d_output_gen()):
                    dag.add_edge(cg0, cg1)

        return dag
Example #2
    def _build_dag(self, cgroups, prefix):
        A DAG captures data dependences between ClusterGroups up to the iteration
        space depth dictated by ``prefix``.

        Consider two ClusterGroups `c0` and `c1`, and ``prefix=[i]``.

        1) cg0 := b[i, j] = ...
           cg1 := ... = ... b[i, j] ...
           Non-carried flow-dependence, so `cg1` must go after `cg0`.

        2) cg0 := b[i, j] = ...
           cg1 := ... = ... b[i, j-1] ...
           Carried flow-dependence in `j`, so `cg1` must go after `cg0`.

        3) cg0 := b[i, j] = ...
           cg1 := ... = ... b[i, j+1] ...
           Carried anti-dependence in `j`, so `cg1` must go after `cg0`.

        4) cg0 := b[i, j] = ...
           cg1 := ... = ... b[i-1, j+1] ...
           Carried flow-dependence in `i`, so `cg1` can safely go before or after
           `cg0`. Note: the `j+1` in `cg1` has no impact -- the actual dependence
           betweeb `b[i, j]` and `b[i-1, j+1]` is along `i`.
        prefix = {i.dim for i in as_tuple(prefix)}

        dag = DAG(nodes=cgroups)
        for n, cg0 in enumerate(cgroups):
            for cg1 in cgroups[n + 1:]:
                rule = lambda i: i.is_cross  # Only retain dep if cross-ClusterGroup
                scope = Scope(exprs=cg0.exprs + cg1.exprs, rules=rule)

                # Optimization: we exploit the following property:
                # no prefix => (edge <=> at least one (any) dependence)
                # To jump out of this potentially expensive loop as quickly as possible
                if not prefix and any(scope.d_all_gen()):
                    dag.add_edge(cg0, cg1)

                # Handle anti-dependences
                if any(i.cause & prefix for i in scope.d_anti_gen()):
                    # Anti-dependences break the execution flow
                    # i) ClusterGroups between `cg0` and `cg1` must precede `cg1`
                    for cg2 in cgroups[n:cgroups.index(cg1)]:
                        dag.add_edge(cg2, cg1)
                    # ii) ClusterGroups after `cg1` cannot precede `cg1`
                    for cg2 in cgroups[cgroups.index(cg1) + 1:]:
                        dag.add_edge(cg1, cg2)
                elif any(scope.d_anti_gen()):
                    dag.add_edge(cg0, cg1)

                # Flow-dependences along one of the `prefix` Dimensions can
                # be ignored; all others require sequentialization
                if any(not (i.cause and i.cause & prefix)
                       for i in scope.d_flow_gen()):
                    dag.add_edge(cg0, cg1)

                # Handle increment-after-write dependences
                if any(i.is_iaw for i in scope.d_output_gen()):
                    dag.add_edge(cg0, cg1)

        return dag