Example #1
def test_sub_dimension_cache():
    Test that SubDimensions with same name but different attributes do not
    alias to the same SubDimension. Conversely, if the name and the attributes
    are the same, they must alias to the same SubDimension.
    x = Dimension('x')
    xi0 = SubDimension.middle('xi', x, 1, 1)
    xi1 = SubDimension.middle('xi', x, 1, 1)
    assert xi0 is xi1

    xl0 = SubDimension.left('xl', x, 2)
    xl1 = SubDimension.left('xl', x, 2)
    assert xl0 is xl1
    xl2asxi = SubDimension.left('xi', x, 2)
    assert xl2asxi is not xl1
    assert xl2asxi is not xi1

    xr0 = SubDimension.right('xr', x, 1)
    xr1 = SubDimension.right('xr', x, 1)
    assert xr0 is xr1
Example #2
    def test_sub_dimension(self):
        """Test that different SubDimensions have different hash value."""
        d0 = Dimension(name='d')
        d1 = Dimension(name='d', spacing=Scalar(name='s'))

        di0 = SubDimension.middle('di', d0, 1, 1)
        di1 = SubDimension.middle('di', d1, 1, 1)
        assert hash(di0) != hash(d0)
        assert hash(di0) != hash(di1)

        dl0 = SubDimension.left('dl', d0, 2)
        assert hash(dl0) != hash(di0)
Example #3
    def test_sub_dimension(self):
        Test that SubDimensions with same name but different attributes do not
        alias to the same SubDimension. Conversely, if the name and the attributes
        are the same, they must alias to the same SubDimension.
        x = Dimension('x')
        xi0 = SubDimension.middle('xi', x, 1, 1)
        xi1 = SubDimension.middle('xi', x, 1, 1)
        assert xi0 is xi1

        xl0 = SubDimension.left('xl', x, 2)
        xl1 = SubDimension.left('xl', x, 2)
        assert xl0 is xl1
        xl2asxi = SubDimension.left('xi', x, 2)
        assert xl2asxi is not xl1
        assert xl2asxi is not xi1

        xr0 = SubDimension.right('xr', x, 1)
        xr1 = SubDimension.right('xr', x, 1)
        assert xr0 is xr1
Example #4
    def test_bcs(self):
        Tests application of an Operator consisting of multiple equations
        defined over different sub-regions, explicitly created through the
        use of :class:`SubDimension`s.
        grid = Grid(shape=(20, 20))
        x, y = grid.dimensions
        t = grid.stepping_dim
        thickness = 4

        u = TimeFunction(name='u',

        xleft = SubDimension.left(name='xleft', parent=x, thickness=thickness)
        xi = SubDimension.middle(name='xi',
        xright = SubDimension.right(name='xright',

        yi = SubDimension.middle(name='yi',

        t_in_centre = Eq(u[t + 1, xi, yi], 1)
        leftbc = Eq(u[t + 1, xleft, yi], u[t + 1, xleft + 1, yi] + 1)
        rightbc = Eq(u[t + 1, xright, yi], u[t + 1, xright - 1, yi] + 1)

        op = Operator([t_in_centre, leftbc, rightbc])

        op.apply(time_m=1, time_M=1)

        assert np.all(u.data[0, :, 0:thickness] == 0.)
        assert np.all(u.data[0, :, -thickness:] == 0.)
        assert all(
            np.all(u.data[0, i, thickness:-thickness] == (thickness + 1 - i))
            for i in range(thickness))
        assert all(
            np.all(u.data[0, -i, thickness:-thickness] == (thickness + 2 - i))
            for i in range(1, thickness + 1))
        assert np.all(u.data[0, thickness:-thickness,
                             thickness:-thickness] == 1.)
Example #5
    def test_symbolic_size(self):
        """Check the symbolic size of all possible SubDimensions is as expected."""
        grid = Grid(shape=(4,))
        x, = grid.dimensions
        thickness = 4

        xleft = SubDimension.left(name='xleft', parent=x, thickness=thickness)
        assert xleft.symbolic_size == xleft.thickness.left[0]

        xi = SubDimension.middle(name='xi', parent=x,
                                 thickness_left=thickness, thickness_right=thickness)
        assert xi.symbolic_size == (x.symbolic_max - x.symbolic_min -
                                    xi.thickness.left[0] - xi.thickness.right[0] + 1)

        xright = SubDimension.right(name='xright', parent=x, thickness=thickness)
        assert xright.symbolic_size == xright.thickness.right[0]
Example #6
    def test_subdimleft_notparallel(self):
        Tests application of an Operator consisting of a subdimension
        defined over different sub-regions, explicitly created through the
        use of :class:`SubDimension`s.

