Example #1
def removeUnmetRelationships(dropSpecList):
    unmetRelationships = []

    # Step #1: Get all OIDs
    oids = {dropSpec['oid'] for dropSpec in dropSpecList}

    # Step #2: find unmet relationships and remove them from the original
    # DROP spec, keeping track of them
    for dropSpec in dropSpecList:

        this_oid = dropSpec['oid']
        to_delete = []

        for rel in dropSpec:

            # 1-N relationships
            if rel in __TOMANY:

                link = __TOMANY[rel]

                # Find missing OIDs in this relationship and keep track of them,
                # removing them from the current DROP spec
                missingOids = [oid for oid in dropSpec[rel] if oid not in oids]
                for oid in missingOids:
                    unmetRelationships.append(DROPRel(oid, link, this_oid))

                # Remove the relationship list entirely if it has no elements
                if not dropSpec[rel]:

            # N-1 relationships
            elif rel in __TOONE:

                link = __TOONE[rel]

                # Check if OID is missing
                oid = dropSpec[rel]
                if oid in oids:

                # Keep track of missing relationship
                unmetRelationships.append(DROPRel(oid, link, this_oid))

                # Remove relationship from current DROP spec

        for rel in to_delete:
            del dropSpec[rel]

    return unmetRelationships
Example #2
def sanitize_relations(interDMRelations, graph):

    # TODO: Big change required to remove this hack here
    # Values in the interDMRelations array use OIDs to identify drops.
    # This is because so far we have told users to that OIDs are required
    # in the physical graph description, while UIDs are optional
    # (and copied over from the OID if not given).
    # On the other hand, once drops are actually created in deploySession()
    # we access the values in interDMRelations as if they had UIDs inside,
    # which causes problems everywhere because everything else is indexed
    # on UIDs.
    # In order to not break the current physical graph constrains and keep
    # things simple we'll simply replace the values of the interDMRelations
    # array here to use the corresponding UID for the given OIDs.
    # Because UIDs are globally unique across drop instances it makes sense
    # to always index things by UID and not by OID. Thus, in the future we
    # should probably change the requirement on the physical graphs sent by
    # users to always require an UID, and optionally an OID, and then change
    # all this code to immediately use those UIDs instead.
    newDMRelations = []
    for rel in interDMRelations:
        lhs = uid_for_drop(graph[rel.lhs])
        rhs = uid_for_drop(graph[rel.rhs])
        new_rel = DROPRel(lhs, rel.rel, rhs)
    interDMRelations[:] = newDMRelations
Example #3
    def test_many_relationships(self):
        A test in which a drop is related to many other drops that live in a
        separate DM.

        Drop A is accessed by many applications (B1, B2, .., BN), which should
        not exhaust resources on DM #1. We collapse all into C so we can monitor
        only its status to know that the execution is over.

        DM #1                     DM #2
        =======    ====================
        |     |    | |--> B1 --|      |
        |     |    | |--> B2 --|      |
        | A --|----|-|--> B3 --|--> C |
        |     |    | |.........|      |
        |     |    | |--> BN --|      |
        =======    ====================

        dm1, dm2 = [self._start_dm() for _ in range(2)]

        sessionId = 's1'
        N = 100
        g1 = [{"oid": "A", "type": "plain", "storage": "memory"}]
        g2 = [{"oid": "C", "type": "plain", "storage": "memory"}]
        rels = []
        for i in range(N):
            b_oid = "B%d" % (i, )
            # SleepAndCopyApp effectively opens the input drop
                "oid": b_oid,
                "type": "app",
                "app": "test.graphsRepository.SleepAndCopyApp",
                "outputs": ["C"],
                "sleepTime": 0
            rels.append(DROPRel('A', DROPLinkType.INPUT, b_oid))

        quickDeploy(dm1, sessionId, g1, {nm_conninfo(1): rels})
        quickDeploy(dm2, sessionId, g2, {nm_conninfo(0): rels})
        self.assertEqual(1, len(dm1._sessions[sessionId].drops))
        self.assertEqual(1 + N, len(dm2._sessions[sessionId].drops))

