def test_user_docs_activity(self, fetch_user_feed): if not settings.DEKIWIKI_ENDPOINT: # Skip this, if MindTouch API not available. raise SkipTest() fetch_user_feed.return_value = (open(USER_DOCS_ACTIVITY_FEED_XML, 'r').read()) feed = UserDocsActivityFeed(username="******") items = feed.items eq_(100, len(items)) for item in items: ok_(hasattr(item, 'rc_id')) ok_(hasattr(item, 'rc_comment')) ok_(hasattr(item, 'rc_title')) ok_(hasattr(item, 'rc_timestamp')) ok_(isinstance(item.rc_timestamp, datetime)) ok_(type(item.rc_revision) is int) if 'EDIT' == item.rc_type: ok_(item.edit_url is not None) if 'NEW' == item.rc_type: ok_(item.history_url is None) ok_(item.diff_url is None) if 'MOVE' == item.rc_type: eq_(item.rc_moved_to_title, item.current_title)
def test_bug715923_feed_parsing_errors(self, fetch_user_feed): fetch_user_feed.return_value = """ THIS IS NOT EVEN XML, SO BROKEN """ if not settings.DEKIWIKI_ENDPOINT: # Skip this, if MindTouch API not available. raise SkipTest() try: feed = UserDocsActivityFeed(username="******") items = feed.items eq_(False, items, "On error, items should be False") except Exception, e: ok_(False, "There should be no exception %s" % e)
def test_profile_view(self): """A user profile can be viewed""" profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user__username='******') user = profile.user url = reverse('devmo.views.profile_view', args=(user.username, )) r = self.client.get(url, follow=True) doc = pq(r.content) eq_(profile.user.username, doc.find('#profile-head.vcard .nickname').text()) eq_(profile.fullname, doc.find('#profile-head.vcard .fn').text()) eq_(profile.title, doc.find('#profile-head.vcard .title').text()) eq_(profile.organization, doc.find('#profile-head.vcard .org').text()) eq_(profile.location, doc.find('#profile-head.vcard .loc').text()) eq_('IRC: ' + profile.irc_nickname, doc.find('#profile-head.vcard .irc').text()) eq_(, doc.find('#profile-head.vcard .bio').text()) if not settings.DEKIWIKI_ENDPOINT: # The rest of this test relies on MindTouch API data. # TODO: Properly rewrite to use Kuma data return # There should be 15 doc activity items in the page. feed_trs = doc.find('#docs-activity table.activity tbody tr') eq_(15, feed_trs.length) # Check to find all the items expected from the feed feed = UserDocsActivityFeed(username="******") for idx in range(0, 15): item = feed.items[idx] item_el = feed_trs.eq(idx) eq_(item.current_title, item_el.find('h3').text()) eq_(item.view_url, item_el.find('h3 a').attr('href')) if item.edit_url: eq_(item.edit_url, item_el.find('.actions a.edit').attr('href')) if item.diff_url: eq_(item.diff_url, item_el.find('.actions a.diff').attr('href')) if item.history_url: eq_(item.history_url, item_el.find('.actions a.history').attr('href'))
def test_user_docs_activity_url(self): """Can build the API URL for a user docs activity feed""" username = "******" url = UserDocsActivityFeed(username=username).feed_url_for_user() ok_(url.endswith('/@api/deki/users/=%s/feed?format=raw' % username))
def test_activity_url_bug689203(self): try: username = u"She\xeappy" UserDocsActivityFeed(username=username).feed_url_for_user() except KeyError: ok_(False, "No KeyError should be thrown")