        This tests that flow direction is not being automatically inferred
        from whether the subdimension is on the left or right boundary.
        grid = Grid(shape=(20, 20))
        x, y = grid.dimensions
        t = grid.stepping_dim
        thickness = 4

        u = TimeFunction(name='u',

        xl = SubDimension.left(name='xl', parent=x, thickness=thickness)

        yi = SubDimension.middle(name='yi',

        # Flows inward (i.e. forward) rather than outward
        eq = Eq(u[t + 1, xl, yi], u[t + 1, xl - 1, yi] + 1)

        op = Operator([eq])

        iterations = FindNodes(Iteration).visit(op)
        assert all(i.is_Affine and i.is_Sequential for i in iterations
                   if i.dim == xl)
        assert all(i.is_Affine and i.is_Parallel for i in iterations
                   if i.dim == yi)

        op.apply(time_m=1, time_M=1)

        assert all(
            np.all(u.data[0, :thickness, thickness + i] == [1, 2, 3, 4])
            for i in range(12))
        assert np.all(u.data[0, thickness:] == 0)
        assert np.all(u.data[0, :, thickness + 12:] == 0)
Example #7
def initialize_damp(damp, padsizes, spacing, fs=False):
    Initialise damping field with an absorbing boundary layer.
    Includes basic constant Q setup (not interfaced yet) and assumes that
    the peak frequency is 1/(10 * spacing).

    damp : Function
        The damping field for absorbing boundary condition.
    nbl : int
        Number of points in the damping layer.
    spacing :
        Grid spacing coefficient.
    mask : bool, optional
        whether the dampening is a mask or layer.
        mask => 1 inside the domain and decreases in the layer
        not mask => 0 inside the domain and increase in the layer
    lqmin = np.log(.1)
    lqmax = np.log(100)
    w0 = 1 / (10 * np.max(spacing))

    z = damp.dimensions[-1]
    eqs = [Eq(damp, 1)]

    for (nbl, nbr), d in zip(padsizes, damp.dimensions):
        if not fs or d is not z:
            nbl = max(5, nbl - 10) if d is z else nbl
            # left
            dim_l = SubDimension.left(name='abc_%s_l' % d.name,
            pos = Abs(dim_l - d.symbolic_min) / float(nbl)
                Eq(damp.subs({d: dim_l}), Min(damp.subs({d: dim_l}), pos)))
        # right
        dim_r = SubDimension.right(name='abc_%s_r' % d.name,
        pos = Abs(d.symbolic_max - dim_r) / float(nbr)
        eqs.append(Eq(damp.subs({d: dim_r}), Min(damp.subs({d: dim_r}), pos)))

    eqs.append(Eq(damp, w0 / exp(lqmin + damp * (lqmax - lqmin))))
    Operator(eqs, name='initdamp')()
Example #8
    def test_iteration_property_vector(self, exprs, expected):
        """Tests detection of vector Iterations when using subdimensions."""
        grid = Grid(shape=(20, 20))
        x, y = grid.dimensions  # noqa
        t = grid.time_dim  # noqa

        # The leftmost 10 elements
        yleft = SubDimension.left(name='yleft', parent=y, thickness=10) # noqa

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, save=10, time_order=0, space_order=1)  # noqa

        # List comprehension would need explicit locals/globals mappings to eval
        for i, e in enumerate(list(exprs)):
            exprs[i] = eval(e)

        op = Operator(exprs)
        iterations = FindNodes(Iteration).visit(op)
        vectorizable = [i.dim.name for i in iterations if i.is_Vectorizable]
        assert set(vectorizable) == set(expected)
Example #9
    def test_bcs_basic(self):
        Test MPI in presence of boundary condition loops. Here, no halo exchange
        is expected (as there is no stencil in the computed expression) but we
        check that:

            * the left BC loop is computed by the leftmost rank only
            * the right BC loop is computed by the rightmost rank only
        grid = Grid(shape=(20, ))
        x = grid.dimensions[0]
        t = grid.stepping_dim

        thickness = 4

        u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid, time_order=1)

        xleft = SubDimension.left(name='xleft', parent=x, thickness=thickness)
        xi = SubDimension.middle(name='xi',
        xright = SubDimension.right(name='xright',

        t_in_centre = Eq(u[t + 1, xi], 1)
        leftbc = Eq(u[t + 1, xleft], u[t + 1, xleft + 1] + 1)
        rightbc = Eq(u[t + 1, xright], u[t + 1, xright - 1] + 1)

        op = Operator([t_in_centre, leftbc, rightbc])

        op.apply(time_m=1, time_M=1)

        glb_pos_map = u.grid.distributor.glb_pos_map
        if LEFT in glb_pos_map[x]:
            assert np.all(u.data_ro_domain[0, thickness:] == 1.)
            assert np.all(
                u.data_ro_domain[0, :thickness] == range(thickness + 1, 1, -1))
            assert np.all(u.data_ro_domain[0, :-thickness] == 1.)
            assert np.all(
                u.data_ro_domain[0, -thickness:] == range(2, thickness + 2))
Example #10
    def test_subdimleft_parallel(self):
        Tests application of an Operator consisting of a subdimension
        defined over different sub-regions, explicitly created through the
        use of :class:`SubDimension`s.

        This tests that flow direction is not being automatically inferred
        from whether the subdimension is on the left or right boundary.
        grid = Grid(shape=(20, 20))
        x, y = grid.dimensions
        t = grid.stepping_dim
        thickness = 4

        u = TimeFunction(name='u',

        xl = SubDimension.left(name='xl', parent=x, thickness=thickness)

        yi = SubDimension.middle(name='yi',

        # Can be done in parallel
        eq = Eq(u[t + 1, xl, yi], u[t, xl, yi] + 1)

        op = Operator([eq])

        iterations = FindNodes(Iteration).visit(op)
        assert all(i.is_Affine and i.is_Parallel for i in iterations
                   if i.dim in [xl, yi])

        op.apply(time_m=0, time_M=0)

        assert np.all(u.data[1, 0:thickness, 0:thickness] == 0)
        assert np.all(u.data[1, 0:thickness, -thickness:] == 0)
        assert np.all(u.data[1, 0:thickness, thickness:-thickness] == 1)
        assert np.all(u.data[1, thickness + 1:, :] == 0)
Example #11
def initialize_damp(damp, padsizes, spacing, abc_type="damp", fs=False):
    Initialize damping field with an absorbing boundary layer.

    damp : Function
        The damping field for absorbing boundary condition.
    nbl : int
        Number of points in the damping layer.
    spacing :
        Grid spacing coefficient.
    mask : bool, optional
        whether the dampening is a mask or layer.
        mask => 1 inside the domain and decreases in the layer
        not mask => 0 inside the domain and increase in the layer

    eqs = [Eq(damp, 1.0 if abc_type == "mask" else 0.0)]
    for (nbl, nbr), d in zip(padsizes, damp.dimensions):
        if not fs or d is not damp.dimensions[-1]:
            dampcoeff = 1.5 * np.log(1.0 / 0.001) / (nbl)
            # left
            dim_l = SubDimension.left(name='abc_%s_l' % d.name,
            pos = Abs((nbl - (dim_l - d.symbolic_min) + 1) / float(nbl))
            val = dampcoeff * (pos - sin(2 * np.pi * pos) / (2 * np.pi))
            val = -val if abc_type == "mask" else val
            eqs += [Inc(damp.subs({d: dim_l}), val / d.spacing)]
        # right
        dampcoeff = 1.5 * np.log(1.0 / 0.001) / (nbr)
        dim_r = SubDimension.right(name='abc_%s_r' % d.name,
        pos = Abs((nbr - (d.symbolic_max - dim_r) + 1) / float(nbr))
        val = dampcoeff * (pos - sin(2 * np.pi * pos) / (2 * np.pi))
        val = -val if abc_type == "mask" else val
        eqs += [Inc(damp.subs({d: dim_r}), val / d.spacing)]

