Example #1
    def import_brushpack(self, path, window):
        """Import a brushpack from a zipfile, with confirmation dialogs.

        :param path: Brush pack zipfile path
        :type path: str
        :param window: Parent window, for dialogs to set.
        :type window: GtkWindow
        :returns: Set of imported group names
        :rtype: set


        zip = zipfile.ZipFile(path)
        names = zip.namelist()
        # zipfile does utf-8 decoding on its own; this is just to make
        # sure we have only unicode objects as brush names.
        names = [s.decode('utf-8') for s in names]

        readme = None
        if 'readme.txt' in names:
            readme = zip.read('readme.txt')

        assert 'order.conf' in names, 'invalid brushpack: order.conf missing'
        groups = _parse_order_conf(zip.read('order.conf'))

        new_brushes = []
        for brushes in groups.itervalues():
            for brush in brushes:
                if brush not in new_brushes:
        logger.info("%d different brushes found in order.conf of brushpack"
                    % (len(new_brushes),))

        # Validate file content. The names in order.conf and the
        # brushes found in the zip must match. This should catch
        # encoding screwups, everything should be a unicode object.
        for brush in new_brushes:
            assert brush + '.myb' in names, 'invalid brushpack: brush %r in order.conf does not exist in zip' % brush
        for name in names:
            if name.endswith('.myb'):
                brush = name[:-4]
                assert brush in new_brushes, 'invalid brushpack: brush %r exists in zip, but not in order.conf' % brush

        if readme:
            answer = dialogs.confirm_brushpack_import(basename(path), window, readme)
            if answer == gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT:
                return set()

        do_overwrite = False
        do_ask = True
        renamed_brushes = {}
        imported_groups = set()
        for groupname, brushes in groups.iteritems():
            managed_brushes = self.get_group_brushes(groupname)
            if managed_brushes:
                answer = dialogs.confirm_rewrite_group(
                    window, translate_group_name(groupname),
                if answer == dialogs.CANCEL:
                    return set()
                elif answer == dialogs.OVERWRITE_THIS:
                elif answer == dialogs.DONT_OVERWRITE_THIS:
                    i = 0
                    old_groupname = groupname
                    while groupname in self.groups:
                        i += 1
                        groupname = old_groupname + '#%d' % i
                managed_brushes = self.get_group_brushes(groupname)

            for brushname in brushes:
                # extract the brush from the zip
                assert (brushname + '.myb') in zip.namelist()
                # Support for utf-8 ZIP filenames that don't have the utf-8 bit set.
                brushname_utf8 = brushname.encode('utf-8')
                    myb_data = zip.read(brushname + '.myb')
                except KeyError:
                    myb_data = zip.read(brushname_utf8 + '.myb')
                    preview_data = zip.read(brushname + '_prev.png')
                except KeyError:
                    preview_data = zip.read(brushname_utf8 + '_prev.png')
                # in case we have imported that brush already in a previous group, but decided to rename it
                if brushname in renamed_brushes:
                    brushname = renamed_brushes[brushname]
                # possibly ask how to import the brush file (if we didn't already)
                b = self.get_brush_by_name(brushname)
                if brushname in new_brushes:
                    if b:
                        existing_preview_pixbuf = b.preview
                        if do_ask:
                            answer = dialogs.confirm_rewrite_brush(window, brushname, existing_preview_pixbuf, preview_data)
                            if answer == dialogs.CANCEL:
                            elif answer == dialogs.OVERWRITE_ALL:
                                do_overwrite = True
                                do_ask = False
                            elif answer == dialogs.OVERWRITE_THIS:
                                do_overwrite = True
                                do_ask = True
                            elif answer == dialogs.DONT_OVERWRITE_THIS:
                                do_overwrite = False
                                do_ask = True
                            elif answer == dialogs.DONT_OVERWRITE_ANYTHING:
                                do_overwrite = False
                                do_ask = False
                        # find a new name (if requested)
                        brushname_old = brushname
                        i = 0
                        while not do_overwrite and b:
                            i += 1
                            brushname = brushname_old + '#%d' % i
                            renamed_brushes[brushname_old] = brushname
                            b = self.get_brush_by_name(brushname)

                    if not b:
                        b = ManagedBrush(self, brushname)

