def _generate_constraint_testers(decoder, values, out):
  """Generates the testers needed to implement the constraints
     associated with each row having a pattern.
  rows = _rows_to_test(decoder, values, with_rules=False)
  values['constraint_rows'] = _index_neutral_map(rows)
  for r in rows:
    _install_row_cases(r, values)
    row = _row_filter_interesting_patterns(r)
    action = _install_test_row(row, decoder, values)
    safety_to_check = _safety_to_check(
    defs_to_check = action.defs()
    out.write(CONSTRAINT_TESTER_CLASS_HEADER % values)
    if row.patterns or action.constraints().restrictions:
    if safety_to_check or defs_to_check:
      out.write(CONSTRAINT_TESTER_SANITY_HEADER % values)
    out.write(CONSTRAINT_TESTER_CLASS_CLOSE % values)
    if row.patterns or action.constraints().restrictions:
      out.write(CONSTRAINT_TESTER_PARSE_HEADER % values)
      if row.patterns:
        out.write(ROW_CONSTRAINTS_HEADER % values);
        for p in row.patterns:
          not_p = p.negate()
          values['comment'] = dgen_output.commented_string(repr(not_p), '  ')
          values['code'] = not_p.to_bool()
          out.write(CONSTRAINT_CHECK % values)
      if action.constraints().restrictions:
        for c in action.constraints().restrictions:
          not_c = c.negate()
          values['comment'] = dgen_output.commented_string(repr(not_c), '  ')
          values['code'] = not_c.to_bool()
          out.write(CONSTRAINT_CHECK % values)
      out.write(CONSTRAINT_TESTER_CLASS_FOOTER % values)
    if safety_to_check or defs_to_check:
      out.write(SAFETY_TESTER_HEADER % values)
      for check in safety_to_check:
        values['comment'] = dgen_output.commented_string(
            repr(check), '  ')
        values['code'] = check.to_bool()
        out.write(SAFETY_TESTER_CHECK % values)
      if defs_to_check:
        values['comment'] = dgen_output.commented_string(
            repr(defs_to_check), '  ')
        values['code'] = defs_to_check.to_register_list()
        out.write(DEFS_SAFETY_CHECK % values)
      out.write(SAFETY_TESTER_FOOTER % values)
Example #2
def _generate_constraint_testers(decoder, values, out):
  """Generates the testers needed to implement the constraints
     associated with each row having a pattern.
  rows = _rows_to_test(decoder, values)
  values['constraint_rows'] = _index_neutral_map(rows)
  for r in rows:
    _install_row_cases(r, values)
    row = _row_filter_interesting_patterns(r)
    action = _install_test_row(row, decoder, values)
    out.write(CONSTRAINT_TESTER_CLASS_HEADER % values)
    if _row_action_has_parse_restrictions(row, action):
    out.write(CONSTRAINT_TESTER_CLASS_CLOSE % values)
    if _row_action_has_parse_restrictions(row, action):
      out.write(CONSTRAINT_TESTER_PARSE_HEADER % values)
      if row.patterns:
        out.write(ROW_CONSTRAINTS_HEADER % values);
        for p in row.patterns:
          not_p = p.negate()
          values['comment'] = dgen_output.commented_string(repr(not_p), '  ')
          values['code'] = not_p.to_bool()
          out.write(CONSTRAINT_CHECK % values)
      if _action_pattern_defines_condition(action):
        # Special case where 'cccc' part of pattern can't be 1111.
        out.write(CONSTRAINT_TESTER_COND_TEST % values)
      out.write(CONSTRAINT_TESTER_CLASS_FOOTER % values)
Example #3
def _install_test_row(row, decoder, values):
  """Installs data associated with the given row into the values map."""
  action = _filter_test_action(row.action)
  values['row_comment'] = dgen_output.commented_string(
  _install_action(decoder, action, values)
  return action
def _generate_constraint_testers(decoder, values, out):
  """Generates the testers needed to implement the constraints
     associated with each row having a pattern.
  rows = _rows_to_test(decoder, values)
  values['constraint_rows'] = _index_neutral_map(rows)
  for r in rows:
    _install_row_cases(r, values)
    row = _row_filter_interesting_patterns(r)
    action = _install_test_row(row, decoder, values)
    out.write(CONSTRAINT_TESTER_CLASS_HEADER % values)
    if _row_action_has_parse_restrictions(row, action):
    out.write(CONSTRAINT_TESTER_CLASS_CLOSE % values)
    if _row_action_has_parse_restrictions(row, action):
      out.write(CONSTRAINT_TESTER_PARSE_HEADER % values)
      if row.patterns:
        out.write(ROW_CONSTRAINTS_HEADER % values);
        for p in row.patterns:
          not_p = p.negate()
          values['comment'] = dgen_output.commented_string(repr(not_p), '  ')
          values['code'] = not_p.to_bool()
          out.write(CONSTRAINT_CHECK % values)
      if _action_pattern_defines_condition(action):
        # Special case where 'cccc' part of pattern can't be 1111.
        out.write(CONSTRAINT_TESTER_COND_TEST % values)
      out.write(CONSTRAINT_TESTER_CLASS_FOOTER % values)
def _install_test_row(row, decoder, values):
  """Installs data associated with the given row into the values map."""
  action = _filter_test_action(row.action)
  values['row_comment'] = dgen_output.commented_string(
  _install_action(decoder, action, values)
  return action
Example #6
def _DefineSafety(out, safety, values):
  # Use baseline to implement action if defined.
  _DefineMethod(out, DECODER_SAFETY_DEF_HEADER, values, '???')
  for s in safety:
    values['neutral_rep'] = dgen_output.commented_string(
        '%s' % s.neutral_repr(), '  ')
    values['safety_test'] = s.test().to_bool()
    values['safety_action'] = s.action()
    out.write(DECODER_SAFETY_DEF_CHECK % values)
  out.write(DECODER_SAFETY_DEF_FOOTER % values)
Example #7
def _DefineCodeReplace(out, dyn_code, values):
  _DefineMethod(out, DECODER_CODE_REPLACE_DEF_HEADER, values, '???')
  for v in dyn_code.args():
    bitfield = v.to_bitfield(v)
    values['neutral_rep'] = dgen_output.commented_string(
        bitfield.neutral_repr(), '  ')
    values['hi_bit'] = bitfield.hi()
    values['lo_bit'] = bitfield.lo()
    out.write(DECODER_CODE_REPLACE_DEF_UPDATE % values)
def _install_test_row(row, decoder, values,
                      with_patterns=False, with_rules=True):
  """Installs data associated with the given row into the values map.

