Example #1
    def run(expr):
        # Return semantic (rebuilt expression, factorization candidates)

        if expr.is_Number or expr.is_Symbol:
            return expr, [expr]
        elif expr.is_Indexed or expr.is_Atom:
            return expr, []
        elif expr.is_Add:
            rebuilt, candidates = zip(*[run(arg) for arg in expr.args])

            w_numbers = [i for i in rebuilt if any(j.is_Number for j in i.args)]
            wo_numbers = [i for i in rebuilt if i not in w_numbers]

            w_numbers = collect_const(expr.func(*w_numbers))
            wo_numbers = expr.func(*wo_numbers)

            if aggressive is True and wo_numbers:
                for i in flatten(candidates):
                    wo_numbers = collect(wo_numbers, i)

            rebuilt = expr.func(w_numbers, wo_numbers)
            return rebuilt, []
        elif expr.is_Mul:
            rebuilt, candidates = zip(*[run(arg) for arg in expr.args])
            rebuilt = collect_const(expr.func(*rebuilt))
            return rebuilt, flatten(candidates)
        elif expr.is_Equality:
            rebuilt, candidates = zip(*[run(expr.lhs), run(expr.rhs)])
            return expr.func(*rebuilt, evaluate=False), flatten(candidates)
            rebuilt, candidates = zip(*[run(arg) for arg in expr.args])
            return expr.func(*rebuilt), flatten(candidates)
Example #2
    def wrapper(self, state, **kwargs):
        # Invoke the DSE pass on each Cluster
        tic = time()
        state.update(flatten([func(self, c, state.template, **kwargs)
                              for c in state.clusters]))
        toc = time()

        # Profiling
        key = '%s%d' % (func.__name__, len(state.timings))
        state.timings[key] = toc - tic
        if self.profile:
            candidates = [c.exprs for c in state.clusters if c.is_dense]
            state.ops[key] = estimate_cost(flatten(candidates))
Example #3
 def _C_make_dataobj(self, data):
     A ctypes object representing the DiscreteFunction that can be passed to
     an Operator.
     dataobj = byref(self._C_ctype._type_())
     dataobj._obj.data = data.ctypes.data_as(c_void_p)
     dataobj._obj.size = (c_int*self.ndim)(*data.shape)
     # MPI-related fields
     dataobj._obj.npsize = (c_int*self.ndim)(*[i - sum(j) for i, j in
                                               zip(data.shape, self._size_padding)])
     dataobj._obj.dsize = (c_int*self.ndim)(*self._size_domain)
     dataobj._obj.hsize = (c_int*(self.ndim*2))(*flatten(self._size_halo))
     dataobj._obj.hofs = (c_int*(self.ndim*2))(*flatten(self._offset_halo))
     dataobj._obj.oofs = (c_int*(self.ndim*2))(*flatten(self._offset_owned))
     return dataobj
Example #4
    def visit_Operator(self, o):
        # Kernel signature and body
        body = flatten(self._visit(i) for i in o.children)
        decls = self._args_decl(o.parameters)
        signature = c.FunctionDeclaration(c.Value(o.retval, o.name), decls)
        retval = [c.Statement("return 0")]
        kernel = c.FunctionBody(signature, c.Block(body + retval))

        # Elemental functions
        esigns = []
        efuncs = [blankline]
        for i in o._func_table.values():
            if i.local:
                esigns.append(c.FunctionDeclaration(c.Value(i.root.retval, i.root.name),
                efuncs.extend([i.root.ccode, blankline])

        # Header files, extra definitions, ...
        header = [c.Line(i) for i in o._headers]
        includes = [c.Include(i, system=False) for i in o._includes]
        includes += [blankline]
        cdefs = [i._C_typedecl for i in o.parameters if i._C_typedecl is not None]
        cdefs = filter_sorted(cdefs, key=lambda i: i.tpname)
        if o._compiler.src_ext == 'cpp':
            cdefs += [c.Extern('C', signature)]
        cdefs = [i for j in cdefs for i in (j, blankline)]

        return c.Module(header + includes + cdefs +
                        esigns + [blankline, kernel] + efuncs)
Example #5
def set_dle_mode(mode):
    if not mode:
        return mode, {}
    elif isinstance(mode, str):
        return mode, {}
    elif isinstance(mode, tuple):
        if len(mode) == 0:
            return 'noop', {}
        elif isinstance(mode[-1], dict):
            if len(mode) == 2:
                return mode
                return tuple(flatten(i.split(',') for i in mode[:-1])), mode[-1]
            return tuple(flatten(i.split(',') for i in mode)), {}
    raise TypeError("Illegal DLE mode %s." % str(mode))
Example #6
def xreplace_indices(exprs, mapper, key=None, only_rhs=False):
    Replace array indices in expressions.

    exprs : expr-like or list of expr-like
        One or more expressions to which the replacement is applied.
    mapper : dict
        The substitution rules.
    key : list of symbols or callable
        An escape hatch to rule out some objects from the replacement.
        If a list, apply the replacement to the symbols in ``key`` only. If a
        callable, apply the replacement to a symbol S if and only if ``key(S)``
        gives True.
    only_rhs : bool, optional
        If True, apply the replacement to Eq right-hand sides only.
    get = lambda i: i.rhs if only_rhs is True else i
    handle = flatten(retrieve_indexed(get(i)) for i in as_tuple(exprs))
    if isinstance(key, Iterable):
        handle = [i for i in handle if i.base.label in key]
    elif callable(key):
        handle = [i for i in handle if key(i)]
    mapper = dict(zip(handle, [i.xreplace(mapper) for i in handle]))
    replaced = [i.xreplace(mapper) for i in as_tuple(exprs)]
    return replaced if isinstance(exprs, Iterable) else replaced[0]
Example #7
 def unknown(self):
     Return all symbols appearing in self for which a node is not available.
     known = {v.function for v in self.values()}
     reads = set([i.function for i in
                  flatten(retrieve_terminals(v.rhs) for v in self.values())])
     return reads - known
Example #8
    def __init__(self, exprs, **kwargs):
        # Always convert to SSA
        exprs = makeit_ssa(exprs)
        mapper = OrderedDict([(i.lhs, i) for i in exprs])
        assert len(set(mapper)) == len(exprs), "not SSA Cluster?"

        # Construct the Nodes, tracking reads and readby
        tensor_map = DefaultOrderedDict(list)
        for i in mapper:
        reads = DefaultOrderedDict(set)
        readby = DefaultOrderedDict(set)
        for k, v in mapper.items():
            handle = retrieve_terminals(v.rhs)
            for i in list(handle):
                if i.is_Indexed:
                    for idx in i.indices:
                        handle |= retrieve_terminals(idx)
            reads[k].update(set(flatten([tensor_map.get(as_symbol(i), [])
                                         for i in handle])))
            for i in reads[k]:

        # Make sure read-after-writes are honored for scalar nodes
        processed = [i for i in mapper if i.is_Indexed]
        queue = [i for i in mapper if i not in processed]
        while queue:
            k = queue.pop(0)
            if not readby[k] or k in readby[k]:
                processed.insert(0, k)
            elif all(i in processed for i in readby[k]):
                index = min(processed.index(i) for i in readby[k])
                processed.insert(index, k)

        # Build up the FlowGraph
        nodes = [(i, Node(mapper[i], reads=reads[i], readby=readby[i]))
                 for i in processed]
        super(FlowGraph, self).__init__(nodes, **kwargs)

        # Determine indices along the space and time dimensions
        terms = [v for k, v in self.items() if v.is_Tensor and not q_indirect(k)]
        indices = filter_ordered(flatten([i.function.indices for i in terms]))
        self.space_indices = tuple(i for i in indices if i.is_Space)
        self.time_indices = tuple(i for i in indices if i.is_Time)
Example #9
def estimate_cost(expr, estimate_functions=False):
    Estimate the operation count of an expression.

    expr : expr-like or list of expr-like
        One or more expressions for which the operation count is calculated.
    estimate_functions : dict, optional
        A mapper from known functions (e.g., sin, cos) to (estimated) operation counts.
    external_functions = {sin: 50, cos: 50}
        # Is it a plain SymPy object ?
    except TypeError:
        expr = [expr]
        # Is it a dict ?
        expr = expr.values()
    except AttributeError:
            # Must be a list of dicts then
            expr = flatten([i.values() for i in expr])
        except AttributeError:
        # At this point it must be a list of SymPy objects
        # We don't use SymPy's count_ops because we do not count integer arithmetic
        # (e.g., array index functions such as i+1 in A[i+1])
        # Also, the routine below is *much* faster than count_ops
        expr = [i.rhs if i.is_Equality else i for i in expr]
        operations = flatten(retrieve_ops(i) for i in expr)
        flops = 0
        for op in operations:
            if op.is_Function:
                if estimate_functions:
                    flops += external_functions.get(op.__class__, 1)
                    flops += 1
                flops += len(op.args) - (1 + sum(True for i in op.args if i.is_Integer))
        return flops
        warning("Cannot estimate cost of %s" % str(expr))
Example #10
def detect_io(exprs, relax=False):
    ``{exprs} -> ({reads}, {writes})``

    exprs : expr-like or list of expr-like
        The searched expressions.
    relax : bool, optional
        If False, as by default, collect only Constants and Functions.
        Otherwise, collect any Basic object.
    exprs = as_tuple(exprs)
    if relax is False:
        rule = lambda i: i.is_Input
        rule = lambda i: i.is_Scalar or i.is_Tensor