                    # write to disk and reload brush (if overwritten)
                    prefix = b._get_fileprefix(saving=True)
                    myb_f = open(prefix + '.myb', 'w')
                    preview_f = open(prefix + '_prev.png', 'wb')
                # finally, add it to the group
                if b not in managed_brushes:

        if DELETED_BRUSH_GROUP in self.groups:
            # remove deleted brushes that are in some group again
        return imported_groups
Example #2
    def import_brushpack(self, path, window):
        """Import a brushpack from a zipfile, with confirmation dialogs.

        :param path: Brush pack zipfile path
        :type path: str
        :param window: Parent window, for dialogs to set.
        :type window: GtkWindow
        :returns: Set of imported group names
        :rtype: set


        with zipfile.ZipFile(path) as zf:
            names = zf.namelist()
            # zipfile does utf-8 decoding on its own; this is just to make
            # sure we have only unicode objects as brush names.
            names = [s.decode('utf-8') for s in names]

            readme = None
            if _BRUSHPACK_README in names:
                readme = zf.read(_BRUSHPACK_README)

            if _BRUSHPACK_ORDERCONF not in names:
                raise InvalidBrushpack(C_(
                    "brushpack import failure messages",
                    u"No file named “{order_conf_file}”. "
                    u"This is not a brushpack."
                    order_conf_file = _BRUSHPACK_ORDERCONF,
            groups = _parse_order_conf(zf.read(_BRUSHPACK_ORDERCONF))

            new_brushes = []
            for brushes in groups.itervalues():
                for brush in brushes:
                    if brush not in new_brushes:
                "%d different brushes found in %r of brushpack",

            # Validate file content. The names in order.conf and the
            # brushes found in the zip must match. This should catch
            # encoding screwups, everything should be a unicode object.
            for brush in new_brushes:
                if brush + '.myb' not in names:
                    raise InvalidBrushpack(C_(
                        "brushpack import failure messages",
                        u"Brush “{brush_name}” is "
                        u"listed in “{order_conf_file}”, "
                        u"but it does not exist in the zipfile."
                        brush_name = brush,
                        order_conf_file = _BRUSHPACK_ORDERCONF,
            for name in names:
                if name.endswith('.myb'):
                    brush = name[:-4]
                    if brush not in new_brushes:
                        raise InvalidBrushpack(C_(
                            "brushpack import failure messages",
                            u"Brush “{brush_name}” exists in the zipfile, "
                            u"but it is not listed in “{order_conf_file}”."
                            brush_name = brush,
                            order_conf_file = _BRUSHPACK_ORDERCONF,
            if readme:
                answer = dialogs.confirm_brushpack_import(
                    basename(path), window, readme,
                if answer == Gtk.ResponseType.REJECT:
                    return set()

            do_overwrite = False
            do_ask = True
            renamed_brushes = {}
            imported_groups = set()
            for groupname, brushes in groups.iteritems():
                managed_brushes = self.get_group_brushes(groupname)
                if managed_brushes:
                    answer = dialogs.confirm_rewrite_group(
                        window, translate_group_name(groupname),
                    if answer == dialogs.CANCEL:
                        return set()
                    elif answer == dialogs.OVERWRITE_THIS:
                    elif answer == dialogs.DONT_OVERWRITE_THIS:
                        i = 0
                        old_groupname = groupname
                        while groupname in self.groups:
                            i += 1
                            groupname = old_groupname + '#%d' % i
                    managed_brushes = self.get_group_brushes(groupname)