    Operator(eqs, name='initdamp')()
Example #12
def test_nofission_as_unprofitable():
    Test there's no fission if not gonna increase number of collapsable loops.
    grid = Grid(shape=(20, 20))
    x, y = grid.dimensions
    t = grid.stepping_dim

    yl = SubDimension.left(name='yl', parent=y, thickness=4)
    yr = SubDimension.right(name='yr', parent=y, thickness=4)

    u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid)

    eqns = [
        Eq(u.forward, u[t + 1, x, y + 1] + 1.).subs(y, yl),
        Eq(u.forward, u[t + 1, x, y - 1] + 1.).subs(y, yr)

    op = Operator(eqns, opt='fission')

    assert_structure(op, ['t,x,yl', 't,x,yr'], 't,x,yl,yr')
Example #13
def initialize_damp(damp, nbl, spacing, mask=False):
    Initialise damping field with an absorbing boundary layer.

    damp : Function
        The damping field for absorbing boundary condition.
    nbl : int
        Number of points in the damping layer.
    spacing :
        Grid spacing coefficient.
    mask : bool, optional
        whether the dampening is a mask or layer.
        mask => 1 inside the domain and decreases in the layer
        not mask => 0 inside the domain and increase in the layer
    dampcoeff = 1.5 * np.log(1.0 / 0.001) / (40)

    eqs = [Eq(damp, 1.0)] if mask else []
    for d in damp.dimensions:
        # left
        dim_l = SubDimension.left(name='abc_%s_l' % d.name,
        pos = Abs((nbl - (dim_l - d.symbolic_min) + 1) / float(nbl))
        val = dampcoeff * (pos - sin(2 * np.pi * pos) / (2 * np.pi))
        val = -val if mask else val
        eqs += [Inc(damp.subs({d: dim_l}), val / d.spacing)]
        # right
        dim_r = SubDimension.right(name='abc_%s_r' % d.name,
        pos = Abs((nbl - (d.symbolic_max - dim_r) + 1) / float(nbl))
        val = dampcoeff * (pos - sin(2 * np.pi * pos) / (2 * np.pi))
        val = -val if mask else val
        eqs += [Inc(damp.subs({d: dim_r}), val / d.spacing)]

    # TODO: Figure out why yask doesn't like it with dse/dle
    Operator(eqs, name='initdamp', dse='noop', dle='noop')()
Example #14
def test_cache_blocking_structure_subdims():
    Test that:

        * With local SubDimensions no-blocking is expected.
        * With non-local SubDimensions, blocking is expected.
    grid = Grid(shape=(4, 4, 4))
    x, y, z = grid.dimensions
    xi, yi, zi = grid.interior.dimensions
    t = grid.stepping_dim
    xl = SubDimension.left(name='xl', parent=x, thickness=4)

    f = TimeFunction(name='f', grid=grid)

    assert xl.local

    # Local SubDimension -> no blocking expected
    op = Operator(Eq(f[t + 1, xl, y, z], f[t, xl, y, z] + 1))

    assert_blocking(op, {})

    # Non-local SubDimension -> blocking expected
    op = Operator(Eq(f.forward, f + 1, subdomain=grid.interior))

    bns, _ = assert_blocking(op, {'i0x0_blk0'})

    trees = retrieve_iteration_tree(bns['i0x0_blk0'])
    tree = trees[0]
    assert len(tree) == 5
    assert tree[
        0].dim.is_Incr and tree[0].dim.parent is xi and tree[0].dim.root is x
    assert tree[
        1].dim.is_Incr and tree[1].dim.parent is yi and tree[1].dim.root is y
    assert tree[2].dim.is_Incr and tree[2].dim.parent is tree[0].dim and\
        tree[2].dim.root is x
    assert tree[3].dim.is_Incr and tree[3].dim.parent is tree[1].dim and\
        tree[3].dim.root is y
    assert not tree[
        4].dim.is_Incr and tree[4].dim is zi and tree[4].dim.parent is z
Example #15
    def test_nontrivial_operator(self):
        Test MPI in a non-trivial scenario: ::