    # Don't forget this nasty case, with indirections on the LHS:
    # >>> u[t, a[x]] = f[x]  -> (reads={a, f}, writes={u})

    roots = []
    for i in exprs:
        except AttributeError:
            # E.g., FunctionFromPointer

    reads = []
    terminals = flatten(retrieve_terminals(i, deep=True) for i in roots)
    for i in terminals:
        candidates = i.free_symbols
        except AttributeError:
        for j in candidates:
                if rule(j):
            except AttributeError:

    writes = []
    for i in exprs:
            f = i.lhs.function
        except AttributeError:
        if rule(f):

    return filter_sorted(reads), filter_sorted(writes)
Example #11
 def _dist_scatter_mask(self):
     A mask to index into ``self.data``, which creates a new data array that
     logically contains N consecutive groups of sparse data values, where N
     is the number of MPI ranks. The i-th group contains the sparse data
     values accessible by the i-th MPI rank.  Thus, sparse data values along
     the boundary of two or more MPI ranks are duplicated.
     dmap = self._dist_datamap
     mask = np.array(flatten(dmap[i] for i in sorted(dmap)), dtype=int)
     ret = [slice(None) for i in range(self.ndim)]
     ret[self._sparse_position] = mask
     return tuple(ret)
Example #12
def fold_blockable_tree(node, blockinner=True):
    Create IterationFolds from sequences of nested Iterations.
    mapper = {}
    for k, v in FindAdjacent(Iteration).visit(node).items():
        for i in v:
            # Pre-condition: they all must be perfect iterations
            assert len(i) > 1
            if any(not IsPerfectIteration().visit(j) for j in i):
            # Only retain consecutive trees having same depth
            trees = [retrieve_iteration_tree(j)[0] for j in i]
            handle = []
            for j in trees:
                if len(j) != len(trees[0]):
            trees = handle
            if not trees:
            # Check foldability
            pairwise_folds = list(zip(*reversed(trees)))
            if any(not is_foldable(j) for j in pairwise_folds):
            # Maybe heuristically exclude innermost Iteration
            if blockinner is False:
                pairwise_folds = pairwise_folds[:-1]
            # Perhaps there's nothing to fold
            if len(pairwise_folds) == 1:
            # TODO: we do not currently support blocking if any of the foldable
            # iterations writes to user data (need min/max loop bounds?)
            exprs = flatten(FindNodes(Expression).visit(j.root) for j in trees[:-1])
            if any(j.write.is_Input for j in exprs):
            # Perform folding
            for j in pairwise_folds:
                root, remainder = j[0], j[1:]
                folds = [(tuple(y-x for x, y in zip(i.offsets, root.offsets)), i.nodes)
                         for i in remainder]
                mapper[root] = IterationFold(folds=folds, **root.args)
                for k in remainder:
                    mapper[k] = None

    # Insert the IterationFolds in the Iteration/Expression tree
    processed = Transformer(mapper, nested=True).visit(node)

    return processed
Example #13
    def visit_Iteration(self, o):
        body = flatten(self._visit(i) for i in o.children)

        # Start
        if o.offsets[0] != 0:
            _min = str(o.limits[0] + o.offsets[0])
                _min = eval(_min)
            except (NameError, TypeError):
            _min = o.limits[0]

        # Bound
        if o.offsets[1] != 0:
            _max = str(o.limits[1] + o.offsets[1])
                _max = eval(_max)
            except (NameError, TypeError):
            _max = o.limits[1]

        # For backward direction flip loop bounds
        if o.direction == Backward:
            loop_init = 'int %s = %s' % (o.index, ccode(_max))
            loop_cond = '%s >= %s' % (o.index, ccode(_min))
            loop_inc = '%s -= %s' % (o.index, o.limits[2])
            loop_init = 'int %s = %s' % (o.index, ccode(_min))
            loop_cond = '%s <= %s' % (o.index, ccode(_max))
            loop_inc = '%s += %s' % (o.index, o.limits[2])

        # Append unbounded indices, if any
        if o.uindices:
            uinit = ['%s = %s' % (i.name, ccode(i.symbolic_min)) for i in o.uindices]
            loop_init = c.Line(', '.join([loop_init] + uinit))
            ustep = ['%s = %s' % (i.name, ccode(i.symbolic_incr)) for i in o.uindices]
            loop_inc = c.Line(', '.join([loop_inc] + ustep))

        # Create For header+body
        handle = c.For(loop_init, loop_cond, loop_inc, c.Block(body))

        # Attach pragmas, if any
        if o.pragmas:
            handle = c.Module(o.pragmas + (handle,))

        return handle
Example #14
    def _index_matrix(self, offset):
        # Note about the use of *memoization*
        # Since this method is called by `_interpolation_indices`, using
        # memoization avoids a proliferation of symbolically identical
        # ConditionalDimensions for a given set of indirection indices

        # List of indirection indices for all adjacent grid points
        index_matrix = [tuple(idx + ii + offset for ii, idx
                              in zip(inc, self._coordinate_indices))
                        for inc in self._point_increments]

        # A unique symbol for each indirection index
        indices = filter_ordered(flatten(index_matrix))
        points = OrderedDict([(p, Symbol(name='ii_%s_%d' % (self.name, i)))
                              for i, p in enumerate(indices)])

        return index_matrix, points
Example #15
 def handle_indexed(indexed):
     relation = []
     for i in indexed.indices:
             maybe_dim = split_affine(i).var
             if isinstance(maybe_dim, Dimension):
         except ValueError:
             # Maybe there are some nested Indexeds (e.g., the situation is A[B[i]])
             nested = flatten(handle_indexed(n) for n in retrieve_indexed(i))
             if nested:
                 # Fallback: Just insert all the Dimensions we find, regardless of
                 # what the user is attempting to do
                 relation.extend([d for d in filter_sorted(i.free_symbols)
                                  if isinstance(d, Dimension)])
     return tuple(relation)
Example #16
def st_section(stree):
    Add NodeSections to a ScheduleTree. A NodeSection, or simply "section",
    defines a sub-tree with the following properties:

        * The root is a node of type NodeSection;
        * The immediate children of the root are nodes of type NodeIteration;
        * The Dimensions of the immediate children are either:
            * identical, OR
            * different, but all of type SubDimension;
        * The Dimension of the immediate children cannot be a TimeDimension.

    class Section(object):
        def __init__(self, node):
            self.parent = node.parent
            self.dim = node.dim
            self.nodes = [node]

        def is_compatible(self, node):
            return self.parent == node.parent and self.dim.root == node.dim.root

    # Search candidate sections
    sections = []
    for i in range(stree.height):
        # Find all sections at depth `i`
        section = None
        for n in findall(stree, filter_=lambda n: n.depth == i):
            if any(p in flatten(s.nodes for s in sections) for p in n.ancestors):
                # Already within a section
            elif not n.is_Iteration or n.dim.is_Time:
                section = None
            elif section is None or not section.is_compatible(n):
                section = Section(n)

    # Transform the schedule tree by adding in sections
    for i in sections:
        insert(NodeSection(), i.parent, i.nodes)

    return stree
Example #17
    def instrument(self, iet):
        Enrich the Iteration/Expression tree ``iet`` adding nodes for C-level
        performance profiling. In particular, turn all :class:`Section`s within ``iet``
        into :class:`TimedList`s.
        sections = FindNodes(Section).visit(iet)
        for section in sections:
            bundles = FindNodes(ExpressionBundle).visit(section)

            # Total operation count
            ops = sum(i.ops for i in bundles)

            # Operation count at each section iteration
            sops = sum(estimate_cost(i.expr) for i in flatten(b.exprs for b in bundles))

            # Total memory traffic
            mapper = {}
            for i in bundles:
                for k, v in i.traffic.items():
                    mapper.setdefault(k, []).append(v)
            traffic = [IntervalGroup.generate('merge', *i) for i in mapper.values()]
            traffic = sum(i.size for i in traffic)

            # Each ExpressionBundle lives in its own iteration space
            itershapes = [i.shape for i in bundles]

            # Track how many grid points are written within `section`
            points = []
            for i in bundles:
                writes = {e.write for e in i.exprs
                          if e.is_tensor and e.write.is_TimeFunction}
                points.append(reduce(mul, i.shape)*len(writes))
            points = sum(points)

            self._sections[section] = SectionData(ops, sops, points, traffic, itershapes)