     Installs the baseline class, rule name, and constraints associated
     with the row. If with_patterns is specified, then pattern information and
     actual class information is also inserted.
  action = _filter_test_action(row.action, with_patterns, with_rules)
  values['row_comment'] = dgen_output.commented_string(
  _install_action(decoder, action, values)
  return action
Example #9
def DefineDecoder(action, decoder_name, out):
  """Generates the C++ class definition for the given action.

     action: The decoder action to define.
     decoder_name: The name for the C++ decoder class.
     out: The output stream to write the class declation to.

  values = {'decoder_name': decoder_name}
  for method in METHODS:
    if _IsMethodDefined(action, method):
      method_body = _FindMethodBody(action, method)
      values['neutral_rep'] = (
          '%s: %s' % (method, dgen_output.commented_string(
              repr(dgen_core.neutral_repr(method_body)), '  ')))
      DefineMethodFcn(method)(out, method_body, values)
Example #10
def _DefineDiagnostics(out, violations, values):
  out.write(DIAGNOSTICS_HEADER % values)
  for v in violations:
    if not isinstance(v, dgen_core.Violation): continue

    values['neutral_rep'] = dgen_output.commented_string(
        '%s' % v.neutral_repr(), '    ')
    values['violation_test'] = v.test().to_bool()
    out.write(DIAGNOSTICS_ADD_HEADER % values)
    is_first = True
    for arg in v.print_args():
      if is_first:
        values['printf_arg'] = arg.to_cstring()
        is_first = False
        values['printf_arg'] = arg.to_uint32()
      out.write(DIAGNOSTICS_ADD_PRINTF_ARG % values)
    out.write(DIAGNOSTICS_ADD_FOOTER % values)
  out.write(DIAGNOSTICS_FOOTER % values)
Example #11
def _DefineViolations(out, violations, values):
  out.write(VIOLATIONS_HEADER % values)
  is_first_violation = True
  for v in violations:
    if isinstance(v, dgen_core.Implicit):
      if 'is_literal_pool_head' in v.methods():
        out.write(VIOLATIONS_POOL % values)
      if 'target' in v.methods():
        out.write(VIOLATIONS_TARGET % values)
      if 'relative' in v.methods():
        out.write(VIOLATIONS_RELATIVE % values)
      if 'base' in v.methods():
        out.write(VIOLATIONS_BASE % values)

    assert isinstance(v, dgen_core.Violation)
    if is_first_violation:
      is_first_violation = False
      out.write(VIOLATIONS_SUBHEADER % values)
    values['neutral_rep'] = dgen_output.commented_string(
        '%s' % v.neutral_repr(), '  ')
    values['violation_test'] = v.test().to_bool()
    out.write(VIOLATIONS_CHECK % values)
  out.write(VIOLATIONS_FOOTER % values)
Example #12
def commented_decoder_neutral_repr(decoder):
  """Returns a C++ comment describing the neutral representation of the
     given decoder."""
  return dgen_output.commented_string(
      decoder.neutral_repr().replace('= ', ' ', 1))