def play(self, arg=None, menuw=None): """ Play the item. """ if not self.player or self.player_rating < 10: AlertBox(text=_('No player for this item found')).show() return if not self['resume'] and self['autobookmark_resume']: self.__play_args = (arg, menuw) dialog.show_confirmation(_('Do you want to resume play back or play from the start?'), cancel_handler=self.resume_play, cancel_text=_('From Start'), proceed_handler=self.resume_resume, proceed_text=_('Resume')) else: self.__play(arg, menuw)
def play(self, arg=None, menuw=None): """ Start watching TV """ logger.log(9, 'play(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', arg, menuw) # watching TV should only be possible from the guide if not self.context == 'guide': rc.post_event(MENU_SELECT) return now = time.time() if menuw: menuw.delete_submenu() # Check if the selected program is >7 min in the future if self.prog.start > now + (7 * 60): if menuw: # this program is in the future if self.scheduled: msgtext = _( 'Do you want to remove the Program from the record schedule?' ) confirmbtn = _('Remove') else: msgtext = _( 'This Program is in the future. Do you want to record it?') confirmbtn = _('Record') dialog.show_confirmation(msgtext, lambda: self.toggle_rec(menuw=menuw), proceed_text=confirmbtn) return else: # check if the device is free fc = FreevoChannels() # for that we need the name of the lock file suffix = fc.getVideoGroup(self.prog.channel_id, True, CHANNEL_ID).vdev suffix = suffix.split('/')[-1] tvlockfile = config.FREEVO_CACHEDIR + '/record.' + suffix if os.path.exists(tvlockfile): if menuw: # XXX: In the future add the options to watch what we are # recording or cancel it and watch TV. msgtext = _('Sorry, you cannot watch TV while recording. ') msgtext += _('If this is not true then remove ') msgtext += tvlockfile + '.' dialog.show_alert(msgtext) else: # everything is ok, we can start watching! self.parent.hide() self.parent.player('tv', self.prog.channel_id)
def play(self, arg=None, menuw=None): """ Play the item. """ if not self.player or self.player_rating < 10: AlertBox(text=_('No player for this item found')).show() return if not self['resume'] and self['autobookmark_resume']: self.__play_args = (arg, menuw) dialog.show_confirmation( _('Do you want to resume play back or play from the start?'), cancel_handler=self.resume_play, cancel_text=_('From Start'), proceed_handler=self.resume_resume, proceed_text=_('Resume')) else: self.__play(arg, menuw)
def play(self, arg=None, menuw=None): """ Start watching TV """ logger.log( 9, 'play(arg=%r, menuw=%r)', arg, menuw) # watching TV should only be possible from the guide if not self.context == 'guide': rc.post_event(MENU_SELECT) return now = time.time() if menuw: menuw.delete_submenu() # Check if the selected program is >7 min in the future if self.prog.start > now + (7*60): if menuw: # this program is in the future if self.scheduled: msgtext= _('Do you want to remove the Program from the record schedule?') confirmbtn = _('Remove') else: msgtext = _('This Program is in the future. Do you want to record it?') confirmbtn = _('Record') dialog.show_confirmation(msgtext, lambda: self.toggle_rec(menuw=menuw), proceed_text=confirmbtn) return else: # check if the device is free fc = FreevoChannels() # for that we need the name of the lock file suffix = fc.getVideoGroup(self.prog.channel_id, True, CHANNEL_ID).vdev suffix = suffix.split('/')[-1] tvlockfile = config.FREEVO_CACHEDIR + '/record.'+suffix if os.path.exists(tvlockfile): if menuw: # XXX: In the future add the options to watch what we are # recording or cancel it and watch TV. msgtext = _('Sorry, you cannot watch TV while recording. ') msgtext += _('If this is not true then remove ') msgtext += tvlockfile + '.' dialog.show_alert(msgtext) else: # everything is ok, we can start watching! self.parent.hide() self.parent.player('tv', self.prog.channel_id)
def confirm_info_delete(self, arg=None, menuw=None): self.menuw = menuw dialog.show_confirmation(_('Delete info about\n \'%s\'?') %, self.delete_info, proceed_text=_('Delete info'))
def confirm_delete(self, arg=None, menuw=None): self.menuw = menuw dialog.show_confirmation(_('Do you wish to delete\n \'%s\'?') %, self.delete_file, proceed_text=_('Delete'))
def remove_reminder(self, arg=None, menuw=None): self.menuw = menuw dialog.show_confirmation(_('Do you want to remove the reminder for %s') % self.prog.title, proceed_handler=self.__remove_reminder, proceed_text=_('Remove'))
def confirm_edl_delete(self, arg=None, menuw=None): self.menuw = menuw dialog.show_confirmation(_('Delete edl about\n \'%s\'?') %, self.delete_edl, proceed_text=_('Delete edl'))
def delete(self, arg=None, menuw=None): self.menuw = menuw dialog.show_confirmation(_('Do you want to delete bookmark \'%s\'?') % self.time_str, self.__delete_do, proceed_text=_('Delete bookmark'))
def __clear_bookmarks(self, arg=None, menuw=None): self.menuw = menuw dialog.show_confirmation(_('Do you want to delete all bookmarks?'), self.__clear_bookmarks_do, proceed_text=_('Delete bookmarks'))
def remove_reminder(self, arg=None, menuw=None): self.menuw = menuw dialog.show_confirmation( _('Do you want to remove the reminder for %s') % self.prog.title, proceed_handler=self.__remove_reminder, proceed_text=_('Remove'))
def confirm_info_delete(self, arg=None, menuw=None): self.menuw = menuw dialog.show_confirmation(_('Delete info about\n \'%s\'?') % self.item['title'], self.delete_info, proceed_text=_('Delete info'))
def confirm_image_delete(self, arg=None, menuw=None): self.menuw = menuw dialog.show_confirmation(_('Delete image about\n \'%s\'?') % self.item['title'], self.delete_image, proceed_text=_('Delete image'))
def confirm_delete(self, arg=None, menuw=None): """ Confirm the user wants to delete an entire series. """ self.menuw = menuw dialog.show_confirmation(_('Do you wish to delete the series\n \'%s\'?') %, self.delete_all, proceed_text=_('Delete series'))