        # Transform the Iteration/Expression tree introducing the C-level timers
        mapper = {i: TimedList(timer=self.timer, lname=i.name, body=i) for i in sections}
        iet = Transformer(mapper).visit(iet)

        return iet
Example #18
def compose_nodes(nodes, retrieve=False):
    """Build an IET by nesting ``nodes``."""
    l = list(nodes)
    tree = []

    if not isinstance(l[0], Iteration):
        # Nothing to compose
        body = flatten(l)
        body = List(body=body) if len(body) > 1 else body[0]
        body = l.pop(-1)
        while l:
            handle = l.pop(-1)
            body = handle._rebuild(body, **handle.args_frozen)

    if retrieve is True:
        tree = list(reversed(tree))
        return body, tree
        return body
Example #19
 def visit_Callable(self, o):
     body = flatten(self._visit(i) for i in o.children)
     decls = self._args_decl(o.parameters)
     signature = c.FunctionDeclaration(c.Value(o.retval, o.name), decls)
     return c.FunctionBody(signature, c.Block(body))
Example #20
 def visit_Block(self, o):
     body = flatten(self._visit(i) for i in o.children)
     return c.Module(o.header + (c.Block(body),) + o.footer)
Example #21
 def visit_Section(self, o):
     header = c.Comment("Begin %s" % o.name)
     body = flatten(self._visit(i) for i in o.children)
     footer = c.Comment("End %s" % o.name)
     return c.Module([header] + body + [footer])
Example #22
def cire(cluster, template, mode, options, platform):
    Cross-iteration redundancies elimination.

    cluster : Cluster
        Input Cluster, subject of the optimization pass.
    template : callable
        To build the symbols (temporaries) storing the redundant expressions.
    mode : str
        The transformation mode. Accepted: ['invariants', 'sops'].
        * 'invariants' is for sub-expressions that are invariant w.r.t. one or
          more Dimensions.
        * 'sops' stands for sums-of-products, that is redundancies are searched
          across all expressions in sum-of-product form.
    options : dict
        The optimization mode. Accepted: ['min-storage'].
        * 'min-storage': if True, the pass will try to minimize the amount of
          storage introduced for the tensor temporaries. This might also reduce
          the operation count. On the other hand, this might affect fusion and
          therefore data locality. Defaults to False (legacy).
    platform : Platform
        The underlying platform. Used to optimize the shape of the introduced
        tensor symbols.

    1) 'invariants'. Below is an expensive sub-expression invariant w.r.t. `t`

    t0 = (cos(a[x,y,z])*sin(b[x,y,z]))*c[t,x,y,z]


    t1[x,y,z] = cos(a[x,y,z])*sin(b[x,y,z])
    t0 = t1[x,y,z]*c[t,x,y,z]

    2) 'sops'. Below are redundant sub-expressions in sum-of-product form (in this
    case, the sum degenerates to a single product).

    t0 = 2.0*a[x,y,z]*b[x,y,z]
    t1 = 3.0*a[x,y,z+1]*b[x,y,z+1]


    t2[x,y,z] = a[x,y,z]*b[x,y,z]
    t0 = 2.0*t2[x,y,z]
    t1 = 3.0*t2[x,y,z+1]
    # Sanity checks
    assert mode in ['invariants', 'sops']
    assert all(i > 0 for i in options['cire-repeats'].values())

    # Relevant options
    min_storage = options['min-storage']

    # Setup callbacks
    def callbacks_invariants(context, *args):
        extractor = make_is_time_invariant(context)
        model = lambda e: estimate_cost(e, True) >= MIN_COST_ALIAS_INV
        ignore_collected = lambda g: False
        selector = lambda c, n: c >= MIN_COST_ALIAS_INV and n >= 1
        return extractor, model, ignore_collected, selector

    def callbacks_sops(context, n):
        # The `depth` determines "how big" the extracted sum-of-products will be.
        # We observe that in typical FD codes:
        #   add(mul, mul, ...) -> stems from first order derivative
        #   add(mul(add(mul, mul, ...), ...), ...) -> stems from second order derivative
        # To catch the former, we would need `depth=1`; for the latter, `depth=3`
        depth = 2 * n + 1

        extractor = lambda e: q_sum_of_product(e, depth)
        model = lambda e: not (q_leaf(e) or q_terminalop(e, depth - 1))
        ignore_collected = lambda g: len(g) <= 1
        selector = lambda c, n: c >= MIN_COST_ALIAS and n > 1
        return extractor, model, ignore_collected, selector

    callbacks_mapper = {
        'invariants': callbacks_invariants,
        'sops': callbacks_sops

    # The main CIRE loop
    processed = []
    context = cluster.exprs
    for n in reversed(range(options['cire-repeats'][mode])):
        # Get the callbacks
        extractor, model, ignore_collected, selector = callbacks_mapper[mode](
            context, n)

        # Extract potentially aliasing expressions
        exprs, extracted = extract(cluster, extractor, model, template)
        if not extracted:
            # Do not waste time

        # There can't be Dimension-dependent data dependences with any of
        # the `processed` Clusters, otherwise we would risk either OOB accesses
        # or reading from garbage uncomputed halo
        scope = Scope(exprs=flatten(c.exprs for c in processed) + extracted)
        if not all(i.is_indep() for i in scope.d_all_gen()):

        # Search aliasing expressions
        aliases = collect(extracted, min_storage, ignore_collected)

        # Rule out aliasing expressions with a bad flops/memory trade-off
        chosen, others = choose(exprs, aliases, selector)
        if not chosen:
            # Do not waste time

        # Create Aliases and assign them to Clusters
        clusters, subs = process(cluster, chosen, aliases, template, platform)

        # Rebuild `cluster` so as to use the newly created Aliases
        rebuilt = rebuild(cluster, others, aliases, subs)

        # Prepare for the next round
        cluster = rebuilt
        context = flatten(c.exprs for c in processed) + list(cluster.exprs)


    return processed
Example #23
    def _loop_blocking(self, iet):
        Apply loop blocking to PARALLEL Iteration trees.
        blockinner = bool(self.params.get('blockinner'))
        blockalways = bool(self.params.get('blockalways'))

        # Make sure loop blocking will span as many Iterations as possible
        iet = fold_blockable_tree(iet, blockinner)

        mapper = {}
        efuncs = []
        block_dims = []
        for tree in retrieve_iteration_tree(iet):
            # Is the Iteration tree blockable ?
            iterations = filter_iterations(tree, lambda i: i.is_Parallel)
            if not blockinner:
                iterations = iterations[:-1]
            if len(iterations) <= 1:
            root = iterations[0]
            if not (tree.root.is_Sequential or iet.is_Callable) and not blockalways:
                # Heuristic: avoid polluting the generated code with blocked
                # nests (thus increasing JIT compilation time and affecting
                # readability) if the blockable tree isn't embedded in a
                # sequential loop (e.g., a timestepping loop)

            # Apply loop blocking to `tree`
            interb = []
            intrab = []
            for i in iterations:
                d = BlockDimension(i.dim, name="%s%d_blk" % (i.dim.name, len(mapper)))
                # Build Iteration over blocks
                properties = (PARALLEL,) + ((AFFINE,) if i.is_Affine else ())
                interb.append(Iteration([], d, d.symbolic_max, properties=properties))
                # Build Iteration within a block
                intrab.append(i._rebuild([], limits=(d, d+d.step-1, 1), offsets=(0, 0)))

            # Construct the blocked tree
            blocked = compose_nodes(interb + intrab + [iterations[-1].nodes])
            blocked = unfold_blocked_tree(blocked)

            # Promote to a separate Callable
            dynamic_parameters = flatten((bi.dim, bi.dim.symbolic_size) for bi in interb)
            efunc = make_efunc("bf%d" % len(mapper), blocked, dynamic_parameters)

            # Compute the iteration ranges
            ranges = []
            for i, bi in zip(iterations, interb):
                maxb = i.symbolic_max - (i.symbolic_size % bi.dim.step)
                ranges.append(((i.symbolic_min, maxb, bi.dim.step),
                               (maxb + 1, i.symbolic_max, i.symbolic_max - maxb)))