                for brushname in brushes:
                    # extract the brush from the zip
                    assert (brushname + '.myb') in zf.namelist()
                    # Support for utf-8 ZIP filenames that don't have
                    # the utf-8 bit set.
                    brushname_utf8 = brushname.encode('utf-8')
                        myb_data = zf.read(brushname + '.myb')
                    except KeyError:
                        myb_data = zf.read(brushname_utf8 + '.myb')
                        preview_data = zf.read(brushname + '_prev.png')
                    except KeyError:
                        preview_data = zf.read(brushname_utf8 + '_prev.png')
                    # in case we have imported that brush already in a
                    # previous group, but decided to rename it
                    if brushname in renamed_brushes:
                        brushname = renamed_brushes[brushname]
                    # possibly ask how to import the brush file
                    # (if we didn't already)
                    b = self.get_brush_by_name(brushname)
                    if brushname in new_brushes:
                        if b:
                            existing_preview_pixbuf = b.preview
                            if do_ask:
                                answer = dialogs.confirm_rewrite_brush(
                                    window, brushname, existing_preview_pixbuf,
                                if answer == dialogs.CANCEL:
                                elif answer == dialogs.OVERWRITE_ALL:
                                    do_overwrite = True
                                    do_ask = False
                                elif answer == dialogs.OVERWRITE_THIS:
                                    do_overwrite = True
                                    do_ask = True
                                elif answer == dialogs.DONT_OVERWRITE_THIS:
                                    do_overwrite = False
                                    do_ask = True
                                elif answer == dialogs.DONT_OVERWRITE_ANYTHING:
                                    do_overwrite = False
                                    do_ask = False
                            # find a new name (if requested)
                            brushname_old = brushname
                            i = 0
                            while not do_overwrite and b:
                                i += 1
                                brushname = brushname_old + '#%d' % i
                                renamed_brushes[brushname_old] = brushname
                                b = self.get_brush_by_name(brushname)

                        if not b:
                            b = ManagedBrush(self, brushname)

                        # write to disk and reload brush (if overwritten)
                        prefix = b._get_fileprefix(saving=True)
                        with open(prefix + '.myb', 'w') as myb_f:
                        with open(prefix + '_prev.png', 'wb') as preview_f:
                    # finally, add it to the group
                    if b not in managed_brushes:

        if DELETED_BRUSH_GROUP in self.groups:
            # remove deleted brushes that are in some group again
        return imported_groups
Example #3
    def import_brushpack(self, path, window):
        """Import a brushpack from a zipfile, with confirmation dialogs.

        :param path: Brush pack zipfile path
        :type path: str
        :param window: Parent window, for dialogs to set.
        :type window: GtkWindow
        :returns: Set of imported group names
        :rtype: set


        with zipfile.ZipFile(path) as zf:
            names = zf.namelist()
            # zipfile does utf-8 decoding on its own; this is just to make
            # sure we have only unicode objects as brush names.
            names = [s.decode('utf-8') for s in names]

            readme = None
            if _BRUSHPACK_README in names:
                readme = zf.read(_BRUSHPACK_README)

            if _BRUSHPACK_ORDERCONF not in names:
                raise InvalidBrushpack(
                        "brushpack import failure messages",
                        u"No file named “{order_conf_file}”. "
                        u"This is not a brushpack.").format(
                            order_conf_file=_BRUSHPACK_ORDERCONF, ))
            groups = _parse_order_conf(zf.read(_BRUSHPACK_ORDERCONF))

            new_brushes = []
            for brushes in groups.itervalues():
                for brush in brushes:
                    if brush not in new_brushes:
                "%d different brushes found in %r of brushpack",

            # Validate file content. The names in order.conf and the
            # brushes found in the zip must match. This should catch
            # encoding screwups, everything should be a unicode object.
            for brush in new_brushes:
                if brush + '.myb' not in names:
                    raise InvalidBrushpack(
                            "brushpack import failure messages",
                            u"Brush “{brush_name}” is "
                            u"listed in “{order_conf_file}”, "
                            u"but it does not exist in the zipfile.").format(
            for name in names:
                if name.endswith('.myb'):
                    brush = name[:-4]
                    if brush not in new_brushes:
                        raise InvalidBrushpack(
                                "brushpack import failure messages",
                                u"Brush “{brush_name}” exists in the zipfile, "
                                u"but it is not listed in “{order_conf_file}”."
            if readme:
                answer = dialogs.confirm_brushpack_import(
                if answer == Gtk.ResponseType.REJECT:
                    return set()

