def _show_missing_warning(self): dlg = ErrorMessage() dlg.err_msg = 'This matrix has missing values' dlg.err_val = ("At the current version of ConsumerCheck Prefmap does not handle missing values. There are three options to work around this problem:\n" " 1. Impute the missing values with the imputation method of your choice outside ConsumerCheck and re-import the data\n" " 2. Remove the column with the missing values and re-import the data\n" " 3. Remove the row with the missing values and re-import the data") dlg.edit_traits(parent=self.win_handle, kind='modal')
def _show_alignment_warning(self, nds, nls, nlc, nca=0): dlg = ErrorMessage() dlg.err_msg = 'Alignment mismatch between the data set' dlg.err_val = 'There is {0} variants in the design matrix and {1} variants in the liking matrix. There is {2} consumers in the liking matrix and {3} consumers in the consumer characteristics matrix'.format( nds, nls, nlc, nca) dlg.edit_traits(parent=self.win_handle, kind='modal')
def _show_alignment_warning(self, ds_c, ds_s): dlg = ErrorMessage() dlg.err_msg = 'Consumer liking and sensory profiling data does not align' dlg.err_val = 'The Consumer liking data and descriptive analysis/sensory profiling data do not align. There are {0} rows in {1} and {2} rows in the {3}. Please select other data.'.format(ds_c.n_objs, ds_c.display_name, ds_s.n_objs, ds_s.display_name) dlg.edit_traits(parent=self.win_handle, kind='modal')
def _show_zero_var_warning(self): dlg = ErrorMessage() dlg.err_msg = 'Removed zero variance variables' dlg.err_val = ', '.join(self.model.C_zero_std+self.model.S_zero_std) dlg.edit_traits(parent=self.win_handle, kind='modal')
def dclk_activator(obj): owner = obj.owner_ref pfn = obj.plot_func_name if isinstance(owner, SegmentTE): segments = owner.calcc.model.selected_segments try: n = 0 n = len(segments) if n < 2: raise Exception() except (TypeError, Exception): dlg = ErrorMessage() dlg.err_msg = 'You have to define 2 or more segments before you can do this analysis' dlg.err_val = 'Defined segments: {}'.format(n) # dlg.edit_traits(parent=self.win_handle, kind='modal') dlg.configure_traits() return res = owner.calcc.model.calc_plsr_da(segments) func = getattr(owner.calcc, pfn) view = func(res) loop = owner.plots_act owner.calcc.open_window(view, loop, res) elif isinstance(owner, ColorTE): res = owner.calcc.model.pca_L func = getattr(owner.calcc, pfn) view = func(res, loop = owner.plots_act owner.calcc.open_window(view, loop, res) elif isinstance(owner, PCLikingTE): selpc = owner.calcc.model.settings.selected_liking_pc try: n = 0 n = len(selpc) if n < 1: raise Exception() except Exception: dlg = ErrorMessage() dlg.err_msg = 'You have to select principal components of consumer liking' dlg.err_val = '' # dlg.edit_traits(parent=self.win_handle, kind='modal') dlg.configure_traits() return res = owner.calcc.model.calc_pls_pc_likings(selpc) func = getattr(owner.calcc, pfn) view = func(res) loop = owner.plots_act owner.calcc.open_window(view, loop, res) elif isinstance(owner, TreeElement): res = owner.calcc.model.calc_pls_raw_liking() func = getattr(owner.calcc, pfn) view = func(res) loop = owner.plots_act owner.calcc.open_window(view, loop, res) elif isinstance(owner, IndDiffController): func = getattr(owner, pfn) func()