            # Build Calls to the `efunc`
            body = []
            for p in product(*ranges):
                dynamic_args_mapper = {}
                for bi, (m, M, b) in zip(interb, p):
                    dynamic_args_mapper[bi.dim] = (m, M)
                    dynamic_args_mapper[bi.dim.step] = (b,)
                call = efunc.make_call(dynamic_args_mapper)

            mapper[root] = List(body=body)

        iet = Transformer(mapper).visit(iet)

        return iet, {'dimensions': block_dims, 'efuncs': efuncs,
                     'args': [i.step for i in block_dims]}
Example #24
 def visit_Block(self, o):
     body = flatten(self._visit(i) for i in o.children)
     return c.Module(o.header + (c.Block(body), ) + o.footer)
Example #25
 def _fetch_scope(self, clusters):
     exprs = flatten(c.exprs for c in as_tuple(clusters))
     key = tuple(exprs)
     if key not in self.state.scopes:
         self.state.scopes[key] = Scope(exprs)
     return self.state.scopes[key]
Example #26
 def _fetch_scope(self, clusters):
     key = as_tuple(clusters)
     if key not in self.state.scopes:
         self.state.scopes[key] = Scope(flatten(c.exprs for c in key))
     return self.state.scopes[key]
Example #27
def detect_io(exprs, relax=False):
    ``{exprs} -> ({reads}, {writes})``

    exprs : expr-like or list of expr-like
        The searched expressions.
    relax : bool, optional
        If False, as by default, collect only Constants and Functions.
        Otherwise, collect any Basic object.
    exprs = as_tuple(exprs)
    if relax is False:
        rule = lambda i: i.is_Input
        rule = lambda i: i.is_Scalar or i.is_Tensor

    # Don't forget the nasty case with indirections on the LHS:
    # >>> u[t, a[x]] = f[x]  -> (reads={a, f}, writes={u})

    roots = []
    for i in exprs:
        except AttributeError:
            # E.g., FunctionFromPointer

    reads = []
    terminals = flatten(retrieve_terminals(i, deep=True) for i in roots)
    for i in terminals:
        candidates = set(i.free_symbols)
        except AttributeError:
        for j in candidates:
                if rule(j):
            except AttributeError:

    writes = []
    for i in exprs:
            f = i.lhs.function
        except AttributeError:
            if rule(f):
        except AttributeError:
            # We only end up here after complex IET transformations which make
            # use of composite types
            assert isinstance(i.lhs, FunctionFromPointer)
            f = i.lhs.base.function
            if rule(f):

    return filter_sorted(reads), filter_sorted(writes)
Example #28
 def visit_HaloSpot(self, o):
     body = flatten(self._visit(i) for i in o.children)
     return c.Collection(body)
Example #29
    def generate_loops(self, loop_body):
        """Assuming that the variable order defined in init (#var_order) is the
        order the corresponding dimensions are layout in memory, the last variable
        in that definition should be the fastest varying dimension in the arrays.
        Therefore reverse the list of dimensions, making the last variable in
        #var_order (z in the 3D case) vary in the inner-most loop

        :param loop_body: Statement representing the loop body
        :returns: :class:`cgen.Block` representing the loop
        # Space loops
        if not isinstance(loop_body,
                          cgen.Block) or len(loop_body.contents) > 0:
            if self.cache_blocking is not None:

                loop_body = self.generate_space_loops_blocking(loop_body)
                loop_body = self.generate_space_loops(loop_body)
            loop_body = []
        omp_master = [cgen.Pragma("omp master")
                      ] if self.compiler.openmp else []
        omp_single = [cgen.Pragma("omp single")
                      ] if self.compiler.openmp else []
        omp_parallel = [cgen.Pragma("omp parallel")
                        ] if self.compiler.openmp else []
        omp_for = [cgen.Pragma("omp for schedule(static)")
                   ] if self.compiler.openmp else []
        t_loop_limits = self.time_loop_limits
        t_var = str(self._mapper[self.time_dim])
        cond_op = "<" if self._forward else ">"

        if self.save is not True:
            # To cycle between array elements when we are not saving time history
            time_stepping = self.get_time_stepping()
            time_stepping = []
        if len(loop_body) > 0:
            loop_body = [cgen.Block(omp_for + loop_body)]
        # Statements to be inserted into the time loop before the spatial loop
        pre_stencils = [
            self.time_substitutions(x) for x in self.time_loop_stencils_b
        pre_stencils = [
            self.convert_equality_to_cgen(x) for x in self.time_loop_stencils_b

        # Statements to be inserted into the time loop after the spatial loop
        post_stencils = [
            self.time_substitutions(x) for x in self.time_loop_stencils_a
        post_stencils = [
            self.convert_equality_to_cgen(x) for x in self.time_loop_stencils_a

        if self.profile:
            pre_stencils = list(
                    self.profiler.add_profiling([s], "%s%d" %
                                                (PRE_STENCILS.name, i))
                    for i, s in enumerate(pre_stencils)
            post_stencils = list(
                    self.profiler.add_profiling([s], "%s%d" %
                                                (POST_STENCILS.name, i))
                    for i, s in enumerate(post_stencils)

        initial_block = time_stepping + pre_stencils

        if initial_block:
            initial_block = omp_single + [cgen.Block(initial_block)]

        end_block = post_stencils

        if end_block:
            end_block = omp_single + [cgen.Block(end_block)]

        if self.profile:
            loop_body = self.profiler.add_profiling(loop_body,

        loop_body = cgen.Block(initial_block + loop_body + end_block)

        loop_body = cgen.For(
            cgen.InlineInitializer(cgen.Value("int", t_var),
            t_var + cond_op + str(t_loop_limits[1]),
            t_var + "+=" + str(self._time_step), loop_body)

        # Code to declare the time stepping variables (outside the time loop)
        def_time_step = [
            cgen.Value("int", t_var_def.name)
            for t_var_def in self.time_steppers
        body = def_time_step + omp_parallel + [loop_body]

        return cgen.Block(body)
Example #30
 def visit_Lambda(self, o):
     body = flatten(self._visit(i) for i in o.children)
     captures = [str(i) for i in o.captures]
     decls = [i.inline() for i in self._args_decl(o.parameters)]
     top = c.Line('[%s](%s)' % (', '.join(captures), ', '.join(decls)))
     return LambdaCollection([top, c.Block(body)])
Example #31
 def visit_Callable(self, o):
     body = flatten(self._visit(i) for i in o.children)
     decls = self._args_decl(o.parameters)
     signature = c.FunctionDeclaration(c.Value(o.retval, o.name), decls)
     return c.FunctionBody(signature, c.Block(body))
Example #32
 def visit_List(self, o):
     body = flatten(self._visit(i) for i in o.children)
     return c.Module(o.header + (c.Collection(body), ) + o.footer)
Example #33
 def _call_sendrecv(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
     return Call(name, flatten(args))
Example #34
def rewrite(clusters, mode='advanced'):
    Given a sequence of N Clusters, produce a sequence of M Clusters with reduced
    operation count, with M >= N.

    clusters : list of Cluster
        The Clusters to be transformed.
    mode : str, optional
        The aggressiveness of the rewrite. Accepted:
        - ``noop``: Do nothing.
        - ``basic``: Apply common sub-expressions elimination.
        - ``advanced``: Apply all transformations that will reduce the
                        operation count w/ minimum increase to the memory pressure,
                        namely 'basic', factorization, CIRE for time-invariants only.
        - ``speculative``: Like 'advanced', but apply CIRE also to time-varying
                           sub-expressions, which might further increase the memory
         * ``aggressive``: Like 'speculative', but apply CIRE to any non-trivial
                           sub-expression (i.e., anything that is at least in a
                           sum-of-product form).
                           Further, seek and drop cross-cluster redundancies (this
                           is the only pass that attempts to optimize *across*
                           clusters, rather than within a cluster).
                           The 'aggressive' mode may substantially increase the
                           symbolic processing time; it may or may not reduce the
                           JIT-compilation time; it may or may not improve the
                           overall runtime performance.
    if not (mode is None or isinstance(mode, str)):
        raise ValueError("Parameter 'mode' should be a string, not %s." %

    if mode is None or mode == 'noop':
        return clusters
    elif mode not in dse_registry:
        dse_warning("Unknown rewrite mode(s) %s" % mode)
        return clusters

    # 1) Local optimization
    # ---------------------
    # We use separate rewriters for dense and sparse clusters; sparse clusters have
    # non-affine index functions, thus making it basically impossible, in general,
    # to apply the more advanced DSE passes.
    # Note: the sparse rewriter uses the same template for temporaries as
    # the dense rewriter, thus temporaries are globally unique
    rewriter = modes[mode]()
    fallback = BasicRewriter(False, rewriter.template)

    processed = ClusterGroup(
            rewriter.run(c) if c.is_dense else fallback.run(c)
            for c in clusters))

    # 2) Cluster grouping
    # -------------------
    # Different clusters may have created new (smaller) clusters which are
    # potentially groupable within a single cluster
    processed = groupby(processed)

    # 3)Global optimization
    # ---------------------
    # After grouping, there may be redundancies in one or more clusters. This final
    # pass searches and drops such redundancies
    if mode == 'aggressive':
        processed = cross_cluster_cse(processed)

    return processed.finalize()
Example #35
 def visit_Iteration(self, o):
     symbols = flatten([self._visit(i) for i in o.children])
     symbols += self.rule(o)
     return filter_sorted(symbols, key=attrgetter('name'))
Example #36
 def __expr_finalize__(self, expr):
     """Finalize the Expression initialization."""
     self._expr = expr
     self._reads, _ = detect_io(expr, relax=True)
     self._dimensions = flatten(i.indices for i in self.functions if i.is_Indexed)
     self._dimensions = tuple(filter_ordered(self._dimensions))
Example #37
    def __init__(self, expressions, **kwargs):
        expressions = as_tuple(expressions)