            do_overwrite = False
            do_ask = True
            renamed_brushes = {}
            imported_groups = set()
            for groupname, brushes in groups.iteritems():
                managed_brushes = self.get_group_brushes(groupname)
                if managed_brushes:
                    answer = dialogs.confirm_rewrite_group(
                        window, translate_group_name(groupname),
                    if answer == dialogs.CANCEL:
                        return set()
                    elif answer == dialogs.OVERWRITE_THIS:
                    elif answer == dialogs.DONT_OVERWRITE_THIS:
                        i = 0
                        old_groupname = groupname
                        while groupname in self.groups:
                            i += 1
                            groupname = old_groupname + '#%d' % i
                    managed_brushes = self.get_group_brushes(groupname)

                for brushname in brushes:
                    # extract the brush from the zip
                    assert (brushname + '.myb') in zf.namelist()
                    # Support for utf-8 ZIP filenames that don't have
                    # the utf-8 bit set.
                    brushname_utf8 = brushname.encode('utf-8')
                        myb_data = zf.read(brushname + '.myb')
                    except KeyError:
                        myb_data = zf.read(brushname_utf8 + '.myb')
                        preview_data = zf.read(brushname + '_prev.png')
                    except KeyError:
                        preview_data = zf.read(brushname_utf8 + '_prev.png')
                    # in case we have imported that brush already in a
                    # previous group, but decided to rename it
                    if brushname in renamed_brushes:
                        brushname = renamed_brushes[brushname]
                    # possibly ask how to import the brush file
                    # (if we didn't already)
                    b = self.get_brush_by_name(brushname)
                    if brushname in new_brushes:
                        if b:
                            existing_preview_pixbuf = b.preview
                            if do_ask:
                                answer = dialogs.confirm_rewrite_brush(
                                if answer == dialogs.CANCEL:
                                elif answer == dialogs.OVERWRITE_ALL:
                                    do_overwrite = True
                                    do_ask = False
                                elif answer == dialogs.OVERWRITE_THIS:
                                    do_overwrite = True
                                    do_ask = True
                                elif answer == dialogs.DONT_OVERWRITE_THIS:
                                    do_overwrite = False
                                    do_ask = True
                                elif answer == dialogs.DONT_OVERWRITE_ANYTHING:
                                    do_overwrite = False
                                    do_ask = False
                            # find a new name (if requested)
                            brushname_old = brushname
                            i = 0
                            while not do_overwrite and b:
                                i += 1
                                brushname = brushname_old + '#%d' % i
                                renamed_brushes[brushname_old] = brushname
                                b = self.get_brush_by_name(brushname)

                        if not b:
                            b = ManagedBrush(self, brushname)

                        # write to disk and reload brush (if overwritten)
                        prefix = b._get_fileprefix(saving=True)
                        with open(prefix + '.myb', 'w') as myb_f:
                        with open(prefix + '_prev.png', 'wb') as preview_f:
                    # finally, add it to the group
                    if b not in managed_brushes:

        if DELETED_BRUSH_GROUP in self.groups:
            # remove deleted brushes that are in some group again
        return imported_groups
    def import_brushpack(self, path, window):
        zip = zipfile.ZipFile(path)
        names = zip.namelist()
        # zipfile does utf-8 decoding on its own; this is just to make
        # sure we have only unicode objects as brush names.
        names = [s.decode("utf-8") for s in names]

        readme = None
        if "readme.txt" in names:
            readme = zip.read("readme.txt")

        assert "order.conf" in names, "invalid brushpack: order.conf missing"
        groups = parse_order_conf(zip.read("order.conf"))

        new_brushes = []
        for brushes in groups.itervalues():
            for brush in brushes:
                if brush not in new_brushes:
        print len(new_brushes), "different brushes found in order.conf of brushpack"

