Example #1
def test_basic():
    assert topological_sort([1,2,3], [(1,2),(1,3),(3,2)]) == [1,3,2]
    assert topological_sort([1,2], [(2,1),(2,1)]) == [2,1]
    assert topological_sort([0,1,2,3], [(1,0),(1,2),(1,3),(3,2)]) == [1,3,2,0]

    assert not topological_sort([1,2], [(1,2),(2,1)])
    assert not topological_sort([0,1,2], [(0,1),(1,2),(2,1)])
Example #2
    def process_config(self):
        Processes a populated config dict, identifies files to be processed,
        creates Document objects for each, links dependencies and finally does
        topological sort to establish order of batch run.

        # Define the parse_doc nested function which we will call recursively.
        def parse_doc(path, input_directive, args = {}):
            # If a specification is nested in a dependency, then input_directive
            # may be a dict. If so, split it into parts before continuing.
                a, b = input_directive.popitem()
                input_directive = a
                args = b
            except AttributeError:

            tokens = input_directive.split("|")
            if "/" in tokens[0]:
                raise Exception("paths not allowed in tokens: %s" % tokens[0])
            if path == '.':
                glob_string = tokens[0]
                glob_string = os.path.join(re.sub("^\./", "", path), tokens[0])
            filters = tokens[1:]

            docs = []

            # virtual document
            if re.search("@", glob_string):
                virtual = True

                dangerous = not args.has_key('contents')
                if dangerous and not self.args['danger']:
                    raise Exception("""
                    You are attempting to access a remote file %s.
                    You must enable --danger flag to do this.""" % glob_string)
                glob_string = glob_string.replace("@", "")
                virtual = False

            regex = fnmatch.translate(glob_string).replace(".*", "(.*)")
            matcher = re.compile(regex)

            files = glob.glob(glob_string)

            nofiles = len(files) == 0

            if nofiles and virtual:
                files = [glob_string]

            for f in files:
                create = True
                if not virtual:
                    if os.path.isdir(f):
                        create = False

                if args.has_key('disabled'):
                    if args['disabled']:
                        create = False
                        print "document %s|%s disabled" % (f, "|".join(filters))

                inputs = []
                if args.has_key('inputs'):
                    if isinstance(args['inputs'], str):
                        raise Exception("""this input should be an array,
                                        not a string: %s""" % args['inputs'])
                    for i in args['inputs']:
                        for doc in parse_doc(path, i):
                m = matcher.match(f)
                if m and len(m.groups()) > 0:
                    rootname = matcher.match(f).group(1)

                # The 'ifinput' directive says that if an input exists matching
                # the specified pattern, we should create this document and it
                # will depend on the specified input.
                if args.has_key('ifinput'):
                    if isinstance(args['ifinput'], str) or isinstance(args['ifinput'], unicode):
                        ifinputs = [args['ifinput']]
                        self.log.debug("treating input %s as iterable. class: %s" % (
                            args['ifinput'], args['ifinput'].__class__.__name__))
                        ifinputs = args['ifinput']

                    for s in ifinputs:
                        self.log.debug("evaluating ifinput %s" % s)
                        ifinput = s.replace("%", rootname)
                        self.log.debug("evaluating ifinput %s" % ifinput)
                        input_docs = parse_doc(path, ifinput, {})
                        for input_doc in input_docs:

                    if len(input_docs) == 0:
                        create = False

                if args.has_key('ifnoinput'):
                    ifinput = args['ifnoinput'].replace("%", rootname)
                    input_docs = parse_doc(path, ifinput, {})

                    if len(input_docs) > 0:
                        create = False

                if args.has_key('except'):
                        except_re = re.compile(args['except'])
                    except sre_constants.error as e:
                        raise Exception("""You passed 'except' value of %s.
Please pass a valid Python-style regular expression for
'except', NOT a glob-style matcher. Error message from
re.compile: %s""" % (args['except'], e))
                    if re.match(except_re, f):
                        print "skipping %s for %s as it matches except pattern %s" % (
                        create = False

                if create:
                    doc = dexy.document.Document()