        # Input check
        if any(not isinstance(i, sympy.Eq) for i in expressions):
            raise InvalidOperator("Only SymPy expressions are allowed.")

        self.name = kwargs.get("name", "Kernel")
        subs = kwargs.get("subs", {})
        dse = kwargs.get("dse", configuration['dse'])
        dle = kwargs.get("dle", configuration['dle'])

        # Header files, etc.
        self._headers = list(self._default_headers)
        self._includes = list(self._default_includes)
        self._globals = list(self._default_globals)

        # Required for compilation
        self._compiler = configuration['compiler']
        self._lib = None
        self._cfunction = None

        # References to local or external routines
        self.func_table = OrderedDict()

        # Expression lowering and analysis
        expressions = [LoweredEq(e, subs=subs) for e in expressions]
        self.dtype = retrieve_dtype(expressions)
        self.input = filter_sorted(flatten(e.reads for e in expressions))
        self.output = filter_sorted(flatten(e.writes for e in expressions))
        self.dimensions = filter_sorted(
            flatten(e.dimensions for e in expressions))

        # Group expressions based on their iteration space and data dependences,
        # and apply the Devito Symbolic Engine (DSE) for flop optimization
        clusters = clusterize(expressions)
        clusters = rewrite(clusters, mode=set_dse_mode(dse))

        # Lower Clusters to an Iteration/Expression tree (IET)
        nodes = iet_build(clusters, self.dtype)

        # Introduce C-level profiling infrastructure
        nodes, self.profiler = self._profile_sections(nodes)

        # Translate into backend-specific representation (e.g., GPU, Yask)
        nodes = self._specialize(nodes)

        # Apply the Devito Loop Engine (DLE) for loop optimization
        dle_state = transform(nodes, *set_dle_mode(dle))

        # Update the Operator state based on the DLE
        self.dle_arguments = dle_state.arguments
        self.dle_flags = dle_state.flags
            OrderedDict([(i.name, MetaCall(i, True))
                         for i in dle_state.elemental_functions]))
            i.argument for i in self.dle_arguments
            if isinstance(i.argument, Dimension)

        # Introduce the required symbol declarations
        nodes = iet_insert_C_decls(dle_state.nodes, self.func_table)

        # Insert data and pointer casts for array parameters and profiling structs
        nodes = self._build_casts(nodes)

        # Derive parameters as symbols not defined in the kernel itself
        parameters = self._build_parameters(nodes)

        # Finish instantiation
        super(Operator, self).__init__(self.name, nodes, 'int', parameters, ())
Example #38
 def __add__(self, other):
     return flatten([self, other])
Example #39
def autotune(operator, args, level, mode):
    Operator autotuning.

    operator : Operator
        Input Operator.
    args : dict_like
        The runtime arguments with which `operator` is run.
    level : str
        The autotuning aggressiveness (basic, aggressive). A more aggressive
        autotuning might eventually result in higher performance, though in
        some circumstances it might instead increase the actual runtime.
    mode : str
        The autotuning mode (preemptive, runtime). In preemptive mode, the
        output runtime values supplied by the user to `operator.apply` are
        replaced with shadow copies.
    key = [level, mode]
    accepted = configuration._accepted['autotuning']
    if key not in accepted:
        raise ValueError("The accepted `(level, mode)` combinations are `%s`; "
                         "provided `%s` instead" % (accepted, key))

    # We get passed all the arguments, but the cfunction only requires a subset
    at_args = OrderedDict([(p.name, args[p.name]) for p in operator.parameters])

    # User-provided output data won't be altered in `preemptive` mode
    if mode == 'preemptive':
        output = {i.name: i for i in operator.output}
        copies = {k: output[k]._C_as_ndarray(v).copy()
                  for k, v in args.items() if k in output}
        # WARNING: `copies` keeps references to numpy arrays, which is required
        # to avoid garbage collection to kick in during autotuning and prematurely
        # free the shadow copies handed over to C-land
        at_args.update({k: output[k]._C_make_dataobj(v) for k, v in copies.items()})

    # Disable halo exchanges through MPI_PROC_NULL
    if mode in ['preemptive', 'destructive']:
        for p in operator.parameters:
            if isinstance(p, MPINeighborhood):
                for i in p.fields:
                    setattr(at_args[p.name]._obj, i, MPI.PROC_NULL)
            elif isinstance(p, MPIMsgEnriched):
                at_args.update(MPIMsgEnriched(p.name, p.function, p.halos)._arg_values())
                for i in at_args[p.name]:
                    i.fromrank = MPI.PROC_NULL
                    i.torank = MPI.PROC_NULL

    roots = [operator.body] + [i.root for i in operator._func_table.values()]
    trees = filter_ordered(retrieve_iteration_tree(roots), key=lambda i: i.root)

    # Detect the time-stepping Iteration; shrink its iteration range so that
    # each autotuning run only takes a few iterations
    steppers = {i for i in flatten(trees) if i.dim.is_Time}
    if len(steppers) == 0:
        stepper = None
        timesteps = 1
    elif len(steppers) == 1:
        stepper = steppers.pop()
        timesteps = init_time_bounds(stepper, at_args)
        if timesteps is None:
            return args, {}
        warning("cannot perform autotuning unless there is one time loop; skipping")
        return args, {}

    # Perform autotuning
    timings = {}
    for n, tree in enumerate(trees):
        blockable = [i.dim for i in tree if isinstance(i.dim, BlockDimension)]

        # Tunable arguments
            tunable = []
            tunable.append(generate_block_shapes(blockable, args, level))
            tunable.append(generate_nthreads(operator.nthreads, args, level))
            tunable = list(product(*tunable))
        except ValueError:
            # Some arguments are cumpolsory, otherwise autotuning is skipped

        # Symbolic number of loop-blocking blocks per thread
        nblocks_per_thread = calculate_nblocks(tree, blockable) / operator.nthreads

        for bs, nt in tunable:
            # Can we safely autotune over the given time range?
            if not check_time_bounds(stepper, at_args, args, mode):

            # Update `at_args` to use the new tunable arguments
            run = [(k, v) for k, v in bs + nt if k in at_args]

            # Drop run if not at least one block per thread
            if not configuration['develop-mode'] and nblocks_per_thread.subs(at_args) < 1:

            # Make sure we remain within stack bounds, otherwise skip run
                stack_footprint = operator._mem_summary['stack']
                if int(evaluate(stack_footprint, **at_args)) > options['stack_limit']:
            except TypeError:
                warning("couldn't determine stack size; skipping run %s" % str(i))
            except AttributeError:
                assert stack_footprint == 0

            # Run the Operator
            elapsed = operator._profiler.timer.total

            timings.setdefault(nt, OrderedDict()).setdefault(n, {})[bs] = elapsed
            log("run <%s> took %f (s) in %d timesteps" %
                (','.join('%s=%s' % i for i in run), elapsed, timesteps))

            # Prepare for the next autotuning run
            update_time_bounds(stepper, at_args, timesteps, mode)

            # Reset profiling timers

    # The best variant is the one that for a given number of threads had the minium
    # turnaround time
        runs = 0
        mapper = {}
        for k, v in timings.items():
            for i in v.values():
                runs += len(i)
                mapper.setdefault(nt, []).append(min(i, key=i.get))
        best = min(mapper, key=mapper.get)
        best = OrderedDict(chain(best, *mapper[best]))
        best.pop(None, None)
        log("selected <%s>" % (','.join('%s=%s' % i for i in best.items())))
    except ValueError:
        warning("couldn't perform any runs")
        return args, {}

    # Update the argument list with the tuned arguments

    # In `runtime` mode, some timesteps have been executed already, so we must
    # adjust the time range
    finalize_time_bounds(stepper, at_args, args, mode)

    # Autotuning summary
    summary = {}
    summary['runs'] = runs
    summary['tpr'] = timesteps  # tpr -> timesteps per run
    summary['tuned'] = dict(best)

    return args, summary
Example #40
def cire(cluster, template, mode, options, platform):
    Cross-iteration redundancies elimination.

    cluster : Cluster
        Input Cluster, subject of the optimization pass.
    template : callable
        To build the symbols (temporaries) storing the redundant expressions.
    mode : str
        The transformation mode. Accepted: ['invariants', 'sops'].
        * 'invariants' is for sub-expressions that are invariant w.r.t. one or
          more Dimensions.
        * 'sops' stands for sums-of-products, that is redundancies are searched
          across all expressions in sum-of-product form.
    options : dict
        The optimization mode. Accepted: ['min-storage'].
        * 'min-storage': if True, the pass will try to minimize the amount of
          storage introduced for the tensor temporaries. This might also reduce
          the operation count. On the other hand, this might affect fusion and
          therefore data locality. Defaults to False (legacy).
    platform : Platform
        The underlying platform. Used to optimize the shape of the introduced
        tensor symbols.