        # Run! The sole fact that this doesn't throw exceptions is already
        # a good proof that everything is working as expected
        a = dm1._sessions[sessionId].drops['A']
        c = dm2._sessions[sessionId].drops['C']
        with droputils.DROPWaiterCtx(self, c, 10):

        for i in range(N):
            drop = dm2._sessions[sessionId].drops["B%d" % (i, )]
            self.assertEqual(DROPStates.COMPLETED, drop.status)
Example #4
    def test_removeUnmetRelationships(self):

        # Unmet relationsips are
        # DROPRel(D, CONSUMER, A)
        # DROPRel(Z, PRODUCER, A)
        # DROPRel(X, PRODUCER, A)
        graphDesc = [{
            'oid': 'A',
            'consumers': ['B', 'D'],
            'producers': ['Z', 'X']
        }, {
            'oid': 'B',
            'outputs': ['C']
        }, {
            'oid': 'C',
            'streamingConsumers': ['D']

        unmetRelationships = graph_loader.removeUnmetRelationships(graphDesc)
        self.assertEqual(4, len(unmetRelationships))
        self.assertIn(DROPRel('D', DROPLinkType.CONSUMER, 'A'),
        self.assertIn(DROPRel('D', DROPLinkType.STREAMING_CONSUMER, 'C'),
        self.assertIn(DROPRel('Z', DROPLinkType.PRODUCER, 'A'),
        self.assertIn(DROPRel('X', DROPLinkType.PRODUCER, 'A'),

        # The original dropSpecs have changed as well
        a = graphDesc[0]
        c = graphDesc[2]

        self.assertEqual(1, len(a['consumers']))
        self.assertEqual('B', a['consumers'][0])
        self.assertFalse('producers' in a)
        self.assertFalse('streamingConsumers' in c)
Example #5
    def add_node_subscriptions(self, sessionId, relationships, nm):

        evt_consumer = (DROPLinkType.CONSUMER, DROPLinkType.STREAMING_CONSUMER, DROPLinkType.OUTPUT)
        evt_producer = (DROPLinkType.INPUT,    DROPLinkType.STREAMING_INPUT,    DROPLinkType.PRODUCER)

        for host, droprels in relationships.items():

            # Make sure we have DROPRel tuples
            droprels = [DROPRel(*x) for x in droprels]

            # Sanitize the host/rpc_port info if needed
            rpc_port = constants.NODE_DEFAULT_RPC_PORT
            if type(host) is tuple:
                host, _, rpc_port = host

            # Store which drops should receive events from which remote drops
            dropsubs = collections.defaultdict(set)
            for rel in droprels:

                # Which side of the relationship is local?
                local_uid = None
                remote_uid = None
                if rel.rhs in self._graph:
                    local_uid = rel.rhs
                    remote_uid = rel.lhs
                elif rel.lhs in self._graph:
                    local_uid = rel.lhs
                    remote_uid = rel.rhs

                # We are in the event receiver side
                if (rel.rel in evt_consumer and rel.lhs is local_uid) or \
                   (rel.rel in evt_producer and rel.rhs is local_uid):


            # Store the information needed to create the proxies later
            for rel in droprels:
                local_uid = rel.rhs
                mname = LINKTYPE_1TON_APPEND_METHOD[rel.rel]
                remote_uid = rel.lhs
                if local_uid not in self._graph:
                    local_uid = rel.lhs
                    remote_uid = rel.rhs
                    mname = LINKTYPE_1TON_BACK_APPEND_METHOD[rel.rel]

                self._proxyinfo.append((nm, host, rpc_port, local_uid, mname, remote_uid))
Example #6
    def test_runGraphOneDOPerDOM(self):
        A test that creates three DROPs in two different DMs and runs the graph.
        For this the graphs that are fed into the DMs must *not* express the
        inter-DM relationships, although they are still passed down
        separately. The graph looks like:

        DM #1      DM #2
        =======    =============
        | A --|----|-> B --> C |
        =======    =============
        dm1, dm2 = [self._start_dm() for _ in range(2)]

        sessionId = 's1'
        g1 = [{"oid": "A", "type": "plain", "storage": "memory"}]
        g2 = [{
            "oid": "B",
            "type": "app",
            "app": "dfms.apps.crc.CRCApp"
        }, {
            "oid": "C",
            "type": "plain",
            "storage": "memory",
            "producers": ["B"]

        rels = [DROPRel('B', DROPLinkType.CONSUMER, 'A')]
        quickDeploy(dm1, sessionId, g1, {nm_conninfo(1): rels})
        quickDeploy(dm2, sessionId, g2, {nm_conninfo(0): rels})
        self.assertEqual(1, len(dm1._sessions[sessionId].drops))
        self.assertEqual(2, len(dm2._sessions[sessionId].drops))

        # Run! We wait until c is completed
        a = dm1._sessions[sessionId].drops['A']
        b, c = [dm2._sessions[sessionId].drops[x] for x in ('B', 'C')]
        with droputils.DROPWaiterCtx(self, c, 1):

        for drop in a, b, c:
            self.assertEqual(DROPStates.COMPLETED, drop.status)
        self.assertEqual(a.checksum, int(droputils.allDropContents(c)))

Example #7
 def addStreamingInput(self, streamingInputDrop, back=True):
     raise InvalidRelationshipException(
         DROPRel(streamingInputDrop.uid, DROPLinkType.STREAMING_INPUT,
                 self.uid), "SocketListenerApp should have no inputs")
Example #8
 def addInput(self, inputDrop, back=True):
     raise InvalidRelationshipException(
         DROPRel(inputDrop.uid, DROPLinkType.INPUT, self.uid),
         "SocketListenerApp should have no inputs")
Example #9
    def test_runWithFourDMs(self):
        A test that creates several DROPs in two different DMs and  runs
        the graph. The graph looks like this

                      DM #2
                     |        |--> C --|        |
                 +---|--> B --|--> D --|--> F --|--|
                 |   |        |--> E --|        |  |
        DM #1    |   +--------------------------+  |   DM #4
        +-----+  |                                 |  +---------------------+
        |     |  |                                 |--|--> L --|            |
        | A --|--+                                    |        |--> N --> O |
        |     |  |                                 |--|--> M --|            |
        +-----+  |    DM #3                        |  +---------------------+
                 |   +--------------------------+  |
                 |   |        |--> H --|        |  |
                 +---|--> G --|--> I --|--> K --|--|
                     |        |--> J --|        |

        B, F, G, K and N are AppDOs; the rest are plain in-memory DROPs

        dm1, dm2, dm3, dm4 = [self._start_dm() for _ in range(4)]

        sessionId = 's1'
        g1 = [memory('A', expectedSize=1)]
        g2 = [
            sleepAndCopy('B', outputs=['C', 'D', 'E'], sleepTime=0),
            sleepAndCopy('F', inputs=['C', 'D', 'E'], sleepTime=0)
        g3 = [
            sleepAndCopy('G', outputs=['H', 'I', 'J'], sleepTime=0),
            sleepAndCopy('K', inputs=['H', 'I', 'J'], sleepTime=0)
        g4 = [
            sleepAndCopy('N', inputs=['L', 'M'], outputs=['O'], sleepTime=0),