            * 9 processes logically organised in a 3x3 cartesian grid (as opposed to
              most tests in this module, which only use 2 or 4 processed);
            * star-like stencil expression;
            * non-trivial Higdon-like BCs;
            * simultaneous presence of TimeFunction(grid), Function(grid), and
        size_x, size_y = 9, 9
        tkn = 2

        # Grid and Dimensions
        grid = Grid(shape=(
        x, y = grid.dimensions
        t = grid.stepping_dim

        # SubDimensions to implement BCs
        xl, yl = [SubDimension.left('%sl' % d.name, d, tkn) for d in [x, y]]
        xi, yi = [
            SubDimension.middle('%si' % d.name, d, tkn, tkn) for d in [x, y]
        xr, yr = [SubDimension.right('%sr' % d.name, d, tkn) for d in [x, y]]

        # Functions
        u = TimeFunction(name='f', grid=grid)
        m = Function(name='m', grid=grid)
        c = Function(name='c', grid=grid, dimensions=(x, ), shape=(size_x, ))

        # Data initialization
        u.data_with_halo[:] = 0.
        m.data_with_halo[:] = 1.
        c.data_with_halo[:] = 0.

        # Equations
        c_init = Eq(c, 1.)
        eqn = Eq(u[t + 1, xi, yi], u[t, xi, yi] + m[xi, yi] + c[xi] + 1.)
        bc_left = Eq(u[t + 1, xl, yi], u[t + 1, xl + 1, yi] + 1.)
        bc_right = Eq(u[t + 1, xr, yi], u[t + 1, xr - 1, yi] + 1.)
        bc_top = Eq(u[t + 1, xi, yl], u[t + 1, xi, yl + 1] + 1.)
        bc_bottom = Eq(u[t + 1, xi, yr], u[t + 1, xi, yr - 1] + 1.)

        op = Operator([c_init, eqn, bc_left, bc_right, bc_top, bc_bottom])

        # Expected (global view):
        # 0 0 5 5 5 5 5 0 0
        # 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 0 0
        # 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 5
        # 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 5
        # 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 5
        # 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 5
        # 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 0 0
        # 0 0 5 5 5 5 5 0 0

        assert np.all(u.data_ro_domain[0] == 0)  # The write occures at t=1

        glb_pos_map = u.grid.distributor.glb_pos_map
        # Check cornes
        if LEFT in glb_pos_map[x] and LEFT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(
                u.data_ro_domain[1] == [[0, 0, 5], [0, 0, 4], [5, 4, 3]])
        elif LEFT in glb_pos_map[x] and RIGHT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(
                u.data_ro_domain[1] == [[5, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0], [3, 4, 5]])
        elif RIGHT in glb_pos_map[x] and LEFT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(
                u.data_ro_domain[1] == [[5, 4, 3], [0, 0, 4], [0, 0, 5]])
        elif RIGHT in glb_pos_map[x] and RIGHT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(
                u.data_ro_domain[1] == [[3, 4, 5], [4, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0]])
        # Check sides
        if not glb_pos_map[x] and LEFT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(
                u.data_ro_domain[1] == [[5, 4, 3], [5, 4, 3], [5, 4, 3]])
        elif not glb_pos_map[x] and RIGHT in glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(
                u.data_ro_domain[1] == [[3, 4, 5], [3, 4, 5], [3, 4, 5]])
        elif LEFT in glb_pos_map[x] and not glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(
                u.data_ro_domain[1] == [[5, 5, 5], [4, 4, 4], [3, 3, 3]])
        elif RIGHT in glb_pos_map[x] and not glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(
                u.data_ro_domain[1] == [[3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4], [5, 5, 5]])
        # Check center
        if not glb_pos_map[x] and not glb_pos_map[y]:
            assert np.all(u.data_ro_domain[1] == 3)