    1) 'invariants'. Below is an expensive sub-expression invariant w.r.t. `t`

    t0 = (cos(a[x,y,z])*sin(b[x,y,z]))*c[t,x,y,z]


    t1[x,y,z] = cos(a[x,y,z])*sin(b[x,y,z])
    t0 = t1[x,y,z]*c[t,x,y,z]

    2) 'sops'. Below are redundant sub-expressions in sum-of-product form (in this
    case, the sum degenerates to a single product).

    t0 = 2.0*a[x,y,z]*b[x,y,z]
    t1 = 3.0*a[x,y,z+1]*b[x,y,z+1]


    t2[x,y,z] = a[x,y,z]*b[x,y,z]
    t0 = 2.0*t2[x,y,z]
    t1 = 3.0*t2[x,y,z+1]
    # Sanity checks
    assert mode in ['invariants', 'sops']
    assert all(i > 0 for i in options['cire-repeats'].values())

    # Relevant options
    min_storage = options['min-storage']

    # Setup callbacks
    if mode == 'invariants':
        # Extraction rule
        def extractor(context):
            is_time_invariant = make_is_time_invariant(context)
            return lambda e: is_time_invariant(e)

        # Extraction model
        model = lambda e: estimate_cost(e, True) >= MIN_COST_ALIAS_INV

        # Selection rule
        selector = lambda c, n: c >= MIN_COST_ALIAS_INV and n >= 1

    elif mode == 'sops':
        # Extraction rule
        def extractor(context):
            return lambda e: q_sum_of_product(e)

        # Extraction model
        model = lambda e: not (q_leaf(e) or q_terminalop(e))

        # Selection rule
        selector = lambda c, n: c >= MIN_COST_ALIAS and n > 1

    # Actual CIRE
    processed = []
    context = cluster.exprs
    for _ in range(options['cire-repeats'][mode]):
        # Extract potentially aliasing expressions
        exprs, extracted = extract(cluster, extractor(context), model,
        if not extracted:
            # Do not waste time

        # Search aliasing expressions
        aliases = collect(extracted, min_storage)

        # Rule out aliasing expressions with a bad flops/memory trade-off
        chosen, others = choose(exprs, aliases, selector)
        if not chosen:
            # Do not waste time

        # Create Aliases and assign them to Clusters
        clusters, subs = process(cluster, chosen, aliases, template, platform)

        # Rebuild `cluster` so as to use the newly created Aliases
        rebuilt = rebuild(cluster, others, aliases, subs)

        # Prepare for the next round
        cluster = rebuilt
        context = flatten(c.exprs for c in processed) + list(cluster.exprs)


    return processed
Example #41
def estimate_cost(exprs, estimate=False):
    Estimate the operation count of an expression.

    exprs : expr-like or list of expr-like
        One or more expressions for which the operation count is calculated.
    estimate : bool, optional
        Defaults to False; if True, the following rules are applied:
            * Trascendental functions (e.g., cos, sin, ...) count as 50 ops.
            * Divisions (powers with a negative exponened) count as 25 ops.
    trascendentals_cost = {sin: 50, cos: 50, exp: 50, log: 50}
    pow_cost = 50
    div_cost = 25

        # Is it a plain symbol/array ?
        if exprs.is_AbstractFunction or exprs.is_AbstractSymbol:
            return 0
    except AttributeError:
        # Is it a dict ?
        exprs = exprs.values()
    except AttributeError:
            # Could still be a list of dicts
            exprs = flatten([i.values() for i in exprs])
        except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        # At this point it must be a list of SymPy objects
        # We don't use SymPy's count_ops because we do not count integer arithmetic
        # (e.g., array index functions such as i+1 in A[i+1])
        # Also, the routine below is *much* faster than count_ops
        exprs = [i.rhs if i.is_Equality else i for i in as_tuple(exprs)]
        operations = flatten(retrieve_xops(i) for i in exprs)
        flops = 0
        for op in operations:
            if op.is_Function:
                if estimate:
                    flops += trascendentals_cost.get(op.__class__, 1)
                    flops += 1
            elif op.is_Pow:
                if estimate:
                    if op.exp.is_Number:
                        if op.exp < 0:
                            flops += div_cost
                        elif op.exp == 0:
                            flops += 0
                        elif op.exp.is_Integer:
                            # Natural pows a**b are estimated as b-1 Muls
                            flops += op.exp - 1
                            flops += pow_cost
                        flops += pow_cost
                    flops += 1
                flops += len(
                    op.args) - (1 + sum(True for i in op.args if i.is_Integer))
        return flops
        warning("Cannot estimate cost of `%s`" % str(exprs))
        return 0
def detect_flow_directions(exprs):
    Return a mapper from :class:`Dimension`s to iterables of
    :class:`IterationDirection`s representing the theoretically necessary
    directions to evaluate ``exprs`` so that the information "naturally
    flows" from an iteration to another.
    exprs = as_tuple(exprs)

    writes = [Access(i.lhs, 'W') for i in exprs]
    reads = flatten(retrieve_indexed(i.rhs, mode='all') for i in exprs)
    reads = [Access(i, 'R') for i in reads]

    # Determine indexed-wise direction by looking at the vector distance
    mapper = defaultdict(set)
    for w in writes:
        for r in reads:
            if r.name != w.name:
            dimensions = [d for d in w.aindices if d is not None]
            if not dimensions:
            for d in dimensions:
                distance = None
                for i in d._defines:
                        distance = w.distance(r, i, view=i)
                    except TypeError:
                    if distance > 0:
                    elif distance < 0:
                except TypeError:
                    # Nothing can be deduced
            # Remainder
            for d in dimensions[dimensions.index(d) + 1:]:

    # Add in any encountered Dimension
        d: {Any}
        for d in flatten(i.aindices for i in reads + writes)
        if d is not None and d not in mapper

    # Add in derived-dimensions parents, in case they haven't been detected yet
        k.parent: set(v)
        for k, v in mapper.items()
        if k.is_Derived and mapper.get(k.parent, {Any}) == {Any}

    return mapper
Example #43
 def _call_haloupdate(self, name, f, hse, *args):
     comm = f.grid.distributor._obj_comm
     nb = f.grid.distributor._obj_neighborhood
     args = [f, comm, nb] + list(hse.loc_indices.values())
     return Call(name, flatten(args))
Example #44
    def make_blocking(self, iet):
        Apply loop blocking to PARALLEL Iteration trees.
        # Make sure loop blocking will span as many Iterations as possible
        iet = fold_blockable_tree(iet, self.blockinner)

        mapper = {}
        efuncs = []
        block_dims = []
        for tree in retrieve_iteration_tree(iet):
            # Is the Iteration tree blockable ?
            iterations = filter_iterations(tree, lambda i: i.is_Parallel)
            if not self.blockinner:
                iterations = iterations[:-1]
            if len(iterations) <= 1:
            root = iterations[0]
            if not self.blockalways:
                # Heuristically bypass loop blocking if we think `tree`
                # won't be computationally expensive. This will help with code
                # size/readbility, JIT time, and auto-tuning time
                if not (tree.root.is_Sequential or iet.is_Callable):
                    # E.g., not inside a time-stepping Iteration
                if any(i.dim.is_Sub and i.dim.local for i in tree):
                    # At least an outer Iteration is over a local SubDimension,
                    # which suggests the computational cost of this Iteration
                    # nest will be negligible w.r.t. the "core" Iteration nest
                    # (making use of non-local (Sub)Dimensions only)
            if not IsPerfectIteration().visit(root):
                # Don't know how to block non-perfect nests

            # Apply hierarchical loop blocking to `tree`
            level_0 = []  # Outermost level of blocking
            level_i = [[] for i in range(1, self.nlevels)
                       ]  # Inner levels of blocking
            intra = []  # Within the smallest block
            for i in iterations:
                template = "%s%d_blk%s" % (i.dim.name, self.nblocked, '%d')
                properties = (PARALLEL, ) + ((AFFINE, ) if i.is_Affine else ())

                # Build Iteration across `level_0` blocks
                d = BlockDimension(i.dim, name=template % 0)
                    Iteration([], d, d.symbolic_max, properties=properties))

                # Build Iteration across all `level_i` blocks, `i` in (1, self.nlevels]
                for n, li in enumerate(level_i, 1):
                    di = BlockDimension(d, name=template % n)
                                  limits=(d, d + d.step - 1, di.step),
                    d = di

                # Build Iteration within the smallest block
                               limits=(d, d + d.step - 1, 1),
                               offsets=(0, 0)))
            level_i = flatten(level_i)

            # Track all constructed BlockDimensions
            block_dims.extend(i.dim for i in level_0 + level_i)

            # Construct the blocked tree
            blocked = compose_nodes(level_0 + level_i + intra +
            blocked = unfold_blocked_tree(blocked)