        rels_12 = [DROPRel('A', DROPLinkType.INPUT, 'B')]
        rels_13 = [DROPRel('A', DROPLinkType.INPUT, 'G')]
        rels_24 = [DROPRel('F', DROPLinkType.PRODUCER, 'L')]
        rels_34 = [DROPRel('K', DROPLinkType.PRODUCER, 'M')]
        quickDeploy(dm1, sessionId, g1, {
            nm_conninfo(1): rels_12,
            nm_conninfo(2): rels_13
        quickDeploy(dm2, sessionId, g2, {
            nm_conninfo(0): rels_12,
            nm_conninfo(3): rels_24
        quickDeploy(dm3, sessionId, g3, {
            nm_conninfo(0): rels_13,
            nm_conninfo(3): rels_34
        quickDeploy(dm4, sessionId, g4, {
            nm_conninfo(1): rels_24,
            nm_conninfo(2): rels_34

        self.assertEqual(1, len(dm1._sessions[sessionId].drops))
        self.assertEqual(5, len(dm2._sessions[sessionId].drops))
        self.assertEqual(5, len(dm3._sessions[sessionId].drops))
        self.assertEqual(4, len(dm4._sessions[sessionId].drops))

        a = dm1._sessions[sessionId].drops['A']
        o = dm4._sessions[sessionId].drops['O']
        drops = []
        for x in (dm1, dm2, dm3, dm4):
            drops += x._sessions[sessionId].drops.values()

        # Run! This should trigger the full execution of the graph
        with droputils.DROPWaiterCtx(self, o, 5):

        for drop in drops:
                DROPStates.COMPLETED, drop.status,
                "Status of '%s' is not COMPLETED: %d" %
                (drop.uid, drop.status))

        for dm in [dm1, dm2, dm3, dm4]:
Example #10
    def test_runGraphSeveralDropsPerDM(self):
        A test that creates several DROPs in two different DMs and  runs
        the graph. The graph looks like this

        DM #1                  DM #2
        ===================    ================
        | A --> C --> D --|----|-|            |
        |                 |    | |--> E --> F |
        | B --------------|----|-|            |
        ===================    ================

        :see: `self.test_runGraphSingleDOPerDOM`
        dm1, dm2 = [self._start_dm() for _ in range(2)]

        sessionId = 's1'
        g1 = [{
            "oid": "A",
            "type": "plain",
            "storage": "memory",
            "consumers": ["C"]
        }, {
            "oid": "B",
            "type": "plain",
            "storage": "memory"
        }, {
            "oid": "C",
            "type": "app",
            "app": "dfms.apps.crc.CRCApp"
        }, {
            "oid": "D",
            "type": "plain",
            "storage": "memory",
            "producers": ["C"]
        g2 = [{
            "oid": "E",
            "type": "app",
            "app": "test.test_drop.SumupContainerChecksum"
        }, {
            "oid": "F",
            "type": "plain",
            "storage": "memory",
            "producers": ["E"]

        rels = [
            DROPRel('D', DROPLinkType.INPUT, 'E'),
            DROPRel('B', DROPLinkType.INPUT, 'E')
        quickDeploy(dm1, sessionId, g1, {nm_conninfo(1): rels})
        quickDeploy(dm2, sessionId, g2, {nm_conninfo(0): rels})

        self.assertEqual(4, len(dm1._sessions[sessionId].drops))
        self.assertEqual(2, len(dm2._sessions[sessionId].drops))

        # Run! The sole fact that this doesn't throw exceptions is already
        # a good proof that everything is working as expected
        a, b, c, d = [
            dm1._sessions[sessionId].drops[x] for x in ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D')
        e, f = [dm2._sessions[sessionId].drops[x] for x in ('E', 'F')]
        with droputils.DROPWaiterCtx(self, f, 5):

        for drop in a, b, c, d, e, f:
            self.assertEqual(DROPStates.COMPLETED, drop.status,
                             "DROP %s is not COMPLETED" % (drop.uid))

        self.assertEqual(a.checksum, int(droputils.allDropContents(d)))
        self.assertEqual(b.checksum + d.checksum,