        # Validate file content. The names in order.conf and the
        # brushes found in the zip must match. This should catch
        # encoding screwups, everything should be an unicode object.
        for brush in new_brushes:
            assert brush + ".myb" in names, "invalid brushpack: brush %r in order.conf does not exist in zip" % brush
        for name in names:
            if name.endswith(".myb"):
                brush = name[:-4]
                assert brush in new_brushes, "invalid brushpack: brush %r exists in zip, but not in order.conf" % brush

        if readme:
            answer = dialogs.confirm_brushpack_import(basename(path), window, readme)
            if answer == gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT:

        do_overwrite = False
        do_ask = True
        renamed_brushes = {}
        final_groups = []
        for groupname, brushes in groups.iteritems():
            managed_brushes = self.get_group_brushes(groupname)
            if managed_brushes:
                answer = dialogs.confirm_rewrite_group(
                    window, translate_group_name(groupname), translate_group_name(DELETED_BRUSH_GROUP)
                if answer == dialogs.CANCEL:
                elif answer == dialogs.OVERWRITE_THIS:
                elif answer == dialogs.DONT_OVERWRITE_THIS:
                    i = 0
                    old_groupname = groupname
                    while groupname in self.groups:
                        i += 1
                        groupname = old_groupname + "#%d" % i
                managed_brushes = self.get_group_brushes(groupname, make_active=True)


            for brushname in brushes:
                # extract the brush from the zip
                assert (brushname + ".myb") in zip.namelist()
                # Support for utf-8 ZIP filenames that don't have the utf-8 bit set.
                brushname_utf8 = brushname.encode("utf-8")
                    myb_data = zip.read(brushname + ".myb")
                except KeyError:
                    myb_data = zip.read(brushname_utf8 + ".myb")
                    preview_data = zip.read(brushname + "_prev.png")
                except KeyError:
                    preview_data = zip.read(brushname_utf8 + "_prev.png")
                # in case we have imported that brush already in a previous group, but decided to rename it
                if brushname in renamed_brushes:
                    brushname = renamed_brushes[brushname]
                # possibly ask how to import the brush file (if we didn't already)
                b = self.get_brush_by_name(brushname)
                if brushname in new_brushes:
                    if b:
                        existing_preview_pixbuf = b.preview
                        if do_ask:
                            answer = dialogs.confirm_rewrite_brush(
                                window, brushname, existing_preview_pixbuf, preview_data
                            if answer == dialogs.CANCEL:
                            elif answer == dialogs.OVERWRITE_ALL:
                                do_overwrite = True
                                do_ask = False
                            elif answer == dialogs.OVERWRITE_THIS:
                                do_overwrite = True
                                do_ask = True
                            elif answer == dialogs.DONT_OVERWRITE_THIS:
                                do_overwrite = False
                                do_ask = True
                            elif answer == dialogs.DONT_OVERWRITE_ANYTHING:
                                do_overwrite = False
                                do_ask = False
                        # find a new name (if requested)
                        brushname_old = brushname
                        i = 0
                        while not do_overwrite and b:
                            i += 1
                            brushname = brushname_old + "#%d" % i
                            renamed_brushes[brushname_old] = brushname
                            b = self.get_brush_by_name(brushname)

                    if not b:
                        b = ManagedBrush(self, brushname)

                    # write to disk and reload brush (if overwritten)
                    prefix = b.get_fileprefix(saving=True)
                    myb_f = open(prefix + ".myb", "w")
                    preview_f = open(prefix + "_prev.png", "wb")
                # finally, add it to the group
                if b not in managed_brushes:
                for f in self.brushes_observers:

        if DELETED_BRUSH_GROUP in self.groups:
            # remove deleted brushes that are in some group again
Example #5
    def import_brushpack(self, path, window):
        """Import a brushpack from a zipfile, with confirmation dialogs.