            # Promote to a separate Callable
            dynamic_parameters = flatten((l0.dim, l0.step) for l0 in level_0)
            dynamic_parameters.extend([li.step for li in level_i])
            efunc = make_efunc("bf%d" % self.nblocked, blocked,

            # Compute the iteration ranges
            ranges = []
            for i, l0 in zip(iterations, level_0):
                maxb = i.symbolic_max - (i.symbolic_size % l0.step)
                    ((i.symbolic_min, maxb, l0.step),
                     (maxb + 1, i.symbolic_max, i.symbolic_max - maxb)))

            # Build Calls to the `efunc`
            body = []
            for p in product(*ranges):
                dynamic_args_mapper = {}
                for l0, (m, M, b) in zip(level_0, p):
                    dynamic_args_mapper[l0.dim] = (m, M)
                    dynamic_args_mapper[l0.step] = (b, )
                    for li in level_i:
                        if li.dim.root is l0.dim.root:
                            value = li.step if b is l0.step else b
                            dynamic_args_mapper[li.step] = (value, )
                call = efunc.make_call(dynamic_args_mapper)

            mapper[root] = List(body=body)

            # Next blockable nest, use different (unique) variable/function names
            self.nblocked += 1

        iet = Transformer(mapper).visit(iet)

        # Force-unfold if some folded Iterations haven't been blocked in the end
        iet = unfold_blocked_tree(iet)

        return iet, {
            'dimensions': block_dims,
            'efuncs': efuncs,
            'args': [i.step for i in block_dims]
Example #45
 def visit_List(self, o):
     body = flatten(self._visit(i) for i in o.children)
     return c.Module(o.header + (c.Collection(body),) + o.footer)
Example #46
def autotune(operator, args, level, mode):
    Operator autotuning.

    operator : Operator
        Input Operator.
    args : dict_like
        The runtime arguments with which `operator` is run.
    level : str
        The autotuning aggressiveness (basic, aggressive, max). A more
        aggressive autotuning might eventually result in higher runtime
        performance, but the autotuning phase will take longer.
    mode : str
        The autotuning mode (preemptive, runtime). In preemptive mode, the
        output runtime values supplied by the user to `operator.apply` are
        replaced with shadow copies.
    key = [level, mode]
    accepted = configuration._accepted['autotuning']
    if key not in accepted:
        raise ValueError("The accepted `(level, mode)` combinations are `%s`; "
                         "provided `%s` instead" % (accepted, key))

    # We get passed all the arguments, but the cfunction only requires a subset
    at_args = OrderedDict([(p.name, args[p.name]) for p in operator.parameters])

    # User-provided output data won't be altered in `preemptive` mode
    if mode == 'preemptive':
        output = {i.name: i for i in operator.output}
        copies = {k: output[k]._C_as_ndarray(v).copy()
                  for k, v in args.items() if k in output}
        # WARNING: `copies` keeps references to numpy arrays, which is required
        # to avoid garbage collection to kick in during autotuning and prematurely
        # free the shadow copies handed over to C-land
        at_args.update({k: output[k]._C_make_dataobj(v) for k, v in copies.items()})

    # Disable halo exchanges through MPI_PROC_NULL
    if mode in ['preemptive', 'destructive']:
        for p in operator.parameters:
            if isinstance(p, MPINeighborhood):
                for i in p.fields:
                    setattr(at_args[p.name]._obj, i, MPI.PROC_NULL)
            elif isinstance(p, MPIMsgEnriched):
                at_args.update(MPIMsgEnriched(p.name, p.function, p.halos)._arg_values())
                for i in at_args[p.name]:
                    i.fromrank = MPI.PROC_NULL
                    i.torank = MPI.PROC_NULL

    roots = [operator.body] + [i.root for i in operator._func_table.values()]
    trees = filter_ordered(retrieve_iteration_tree(roots), key=lambda i: i.root)

    # Detect the time-stepping Iteration; shrink its iteration range so that
    # each autotuning run only takes a few iterations
    steppers = {i for i in flatten(trees) if i.dim.is_Time}
    if len(steppers) == 0:
        stepper = None
        timesteps = 1
    elif len(steppers) == 1:
        stepper = steppers.pop()
        timesteps = init_time_bounds(stepper, at_args)
        if timesteps is None:
            return args, {}
        warning("cannot perform autotuning unless there is one time loop; skipping")
        return args, {}

    # Perform autotuning
    timings = {}
    for n, tree in enumerate(trees):
        blockable = [i.dim for i in tree if isinstance(i.dim, BlockDimension)]

        # Tunable arguments
            tunable = []
            tunable.append(generate_block_shapes(blockable, args, level))
            tunable.append(generate_nthreads(operator.nthreads, args, level))
            tunable = list(product(*tunable))
        except ValueError:
            # Some arguments are cumpolsory, otherwise autotuning is skipped

        # Symbolic number of loop-blocking blocks per thread
        nblocks_per_thread = calculate_nblocks(tree, blockable) / operator.nthreads

        for bs, nt in tunable:
            # Can we safely autotune over the given time range?
            if not check_time_bounds(stepper, at_args, args, mode):

            # Update `at_args` to use the new tunable arguments
            run = [(k, v) for k, v in bs + nt if k in at_args]

            # Drop run if not at least one block per thread
            if not configuration['develop-mode'] and nblocks_per_thread.subs(at_args) < 1:

            # Make sure we remain within stack bounds, otherwise skip run
                stack_footprint = operator._mem_summary['stack']
                if int(evaluate(stack_footprint, **at_args)) > options['stack_limit']:
            except TypeError:
                warning("couldn't determine stack size; skipping run %s" % str(i))
            except AttributeError:
                assert stack_footprint == 0

            # Run the Operator
            elapsed = operator._profiler.timer.total

            timings.setdefault(nt, OrderedDict()).setdefault(n, {})[bs] = elapsed
            log("run <%s> took %f (s) in %d timesteps" %
                (','.join('%s=%s' % i for i in run), elapsed, timesteps))

            # Prepare for the next autotuning run
            update_time_bounds(stepper, at_args, timesteps, mode)

            # Reset profiling timers

    # The best variant is the one that for a given number of threads had the minium
    # turnaround time
        runs = 0
        mapper = {}
        for k, v in timings.items():
            for i in v.values():
                runs += len(i)
                record = mapper.setdefault(k, Record())
                record.add(min(i, key=i.get), min(i.values()))
        best = min(mapper, key=mapper.get)
        best = OrderedDict(best + tuple(mapper[best].args))
        best.pop(None, None)
        log("selected <%s>" % (','.join('%s=%s' % i for i in best.items())))
    except ValueError:
        warning("couldn't perform any runs")
        return args, {}

    # Update the argument list with the tuned arguments

    # In `runtime` mode, some timesteps have been executed already, so we must
    # adjust the time range
    finalize_time_bounds(stepper, at_args, args, mode)

    # Autotuning summary
    summary = {}
    summary['runs'] = runs
    summary['tpr'] = timesteps  # tpr -> timesteps per run
    summary['tuned'] = dict(best)

    return args, summary
Example #47
 def visit_Iteration(self, o):
     symbols = flatten([self._visit(i) for i in o.children])
     symbols += self.rule(o)
     return filter_sorted(symbols, key=attrgetter('name'))
Example #48
 def visit_tuple(self, o):
     symbols = flatten([self._visit(i) for i in o])
     return filter_sorted(symbols, key=attrgetter('name'))
Example #49
 def visit_HaloSpot(self, o):
     body = flatten(self._visit(i) for i in o.children)
     return c.Collection(body)
Example #50
 def __new__(cls, clusters, itintervals=None):
     obj = super(ClusterGroup, cls).__new__(cls,
     obj._itintervals = itintervals
     return obj
Example #51
 def visit_tuple(self, o):
     symbols = flatten([self._visit(i) for i in o])
     return filter_sorted(symbols, key=attrgetter('name'))
Example #52
 def exprs(self):
     return flatten(c.exprs for c in self)
Example #53
    def callback(self, clusters, prefix, backlog=None, known_break=None):
        if not prefix:
            return clusters

        known_break = known_break or set()
        backlog = backlog or []

        # Take the innermost Dimension -- no other Clusters other than those in
        # `clusters` are supposed to share it
        candidates = prefix[-1].dim._defines

        scope = Scope(exprs=flatten(c.exprs for c in clusters))

        # Handle the nastiest case -- ambiguity due to the presence of both a
        # flow- and an anti-dependence.
        # Note: in most cases, `scope.d_anti.cause == {}` -- either because
        # `scope.d_anti == {}` or because the few anti dependences are not carried
        # in any Dimension. We exploit this observation so that we only compute
        # `d_flow`, which instead may be expensive, when strictly necessary
        maybe_break = scope.d_anti.cause & candidates
        if len(clusters) > 1 and maybe_break:
            require_break = scope.d_flow.cause & maybe_break
            if require_break:
                backlog = [clusters[-1]] + backlog
                # Try with increasingly smaller ClusterGroups until the ambiguity is gone
                return self.callback(clusters[:-1], prefix, backlog,

