Example #1
    def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        # To resolve input_set recoginized as str
        from dfttk.input_sets import ATATIDSet
        input_set = ATATIDSet(self['input_set'])

        return FWAction()
Example #2
    def __init__(self, structure, name="infdet", input_set=None, metadata=None, prev_calc_loc=True,
                 db_file=None, parents=None, continuation=False, run_isif2=False, pass_isif4=False, **kwargs):
        metadata = metadata or {}
        input_set = input_set or ATATIDSet(structure)

        t = []

        if not continuation:
            # Copy the volume relax CONTCAR to POSCAR and the full relax CONTCAR as CONTCAR. Get the CHGCAR and WAVECAR from the fully relaxed structure
            # There are other ways to do this, but it's important to pay attention
            # to the order so that work is not destoryed because CopyVaspOutputs
            # will always give back a POSCAR (or CONTCAR as POSCAR), KPOINTS, INCAR, POTCAR, OUTCAR, and
            # vasprun.xml.
            # What we do here ensures that
            # 1. We get the the WAVECAR and CHGCAR from the full relax
            # 2. We do not overwrite the structure that we took from the full relax when we copy the volume relax
            t.append(CopyVaspOutputs(calc_loc='Full relax', contcar_to_poscar=False, additional_files=["CONTCAR"]))
            t.append(CopyVaspOutputs(calc_loc='Volume relax', contcar_to_poscar=True))
            # Move the volume relaxed POSCAR to str_beg.out
            t.append(TransmuteStructureFile(input_fname='POSCAR', output_fname='str_beg.out'))
            # Move the fully relaxed CONTCAR to str_end.out
            t.append(TransmuteStructureFile(input_fname='CONTCAR', output_fname='str_end.out'))
            # write the vaspid.wrap file
            # Copy all the files from the previous run.
            files_needed = ['CONTCAR', 'str_beg.out', 'str_end.out', 'str_relax.out', 'epipos.out', 'epidir.out',
                            'epipos.out', 'infdet.log', 'str_current.out']
            t.append(CopyVaspOutputs(calc_loc=prev_calc_loc, contcar_to_poscar=False, additional_files=files_needed))

        # Unfortunately, it seems that PassCalcLocs must happen before
        # running ATAT because it can return a FW action that is dynamic and will
        # skip the remaining Firetasks. We don't really want to do this (I think)
        # because if this fizzles, the calc_locs will still be changed if this is rerun.
        # Run ATAT's inflection detection
        t.append(RunATATCustodian(continuation=continuation, name=name))
        t.append(Record_relax_running_path(db_file = ">>db_file<<", metadata = metadata, run_isif2=run_isif2, pass_isif4=pass_isif4))
        super(InflectionDetectionFW, self).__init__(t, parents=parents,
                                                    name="{}-{}".format(structure.composition.reduced_formula, name), **kwargs)