                    # Filters can either be included in the name...
                    doc.set_name_and_filters(f, filters)
                    # ...or they may be listed explicitly.
                    if args.has_key('filters'):
                        doc.filters += args['filters']

                    doc.setup_log() # After name has been set
                    doc.virtual = virtual

                    # Here we are assuming that if we get a key with blank args
                    # this should not override a previous key. A key which does
                    # have args should override any previous key.
                    key = doc.key()
                    self.log.debug("creating doc %s for glob %s" % (key, glob_string))

                    if self.members.has_key(key):
                        self.log.debug("found existing key %s" % key)
                        doc = self.members[key]
                        self.log.debug("no existing key %s" % key)

                    if args.has_key('priority'):
                        doc.priority = args['priority']
                        del args['priority']

                    if len(args) > 0:
                        self.log.debug("args: %s" % args)
                        doc.args = args
                        doc.use_all_inputs = args.has_key('allinputs')
                        for i in inputs:

                    if not hasattr(doc, 'args'):
                        doc.args = args

                    self.members[key] = doc
                    docs.append(doc) # just a local list

            return docs # end of parse_doc nested function

        def get_pos(member):
            key = member.key()
            return self.members.keys().index(key)

        def depend(parent, child):
            self.depends.append((get_pos(child), get_pos(parent)))

        # The real processing starts here.
        self.members = OrderedDict()
        self.depends = []

        self.batch_id = self.db.next_batch_id()
        print "batch id is", self.batch_id

        self.log.debug("About to process config")

        for path, config in self.config.iteritems():
            ### @export "features-global-args-1"
            if config.has_key("$globals"):
                global_args = config["$globals"]
                global_args = {}

            if self.args.has_key('globals'):

            for k, v in config.iteritems():
                local_args = global_args.copy()
                for kg in global_args.keys():
                    if local_args.has_key(kg):
                        if isinstance(local_args[kg], dict):
                parse_doc(path, k, local_args)
            ### @end

        # Determine dependencies
        for doc in self.members.values():
            for input_doc in doc.inputs:
                depend(doc, input_doc)

        ordering, leftover_graph_items = topological_sort(range(len(self.members)), self.depends)
        if leftover_graph_items and not ordering:
            # circular references! print debugging help before stopping
            for doc, depends_on in leftover_graph_items:
                print self.members.values()[doc].key(), "depends on"
                for i in depends_on:
                    print "   ", self.members.values()[i].key()
            print "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"
            print "The above dependencies were not able to be resolved.\n\n"
            raise Exception("There are circular references, can't do topological sort!")

        ordered_members = OrderedDict()
        for i in ordering:
            key = self.members.keys()[i]
            ordered_members[key] = self.members[key]
        self.members = ordered_members
Example #3
def test_topological_sort_circular_references():
    assert not topological_sort([1,2], [(1,2),(2,1)])[0]
    assert not topological_sort([0,1,2], [(0,1),(1,2),(2,1)])[0]
Example #4
def test_topological_sort_valid():
    assert topological_sort([1,2,3], [(1,2),(1,3),(3,2)])[0] == [1,3,2]
    assert topological_sort([1,2], [(2,1),(2,1)])[0] == [2,1]
    assert topological_sort([0,1,2,3], [(1,0),(1,2),(1,3),(3,2)])[0] == [1,3,2,0]
Example #5
    def process_config(self):
        def parse_doc(path, input_directive, args = {}):
            # If a specification is nested in a dependency, then input_directive
            # may be a dict. If so, split it into parts before continuing.
                a, b = input_directive.popitem()
                input_directive = a
                args = b
            except AttributeError:

            tokens = input_directive.split("|")
            if "/" in tokens[0]:
                raise Exception("paths not allowed in tokens: %s" % tokens[0])
            if path == '.':
                glob_string = tokens[0]
                glob_string = os.path.join(re.sub("^\./", "", path), tokens[0])
            filters = tokens[1:]

            docs = []