        # Schedule Clusters over different IterationSpaces if this increases parallelism
        for i in range(1, len(clusters)):
            if self._break_for_parallelism(scope, candidates, i):
                return self.callback(clusters[:i], prefix,
                                     clusters[i:] + backlog,
                                     candidates | known_break)

        # Compute iteration direction
        idir = {
            d: Backward
            for d in candidates if d.root in scope.d_anti.cause
        if maybe_break:
                d: Forward
                for d in candidates if d.root in scope.d_flow.cause
        idir.update({d: Forward for d in candidates if d not in idir})

        # Enforce iteration direction on each Cluster
        processed = []
        for c in clusters:
            ispace = IterationSpace(c.ispace.intervals, c.ispace.sub_iterators,

        if not backlog:
            return processed

        # Handle the backlog -- the Clusters characterized by flow- and anti-dependences
        # along one or more Dimensions
        idir = {d: Any for d in known_break}
        for i, c in enumerate(list(backlog)):
            ispace = IterationSpace(c.ispace.intervals.lift(known_break),
                                    c.ispace.sub_iterators, {
            dspace = c.dspace.lift(known_break)
            backlog[i] = c.rebuild(ispace=ispace, dspace=dspace)

        return processed + self.callback(backlog, prefix)
Example #54
 def __radd__(self, other):
     return flatten([other, self])
Example #55
 def dimensions(self):
     retval = flatten(i.indices for i in self.functions if i.is_Indexed)
     return tuple(filter_ordered(retval))
Example #56
def make_yask_kernels(iet, **kwargs):
    yk_solns = kwargs.pop('yk_solns')

    mapper = {}
    for n, (section, trees) in enumerate(find_affine_trees(iet).items()):
        dimensions = tuple(filter_ordered(i.dim.root for i in flatten(trees)))

        # Retrieve the section dtype
        exprs = FindNodes(Expression).visit(section)
        dtypes = {e.dtype for e in exprs}
        if len(dtypes) != 1:
            log("Unable to offload in presence of mixed-precision arithmetic")
        dtype = dtypes.pop()

        context = contexts.fetch(dimensions, dtype)

        # A unique name for the 'real' compiler and kernel solutions
        name = namespace['jit-soln'](Signer._digest(configuration,
                                                    *[i.root for i in trees]))

        # Create a YASK compiler solution for this Operator
        yc_soln = context.make_yc_solution(name)

            # Generate YASK vars and populate `yc_soln` with equations
            local_vars = yaskit(trees, yc_soln)

            # Build the new IET nodes
            yk_soln_obj = YASKSolnObject(namespace['code-soln-name'](n))
            funcall = make_sharedptr_funcall(namespace['code-soln-run'],
                                             ['time'], yk_soln_obj)
            funcall = Offloaded(funcall, dtype)
            mapper[trees[0].root] = funcall
            mapper.update({i.root: mapper.get(i.root)
                           for i in trees})  # Drop trees

            # JIT-compile the newly-created YASK kernel
            yk_soln = context.make_yk_solution(name, yc_soln, local_vars)
            yk_solns[(dimensions, yk_soln_obj)] = yk_soln

            # Print some useful information about the newly constructed solution
            log("Solution '%s' contains %d var(s) and %d equation(s)." %
                (yc_soln.get_name(), yc_soln.get_num_vars(),
        except NotImplementedError as e:
            log("Unable to offload a candidate tree. Reason: [%s]" % str(e))
    iet = Transformer(mapper).visit(iet)

    if not yk_solns:
        log("No offloadable trees found")

    # Some Iteration/Expression trees are not offloaded to YASK and may
    # require further processing to be executed through YASK, due to the
    # different storage layout
    yk_var_objs = {
        i.name: YASKVarObject(i.name)
        for i in FindSymbols().visit(iet) if i.from_YASK
    yk_var_objs.update({i: YASKVarObject(i) for i in get_local_vars(yk_solns)})
    iet = make_var_accesses(iet, yk_var_objs)

    # The signature needs to be updated
    # TODO: this could be done automagically through the iet pass engine, but
    # currently it only supports *appending* to the parameters list. While here
    # we actually need to change it as some parameters may disappear (x_m, x_M, ...)
    parameters = derive_parameters(iet, True)
    iet = iet._rebuild(parameters=parameters)

    return iet, {}
Example #57
 def get_data(self, timestep):
     data = flatten([get_symbol_data(s, timestep) for s in self.objects])
     return data
Example #58
    def _build(cls, expressions, **kwargs):
        expressions = as_tuple(expressions)

        # Input check
        if any(not isinstance(i, Evaluable) for i in expressions):
            raise InvalidOperator("Only `devito.Evaluable` are allowed.")

        # Python-level (i.e., compile time) and C-level (i.e., run time) performance
        profiler = create_profile('timers')

        # Lower input expressions
        expressions = cls._lower_exprs(expressions, **kwargs)

        # Group expressions based on iteration spaces and data dependences
        clusters = cls._lower_clusters(expressions, profiler, **kwargs)

        # Lower Clusters to a ScheduleTree
        stree = cls._lower_stree(clusters, **kwargs)

        # Lower ScheduleTree to an Iteration/Expression Tree
        iet, byproduct = cls._lower_iet(stree, profiler, **kwargs)

        # Make it an actual Operator
        op = Callable.__new__(cls, **iet.args)
        Callable.__init__(op, **op.args)

        # Header files, etc.
        op._headers = list(cls._default_headers)
        op._globals = list(cls._default_globals)
        op._includes = list(cls._default_includes)

        # Required for the jit-compilation
        op._compiler = configuration['compiler']
        op._lib = None
        op._cfunction = None

        # References to local or external routines
        op._func_table = OrderedDict()
            OrderedDict([(i, MetaCall(None, False))
                         for i in profiler._ext_calls]))
            OrderedDict([(i.root.name, i) for i in byproduct.funcs]))

        # Internal state. May be used to store information about previous runs,
        # autotuning reports, etc
        op._state = cls._initialize_state(**kwargs)

        # Produced by the various compilation passes
        op._input = filter_sorted(
            flatten(e.reads + e.writes for e in expressions))
        op._output = filter_sorted(flatten(e.writes for e in expressions))
        op._dimensions = filter_sorted(
            flatten(e.dimensions for e in expressions))
        op._dtype, op._dspace = clusters.meta
        op._profiler = profiler

        return op
Example #59
def rewrite(clusters, mode='advanced'):
    Given a sequence of N Clusters, produce a sequence of M Clusters with reduced
    operation count, with M >= N.

    clusters : list of Cluster
        The Clusters to be transformed.
    mode : str, optional
        The aggressiveness of the rewrite. Accepted:
        - ``noop``: Do nothing.
        - ``basic``: Apply common sub-expressions elimination.
        - ``advanced``: Apply all transformations that will reduce the
                        operation count w/ minimum increase to the memory pressure,
                        namely 'basic', factorization, CIRE for time-invariants only.
        - ``speculative``: Like 'advanced', but apply CIRE also to time-varying
                           sub-expressions, which might further increase the memory
         * ``aggressive``: Like 'speculative', but apply CIRE to any non-trivial
                           sub-expression (i.e., anything that is at least in a
                           sum-of-product form).
                           Further, seek and drop cross-cluster redundancies (this
                           is the only pass that attempts to optimize *across*
                           clusters, rather than within a cluster).
                           The 'aggressive' mode may substantially increase the
                           symbolic processing time; it may or may not reduce the
                           JIT-compilation time; it may or may not improve the
                           overall runtime performance.
    if not (mode is None or isinstance(mode, str)):
        raise ValueError("Parameter 'mode' should be a string, not %s." % type(mode))

    if mode is None or mode == 'noop':
        return clusters
    elif mode not in dse_registry:
        dse_warning("Unknown rewrite mode(s) %s" % mode)
        return clusters

    # 1) Local optimization
    # ---------------------
    # We use separate rewriters for dense and sparse clusters; sparse clusters have
    # non-affine index functions, thus making it basically impossible, in general,
    # to apply the more advanced DSE passes.
    # Note: the sparse rewriter uses the same template for temporaries as
    # the dense rewriter, thus temporaries are globally unique
    rewriter = modes[mode]()
    fallback = BasicRewriter(False, rewriter.template)

    processed = ClusterGroup(flatten(rewriter.run(c) if c.is_dense else fallback.run(c)
                                     for c in clusters))

    # 2) Cluster grouping
    # -------------------
    # Different clusters may have created new (smaller) clusters which are
    # potentially groupable within a single cluster
    processed = groupby(processed)

    # 3)Global optimization
    # ---------------------
    # After grouping, there may be redundancies in one or more clusters. This final
    # pass searches and drops such redundancies
    if mode == 'aggressive':
        processed = cross_cluster_cse(processed)

    return processed.finalize()
Example #60
 def _defined_findices(self):
     return set(flatten(i._defines for i in self.findices))