        :param path: Brush pack zipfile path
        :type path: str
        :param window: Parent window, for dialogs to set.
        :type window: GtkWindow
        :returns: Set of imported group names
        :rtype: set


        zip = zipfile.ZipFile(path)
        names = zip.namelist()
        # zipfile does utf-8 decoding on its own; this is just to make
        # sure we have only unicode objects as brush names.
        names = [s.decode('utf-8') for s in names]

        readme = None
        if 'readme.txt' in names:
            readme = zip.read('readme.txt')

        assert 'order.conf' in names, 'invalid brushpack: order.conf missing'
        groups = _parse_order_conf(zip.read('order.conf'))

        new_brushes = []
        for brushes in groups.itervalues():
            for brush in brushes:
                if brush not in new_brushes:
        logger.info("%d different brushes found in order.conf of brushpack" %
                    (len(new_brushes), ))

        # Validate file content. The names in order.conf and the
        # brushes found in the zip must match. This should catch
        # encoding screwups, everything should be a unicode object.
        for brush in new_brushes:
            assert brush + '.myb' in names, 'invalid brushpack: brush %r in order.conf does not exist in zip' % brush
        for name in names:
            if name.endswith('.myb'):
                brush = name[:-4]
                assert brush in new_brushes, 'invalid brushpack: brush %r exists in zip, but not in order.conf' % brush

        if readme:
            answer = dialogs.confirm_brushpack_import(basename(path), window,
            if answer == gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT:
                return set()

        do_overwrite = False
        do_ask = True
        renamed_brushes = {}
        imported_groups = set()
        for groupname, brushes in groups.iteritems():
            managed_brushes = self.get_group_brushes(groupname)
            if managed_brushes:
                answer = dialogs.confirm_rewrite_group(
                    window, translate_group_name(groupname),
                if answer == dialogs.CANCEL:
                    return set()
                elif answer == dialogs.OVERWRITE_THIS:
                elif answer == dialogs.DONT_OVERWRITE_THIS:
                    i = 0
                    old_groupname = groupname
                    while groupname in self.groups:
                        i += 1
                        groupname = old_groupname + '#%d' % i
                managed_brushes = self.get_group_brushes(groupname)

            for brushname in brushes:
                # extract the brush from the zip
                assert (brushname + '.myb') in zip.namelist()
                # Support for utf-8 ZIP filenames that don't have the utf-8 bit set.
                brushname_utf8 = brushname.encode('utf-8')
                    myb_data = zip.read(brushname + '.myb')
                except KeyError:
                    myb_data = zip.read(brushname_utf8 + '.myb')
                    preview_data = zip.read(brushname + '_prev.png')
                except KeyError:
                    preview_data = zip.read(brushname_utf8 + '_prev.png')
                # in case we have imported that brush already in a previous group, but decided to rename it
                if brushname in renamed_brushes:
                    brushname = renamed_brushes[brushname]
                # possibly ask how to import the brush file (if we didn't already)
                b = self.get_brush_by_name(brushname)
                if brushname in new_brushes:
                    if b:
                        existing_preview_pixbuf = b.preview
                        if do_ask:
                            answer = dialogs.confirm_rewrite_brush(
                                window, brushname, existing_preview_pixbuf,
                            if answer == dialogs.CANCEL:
                            elif answer == dialogs.OVERWRITE_ALL:
                                do_overwrite = True
                                do_ask = False
                            elif answer == dialogs.OVERWRITE_THIS:
                                do_overwrite = True
                                do_ask = True
                            elif answer == dialogs.DONT_OVERWRITE_THIS:
                                do_overwrite = False
                                do_ask = True
                            elif answer == dialogs.DONT_OVERWRITE_ANYTHING:
                                do_overwrite = False
                                do_ask = False
                        # find a new name (if requested)
                        brushname_old = brushname
                        i = 0
                        while not do_overwrite and b:
                            i += 1
                            brushname = brushname_old + '#%d' % i
                            renamed_brushes[brushname_old] = brushname
                            b = self.get_brush_by_name(brushname)

                    if not b:
                        b = ManagedBrush(self, brushname)

                    # write to disk and reload brush (if overwritten)
                    prefix = b._get_fileprefix(saving=True)
                    myb_f = open(prefix + '.myb', 'w')
                    preview_f = open(prefix + '_prev.png', 'wb')
                # finally, add it to the group
                if b not in managed_brushes:

        if DELETED_BRUSH_GROUP in self.groups:
            # remove deleted brushes that are in some group again
        return imported_groups