            # virtual document
            if re.search("@", glob_string):
                # TODO some virtual files are local, not remote. test on
                # presence of 'url' or something more appropriate.
                virtual = True
                if not self.allow_remote:
                    raise Exception("""You are attempting to access a remote file.
                                    You must enable --dangerous mode to do this.
                                    Please check Dexy help and call the dexy
                                    command again.""")
                glob_string = glob_string.replace("@", "")
                virtual = False

            regex = fnmatch.translate(glob_string).replace(".*", "(.*)")
            matcher = re.compile(regex)

            files = glob.glob(glob_string)

            nofiles = len(files) == 0

            if nofiles and virtual:
                files = [glob_string]

            for f in files:
                create = True
                if not virtual:
                    if os.path.isdir(f):
                        create = False

                if args.has_key('disabled'):
                    if args['disabled']:
                        create = False
                        print "document %s|%s disabled" % (f, "|".join(filters))

                inputs = []
                if args.has_key('inputs'):
                    if isinstance(args['inputs'], str):
                        raise Exception("""this input should be an array,
                                        not a string: %s""" % args['inputs'])
                    for i in args['inputs']:
                        for doc in parse_doc(path, i):
                m = matcher.match(f)
                if m and len(m.groups()) > 0:
                    rootname = matcher.match(f).group(1)

                # The 'ifinput' directive says that if an input exists matching
                # the specified pattern, we should create this document and it
                # will depend on the specified input.
                if args.has_key('ifinput'):
                    if isinstance(args['ifinput'], str) or isinstance(args['ifinput'], unicode):
                        ifinputs = [args['ifinput']]
                        self.log.debug("treating input %s as iterable. class: %s" % (
                            args['ifinput'], args['ifinput'].__class__.__name__))
                        ifinputs = args['ifinput']

                    for s in ifinputs:
                        self.log.debug("evaluating ifinput %s" % s)
                        ifinput = s.replace("%", rootname)
                        self.log.debug("evaluating ifinput %s" % ifinput)
                        input_docs = parse_doc(path, ifinput, {})
                        for input_doc in input_docs:

                    if len(input_docs) == 0:
                        create = False

                if args.has_key('ifnoinput'):
                    ifinput = args['ifnoinput'].replace("%", rootname)
                    input_docs = parse_doc(path, ifinput, {})

                    if len(input_docs) > 0:
                        create = False

                if args.has_key('except'):
                        except_re = re.compile(args['except'])
                    except sre_constants.error as e:
                        raise Exception("""You passed 'except' value of %s.
Please pass a valid Python-style regular expression for
'except', NOT a glob-style matcher. Error message from
re.compile: %s""" % (args['except'], e))
                    if re.match(except_re, f):
                        print "skipping %s as it matches except pattern %s" % (f, args['except'])
                        create = False

                if create:
                    # Filters can either be included in the name...
                    doc = Document(self.artifact_class, f, filters)
                    # ...or they may be listed explicitly.
                    if args.has_key('filters'):
                        doc.filters += args['filters']

                    # Here we are assuming that if we get a key with blank args
                    # this should not override a previous key. A key which does
                    # have args should override any previous key.
                    key = doc.key()
                    self.log.debug("creating doc %s for glob %s" % (key, glob_string))

                    if self.members.has_key(key):
                        self.log.debug("found existing key %s" % key)
                        doc = self.members[key]
                        self.log.debug("no existing key %s" % key)

                    if len(args) > 0:
                        self.log.debug("args: %s" % args)
                        doc.args = args
                        doc.use_all_inputs = args.has_key('allinputs')
                        for i in inputs:

                    if not hasattr(doc, 'args'):
                        doc.args = args

                    self.members[key] = doc
                    docs.append(doc) # just a local list
            return docs

        def get_pos(member):
            key = member.key()
            return self.members.keys().index(key)

        def depend(parent, child):
            self.depends.append((get_pos(child), get_pos(parent)))

        self.members = OrderedDict()
        self.depends = []

        # Create Document objects for all docs.
        self.log.debug("About to process config\n")
        for path, config in self.config.items():
            for k, v in config.items():
                parse_doc(path, k, v)

        # Determine dependencies
        for doc in self.members.values():
            for input_doc in doc.inputs:
                depend(doc, input_doc)

        ordering = topological_sort(range(len(self.members)), self.depends)
        ordered_members = OrderedDict()
        for i in ordering:
            key = self.members.keys()[i]
            ordered_members[key] = self.members[key]
        self.members = ordered_members